I'd totally take suggestions for categories. I think the "themes" of videos can be split into different categories:
1. Single issues (i.e., abortion, creationism, rock and roll music)
2. Single users (i.e., savagesusie, Rick Santorum, Texe Marrs)
3. Single boards (i.e., The Blaze, Rapture Ready, Assata Shakur)
I think that 2 and 3 could be combined in the case of something like Free Republic, which could feature quotes from various Freepers, occasionally interspersed with a savagesusie rant in between.
Also, at the start of videos I'd put a disclaimer that FSTDT does not support any of the views of the people they quote.
And during the video, maybe I'd play some song that humorously relates to the topic. I'm pretty sure ep.tc has some anti-abortion pop music.