Well, I guess I could explain exactly why I don't like the guy....
He used to be a very good doctor... patient, sympathetic and taking all his patients concerns into consideration. We had him as a family doctor for years. He even delivered my sister's first baby.
But... a few months after delivering my sister's baby, he was doing another delivery... and tragically, he accidentally DROPPED the baby when it came out and the baby died. He obviously felt absolutely horrible and took six months off to get mental help to aid him in coping with the event. Then he came back.... and turned into a complete fucking ass.
My mother has a shittonne of things wrong with her medically, and he started getting really impatient with her and told her to "Stop being a fucking baby over everything" on one occasion. For a brief time I was experiencing what I thought was auditory hallucinations. I could have sworn there were people in my bedroom whispering right behind me, and I could even almost make out what they were saying. Rather than referring me to a MENTAL professional, he prescribed me antipsychotics, saying I might be schizophrenic. So... after three weeks of horrible muscle spasms, bouts of nausea, and cramping (and still hearing what I thought was whispering even with the pills) I asked him to refer me to a psychiatrist and he REFUSED. I had to get another doctor who would do it for me, and after a few sessions, the psychiatrist determined that there was no way I was schizophrenic, as I had none of those symptoms outside of my bedroom.
I had the fun of being weaned off of those fucking things (getting on antipsychotics isn't fun, but the sensations you get weaning OFF them sucks just as bad) and me and my dad sat in my bedroom at night trying to determine what it was I was experiencing. It was only when the furnace came on that we both realized that the sound of the air coming through the vents sounded like creepy ass whispering. It was fucking SOUND MATRIXING.
If the asshole had simply referred me to a mental health professional from the START I wouldn't have had to go through three fucking weeks of horrific side effects from those pills. He never apologized for it, never apologized to my mom and for the longest time treated her like an annoyance more than a patient. I think the only reason he's been behaving himself lately is because my mom started bringing my dad in with her... and the doctor knows my dad well enough to know that he'll never tolerate anyone talking rudely to Mom while he's present.
So... yeah. Not really looking forward to seeing him again, but it'd be faster than 1) trying to find a doctor who is actually accepting patients and 2) going through a doctor with no really helpful connections immediately available and being put on a six month waiting list.
So, I'll suck it up and go see the prick. But he better not try pulling something dickish again, because I'm not a fifteen year old anymore, and I'll dish it back to him x10!