The Gish Gallop. Creationists love to throw out so many falsehoods you are unable to adequately address all of them. It is an excellent debate tactic (if dishonest), but horrible for finding out the truth.
Funny example of that: Creationist joins forum and complains about evolution. I invite creationist to take it to the appropriate section and make his case. Creationist composes a long post of tired creationist clichés, including such classics as "The theory of evolution covers everything from star formation to abiogenesis to 'microevolution'" and "Evolution is synonymous with the materialistic worldview"
I do the typical point-by-point rebuttal of every one of his claims (I had a lot of free time), point out that one can discuss the Theory of Evolution in biology without talking about everything that could possibly have the word evolution appended to it, and suggest we narrow down the scope of the argument.
Creationist replies, says that he doesn't like the point-by-point style
because it makes for long threads, then spews forth some more tired bullshit and refuses to narrow down the argument.
I counter his arguments yet again, this time in topically-organized section style, and remind him that if he dislikes long threads, then maybe we should just talk about biology and leave stellar formation and philosophy outside the thread.
Creationist points out another poster is still using point-by-point style, and uses that as an excuse not to reply while complaining again about long threads. Creationist vanishes and never shows up again.