Author Topic: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?  (Read 128951 times)

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Offline erictheblue

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #240 on: November 17, 2012, 11:21:40 am »
Aww, Radiation... You threw away our new toy. :(
I know I wasn't posting in this thread, but it was a lot of fun to read. But I agree with the others; we just don't get trolls like Chris and carico any more.
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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #241 on: November 17, 2012, 11:41:42 am »
But I agree with the others; we just don't get trolls like Chris and carico any more.

Very true! I wonder what happened to all the decent trolls. Not just Carico and BCF, but Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, that American Cowboy guy, and there were a few others I can't remember their names. It's a shame really.
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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #242 on: November 17, 2012, 12:24:24 pm »
But I agree with the others; we just don't get trolls like Chris and carico any more.

Very true! I wonder what happened to all the decent trolls. Not just Carico and BCF, but Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, that American Cowboy guy, and there were a few others I can't remember their names. It's a shame really.
At the very least I was here for some of our own forum members to go off the deep end. Like that Lawful Stupid guy and the one who was defending Reddit pedophiles.

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #243 on: November 17, 2012, 12:33:31 pm »
I remember Carico, but Big Chris Film draws a blank.
BCF was a serious wackadoodle fundie who was big-time into professional wrestling.  Not Carico batshit nuts, but still, pretty much out there.  But for a while, we were able to hold debates with him without him getting ultra-pissy like some have, but, alas, he eventually got to spamming the boards with walls of C&P when no one would accept his bullshit preaching and eventually got perma-banned.

He made a board that modeled after this one that went by the name of Atheists Say the Scariest Things, but the only ones that even posted on it were a few of us.

Good times.
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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #244 on: November 17, 2012, 12:58:57 pm »
In many societies around this planet, women are considered unmarriageable if they are virgins!
One example is the Polynesian where a man cannot wed his lady unless she is pregnant.
In Guam, girls seeking potential mates do their level best to get laid and even advertise for temporary mates to do the job.
Zulu women have to produce an offspring to their future mates to prove they are capable of producing more.
Unfortunately the Church has sought to control our lives from conception to (and often beyond) the grave to maintain their power.
As to the origin of the marriage ceremony itself - this came from the Babylonian heirachy to show their plebicite their new concubines. The ceremony included a 7 day bacchanalian orgy which, for some obscure reason, was omitted from the Abrahamic books.
In any case, people marry each other. The Church is merely a witness.
BTW, I come from Bohemia :-)

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #245 on: November 17, 2012, 01:11:12 pm »
But I agree with the others; we just don't get trolls like Chris and carico any more.

Very true! I wonder what happened to all the decent trolls. Not just Carico and BCF, but Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, that American Cowboy guy, and there were a few others I can't remember their names. It's a shame really.
At the very least I was here for some of our own forum members to go off the deep end. Like that Lawful Stupid guy and the one who was defending Reddit pedophiles.

cestlefun14 and TigerHunter?
Formerly known as Eva-Beatrice and Wykked Wytch.

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #246 on: November 17, 2012, 01:37:50 pm »
But I agree with the others; we just don't get trolls like Chris and carico any more.

Very true! I wonder what happened to all the decent trolls. Not just Carico and BCF, but Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, that American Cowboy guy, and there were a few others I can't remember their names. It's a shame really.
At the very least I was here for some of our own forum members to go off the deep end. Like that Lawful Stupid guy and the one who was defending Reddit pedophiles.

cestlefun14 and TigerHunter?
Yeah, those two douchenozzles.

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #247 on: November 17, 2012, 11:09:09 pm »
The Mods ban the trolls to fast now.  He was harmless, and funny.
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Offline Thejebusfire

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #248 on: November 18, 2012, 02:03:25 am »
I miss a lot of funny threads when I don't pay attention to what's going on.

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #249 on: November 18, 2012, 02:18:28 am »
Yeah, I wish we had kept this guy around for longer. I was looking forward to launching my own attack on his KJV-only position - namely, that the only TRUE version of the Bible is the original Hebrew, with all others being translations, and therefore potentially erroneous.
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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #250 on: November 18, 2012, 03:07:57 am »
Yeah, I wish we had kept this guy around for longer. I was looking forward to launching my own attack on his KJV-only position - namely, that the only TRUE version of the Bible is the original Hebrew, with all others being translations, and therefore potentially erroneous.

I'm not sure if that would have worked. Some people do keep claiming that the KJV is the original one.

Then again if you believe that God is omnipotent and omnipresent (and sometimes a dick) then I suppose the fact that KJV version is newer than the hebrew version doesn't really matter.

LOL I gave them dirty jews the wrong version and then went to the future and gave the REAL bible to the british so that they could give it to the americans because they are my true children and blessed nation. (But if they ever let those homos get married in MY churches I'll be sure to send some floods and meteor their way.)

No matter what happens, no matter what my last words may end up being, I want everyone to claim that they were:
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Offline ironbite

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #251 on: November 18, 2012, 03:32:45 am »
I miss a lot of funny threads when I don't pay attention to what's going on.

Oh I hope you're last in the avatar thread!

Offline syaoranvee

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #252 on: November 18, 2012, 04:58:31 am »
I can guess on how our good pastor got the idea of coming here:

A thread was posted on the 14th that mentioned FSTDT a few posts on

In fact FSDT is dedicated to ripping on religious people... Is there such a thing for ripping on atheists?

Truth is truth, honesty is honesty and fairness is fairness. And by the way I went over to the FSTDT forums (never been there before but thanks for the "you people"-type remarks) and read a few topics and while there is 4-chan type rudeness that is common anywhere there is not intense censorship, the only "ripping" I saw in my albeit brief sampling was fierce ripping on peoples' ideas, not them personally. Which there is nothing wrong with.

You mustn't have looked very hard at FSTDT, (or not at all) since the entire site is one ad hominem after another, (which by the way are logical fallacies).

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #253 on: November 18, 2012, 09:43:21 am »
I tried reading some of the page, but the first post was like "This... this is too stupid to read." Especially since their forum is named "Evolution Fairy Tale" and ban people for calling Creationism a myth for 'disrespecting others views'. Oh God, the DARVO. It burns.
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Offline ironbite

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #254 on: November 18, 2012, 04:41:27 pm »
Wow...just wow.  We have a site dedicated to ripping out logical falancies in some fundies argument and we're the ones who do one ad hom after another?

Ironbite-how cute and quaint.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2012, 04:43:40 pm by ironbite »