Author Topic: Shake up at Microsoft over Windows 8  (Read 3599 times)

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Offline Cloud3514

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Re: Shake up at Microsoft over Windows 8
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2012, 12:09:12 am »
You what's particularly frustrating about Windows 8? The biggest problem it has is also its biggest selling point: Metro. As someone using Windows 8 and finding desktop mode to actually be usable (fried motherboard forced me to get a new computer), Metro is quite possibly the worst thing I've ever encountered in any version of Windows. Why is everything fullscreen? Why can't I start my computer in desktop mode? Why is the shut down option hidden under "Settings?" Why is the search bar on the right (especially when the results are listed from the left)? On top of issues with Metro's functionality (which, granted, are largely ignorable because I never use Metro).

But the biggest Windows 8 crime: Solitaire can only be accessed through Metro.

Also, on a very, VERY nitpicking note, why do they called it "Airplane mode" when I turn off my wireless adapter to plug in a wired connection? I mean, I just want to optimize and taking up both a wired port and wireless port on the router is just plain redundant.
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Offline The Illusive Man

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Re: Shake up at Microsoft over Windows 8
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2012, 09:28:47 pm »
You what's particularly frustrating about Windows 8? The biggest problem it has is also its biggest selling point: Metro. As someone using Windows 8 and finding desktop mode to actually be usable (fried motherboard forced me to get a new computer), Metro is quite possibly the worst thing I've ever encountered in any version of Windows. Why is everything fullscreen? Why can't I start my computer in desktop mode? Why is the shut down option hidden under "Settings?" Why is the search bar on the right (especially when the results are listed from the left)? On top of issues with Metro's functionality (which, granted, are largely ignorable because I never use Metro).

This was Microsoft's tactic to get EVERYONE accustomed to using their tablet, Surface. It comes as absolutely no surprise that that Steve Sinofsky was behind both the development of Surface and the removal of the start menu. Fun fact: the 8XXX builds of Windows 8 had a start menu buried in code.

It also comes as no surprise that he was fired 15 days after launch due to sales of both failing to meet internal expectations.
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