Author Topic: Scientists trick veggies into fighting cancer better  (Read 1178 times)

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Scientists trick veggies into fighting cancer better
« on: June 20, 2013, 02:21:32 pm »

Researchers have found they can boost levels of nutritious, cancer-fighting compounds in vegetables such as cabbage by fooling the vegetables into thinking it's a certain time of day.

Janet Braam, a biologist at Rice University in Houston, Texas, and her colleagues discovered in 2012 that Arabidopsis thaliana, a plant related to cabbages and broccoli, uses its internal biological clock or "circadian rhythm" to ramp up production of insect-fighting chemicals at the times of day when the insects are most likely to attack and feed on them.


Plants keep their internal clocks synchronized to the environment by detecting the light and temperature conditions around them.


Braam said the study was inspired by a conversation with her teenage son, after she told him about her earlier discovery of the link between the time of day and a plant's production of anti-insect chemicals. He commented that he now knew what time of day to eat his vegetables.

So yeah, this is pretty cool. Though as one comment put it...

Now we need to trick people into actually eating vegetables.
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