Author Topic: How Did The Democrats And Republicans Choose Their Positions?  (Read 17318 times)

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Offline m52nickerson

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Re: How Did The Democrats And Republicans Choose Their Positions?
« Reply #75 on: October 17, 2012, 09:24:08 pm »
For god's sake, the healthcare "reform" we got was an old used up republican plan, and he's continuing 3rd way economic polices. Third way economic policies aren't liberal polices. We continuing shittastic education policies, and look at what is being done to whistleblowers. If you're happy with 3rd way economic polices, fine , if your happy with the status quo, fine, but don't call yourself a liberal. That is what the Democratic Party has become, they're not a left party, they're a center-right party. Yet they're supposed to be the "better choice", when they're really shit on a stick. Also they've been books written how liberals can get the message across, one of which I've named in a previous post. If they weren't so interested in sucking on that corporate teet, we could see some real progress, but we don't, because we have a gov't run by politicans who are beholded to Wall Street, and the corporations

So what makes the health care reform a right wing.  Or is it just that it came from a conservative think tank?

Third Way is not liberal policies?

What shittastic education policies that are right wing that the Dems are continuing?

You mean whistleblowers that give up top secrete information?  Since when has that been a left-right issue?

Now that book you posted, I responded to that.  Just because there are books out there does not mean they are correct or worth a damn.

And last how are the Dems sucking up the corporate teet? 

See it is all well and good that you can spout off like you did above, but if you want to make an argument you are going to have to give concrete examples. 
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Offline nickiknack

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Re: How Did The Democrats And Republicans Choose Their Positions?
« Reply #76 on: October 17, 2012, 10:51:08 pm »
We would have gotten some kind of pubilc opition in the healthcare bill, if there were any strong liberals with a backbone in the Democratic party, but oh no we can't have that, instead we just got a bill written by the healthcare insurance companies. That also proves how Democrats are sucking the corporate teet.

Yay, Educational Privatization all while they push this crappy "teach the test" bs on Public Schools.

If you're happy with those things fine, but I'm not.
I'm willing to live with the neoliberal third way crap if we get a decent social safety net to fall back on, and the Wall street thugs being arrested, but we don't even get that.

Offline m52nickerson

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Re: How Did The Democrats And Republicans Choose Their Positions?
« Reply #77 on: October 17, 2012, 11:30:55 pm »
We would have gotten some kind of pubilc opition in the healthcare bill, if there were any strong liberals with a backbone in the Democratic party, but oh no we can't have that, instead we just got a bill written by the healthcare insurance companies. That also proves how Democrats are sucking the corporate teet.

Strong Liberals as the backbone or all of the party?  The public option was dropped because the minority of Dems that are blue dogs would not support it.  That would have been fine had it not also been for the GOP filibuster.  Had the Dems had liberal candidates run in the places the Blue Dogs had been elected from it is most likely those seat would have been the GOPs and we would not have gotten any health care reform.

As for the Insurance companies writing Obamacare, I'm sure that explains why they spend millions to defeat it.  I'm sure they like the fact that kids can stay on their parents insurance longer instead of having to get their own more expensive plans.  I know they like being mandated that 85% of all premiums collected have to go to health care cost or send people refunds. They fucking jumped for joy when they discovered that they could no longer impose life time limits or claim pre-existing conditions. 

Yay, Educational Privatization all while they push this crappy "teach the test" bs on Public Schools.
I'm sorry, where in that site does it promote privatization of education?  I found a link to this story...

Oh, and when did standardized testing become a left-right issue?  I think you somehow believe that anything you see as good is a liberal idea and anything bad is conservative.  That is not how it works.

If you're happy with those things fine, but I'm not.
I'm willing to live with the neoliberal third way crap if we get a decent social safety net to fall back on, and the Wall street thugs being arrested, but we don't even get that.

I posted the wiki page regarding Third Wave.  Perhaps you missed where it talks about it being center-left, or how it arose to fight neoliberalism.  Perhaps you don't understand what Third Wave is, or you just want to try and beat me with the new buzz word you learned.

Now as far as the Wall Street thugs what crimes to you want them arrested on?  Yes they screwed the country and a whole bunch of people but what laws did they break?
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Offline nickiknack

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Re: How Did The Democrats And Republicans Choose Their Positions?
« Reply #78 on: October 18, 2012, 12:43:38 am »
Charter schools are schools that use public money, but run like private schools, by for-profit companies, when they talk about "Education reform" it's just a code word for a push towards privatization of public schools, instead of giving meaningful education reform to public schools, and that is what that link is about, how Democrats are more than happy to hop on that bandwagon.
Also we have the most well-known so called Third wayers like Bill Clinton, who pushed neo-liberal policies in the name of third way, a good deal of his policies were shit.
But you know what?? There's no point in talking with you because you're not interested in any kind of progress, you're happy with the status quo. You don't want people to push against the shit polices we get from Democrats, because "they're the lesser of the two evils", and you act as if they can't do any wrong. That is the reason this country has gone downhill, and people have become apathic to politics, because people just don't care and are ok with the status quo, but bitch when they fall down, and are screwed over by greedy fucks, who just want to make a buck. I have nothing against private companies, but there is need for some type of safety net, and our safety net has become weaker thanks to attacks by both parties.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2012, 12:51:07 am by Nicki »

Offline m52nickerson

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Re: How Did The Democrats And Republicans Choose Their Positions?
« Reply #79 on: October 18, 2012, 08:43:57 pm »
Charter schools are schools that use public money, but run like private schools, by for-profit companies, when they talk about "Education reform" it's just a code word for a push towards privatization of public schools, instead of giving meaningful education reform to public schools, and that is what that link is about, how Democrats are more than happy to hop on that bandwagon.

Buzz words and now code words.  If we go on I'm I going to need to tinfoil to fashion a hat?

I know what charter schools are.  They are a big deal, and a big mistake, right now in Florida.  Thing is not all of them are for profit, many are not-for-profit.  Plus some of them, such as charter school for children with behavior problems, are quite successful.

Your assertion that "education reform" is a code word for pushing the privatization of public school is simple flat ass wrong.  There is a lot more to education reform than charter schools.

You should also realize that that site and that group is a political action committee and anything officially do to with the Democratic party.

Also we have the most well-known so called Third wayers like Bill Clinton, who pushed neo-liberal policies in the name of third way, a good deal of his policies were shit.

I don't think you understand what neo-liberal means.

But you know what?? There's no point in talking with you because you're not interested in any kind of progress, you're happy with the status quo. You don't want people to push against the shit polices we get from Democrats, because "they're the lesser of the two evils", and you act as if they can't do any wrong. That is the reason this country has gone downhill, and people have become apathic to politics, because people just don't care and are ok with the status quo, but bitch when they fall down, and are screwed over by greedy fucks, who just want to make a buck. I have nothing against private companies, but there is need for some type of safety net, and our safety net has become weaker thanks to attacks by both parties.

Oh, I know the Dems can do wrong.  I'm more than happy to call them out on it when they do.  However I make sure I'm calling them out on things based on facts and not hyperbole.  See it is really easy to scream and yell when things do not go your way, or do not happen fast enough.  It is a lot harder to look at the situation and understand why.  The whole "lesser of the two evils" argument is utter shit.  Both parties have their stated position and both have members that agree with a majority of those positions.  The only way one party is evil and other is less evil is if you think people who don't see thinks your way are evil.

Now your statements about the status quo are laughable.  Health Care Reform was passed, something that has been fought for since the Bull Moose was in office.  Gays can now serve openly in the military.  Women can now more easily fight for and get equal pay for equal work when it is not happening.  DOMA is dying a slow death by a thousand needles.  If the status quo is changes like this your damn right I like it.
It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. ~Macbeth