Author Topic: Looking for Ideas! (2D RPG)  (Read 14460 times)

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Re: Looking for Ideas! (2D RPG)
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2012, 05:56:57 pm »
Perhaps...though, you have to take into account the fact that reincarnation doesn't mean the same thing in this world that it does in ours.  Memories don't translate, not even vaguely.  Who you are, once recycled, is completely and irrevocably lost.  Memories, personality, goals, its all gone because its all stripped away once your being's returned to its most basic form: energy.

Also, knowledge is power.  People keep the knowledge they had in life with them in the afterlife.  Even in Hell, one could use their knowledge and abilities to attempt to avoid their ultimate fate, and in doing so, sending the entire cosmos into a downward, chaotic spiral.  Its happened before, in this very world.

The Devil King, Baphomet was originally killed in the final battle that ended the Age of Undeath.  He was sent to hell for using his knowledge of necromancy to attempt to take control of the world with an army of undead.  However, while in Hell, he managed to elude his torment, and used his know-how to setup an outpost in the outlands of Hell, where he continued his studies in the arcane and learned to trap the spirits of the dead that were sent there, and force them into created bodies and binding them to his will.

He spent 500 years building his machine army up from just a handful, to hundreds of thousands linked together by a hive mind, all controlled by him.  A rare event took place soon after he decided his army was ready to take control of Hell, the borders between the Prime Material and Hell were at their closest, and that made travel between the two far, far easier.  He took this opportunity and tried to storm Gideon again, this time using his army of machines.  He planned on capturing the released essence of every person slain, and using it all in one massive burst to elevate himself to godhood...and true immortality.

However, his plans were eventually ground to a halt by the Three, who were, unbeknownst to them, descendants of the man who'd originally killed Baphomet and sent him to Hell in the first place.  During a war known as the Reckoning, the Three, with the help of the combined armies of the world, managed to bring Baphomet to near defeat.  It was during the final battle on the island fortress that was his home during the last war that the Deathbringer, aware of his closing in on his goal, came on to the battlefield, stopping both armies cold.  It walked up to Baphomet, drew its sword, and cleaved him in half, killing and recycling him...and making his knowledge disappear with him, even going so far as to blank his research notes completely.

It can't stop you from learning, but it can destroy all that you have learned.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2012, 05:59:58 pm by RavynousHunter »
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Re: Looking for Ideas! (2D RPG)
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2012, 07:13:01 pm »
You do realize that the afterlife setup you described earlier is isomorphic to just such a karma meter?
Gameplay wise, it sounds more like it's suited to a Fallout style karma system where there is a karma meter and a perk system, with the perks being what has the most in-game effects.


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Re: Looking for Ideas! (2D RPG)
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2012, 08:21:06 pm »
Maybe there should be an item similar to the Scrambler from Iji?

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Re: Looking for Ideas! (2D RPG)
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2012, 10:22:47 pm »
@Art: Preeeeeecisely.  I'm not saying a karma counter is bad, but that having just a karma counter and nothing else as a basis for determining a character's...alignment, I guess you could call it, makes things too simple.

@Saturn500: I am not familiar with Iji or this...Scrambler.  I am curious.

Regarding the afterlife, there's a reason a good...90-95% of people in-universe go to the neutral afterlife.  We've all done both good and bad things, and they generally even eachother out.  The neutral afterlife isn't a bad thing, its not like Purgatory or Limbo, its like life, just with some extra perks, like never needing to eat, drink, or even breathe.  You're dead, its your chance to live it up for a while.

If you'd like I can do some of the artwork for you too. I've always wanted to do artwork for a fantasy piece but am unable to think of one myself.

So what is the setting and timeline? Is there going to be like a "Germanic", "Scandinavian" "Oriental" and "Persian" country in Gideon?

I'm not sure poisoning needs to be it's own skill, it seems simple enough to be a part of alchemy/smithing.

I'd certainly be interested in getting some artists together, I've already pretty much got my brother signed up to help with that part (I suck at it), but more's always welcome.

As for the feel in regards to culture...that's a more difficult beast to tackle.  I suppose I can give a look into Gestalt's culture and politics...

Gestalt used to be a feudal monarchy, similar to England in the Middle Ages, or the Sengoku period of Japanese history.  A king ruled the roost, and the peasants were shit-poor and couldn't do much of anything.  As one would expect, the grinding poverty, civil strife, and general bullshit the commoners were subjected to broke them, and led to a civil war.  The nobles wanted to continue their lives of unearned opulence while the serfs wanted to end the whole "being treated like shit" ordeal.

After the war was over, and the serfs won their freedom, they setup a new system of government.  While the titles retained their feudalistic feel, the way they were setup bears more resemblance to a democratic republic.  From the bottom up, you have the Mayors (city), Dukes/Duchesses (county), Lords/Ladies (state), and the Archlords/Archladies (federal).  While the Archlord or Archlady is traditionally inherited, the child who inherits the position is chosen very carefully, and must win the support of at least two thirds of the Lords and Ladies before they're allowed to take office.

As for laws and such, Gestalt's rather liberal-leaning when it comes to actual regulations.  While socially abhorred, prostitution is legal and has strict laws governing it.  Marriage is only monogamous, and homosexual relationships and marriages are in a very grey area.  Like the US, homosexuality is generally looked down upon by the society at large.  While gay and lesbian people do exist, I'm not about to pull that "invisible gays" bullshit, they're not exactly out-and-proud about it.

As for drugs, the only thing that's truly legal is alcohol.  While apothecaries do occasionally sell narcotics, its not done out in the open, even though there are no laws either allowing or restricting their distribution and use.

Its a hodge-podge...but, that's what she be.  They's more, I know it, but its not wanting to come outta my head at the moment.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2012, 10:42:54 pm by RavynousHunter »
Quote from: Bra'tac
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Re: Looking for Ideas! (2D RPG)
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2012, 01:11:13 pm »
The Scrambler in Iji... look, just watch these videos. And note that this is only what you get if you have the item in question:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


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Re: Looking for Ideas! (2D RPG)
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2012, 06:00:12 pm »
Very sorry for the necro-post, but maybe there should be some Ultra endings inspired by ADOM.

Also, there should be a missile pony as a rideable mount.

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Re: Looking for Ideas! (2D RPG)
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2012, 07:04:43 pm »
Also, there should be a missile pony as a rideable mount.

Robo-Rainbow Dash.
Ok seriously, is nobody even going to try and avenge my man-burrito?

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Re: Looking for Ideas! (2D RPG)
« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2012, 07:06:57 pm »
Also, there should be a missile pony as a rideable mount.

Robo-Rainbow Dash.

A limerick:

There once was a unicorn who would shove
His rainbows around like a dove
"Always I'll be with you
And then make-believe with you
Harmony, Harmony, oh love"

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Re: Looking for Ideas! (2D RPG)
« Reply #23 on: June 02, 2012, 08:20:03 pm »
Very sorry for the necro-post, but maybe there should be some Ultra endings inspired by ADOM.

Also, there should be a missile pony as a rideable mount.

Mounts?  I've been debating that with myself for some time.  In one way, it could break up the tedium of going from one place to another (unless you have a teleport item), but, in another, it could potentially break or alter the flow of combat.  Being on a horse changes how weapons are used, having to ensure that mounted combat is smooth, fun, and balanced might end up just being more work than its worth.  Though, that's not discounting a potential content update that'd give you mounts, I'm just not sure that it'd be something I'd put in the initial release.

Gotta remember, I either have to hard-code or script all of this, depending on whether or not I plan on altering it a lot.  If I do, I'll script it, and while that doesn't take as long as hard-coding it in the game, I'd still have to playtest it, either way ya go.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 08:22:22 pm by RavynousHunter »
Quote from: Bra'tac
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Re: Looking for Ideas! (2D RPG)
« Reply #24 on: June 02, 2012, 10:21:31 pm »
Do you need someone to make music because im very confident that I can write a truly epic music score for you as soon as I can get ahold of some higher end audio equipment.

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Re: Looking for Ideas! (2D RPG)
« Reply #25 on: June 02, 2012, 10:35:54 pm »
Yeeeeeeeees.  I suck with audio, so assistance there would be very welcome.
Quote from: Bra'tac
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Offline Cataclysm

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Re: Looking for Ideas! (2D RPG)
« Reply #26 on: June 06, 2012, 01:01:23 am »
Maybe the Mount Could be a combat pet as well.

Also, will different races have different mounts?
I'd be more sympathetic if people here didn't act like they knew what they were saying when they were saying something very much wrong.

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Re: Looking for Ideas! (2D RPG)
« Reply #27 on: June 06, 2012, 05:28:09 pm »
Assuming there even are mounts, probably not.  You'll be more likely to see certain races on mounts, like humans and elves, but the mounts will generally be horses and ponies and such.  I'm not about to pull some weird-ass Final Fantasy shit and have my characters riding gigantic chickens into battle.  While they're by no means weak, horses aren't exactly known for their combat prowess...
Quote from: Bra'tac
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Re: Looking for Ideas! (2D RPG)
« Reply #28 on: June 06, 2012, 05:39:36 pm »
Why not go all Ultima on the game and have a section where the player has to buy a space shuttle from the village blacksmith and go shoot down tie fighters? You have to admit, that shit's far more interesting than horses.

Offline RavynousHunter

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Re: Looking for Ideas! (2D RPG)
« Reply #29 on: June 06, 2012, 05:55:59 pm »
Or, just have em drive a taco cart around.  Make some money...
Quote from: Bra'tac
Life for the sake of life means nothing.