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Offline guizonde

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2295 on: August 25, 2014, 01:00:40 pm »
Not to shit on a good thing, I the only one that saw the flag on the left there and immediately thought "that's one MASSIVE condom?"

you know trojans. Little guys in a disguise. I think that's why they adopted that symbol: passing as boneheads to better smack them, but that's pure speculation on my part. Still funny, though.
Trojans weren't the ones inside the wooden horse.

I know, but for all intents and purposes, the rest of the world thinks so. I was also paraphrasing the Trojan brand unofficial slogan and their fridge logic inducing name. And if we want to get pedantic, it's not even a trojan helmet, but a lacedemonian one. Nowadays, however, who cares about details? [/sad snark]
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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2296 on: August 25, 2014, 03:09:43 pm »
While we're on the subject, let's talk about Ramses condoms.  Who the hell names a birth control device after a guy who had over a hundred kids?

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2297 on: August 25, 2014, 03:43:24 pm »
While we're on the subject, let's talk about Ramses condoms.  Who the hell names a birth control device after a guy who had over a hundred kids?

Because people in charge of naming things don't get that there's a time and place for irony.
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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2298 on: August 25, 2014, 11:51:39 pm »
Not to shit on a good thing, I the only one that saw the flag on the left there and immediately thought "that's one MASSIVE condom?"

you know trojans. Little guys in a disguise. I think that's why they adopted that symbol: passing as boneheads to better smack them, but that's pure speculation on my part. Still funny, though.
Trojans weren't the ones inside the wooden horse.

I know, but for all intents and purposes, the rest of the world thinks so.

...Where do you live and what happened to the education system there?
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Offline guizonde

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2299 on: August 26, 2014, 06:53:33 am »
...Where do you live and what happened to the education system there?

Southern France, where most people take 300 (the first movie) as a historical documentary. As for the education system, well... When you push math, physics, and biology under the guise that growing up to be an engineer is better than anything, you tend to get disastrously low results in subjects like history, french (and all other language courses), and anything cultural. Yeah, it's really too bad.
@ guizonde: I think I like the way you think.
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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2300 on: August 26, 2014, 08:54:28 am »
...Where do you live and what happened to the education system there?

Southern France, where most people take 300 (the first movie) as a historical documentary. As for the education system, well... When you push math, physics, and biology under the guise that growing up to be an engineer is better than anything, you tend to get disastrously low results in subjects like history, french (and all other language courses), and anything cultural. Yeah, it's really too bad.

Any seasoned Civ player can tell you that sacrificing culture for a purely science-and-tech approach is a bad play.
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Offline guizonde

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2301 on: August 26, 2014, 09:10:12 am »
...Where do you live and what happened to the education system there?

Southern France, where most people take 300 (the first movie) as a historical documentary. As for the education system, well... When you push math, physics, and biology under the guise that growing up to be an engineer is better than anything, you tend to get disastrously low results in subjects like history, french (and all other language courses), and anything cultural. Yeah, it's really too bad.

Any seasoned Civ player can tell you that sacrificing culture for a purely science-and-tech approach is a bad play.

tell that to the Education Nationale, I've even petitioned to augment litteracy and philosophy classes in the scientific baccaulaureates! It's that bad, crying shame is what it is!
@ guizonde: I think I like the way you think.
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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2302 on: August 26, 2014, 11:07:35 am »
Wait, are you saying they're adding literacy and philosophy into science programs?  I can understand literacy, that's important no matter where ya go, but PHILOSOPHY?  Philosophy is about as close to the exact god damned opposite of science as you can get.
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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2303 on: August 26, 2014, 11:39:43 am »
Wait, are you saying they're adding literacy and philosophy into science programs?  I can understand literacy, that's important no matter where ya go, but PHILOSOPHY?  Philosophy is about as close to the exact god damned opposite of science as you can get.
You have mandatory philosophy classes to pass to get your baccalaureat (if you're in one of the "main" path, those being scientific, litterary or social-eco). I for one consider that a good thing, even though it's not always handled well.

Also, I completely disagree on philosophy being the exact opposite of science ^^. (Then again, I do have a master's degree in philoshopy and one in engineering, so I may be biased...)

Offline SCarpelan

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2304 on: August 26, 2014, 11:40:18 am »
Wait, are you saying they're adding literacy and philosophy into science programs?  I can understand literacy, that's important no matter where ya go, but PHILOSOPHY?  Philosophy is about as close to the exact god damned opposite of science as you can get.
I can very well see how understanding for example epistemology and formal logic are useful to a scientist (or anyone for that matter).

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2305 on: August 26, 2014, 02:02:34 pm »
Apologies, I must've misunderstood.  When I hear "philosophy," I don't think science, I think navel gazing.  Also, formal logic?  Unless that's some special sort of logic I'm not aware of, the basics are usually covered in high school Algebra II courses and pretty much any science class you'd want to take.  I...really don't understand why you'd need a college course, let alone a philosophy course, to teach you the rudiments of logic.
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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2306 on: August 26, 2014, 05:26:15 pm »
Personally, I learned nothing of logic from the math classes I took in school. That probably represents a failing on my part as much as anything else, but I could never find anything to connect any math higher than arithmetic to real life, so... *shrug*

Also, you'd be amazed how many people have absolutely no understanding of logic. That's why we see so many people trying to logically prove the existence of God, and even more lapping it up.
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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2307 on: August 26, 2014, 05:34:09 pm »
Apologies, I must've misunderstood.  When I hear "philosophy," I don't think science, I think navel gazing.  Also, formal logic?  Unless that's some special sort of logic I'm not aware of, the basics are usually covered in high school Algebra II courses and pretty much any science class you'd want to take.  I...really don't understand why you'd need a college course, let alone a philosophy course, to teach you the rudiments of logic.

When I think of philosophy, I tend to think more along the lines of a "method of thought", but I'm probably wrong on this, aren't I?

As for philosophy classes, never took one, so I have no clue what they entail.
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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2308 on: August 26, 2014, 06:36:23 pm »
Wait, are you saying they're adding literacy and philosophy into science programs?  I can understand literacy, that's important no matter where ya go, but PHILOSOPHY?  Philosophy is about as close to the exact god damned opposite of science as you can get.

The scientific method is a branch of philosophy. If you don't understand the philosophical underpinnings of things like, say, methodological naturalism, materialism, and empiricism, you won't quite get what separates good science from cargo cult pseudoscience.

Apologies, I must've misunderstood.  When I hear "philosophy," I don't think science, I think navel gazing.  Also, formal logic?  Unless that's some special sort of logic I'm not aware of, the basics are usually covered in high school Algebra II courses and pretty much any science class you'd want to take.  I...really don't understand why you'd need a college course, let alone a philosophy course, to teach you the rudiments of logic.

You don't *need* a college course to learn formal logic, but unless you had a math Nazi of an Algebra II instructor, I wouldn't expect most high schoolers (or really anyone except math and philosophy majors) to be writing out formal proofs using the notation of formal logic.

Not all philosophy is postmodern. Most of it has a similar rigor as math.
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Offline guizonde

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Re: Awesome Protest Signs
« Reply #2309 on: August 26, 2014, 09:42:42 pm »
Merci Tipex, tu sauve l'honneur pour le coup! Et t'as totalement raison que c'est chiadé pour les bacs S et ES (et je parle même pas des bacs technos!)

Translation: Thanks Tipex, you helped save face on that one. And you're totally right that it's handled badly for the scientific and economic baccalaureates (and don't get me started on the technological/technical baccalaureates!)

@Rayvy: philosophy is seen in France as teaching you different ways of thinking. You get to learn all about positivism, stoicism (a branch I try adhere to), objectivism, primitivism, et caetera ad nauseam. [/gratuitous latin] Yeah, it actually is very useful because a side-effect of this is teaching you how to think on your own.

What's more, you're confusing philosophy with immuable dogma. Philosophy is neither, it is a way to perceive the world.

@ Magus: you're on the dot, actually. It teaches you how others adhering to a current of thought think, thereby helping you forge your own personnal method of thought.

@Sirius: Logic is one aspect of philosophy among others: empathy, altruism, and misanthropy are others. Discordians are a branch of philosophy (before being a religion), and they willingly go against all logic. Yeah, philosophy teaches you counterarguments to help along discourse. Too bad most teenagers go into rage-mode instead of debating.

PS: Litterary baccalaureates FTW.
@ guizonde: I think I like the way you think.
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