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Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2925 on: January 24, 2017, 05:38:35 pm »
I get that, and that's Antifa's beliefs in a nutshell. It's also the reason why the press gets to lazily fall back on false balance "both sides" crap everytime Antifa gets involved.
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Offline LeTipex

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2926 on: January 24, 2017, 06:49:52 pm »
At least we agree that there's no easy answer here, I guess...

Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2927 on: January 24, 2017, 11:12:40 pm »
At least we agree that there's no easy answer here, I guess...
I think we can all agree Shia LaBeouf's shuttdown of this little Nazi twerp was awesome to the infinite power. And he didn't even have to use his fists.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

But you're right. Nazi's are looking annoyingly more nerdy these days. I blame the internet nontroversy that shall not be named.

Offline Lana Reverse

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2928 on: January 24, 2017, 11:30:55 pm »
I think the best course of action is to stand up to these types, but don't get violent unless they start.
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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2929 on: January 25, 2017, 12:25:28 am »
I guess I shouldn't be surprised, since the very idea behind FSTDT epitomizes "educated liberal" smugness to an almost caricatural extent. Don't get me wrong, back at the height of its notoriety during the Bush-era heydays of religious conservatism, this attitude used to be in tune with the rising tide of public opinion, most particularly among the mob of primarily nerdy young white males that is Internet culture.

I'm not sure the same can be said today. I would even so as far as to say that the pendulum has flung far to the other side, with our nerd-cred intellectual-superiority rhetorical mojo being stolen reclaimed first by vacuous Internet personalities such as Amazing Atheist or Thunderf00t, then by a topical variety of reactionary hate mobs, before finally condensing between the hands of literal fascists.

Yes, I'm going there. As far as I am concerned, the alt-right is nothing more than a dark, twisted mockery of the decaying "rationalist" community, of the very kind of smug self-satisfied assholes that we used to be... and, to a large extent, still are.

Of course. More specifically, though, it basically grew out of /pol/, who modeled it after a mixture of /b/ and LessWrong. FSTDT is also closely related to LW, and other mockery sites like NotAlwaysRight.

I'm not sure where you get the idea that the leftiesphere has gotten less smug over the years, though. The most you can say is that it's less influential. Still pretty self-satisfied.

Offline Askold

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2930 on: January 25, 2017, 01:01:46 am »
LeTipex, replace neo-Nazi with a commie in your rant and think about it. And then try replacing it with a Muslim or Jew and think some more.

In any case, I only promote necessary violence and someone talking in public is not an appropriate reason to punch them. You say that this will let the Neo-Nazis do whatever they wish? No, it just means that you don't go around assaulting people just because you don't like their politics. You also seem to assume that they are some kind of hypnotists who, if allowed to speak, can bring people to support them and the only way to stop them is violence. This is wrong, as political agitators they have no special magic and promoting non-nazi ideologies and politics is just as powerful.

(And even despite the electoral college and gerrymandering, I doubt that neo-nazis can get majority in US politics. The Republicans can and will take in Neo-Nazi voters but current presidential picks excluded they are doing Republican politics, not Neo-Nazi politics.)

Also, I think that the government should hold monopoly on violence (with the exception of self defense being allowable) so I also think that the authorities are the ones who should shut down neo-nazis the moment they break the laws. (It's easier in Finland in theory because promoting violent revolution is illegal and Nazis are doing exactly that. In practise there are people in police with Nazi sympathies but even so the wheels of the justice are turning.)
No matter what happens, no matter what my last words may end up being, I want everyone to claim that they were:
"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."
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Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2931 on: January 25, 2017, 01:34:32 am »
I think the best course of action is to stand up to these types, but don't get violent unless they start.
Lana, for once I agree with you 100%.

Offline Askold

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2932 on: January 25, 2017, 03:54:40 am »
Here's something I wish to point out and you can quote me on it. In fact, I would prefer if you would quote me or at least write the same sentiment with much better wording onto your Facebook or Twitter or whatever, because this is important:

The best way to defeat the Neo-Nazis and other Trump cronies is to point out that they don't want the truth. They are not playing the Devil's advocate when they come in and say "...but have you considered X?" or "what if they are using the academical meaning of Cultural Marxist?" They are just trying to take control of the debate and then shut down the opposition by any means necessary.

We can see this from the very first actions that Trump has gained power and really gained the ability to control the debates and press conferences. His cronies lie and when someone calls them on their lies they threaten the media to shut up or call in their fake-media cronies and talk to them so that they can avoid defending their bullshit. We saw that Trump shut down the government participation on the climate change debate. Note: He did not go "let's listen to the other side of the debate as well" he just shut it down. They know that they are wrong, they know that they can not prove themselves to be correct, they just want to "win." There are no facts that would prove climate change to be false so instead they try to prevent people from finding out the facts. As long as the GOP was in opposition they would try to grab any and all possible data to try and find something that would... Well they knew that it would not prove them to be correct but they were trying to split hairs and simply keep the debate going as long as possible so that the other side would not be declared as the winner.

...And now that they control the debate they are shutting it down so that they can simply claim that they won.

And this isn't the only evidence of this. The White house websites now lie about crime in USA being on the rise because that's beneficial to Trump's claims about "inner cities" being post-apocalyptic wastelands with [insert alt-term for blacks which is used merely because they can't say nigger on TV] thugs roaming around and killing people. And notice that they didn't ask for a debate on whether or not abortion is right or wrong, they just signed papers to make it harder or impossible to get an abortion and refused any and all debates about it. They didn't wait for anyone to say that they feel "morally or religiously obligated to provide abortion for women in need" and there is no clause to allow for such exeptions.

So the next time that someone claims that "leftists" are the ones who result to violence because they can't defend their beliefs in an intellectual debate remind them that Trump isn't giving anyone a chance to debate.
No matter what happens, no matter what my last words may end up being, I want everyone to claim that they were:
"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."
Aww, you guys rock. :)  I feel the love... and the pitchforks and torches.  Tingly!

Even Then

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2933 on: January 25, 2017, 08:16:48 am »
Quote from: Askold
promoting non-nazi ideologies and politics is just as powerful

Yeah, that's why the Third Reich was dissolved when German citizens and other national leaders came up and said "what if freedom is, like, good". And that's why an Islamophobe who appointed a virulent homophobe as his running mate got laughed out of the US presidential campaign. That's why the foreign affairs minister of Finland became someone reasonable instead of an avowed bigot like Soini.

Oh wait. None of these things happened.

Also replacing "Neo-Nazi" in LeTipex' message with "Muslim" and "Jewish person" is a flagrantly stupid false equivalency because "Muslim" and "Jewish person" (and for that matter, "Communist") aren't ideologies that are inherently predicated on hatred and dehumanization of people solely on the basis of their inherent traits.

Offline Askold

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2934 on: January 25, 2017, 08:50:37 am »
a) Whether or not you can defeat Nazis in elections will be see when the next one comes. Besides, the real, Nazis got a lesser percentage of votes than  Trump did and just because people didn't use legal means to stop them when they usurped power doesn't mean that we have to let themget away with it this time as well.

b) Awful lot of people think that Jews, Muslims and communists do just what you said about the Nazis and use it as justification for inciting violence. But I for one still  think that the authorities and justice should handle the Nazi punching, not vigilantees and mobs. Campaign against Nazis, vote, protest and boycott but unless it is in self defence don't go around punching people.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 09:09:50 am by Askold »
No matter what happens, no matter what my last words may end up being, I want everyone to claim that they were:
"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."
Aww, you guys rock. :)  I feel the love... and the pitchforks and torches.  Tingly!

Offline LeTipex

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2935 on: January 25, 2017, 09:23:40 am »
Even Then pointed out the false equivalency before I could. Thank you for that btw.

Oh, and Askold, what "a lot of people think" about the goals of Jews, Muslims and what not is completely irrelevant. What matters is the group that *actually* has those goals, and whether democracies can handle giving the same protection to those whose avowed goal is to dismantle them.

Even Then

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2936 on: January 25, 2017, 09:28:30 am »
My point was that the statement "promoting non-nazi ideologies and politics is just as powerful (as public nazism)" is demonstrably false.

And here's the difference: Nazism and Judaism aren't nearly on the same level of "how easy is it to frame this as harmful" when Nazism is inherently built around harming and repressing people for existing wrong. This whole public perception slippery slope thing relies heavily on people being terminal paint-huffers who can't tell the difference between an ideology predicated on hypernationalism and institutional bigotry, and an ethnoreligious group that... isn't. And is in fact a primary victim of the aforementioned group's hatred for existing.

Let's put it this way. Let's say that someone instead punched a guy who's gone on record to say he wants to rape kids when he espoused the virtues of diddlin' while interviewed for the news. Would alternate Askold hand-wring about how it's wrong to punch that guy and people like him because, if you do that, then people will start punching children for existing and drawing justifications out of their asses for it?

But sure, let the authorities handle nazi punching. They won't go to jail for it.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 02:42:54 pm by Even Then »

Offline Murdin

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2937 on: January 25, 2017, 09:53:00 am »
LeTipex, replace neo-Nazi with a commie in your rant and think about it. And then try replacing it with a Muslim or Jew and think some more.

... what?

First, comparing Nazis with adherents to a certain religion is... to put it fucking lightly... a false equivalence. An incredibly widespread, noxious and identifiable false equivalence that I frankly didn't expect you to use so frivolously. I know that Even Then already brought up the subject, but I started writing my reply before he posted his. Besides, I am taking your answer as a massive goalpost shift from "this is morally wrong because the exact same could be said about innocent groups" to "we should avoid this strategy because it legitimizes those who use it against innocent groups under false pretenses". So, yeah, correct me if I am wrong, but I feel it bears repeating, and in any case, I really hope I don't need to elaborate on that.

Second, while the comparison with "commies" is certainly more defensible, I'm starting to wonder if we are really talking about the same "neo-Nazis" here. In fact, a lot of disagreements and incomprehensions on the subject seem to be stemming from this confusion, so let's do away with the "neo" prefixes and talk, very broadly, about small-f fascism and capital-N Nazism in Trump's America. Spencer is a Nazi ; not only does he adhere to a fascist worldview, he is a white nationalist who openly advocates for genocide, segregation, and mass deportation of citizens, particularly along racial lines. Meanwhile, demagogues like Bannon or Yiannopoulos represent a more garden-variety brand of fascism that certainly likes to flirt with these subjects (muh political correctness), but ultimately shy away from endorsing them as long as they remain too unpopular. There is a lot that could be said about the connections between the two, but I won't elaborate on that. To borrow your comparison, it's a bit like the distinction between your average Marxist-Leninist in semi-denial about the historical failings of his ideology, and a self-aware Tankie who would happily repeat them. Or between the Religious Right and outright theocratic dominionism, though it does not follow that Trump is "basically like Bush".

Third, to back up my previous points, replace neo-Nazi with Sharia-enforcing islamist fanatics, and all of a sudden LeTipex's message seems incredibly tame, even for a leftist. Some would even say it borders on apologism in its reticence towards tracking those who privately hold jihadist beliefs. Before getting on our high horses about the way we must deal with those poor misguided souls that ~look and act so much like us~ maybe we should consider the way we treat and think about the socially-acceptable exotic bogeymen du jour.

I'm not trying to single out Askold or score a rhetorical point against him here, he's not my "opponent" in some make-believe word-fight, this shit is actually serious. Everyone should spend some time to think about their moral standards, where they lay regarding obedience to legal authority, the use of violence to fight against oppressive ideologies, and whether those standards apply differently to people further from you in terms of race, culture, nationality, monkeysphere, and so on. I don't expect everyone to come to the same conclusions as me, but that's very much not the point.

Of course. More specifically, though, it basically grew out of /pol/, who modeled it after a mixture of /b/ and LessWrong. FSTDT is also closely related to LW, and other mockery sites like NotAlwaysRight.

I'm not sure where you get the idea that the leftiesphere has gotten less smug over the years, though. The most you can say is that it's less influential. Still pretty self-satisfied.

Yup, my point was mainly focused on mainstream instances of this evolution, but /pol/ is/was clearly part of the avant-garde, along with other supposedly "trollbait" boards.

Meanwhile, FSTDT and LessWrong are more like... products of their time, which is kind of ironic considering LWers' delusions of prophethood. Between this slow slide into irrelevance and a repeated pattern of dramatic splits driven by egotistical figureheads erecting each other - and incidentally themselves - into strawmen, most people left the scene altogether. Those communities left behind were condemned to either be subsumed into a more fashionable school or thought (with varying levels of denial), or become the white dwarfs of the Internet, brooding about the divides of the past and shifting most of the blame for their own shortcomings on a convenient scapegoat (*cough*SJW*cough*) while slowly cooling off into complete lifelessness.

Though I may have heard about some people doing so in a desperate attempt to determine what went wrong with their own train of thought and how to fix it, so there's that.

EDIT: I'm gonna be honest, except for a brief stint of blame-the-SJWs-not-us following the elections, it really seems to me that FQA mostly got over its "bitterly reminisce about past infighting and target low-hanging fruit to distract from real threats and own increasing irrelevance and powerlessness against them" phase. I mean, there's even talks about merging back the The Website Formerly Known as Mainpage. Maybe we're already closing on the black dwarf stage, and it's not quite as barren and dreary as I thought it to be?
« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 11:09:00 am by Murdin »

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2938 on: January 25, 2017, 12:37:34 pm »
Let's abandon ideology for a moment and focus on the practical. Violence is fraught with complications and risks; for that reason alone it should be used sparingly and with caution. The thing is, it works, so you can't discount it.

So the question becomes is this guy worth it? Perhaps a punch in the face to emasculate him in the eyes of his followers and eliminate the threat he represents is worth the potential blow-back. I don't know the answer to that question. I do know that this is a game being played by powerful forces and the unfortunately the 'Left' isn't powerful enough to play with one hand tied behind it's back and have any chance of winning. I also know the unfortunately know the reality of what happens to 'he who fights monsters.'

Offline Askold

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2939 on: January 25, 2017, 01:24:36 pm »
I will write more after work but I just want you all to know that

a) I still stand by my ridiculously high standards of when I will support violence.

b) Trump just crossed that line by saying that he is going to bring back torture and illegal CIA prisons.
No matter what happens, no matter what my last words may end up being, I want everyone to claim that they were:
"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."
Aww, you guys rock. :)  I feel the love... and the pitchforks and torches.  Tingly!