Author Topic: Some people have way too much time (GOP prez polls turned into buttplugs)  (Read 3943 times)

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That is a perfect kind of genius.

Offline N. De Plume

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My god that is the best thing that has ever come out of the electoral process in the past fuckin’ decade!
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Offline DasFuchs

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Oh gods, I wanna buy a bunch of the Ron Paul ones and send them to people I know are supporters
"To a New Yorker like you, a hero is some type of weird sandwich. Not some nut that takes on two Tigers!" "You gotta hit'em point blank in the ass!" Oddball

Offline N. De Plume

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I love the way he says “Butt Pluuuugs!” at 46 seconds in. Like it’s the greatest thing in the world. Which, if it is not, is pretty darn close.
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Is it wrong that I want a Santorum buttplug?

Offline MadCatTLX

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Is it wrong that I want a Santorum buttplug?

Is it even possible to use it, or any of them except the Bachmann or Perry? Apparently they sell for $65 each ($45 for Bachmann and Perry) or $350 for the whole set. Link:
History is full of maniacs, my friend, men and women of intelect, highly perceptive individuals, who's brilliant minds know neither restraint nor taboo. Such notions are the devils we must slay for the edification of pony-kind. Even if said edification means violating the rules of decency, society, and rightousness itself.
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Offline Yaezakura

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Is it wrong that I want a Santorum buttplug?

Is it even possible to use it, or any of them except the Bachmann or Perry? Apparently they sell for $65 each ($45 for Bachmann and Perry) or $350 for the whole set. Link:

I've seen disturbing, disturbing videos that suggest that yes, all of them would be usable by some people.

Offline Fpqxz

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Well, this certainly is a novel use of statistical data analysis.
Read some real news:, JURIST

Step down Mr. and Mrs. Politically Correct.
It's so easy to be "punk" and "aware" living at home.
You can't change shit, you're too self-righteous;
you're the bigots you flaunt to loathe.
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Offline DasFuchs

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Is it wrong that I want a Santorum buttplug?

Is it even possible to use it, or any of them except the Bachmann or Perry? Apparently they sell for $65 each ($45 for Bachmann and Perry) or $350 for the whole set. Link:

I've seen disturbing, disturbing videos that suggest that yes, all of them would be usable by some people.

"To a New Yorker like you, a hero is some type of weird sandwich. Not some nut that takes on two Tigers!" "You gotta hit'em point blank in the ass!" Oddball

Offline Whore of Spamylon

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Is it wrong that I want a Santorum buttplug?

Is it even possible to use it, or any of them except the Bachmann or Perry? Apparently they sell for $65 each ($45 for Bachmann and Perry) or $350 for the whole set. Link:

I've seen disturbing, disturbing videos that suggest that yes, all of them would be usable by some people.

Even if usable, it looks like it might break off from the base when you try to take it out. :o

“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.” - William Gibson


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Is it safe to say that now the GOP is literally a pain in the ass?

EDIT: Sorry to steal what was more than likely your post, Old Viking.

Offline Thejebusfire

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It's about time the GOP did something usefull.