Author Topic: Shippers Ship the Darndest Pairings  (Read 57305 times)

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Re: Shippers Ship the Darndest Pairings
« Reply #270 on: July 31, 2013, 02:53:59 pm »
(aka the Sword of Allah).

Is that what he calls it now?

Lol. In all seriousness, this is one pairing that won't result in an unplanned night of passion. The tension will mostly be on Joan's side, as she tries to reconcile the fact that she loves him, and that he's a good, honorable man, with the fact that he's a Muslim, and she's a Catholic saint.
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Offline Alehksunos

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Re: Shippers Ship the Darndest Pairings
« Reply #271 on: September 01, 2013, 03:35:07 am »
Now to another subject: Brother/Sister incest. And just about any other form of sibling, even cousin incest.

I refrain from such for a good reason, that being that it just makes me want to squirm thinking about it. It's not the whole thing that incest is a taboo in society, but it's also the moral dilemma involving offspring produced by such relationships and just thinking about how grotesque the final product from such is. I mean 'Incest' is one of the reasons abortion is offered (and we also have shitheads like Todd Akin and Richard whoever Muldoch, who tried to push banning abortion regardless, and look what happened to them? They lost, all for that and rape apologism).

For instance, there happens to be a few fans of the show Gravity Falls (which I would go watch if I could just find a few episodes of Season 1. At least pick this show up already, Netflix!) happens to follow a shipping known as "Pinecest" (Dipper/Mabel). Yes, a shipping of a twin brother and sister. Not just a "Like Brother, Like Sister" bond, an extension to romance, even sexual desire. And once again, I have to remind you all that shit like this makes me feel like really creepy things are crawling inside my skin.

Another interesting fact is that last year (October 14th, I'll never forget that date) I thought one of my favorite shippings (ChessShipping, or Hilbert(Touya)/Hilda(Touko)) was an incest shipping, causing me to freak out and abandon the ship, heartbroken. But then, I had realized that's just fanon fluff, supported by mostly non-shippers. So no, it is not an incest shipping, and it has never been proven by Word of God (Satoshi Tajiri or Ken Sugimori) that the two Trainers are related. Or any other male and female Trainer before and after them (so far).

And the fact that it's sometimes FerrisWheel and other rival Shippers who say this makes me dislike (or hate, like the FerrisWheelShipping) those rival shippings more.

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Re: Shippers Ship the Darndest Pairings
« Reply #272 on: September 05, 2013, 06:25:18 am »
I had an idea for a crackship last night.
Twilight Sparkle/Kai Leng.

You're welcome.
That said, I've stopped trying to anticipate what people around here want a while ago, I've found it makes things smoother.
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Re: Shippers Ship the Darndest Pairings
« Reply #273 on: September 05, 2013, 11:21:31 am »
I had an idea for a crackship last night.
Twilight Sparkle/Kai Leng.

You're welcome.

Sorry, my brain refuses to even process this one.  All I'm getting is a mental image of Kai Leng playing with toy ponies.

...Which would be hilarious.
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Offline Alehksunos

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Re: Shippers Ship the Darndest Pairings
« Reply #274 on: September 05, 2013, 01:00:30 pm »
My brain refuses to process almost any crackship. I'm sorry. There's a reason I made a post on this subject, prior to it getting its own thread.

Offline Alehksunos

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Re: Shippers Ship the Darndest Pairings
« Reply #275 on: February 15, 2014, 02:10:02 am »
Apologies for double-post and more necromancy, but I still refuse to create a new thread on this subject. One is good enough.

Valentine's day is over, and we can stop non-jokingly express our "feels" of our OTP.* This thread is back because I once more want to discuss how people often take their favorite ship(s) too seriously. Even the fact that some of these people send death-threats over a ship they don't support or someone expressing their dislike of otherwise loved ship. I know, this is not Tumblr, where I experience Vietnam-like flashback of the Sonic/Amy vs. Sonic/Sally days on deviantART and nobody does shit like that here, but remind everyone you care about to not be that person.

I don't care if it's some crack ship, like Mordecai/Twilight Sparkle, or in recent history of the Regular Show fandom, the Mordecai/Margret vs. Mordecai/CJ shit that's unfolding under the curtains.

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Re: Shippers Ship the Darndest Pairings
« Reply #276 on: February 15, 2014, 03:37:11 am »
I had an idea for a crackship last night.
Twilight Sparkle/Kai Leng.

You're welcome.
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Re: Shippers Ship the Darndest Pairings
« Reply #277 on: February 23, 2014, 10:33:57 am »
There was this one Harry Potter fanfic that was Hogwarts Castle x Giant Squid.

Offline Alehksunos

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Re: Shippers Ship the Darndest Pairings
« Reply #278 on: March 31, 2014, 09:12:19 am »
I know, when I brought this thread back, there were only two replies and it died again. I almost feel like just letting it rest in peace, but here are two things that are still bothering me:

One: The Bubbline (Princess Bubblegum/Marceline) shippers wishing this was canonized, even going far to claiming that Adventure Time had tried this and the show was threatened cancellation. Of course, there is not confirmation that the writers have done this and this got rejected, and I am also doubtful the executives at Cartoon Network (and the rest of Turner, Time Warner, whatever) are that hush-hush about homosexuality in their shows. In fact, one segment of Dexter's Laboratory (The Dial M for Monkey) was pulled because of a villian named The Silver Spooner, so otherwise offensive references to homosexuality are rejected at the CN. Also rejected are those notorious Looney Tunes shorts laced with shameless racism.

But really seriously, enough of everyone complaining that Bubbline is still - and probably always will be, as most of the writers left for Stephen Universe and other projects and this show is rotting away - non-canon. I can understand the whining, as there is an inaccessible homosexual representation on television, but why must people lose it if it is not canon!?

Two: Some (or several) KalosShippers (Calem/Serena) going fucking ape with the Trainer of the opposite sex* claiming that he/she respects you [the player] "as a friend". You read right, there are people crying "Friend-zoned" because a game [Pokémon X or Y] aimed for children - as it always has been, even with the games opening up appeal for older audiences - doesn't offer a straight up romantic relationship with the player of the opposite sex. An 8 year-old would likely be confused by any soap-opera shit between Calem and Serena, vice versa. I think it is for the better KalosShipping is not straight up canon.

*I actually rejoiced that in the X and Y versions you are with the opposite Sex Trainer in person often enough again because I am still bawling my eyes out that you only meet the opposite sex Trainer once in Black and White and everybody prefers The Girl and the arch nemesis, which I passionately detest.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 10:49:00 pm by Alehksunos »

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Re: Shippers Ship the Darndest Pairings
« Reply #279 on: March 31, 2014, 09:10:30 pm »
I think one of the artists for the show likes Bubbline and draws fanart of it, and that might be why so many fans consider it canon.  It's been a long while since I saw the post that said this, though, so I don't know if it's true.