Why do we need a gender bent Green Lantern? We've got female Lanterns already. Of almost all the colors.
Ironbite-that angers me.
Because those lanterns are now male, of course.
I have no idea why that made me think of this:
If a gay male characters is thrown into a gender bend situation is she now heterosexual or has she become a lesbian?
That depends: is it simply that their bodies have been transformed but their minds are still the same or is this an "alternate-universe" version of the character.
If it's that their bodies were transformed then their orientation/attractions might be the same as before. Unless if their new bodies/brain-chemistry somehow affect them. It is not unreasonable to assume that they would be messed up or at least weirded out by the experience.
If these are a different version of the characters then all bets are off. If we are dealing with unlimited number of alternate realities then we have to assume that in different alternate universes instead of batman there might be lesbian-batwoman, hetero-batwoman or bi-batwoman. Also, infinite amount of worlds filled with nothing but lesbian batwomen! (And infinite amount of world filled with just cupcakes or chairs but that is less interesting.)
ps. I suggest reading El Goonish Shive
http://egscomics.com/ for all your gender bending needs. (Also it is a great comic and the artwork improves greatly during the years.)
pps. In EGS due to the way their transformation gun works a person who has been transformed to the opposite gender will be attracted to the opposite sex of their "current" gender (this effect is temporary and was implemented either to help them adjust to their new body or just for fun) so a gay man turned into a woman would still be only attracted to men.