Author Topic: The Fat Neckbeard Gamer Stereotype-FA Blog Article Idea  (Read 1395 times)

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The Fat Neckbeard Gamer Stereotype-FA Blog Article Idea
« on: October 28, 2014, 02:59:15 pm »
Reposting this because somehow I accidentally removed it somehow.

I write for a fairly reasonable fat acceptance blog (keyword, blog, this isn't a media outlet) and I have noticed that a lot of the articles on there are fat issues as they pertain to women and that there are very few articles about fat issues pertaining to men and fatphobia (for lack of a better word) effects males as well.

I also have been reading on and off about Gamergate and one of the things that I noticed about the opposing (anti-GG) side is how often they revert to calling gamers as "fat neckbeards who live in their mommy's basements and have no job or no life" and I realize that this is one of the many harmful stereotypes against fat men and this is something that I want to examine in an article, that is, the stereotype of the Fat Neckbeard Gamer. I want to focus on gamers specifically because it narrows down the topic.

I have noticed that there is a large gamer community here on FQA and I would like some help and input from the members here that partake in gaming or are heavily in the gaming community. I am focusing heavily on fat males who are gamers though I would also be willing to discuss how these stereotypes broad brush male gamers as a whole. I don't mean to be discriminatory against female gamers but as I said I want this article to be male-centric.

Also, I ask if anyone can tell me or know of any examples in popular culture (TV shows, movies, etc.) Where the Fat Neckbeard Gamer is portrayed.

Here are some questions that I am asking:

If you are a fat, male gamer how does this stereotype (fat neckbeard gamer) affect you?

 As a fat, male gamer do you find these stereotypes personally hurtful?

 Are you afraid or have reservations to call yourself a gamer, or tell someone that you are gamer because of this stereotype?

 Do you do things in your life that break this stereotype? (i.e. have a job, girlfriend/wife, friends, family etc.)

 As a fat, male gamer do you find yourself having to use qualifiers to justify your gaming pastime? (i.e. having to say things like "I have a job," "I get out and do things," "I only play games for a couple of hours," "I have a family, etc.)

 Do your video game habits impact your life negatively?

 If you are a thin, male gamer do these stereotypes affect you?

 Do you feel that overall, the fat neckbeard gamer stereotype harms gamers?

Please let me know if you want me to use your username, a pseudonym or remain anonymous. I have until Nov. 17 to get this in and I would appreciate your help.
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Re: The Fat Neckbeard Gamer Stereotype-FA Blog Article Idea
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2014, 11:49:15 pm »

 If you are a thin, male gamer do these stereotypes affect you?

 Do you feel that overall, the fat neckbeard gamer stereotype harms gamers?

Please let me know if you want me to use your username, a pseudonym or remain anonymous. I have until Nov. 17 to get this in and I would appreciate your help.

gremlins ate my post: short version.

age 25, gamer since age 3. 5'10" for 116lbs, so yeah, I'm more than thin. It hits me as I always hear "you don't look like a gamer", or "I thought gamers were fat and stinky". Guess what? Playing games does not equal slovenly hygiene. The fat neckbeard stereotype is false, and is deader than a doornail. Unfortunately, Hollywood standards are maintained even though the wii made sure that video games became multiplayer hobbies. And yet, due to this persistent stereotype, I know people who are ashamed to say they play video games.

You can use my username, it's the only one I've got on the web, and I'll stand by what I said.
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Re: The Fat Neckbeard Gamer Stereotype-FA Blog Article Idea
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2014, 03:32:10 am »
I'm 5'6 and ~180lbs, but with no neckbeard. Nevertheless I'm a gamer, and have been since I got a GameCube as a gift for my sixth birthday. I'm not a cookie-cutter example of the stereotype, but I do think I have something unique to contribute: the difference in people's reactions depending on whether they perceive (or "code") me as male or female.

If you are a fat, male gamer how does this stereotype (fat neckbeard gamer) affect you?
When I'm coded as male, I'm accused of being one; when coded as female I'm accused of being so ugly only someone fitting the stereotype would date me (assuming nobody calls me a dyke or a G.I.R.L).

As a fat, male gamer do you find these stereotypes personally hurtful?
Not hurtful so much as aggravating. I mean, really, if you feel the need to insult me at least don't say something that makes you look stupid.

Are you afraid or have reservations to call yourself a gamer, or tell someone that you are gamer because of this stereotype?
Definitely. Even though it's getting to be more acceptable, but I still catch a lot of flak for "melting my brain with that crap", especially from elders. I usually avoid being up the subject of video games at all unless I'm convinced the other person won't judge/mock me. I'm a little less reserved online because I know I'm less likely to get the accusation of "fake geek girl" hurled in my face.

Do you do things in your life that break this stereotype? (i.e. have a job, girlfriend/wife, friends, family etc.)
While I'm (unfortunately) unemployed, I keep myself busy by cycling, crocheting, playing music, and helping my dad restore a 1987 Honda Goldwing motorcycle. I also volunteer at my local food shelf weekly and recently rescued a sick kitten after he was abandoned by his previous owners.

As a fat, male gamer do you find yourself having to use qualifiers to justify your gaming pastime? (i.e. having to say things like "I have a job," "I get out and do things," "I only play games for a couple of hours," "I have a family, etc.)
Constantly. Sometimes it feels like I spend more time using my other hobbies as a shield against stereotype than actually performing them. It's a lot worse when I'm coded as male, possibly because of the overlap between the "fat neckbeard gamer" and "man-child basement dweller" stereotypes.

Do your video game habits impact your life negatively?
No, video games definitely have a positive impact on my life. Besides improving my puzzle-solving skills, reflexes, hand-eye coordination, and spatial reasoning; the characters and stories from the games I play are an important part of my mental landscape. When I fall into what I call a "spiral of suck" (a positive-feedback loop of negative thoughts and feelings, over which I have little control) escaping to a fictional world can break a self-destructive cycle.

If you are a thin, male gamer do these stereotypes affect you?

Do you feel that overall, the fat neckbeard gamer stereotype harms gamers?
Yes, especially queer, female, or generally "unorthodox" gamers. The "adult female gamer" demographic has already overtaken the "teenage boy gamer" demographic (Source), yet you'd be hard pressed to find a non-indie game specifically for that demographic anywhere other than a smartphone. The "neckbeard gamer" stereotype hurts gamers in two ways: insulting those who fit it, and alienating those who don't.

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Re: The Fat Neckbeard Gamer Stereotype-FA Blog Article Idea
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2014, 10:09:15 am »
I'm not fat, but I'll try and contribute in some other way.