Author Topic: Puppy Justice  (Read 1600 times)

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Offline Ultimate Paragon

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Puppy Justice
« on: October 21, 2014, 02:40:24 pm »

John Oliver may have just cracked the code to not only make Supreme Court arguments interesting, but actually make them go viral on YouTube: Oliver recorded a reenactment of a recent Supreme Court case using dogs for the latest episode of his HBO show Last Week Tonight, arguing that the court could benefit from the same cuteness factor that made the keyboard cat’s music video so popular.

The skit was pretty hilarious, featuring real dogs with fake paws, including Samuel Alito as an adorable poodle, Clarence Thomas as a glasses-wearing Rottweiler, Elena Kagan as a pitbull, a goose as an assistant and a pecking chicken as a court stenographer.

But Oliver didn’t just leave it at that. He also released 10 minutes of raw footage of the dogs in robes without any audio on YouTube, “for anyone to do with as they please,” as Oliver said, adding:

"And if there are not full reenactments of every major court case of the past four years online by next Sunday, then you will never see us here again."

Of course, Oliver won’t have to follow through on this threat, as animals and memes are two of the internet’s most favorite things. Combine them, and you’ve got yourself a certain winner.

It's true, it really does make it watchable!

Offline Barbarella

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Re: Puppy Justice
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2014, 03:14:28 pm »
Pooches make everything better!

Cuter, too!

I'd LARVE to see a KITTEH version!