Sorry, I didn't mean that it's ONLY men who have loud, contrary opinions on the matter of abortion--just that, in my experience, the loudest ones with the most power tend to be men. (Even though I know that Palin and Bachmann are some of the most anti-choice people in the political realm at the moment and actually DO have uteruses.) I should have clarified that it was an opinion and based on personal experience. It's only because there are more men than women in positions of power on BOTH sides of the political spectrum that it seems like the majority of the most influential anti-choice voices belong to men.
Even so, I still believe that if men could get pregnant then abortion rights would be preserved in every written law since Hammurabi's Code.
What I find the most single-handedly infuriating about almost everyone on the anti-choice side is that they don't give a fuck about the 'defense of life' or caring for the innocent little babies. They're overwhelmingly (but not invariably) staunchly against social welfare programs and assistance that the mothers of unwanted children or the caretakers of orphans and foster kids desperately need. They're against healthcare, public assistance, food stamps, free childcare, and reduced/free education or job training for the mothers to pull them out of poverty. 'Pro-life until birth' was written as a satire but it sums up their ideology pretty well.
This comic (linked for size) is relevant.
As is this picture, that I took about two years ago in a client's house (I had a dog-walking/pet-sitting business). It was attached to a plastic baby bottle full of change and the tag attached was from a local anti-abortion organization begging for donations. The tag listed the things you could 'provide' for unplanned children and/or their mothers with comparatively small amounts of change.
It's hard to read, but it says that for $25 you could provide two weeks worth of formula; $35, three weeks worth of diapers; $60 a car seat; $150, a crib; $200, a nice guilt-inducing ultrasound. At the bottom it says, 'ONE LIFE SAVED: PRICELESS'. Never mind that none of these donations are good for more than a few weeks or a few months at a time. A child grows out of a car seat and it won't do you any good if you haven't got a car anyway. A crib, similarly, is outgrown, and a whopping $200 for an ultrasound that will no doubt be used to fill the poor girl with insurmountable guilt does NOTHING AT ALL to help feed, clothe, or shelter the resulting infant or do anything to help the mother provide for herself or her child.
This made me so furious that I counted the change and donated double to Planned Parenthood.