Author Topic: Show Us Your Living Quarters! (Picture Intensive)  (Read 36999 times)

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Offline DarkfireTaimatsu

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Show Us Your Living Quarters! (Picture Intensive)
« on: January 04, 2012, 02:57:20 am »
Oh, it's this thread again. Yep, here's my old posts from the old forum. Because I didn't take 100+ pictures NOT to have them visible, guys.

Oh, and apparently I'll have to do it in shifts. Darn 20,000 character limit, how useless!

Hey, guys! Hey, guys! Hey, guysguysguysguysguys!

Now, as you are all aware, I've resolved never to show my picture here. Let's face it, I'm hideous. =3 You'll just have to make do with impy me instead, which is more accurate to how I am inside anyways. However! You can probably tell a lot about a person from their living space! (I'm just guessing, I dunno if that's true or not. I guess we'll find out!) So now, prepare to embark on the magical journey one can only call... What Tai's Room Looks Like! I'm going to stop using exclamation points now.

Oh, is Inmate #426-057 in? No? I guess that's a good time to check the place out, then.
There's a bat on the door coz I like bats. Dreamcatcher made by my good friend Mossy.

This is as close as I could get to a full overview-type shot without a hole in the ceiling and an overhead camera. You can recoil in horror and stop now, or we can continue on into MUCH detailed fun. Also, this is the only time on the tour you'll see that Twisted Roses poster on the right there, so look now!

All right. This image is tall.
It's the first of several bookshelves we'll see on our tour today. This one is laden with manga, Animorphs, and various odds and ends. Let's take a closer look, eh?

Top of the shelf. Here we have the complete set of Harry Potter, including the side books and MuggleNet's book 7 predictions. Also here is my CD player, which currently has Buttercup in it, and a cute Neekksy plushie my cuddlebuddy/best pal Neekko made for me. Various other odds and ends litter the place, which is common around here.

The upper two shelves contain manga, doublestacked. A flashlight, starfish (really loves you), and a Pani Poni can creature are also here to greet you. My older, less-worky DS charges here, as does the PSP and a pair of headphones.

The lower two shelves. The upper of them contains the entire Animorphs series (64 books). On top of those are the boxes most of my GameBoy games came in and such. Also present are some Neopets figures, an oft-used electric razor, and some rocks. You can never have too many rocks.
The lower shelf is mostly crammed with other books and stuff I've deemed worthy of being kept in my room.

Here's a different angle of that lower shelf. Look, it's Kirby! Hiiii!

It's not a shrine, it's merely a convenient way to keep them! From top: Wii, PS2 (slim version), GameCube (indigo, with GameBoy Player attachment).

And these are the things that go in them. Games, games, games. Numerous RPGs and fighters, balanced with a couple adventure games, platformers, and racing titles. And Puyo Pop.
An N64 lurks in the foreground.

A nice shot showing all of under the bed. This shows some of the things we won't be covering, like those two PSP boxes on the left of the television. Incidentally, that TV is older than I am.

Titles for the DS! More platformers than the disc variants, but largely similar overall. Darkstalkers 3 lurks at the bottom.

Japanese cartoons are weird, man.
A nice shot showing most of my titles, the boxes for the Lucky Star collector's editions, and some scraps of paper that happen to be there.

The rest of the under-the-bed stuff. Beyblades, more papers, and a big-ass jar of candy.

Pan up, and this is where I sleep. I bet you've never had such a cool bed in your life. That blue thing is the pair of gym shorts I sleep in.

Hey, can we get in closer?

Oh, that's better. Now you can also see the Harry Potter sheets that are currently on there. Coz I'm such a pinnacle of maturity.

The very top of the pile of plushies I sleep with. And a The Cheat! (Awesome! My very own-a The Cheat!) It's a very varied pile, consisting mostly of Giant Microbes and Pokémon.

The Eeveelution family surveys the room.

Now let's slide over to my desk. Which I didn't think to take a full shot of, so just pretend.

As always, shelves have books on them (including the Clow Book). Not to mention foxes and lobsters.

Here's more books. Fortunately, I preface my cool books like His Dark Materials, Dilbert, and World War Z with Goosebumps, just to show what a loser I am. =D

The Neopets board game, and the Ghostbusters tabletop roleplaying game! I know for a fact you don't have anything that cool in your room. And you snore in kind of a creepy way.

To further my ever-present coolness, the shelf right next to the one with Goosebumps books is covered with Ben 10 figures, and some other miscellaneous figures.
Is it cooler if I bought them only for the displaying, or does buying them at all make the whole thing?

All right, I'm earning my cred back with this pic. Lego Batmobile collector's model. It was, like, $100 and took me six hours to put together. It gets a shelf all to itself, with a terrific backdrop of the poster from the first Burger King Pokémon promotion.

On top of those shelves are these things! Star Trek props, a jar full of Pokémon figures, a jar of foam items, and Purina Werewolf Chow. What every home needs.

The last shot of the desk includes some novelty pens that look like novelty pencils, a couple boxes of The Legend of Zelda trading cards, and my cute Eevee drawstring backpack.

An empty tissue box with Wall-E and Shivahn the girly robot Eve on it. Yeah. You know you're jealous.

Ah, the dresser. Nothing says "clutter" like the top of a person's dresser. At least, I hope it's not just me.

Also, there's nothing actually IN the dresser that's interesting enough to photograph.

Crabs! *snipsnip*

Oddish stands vigil over my deodourant, while anime props and coloured pencils collide, and my other DS makes a hidden cameo (it's black). Also appearing: graduation photo of my cuddlebuddy Neekko (circa 2005).

This pile is where I keep my most recent artworks, or at least the best ones. On top is Pokémon Fan Club.

Vital instruments! From the top:
*Loyal hairbrush
*<eyeglasses go here when not in use>
*One of 882 pieces of cursed Aztec gold, and a key from the same franchise
*The original Ben 10 Omnitrix
*Some LED lightstick thingie
*My favourite yo-yo (a blue Duncan Imperial) on top of a pack of French Harry Potter playing cards
*Work ID badge on top of my Yu-Gi-Oh! dueling deck (in custom duct tape case)
*Alethiometer and Green Lantern power ring

The rest of the dresser clutter. Highlights include Black Manta, a nice hardback Pokémon book, waxed paper covering my imp comics, Invader Zim DVD box, and this guy:

This thing is possessed, I'm telling you. I made it myself, and it keeps trying to throw itself off the dresser. It moves backward, and every few weeks, I'm always pushing it back in place. Also, homemade Millenium Rod.

I also have a wooden sword in my room.

Pokémon DVDs! Various other things too. (Can you find the Slinky?)

Cute hats! One for Inuyasha, one from Gaia Online (the ORLY? hat), and one handmade of Rhea Snaketail from the webcomic Slightly Damned. Also: facehugger enters play.

Lots and lots of comic books.

Here are some comic books that actually get on a shelf. Lucky devils.

Seriously, I have a lot of comics. Here is a different angle of those rows, so you can see some of the spines. (If I wasn't currently lending out Runaways, you'd be able to see that too, instead of those pieces of cardboard poking out of the rows.)

Things that are not comic books! Except for Bone. And the Rorschach mask is tangently related. No, this shelf is mostly taken up with old issues of Nintendo Power (which I would still be getting if they hadn't fuxxed up my renewing =< ), as well as every single issue of Neopets Magazine. And RC!

The whole closet. Let's get in closer on the awesomest part:

My figures! My really cool figures. How about some highlights?

Fry, Power Girl, She-Hulk (obscured), Terra, and Misty lounge pose stiffly around a signed photo of Tara Strong. Small Mario characters, much larger Pokémon, a clay figure of Neekksy (once more, made by Neekko), and an actual Japanese gashapon figure of Wolf Link and Midna.

More of my favourite Pokémon, plus the kick-awesome Anne statue from the webcomic The Wotch.

Wall-E and Shivahn Eve again, with my character Kato made into a box.

Ame-Comi statues! Power Girl, Harley Quinn, and Catwoman reimagined into anime-style PVC cuties. I really totally love these things.

Also in the closet is a skull made of duct tape, wearing a cat-ear headband. Because why not?

I also have a lot of DVDs. Not as many as I do for comics, but still. Quite a few DVDs there. And those are only the ones that are television programs! No theater-type movies in there, except for certain animated superhero ones. And Mystery Science Theater. I guess those count as movies.

Mudkip clip eats choco-cornet screen wiper. Film at 11.

Oh, look. More manga. Clearly I like this stuff as much as American comics. It's also easier to shelve.

It's not all manga, though! Here's some irregularly sized comic books stacked in front of some actual novels.

A closer view of these irregularly sized comics. Asymmetrical book stacking. NOT like the Philadelphia mass turbulence of 1947.

And a closer view of those novels, across a landscape of Empowered. Most seem to be Stephen King, with a little Jurassic Park and Dracula thrown in for good measure. The ones you can't see coz the irregularly sized comics are in front of them are A Series of Unfortunate Events. Also pictured: Nickelodeon Slime. No home should be without it.

What a surprise: more comics. Except these are printed collections of newspaper comics, which is new and different. The webcomic Ozy & Millie also occupies this shelf, because it's that good.
Empty cans of soda and scented wax things make great decorations.

More comics. I mean, strategy guides. Yeah, I also collect those. The thick hardback Twilight Princess one is likely the crown jewel of the set. Also anime art books. Two whole ones!

The rest of the books on this shelf. I love handbooks and survival guides for fictional stuff like that, so if you know of any in the same vein that I don't have, well, now you know what to get me for Decemberween.

We have now made a complete perimeter around my room.

And now to wrap things up: posters! You may have noticed my vast lack of wallspace in the other pictures. I will now show these wall coverins off in depth, for your amusement.

Jazzy, Midna, Hsien-Ko (of Darkstalkers), and Linda (of Okage: Shadow King). They're all win, but I had to move that stack of Buffy and Angel DVDs so you could see Linda. Also, Flying Madness wanted poster.

Two screenshots of Ranamon, and a really old pic of my best friend Loopy.

Mew Ichigo and Mew Mint, drawn by Neekko, another Ranamon pic, mothbat Neekko, the cast of the web cartoon Bonus Stage, and the beginnings of all those Neopets trading card game posters.

Neopets Trading Card Game posters. And some disorientation for you, free of charge.

Dark Magician Girl, Terra, Tokyo Mew Mew, and some friends I had on Gaia are only a FEW of the posters concentrated in this area.

Some Pokémon posters (Generations IV and II, respectively), and a drawing of Neekko in Venom panties, drawn by Neekko.

More PokéPosters, for Generations III and I this time. Also, Squad 8 armband.

Big posters of Neopets Magazine covers, depicting Illusen and a Red Shoyru, small poster of Misty in her TCG outfit.

A poster of the Neopets Trading Card Game that catches too much glare, and a cool poster of Seto Kaiba on some unusually thick material.

Vira guards the doorway while Digimon are all around.

One Piece wanted posters are the last things you'll see on this tour. Please check your seat for anything left behind, and clear the walkway for the next group.

So, what do you guys think? =D Doesn't this totally encourage you to start posting your own pics of your domiciles? Isn't that almost as good as pictures of the actual people? Mind you, you don't have to go as overboard as I...
A limerick:

There once was a unicorn who would shove
His rainbows around like a dove
"Always I'll be with you
And then make-believe with you
Harmony, Harmony, oh love"

Offline DarkfireTaimatsu

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Re: Show Us Your Living Quarters! (Picture Intensive)
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2012, 02:58:32 am »
Part 2:

Oh, hey, guys. Lemme just... do an update here real quick-a-like...

So here's a full shot of the desk, which I didn't get to last time. You can see a variety of objects here.

Here's some new stuff. Tom Servo and Crow are displayed next to the Batmobile now. Up above, is the Dragon Dagger from the original Power Rangers. The can creature has relocated here, too, since the manga shelves got over-full. And a Japanese/English dictionary is on the other shelf off to the side there.

Down on the flat part of the desk are a couple of Dots boxes (Ghost and Bat style), a pair of homemade robot ears, a stack of Blackest Night issues, and all of the Lantern Corps power rings.

There's a squirrel on the shelf now, and a few more books. Mostly the complete first arc of HorrorLand is there now.

Over in the opposite corner, the twin DVD towers became too wobbly, and have been converted into four towers of half the height. It's hard to tell, but there's several new things there, including the old Plastic Man cartoon, a full compliment of Robot Chicken seasons, and the big Real Ghostbusters complete boxed set.

Just a few new figures here, including Yanma, Jolteon, Flareon, Glaceon, and a big Absol.

Here's a corner I don't think I showed. Includes a jar of pennies, Ash's first hat, my father's old guitar, a KaibaCorp duel disk, and my wooden sword. And that row of yellow? Pokémon cards. A very long box of Pokémon cards.

I forgot to show it before, but over up here, under my O RLY hat, is my flail I got from the Rennaisance Faire a few years ago.

Here, you can see how the manga shelf was restructured. I got too many to sort them by series now, so I have to put them just to fill the shelf. So some volumes of a series end up in different rows. You can also see how the DVDs don't stack in front of Linda's picture anymore, and also there's a piece of cardboard with a Union Jack on it that I keep on the shelf right there.

A more up-to-date picture of the stack of irregularly-sized comics.

And sometimes I have one of these on my bed.

Oh, hey, guys. I finally stole the camera long enough to do another update to this. So here's my room as it currently stands:

Oh, shit, guys, where'd all my comics go? (And why the Weetabix?)

Why, they're over here now, to make more room on the floor and shelves. So it jumps from that first shelf with the figures on it, to these three, then down to the floor chronologically.

You can never have too many new shelves, so the DVDs got arranged, too.

Here's a close-up on my older DVDs, which probably never got very good prominence in earlier pictures because of the stacks.

I just wanted to show off the unbroken run, since I have up to the current English volume (54). They don't even all fit in one row. =3

More new figures, including Snorlax, Eevee, Amy Rose, and another Ame-Comi statue. This time it's Zatanna. <3

Speaking of figures, here's my Godzilla figures. All my favourite kaiju, and also the Night Fury from How to Train Your Dragon.

And the door. It's been improved with the actual wanted posters as actually seen in the series. With a little room in case the crew grows again.

Oops, I necro'd it. Oh, well!

Hey, rotary fans. It's been long enough since my last update that we can peek at my room again. Let's get right into it!

Look at this awesome new blanket I bought this week. Because I totally needed a new fleece blanket in the middle of summer. Either way, more Green Lantern paraphenalia totally makes my room at least 20% cooler.

Up on top of the shelf is... more stuff! It's hard to see from here, so let's check in close-up.

Surrounding the Japanese Lugia model, we have Red Lantern Dex-Starr, Sinestro Corpsman Despotellis, and Green Lantern B'dg. In the back, we have Generations-model Soundwave, in his robot form because there's no place to put him in vehicle or radio mode.

Over on this side, Gypsy has joined Crow and Tom Servo. She's a pretty huge model, which is one reason why they moved up here in the first place. You can also see some Pokémon figures, which have been updated to include GenV, represented here by Zorua.

I built and added this shelf myself! I needed it to put my terrible Goosebumps books on, so I built it over my Ben 10 figures and whatever other figures are there.
That creeper isn't giant, it's just in the foreground.

The reason why I had to move the Goosebumps novels was to make room for these. My wonderful D&D books, Practical Guides, Element Encyclopedias, and other stuff. I love reading about weird creatures and mythological monsters, so if you ever need Tai-presents (and you do. Right now.), books about that sort of thing are always fun.
The observant may notice that that stack of comics with Blackest Night #0 on top is much higher than previously. The comic pile doesn't stop from getting taller!

Speaking of books, you know I like them, right? Behold these shelves! They are as high as you can go.

Since these books were always stacked up in previous updates, here's their chance to show themselves off on their new shelfhomes.

And, just because, here's an updated view under the bed, with the twin stacks of DS titles, the PSP line, and the start of the third row for the anime DVDs.

Perhaps I'll later do a new post for the newest iteration of my room, but at least you get to bask in the old-timey glory and reminisce a while about how awesome my stuff is.

Yay, it only took two posts.
A limerick:

There once was a unicorn who would shove
His rainbows around like a dove
"Always I'll be with you
And then make-believe with you
Harmony, Harmony, oh love"

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Re: Show Us Your Living Quarters! (Picture Intensive)
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2012, 04:01:28 pm »
It's always good to see Tai's place.
Guys, this is getting creepy. Can we talk about cannibalism instead?

If a clown eats salmon on Tuesday, how much does a triangle weigh on Jupiter? Ask Mr. Wiggins for 10% off of your next dry cleaning bill. -Hades


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Re: Show Us Your Living Quarters! (Picture Intensive)
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2012, 06:58:55 pm »
Your room looks pretty cool. The pokemon dolls and figures are amazing, where'd you get them?

I'll probably post pics of my room soon, as in after I clean it up, as in probably never.

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Re: Show Us Your Living Quarters! (Picture Intensive)
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2012, 11:26:02 pm »
Damnit I really need to find my Clow book, I know it's in a closet somewhere.  At least, I hope it is, cause if not I'm gonna have to look online, and get assraped by the price.

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Re: Show Us Your Living Quarters! (Picture Intensive)
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2012, 02:13:25 am »
>mfw I saw Tai's room

Offline DarkfireTaimatsu

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Re: Show Us Your Living Quarters! (Picture Intensive)
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2012, 05:31:26 am »
Oh, everyone still likes my room eh? Then I guess I'll just have to do another update, won't I~?

Here is my latest poster. As you probably surmised from previous pictures, I kinda ran out of wall space some time ago. Thusly, this one's on the side of a bookcase. And I framed it particularly, so you could see the book on the end of the case. It's about the only place you can see my two most favourite series/obsessions at the same time.

Who do you hire to guard the Batmobile? How about some magical ponies? Who better? Half of them don't even exist in the show's continuity.
Also here is where mini-Buster ended up staying, and also a bottle of TrueBlood. It was good, but it was REALLY sweet. Just a warning~

The comic pile doesn't stop from getting taller.

Yes, those are all individual issues. None is any earlier than Blackest Night, so they're only as old as November 2009 or newer.

I just wanted a comparison shot for how huge the Pinkie Pie plush is to others. Ramona looks less than pleased about the positioning.

My DVDs insisted they could no longer be stacked in columns of two, and thus have divided into three. They seem relatively more stable for the time being, but who knows how long this tenuous peace will last.

And here's the awesome calendar the people at work got for me. Again, hung on a bookshelf because there's no wallspace left.

Whatever happened to that awesome flag I made for Halloween, you ask? Why, it's been hanging here the whole time since. It was too awesome not to keep out. And as a bonus, it helps block out some of the light, and also acts as a decoration for the one previously undecoratable surface in my room.

Oh, hey, a picture without any ponies in it. I didn't think that was possible~
The goal with the rest of these pics is basically to show how they've grown since way back when. Here's a more recent shot of my anime collection, showing off such new additions like One Piece and Squid Girl.

What's this one, console games? Yeah. Pretty much just a bunch of new additions for the Wii. Also, you can see Mischief Makers in the N64 there, which is pretty awesome.

More video games. My DS piles have become two, and probably won't grow much in the future until/unless I get a 3DS. I'm pretty sure roughly half of these are Pokémon titles~

I'm not sure I even had this as a pile before, but here's my meager assemblage of PSP titles. Fighting games make great portables, so thus there they all are. Also Ghostbusters, both the game and the movie.

I just really like looking out at my comics titles like this~  It makes a great shot. Also, I'm running out of space for them. Kind of. Slightly. Just a little bit. After all, these are only the ones that can't fit on a shelf.
Also, Mjolnir in the background.

And to round it out, here's a cute Tai magnet my friend Neekko made. This bookend is about the only place in my room I can find to put it, so here it is. Also visible: two boxes for complete serieses: The Real Ghostbusters and Star Trek: The Original Series.
A limerick:

There once was a unicorn who would shove
His rainbows around like a dove
"Always I'll be with you
And then make-believe with you
Harmony, Harmony, oh love"

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Re: Show Us Your Living Quarters! (Picture Intensive)
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2012, 12:59:21 pm »
You really love your room, don't you Tai?
"Radiation, were beauty measured by the soul instead of the body, you would be legendary on the status of Helen of Troy. Be strong." -The Sandman

Offline Paimun

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Re: Show Us Your Living Quarters! (Picture Intensive)
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2012, 01:34:42 pm »
I think everyone does.

I'll show my living quarters at some point, but Tai sets a rather, erm, high water mark.

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Re: Show Us Your Living Quarters! (Picture Intensive)
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2012, 12:30:26 am »
I am so jealous of all your cool swag, Tai.

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Re: Show Us Your Living Quarters! (Picture Intensive)
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2012, 05:36:55 pm »

Meager record collection and a Red Sox trash can that I kinda want to replace. I don't like the Red Sox an awful lot after last season.

Yeee, mini hippiemobile, EPCOT map and postcard, clock, White Castle box, HG box, a little Ho-Oh figurine, lamp, change box, and a pacman candy container. I like my bookcase.

I don't think my parents know what the HRC sticker means, otherwise they'd probably have taken it down or something.

Yes, that is a box of 5.25" floppies, a compactflash reader cable, and a PS/2 to keyboard adapter. There's also a Phish book and some Disney books and G-G too.

The extent of my reading. I don't read actual books anymore really. Maybe when I go to college I will, since there are two very nice bookstores in Amherst. Besides that, there's some Pokemon and Yugioh cards (and a few thousand more in my closet) and some CDs. I'm a tad unorganized.


I love this turntable. It's from 1985 and it sounds great (well, the pitch is off, but who cares? It's awesome). There's also a CD holder with various burned OS discs in it.

Typical always messy bed; my boyfriend is on top of it (he's the brown pillow!)

Blurry posters (I'm not good at holding a camera steady on my meds). Portal, Portal, Zelda, EPCOT, Minecraft, from left to right.

More posters; Zelda, Brawl, Oatmeal, and Portal again.

That's all for now. My room is -almost- as exciting as Tai's!

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Re: Show Us Your Living Quarters! (Picture Intensive)
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2013, 03:29:18 pm »
Oh, it's this thread again. Yep, here's my old posts from the old forum. Because I didn't take 100+ pictures NOT to have them visible, guys.

Oh, and apparently I'll have to do it in shifts. Darn 20,000 character limit, how useless!

Hey, guys! Hey, guys! Hey, guysguysguysguysguys!

Now, as you are all aware, I've resolved never to show my picture here. Let's face it, I'm hideous. =3 You'll just have to make do with impy me instead, which is more accurate to how I am inside anyways. However! You can probably tell a lot about a person from their living space! (I'm just guessing, I dunno if that's true or not. I guess we'll find out!) So now, prepare to embark on the magical journey one can only call... What Tai's Room Looks Like! I'm going to stop using exclamation points now.

Oh, is Inmate #426-057 in? No? I guess that's a good time to check the place out, then.
There's a bat on the door coz I like bats. Dreamcatcher made by my good friend Mossy.

This is as close as I could get to a full overview-type shot without a hole in the ceiling and an overhead camera. You can recoil in horror and stop now, or we can continue on into MUCH detailed fun. Also, this is the only time on the tour you'll see that Twisted Roses poster on the right there, so look now!

All right. This image is tall.
It's the first of several bookshelves we'll see on our tour today. This one is laden with manga, Animorphs, and various odds and ends. Let's take a closer look, eh?

Top of the shelf. Here we have the complete set of Harry Potter, including the side books and MuggleNet's book 7 predictions. Also here is my CD player, which currently has Buttercup in it, and a cute Neekksy plushie my cuddlebuddy/best pal Neekko made for me. Various other odds and ends litter the place, which is common around here.

The upper two shelves contain manga, doublestacked. A flashlight, starfish (really loves you), and a Pani Poni can creature are also here to greet you. My older, less-worky DS charges here, as does the PSP and a pair of headphones.

The lower two shelves. The upper of them contains the entire Animorphs series (64 books). On top of those are the boxes most of my GameBoy games came in and such. Also present are some Neopets figures, an oft-used electric razor, and some rocks. You can never have too many rocks.
The lower shelf is mostly crammed with other books and stuff I've deemed worthy of being kept in my room.

Here's a different angle of that lower shelf. Look, it's Kirby! Hiiii!

It's not a shrine, it's merely a convenient way to keep them! From top: Wii, PS2 (slim version), GameCube (indigo, with GameBoy Player attachment).

And these are the things that go in them. Games, games, games. Numerous RPGs and fighters, balanced with a couple adventure games, platformers, and racing titles. And Puyo Pop.
An N64 lurks in the foreground.

A nice shot showing all of under the bed. This shows some of the things we won't be covering, like those two PSP boxes on the left of the television. Incidentally, that TV is older than I am.

Titles for the DS! More platformers than the disc variants, but largely similar overall. Darkstalkers 3 lurks at the bottom.

Japanese cartoons are weird, man.
A nice shot showing most of my titles, the boxes for the Lucky Star collector's editions, and some scraps of paper that happen to be there.

The rest of the under-the-bed stuff. Beyblades, more papers, and a big-ass jar of candy.

Pan up, and this is where I sleep. I bet you've never had such a cool bed in your life. That blue thing is the pair of gym shorts I sleep in.

Hey, can we get in closer?

Oh, that's better. Now you can also see the Harry Potter sheets that are currently on there. Coz I'm such a pinnacle of maturity.

The very top of the pile of plushies I sleep with. And a The Cheat! (Awesome! My very own-a The Cheat!) It's a very varied pile, consisting mostly of Giant Microbes and Pokémon.

The Eeveelution family surveys the room.

Now let's slide over to my desk. Which I didn't think to take a full shot of, so just pretend.

As always, shelves have books on them (including the Clow Book). Not to mention foxes and lobsters.

Here's more books. Fortunately, I preface my cool books like His Dark Materials, Dilbert, and World War Z with Goosebumps, just to show what a loser I am. =D

The Neopets board game, and the Ghostbusters tabletop roleplaying game! I know for a fact you don't have anything that cool in your room. And you snore in kind of a creepy way.

To further my ever-present coolness, the shelf right next to the one with Goosebumps books is covered with Ben 10 figures, and some other miscellaneous figures.
Is it cooler if I bought them only for the displaying, or does buying them at all make the whole thing?

All right, I'm earning my cred back with this pic. Lego Batmobile collector's model. It was, like, $100 and took me six hours to put together. It gets a shelf all to itself, with a terrific backdrop of the poster from the first Burger King Pokémon promotion.

On top of those shelves are these things! Star Trek props, a jar full of Pokémon figures, a jar of foam items, and Purina Werewolf Chow. What every home needs.

The last shot of the desk includes some novelty pens that look like novelty pencils, a couple boxes of The Legend of Zelda trading cards, and my cute Eevee drawstring backpack.

An empty tissue box with Wall-E and Shivahn the girly robot Eve on it. Yeah. You know you're jealous.

Ah, the dresser. Nothing says "clutter" like the top of a person's dresser. At least, I hope it's not just me.

Also, there's nothing actually IN the dresser that's interesting enough to photograph.

Crabs! *snipsnip*

Oddish stands vigil over my deodourant, while anime props and coloured pencils collide, and my other DS makes a hidden cameo (it's black). Also appearing: graduation photo of my cuddlebuddy Neekko (circa 2005).

This pile is where I keep my most recent artworks, or at least the best ones. On top is Pokémon Fan Club.

Vital instruments! From the top:
*Loyal hairbrush
*<eyeglasses go here when not in use>
*One of 882 pieces of cursed Aztec gold, and a key from the same franchise
*The original Ben 10 Omnitrix
*Some LED lightstick thingie
*My favourite yo-yo (a blue Duncan Imperial) on top of a pack of French Harry Potter playing cards
*Work ID badge on top of my Yu-Gi-Oh! dueling deck (in custom duct tape case)
*Alethiometer and Green Lantern power ring

The rest of the dresser clutter. Highlights include Black Manta, a nice hardback Pokémon book, waxed paper covering my imp comics, Invader Zim DVD box, and this guy:

This thing is possessed, I'm telling you. I made it myself, and it keeps trying to throw itself off the dresser. It moves backward, and every few weeks, I'm always pushing it back in place. Also, homemade Millenium Rod.

I also have a wooden sword in my room.

Pokémon DVDs! Various other things too. (Can you find the Slinky?)

Cute hats! One for Inuyasha, one from Gaia Online (the ORLY? hat), and one handmade of Rhea Snaketail from the webcomic Slightly Damned. Also: facehugger enters play.

Lots and lots of comic books.

Here are some comic books that actually get on a shelf. Lucky devils.

Seriously, I have a lot of comics. Here is a different angle of those rows, so you can see some of the spines. (If I wasn't currently lending out Runaways, you'd be able to see that too, instead of those pieces of cardboard poking out of the rows.)

Things that are not comic books! Except for Bone. And the Rorschach mask is tangently related. No, this shelf is mostly taken up with old issues of Nintendo Power (which I would still be getting if they hadn't fuxxed up my renewing =< ), as well as every single issue of Neopets Magazine. And RC!

The whole closet. Let's get in closer on the awesomest part:

My figures! My really cool figures. How about some highlights?

Fry, Power Girl, She-Hulk (obscured), Terra, and Misty lounge pose stiffly around a signed photo of Tara Strong. Small Mario characters, much larger Pokémon, a clay figure of Neekksy (once more, made by Neekko), and an actual Japanese gashapon figure of Wolf Link and Midna.

More of my favourite Pokémon, plus the kick-awesome Anne statue from the webcomic The Wotch.

Wall-E and Shivahn Eve again, with my character Kato made into a box.

Ame-Comi statues! Power Girl, Harley Quinn, and Catwoman reimagined into anime-style PVC cuties. I really totally love these things.

Also in the closet is a skull made of duct tape, wearing a cat-ear headband. Because why not?

I also have a lot of DVDs. Not as many as I do for comics, but still. Quite a few DVDs there. And those are only the ones that are television programs! No theater-type movies in there, except for certain animated superhero ones. And Mystery Science Theater. I guess those count as movies.

Mudkip clip eats choco-cornet screen wiper. Film at 11.

Oh, look. More manga. Clearly I like this stuff as much as American comics. It's also easier to shelve.

It's not all manga, though! Here's some irregularly sized comic books stacked in front of some actual novels.

A closer view of these irregularly sized comics. Asymmetrical book stacking. NOT like the Philadelphia mass turbulence of 1947.

And a closer view of those novels, across a landscape of Empowered. Most seem to be Stephen King, with a little Jurassic Park and Dracula thrown in for good measure. The ones you can't see coz the irregularly sized comics are in front of them are A Series of Unfortunate Events. Also pictured: Nickelodeon Slime. No home should be without it.

What a surprise: more comics. Except these are printed collections of newspaper comics, which is new and different. The webcomic Ozy & Millie also occupies this shelf, because it's that good.
Empty cans of soda and scented wax things make great decorations.

More comics. I mean, strategy guides. Yeah, I also collect those. The thick hardback Twilight Princess one is likely the crown jewel of the set. Also anime art books. Two whole ones!

The rest of the books on this shelf. I love handbooks and survival guides for fictional stuff like that, so if you know of any in the same vein that I don't have, well, now you know what to get me for Decemberween.

We have now made a complete perimeter around my room.

And now to wrap things up: posters! You may have noticed my vast lack of wallspace in the other pictures. I will now show these wall coverins off in depth, for your amusement.

Jazzy, Midna, Hsien-Ko (of Darkstalkers), and Linda (of Okage: Shadow King). They're all win, but I had to move that stack of Buffy and Angel DVDs so you could see Linda. Also, Flying Madness wanted poster.

Two screenshots of Ranamon, and a really old pic of my best friend Loopy.

Mew Ichigo and Mew Mint, drawn by Neekko, another Ranamon pic, mothbat Neekko, the cast of the web cartoon Bonus Stage, and the beginnings of all those Neopets trading card game posters.

Neopets Trading Card Game posters. And some disorientation for you, free of charge.

Dark Magician Girl, Terra, Tokyo Mew Mew, and some friends I had on Gaia are only a FEW of the posters concentrated in this area.

Some Pokémon posters (Generations IV and II, respectively), and a drawing of Neekko in Venom panties, drawn by Neekko.

More PokéPosters, for Generations III and I this time. Also, Squad 8 armband.

Big posters of Neopets Magazine covers, depicting Illusen and a Red Shoyru, small poster of Misty in her TCG outfit.

A poster of the Neopets Trading Card Game that catches too much glare, and a cool poster of Seto Kaiba on some unusually thick material.

Vira guards the doorway while Digimon are all around.

One Piece wanted posters are the last things you'll see on this tour. Please check your seat for anything left behind, and clear the walkway for the next group.

So, what do you guys think? =D Doesn't this totally encourage you to start posting your own pics of your domiciles? Isn't that almost as good as pictures of the actual people? Mind you, you don't have to go as overboard as I...

I think as you are thinking on the topic.I will consider your thought on this topic.

Offline Southern Comforter

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Re: Show Us Your Living Quarters! (Picture Intensive)
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2013, 03:57:12 pm »
Well, it's not much, but:

What can I say, I dig simplicity.

Art Vandelay

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Re: Show Us Your Living Quarters! (Picture Intensive)
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2013, 01:03:05 am »
Jesus Christ, Darkfire. How do you afford all that stuff?

Offline Alehksunos

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Re: Show Us Your Living Quarters! (Picture Intensive)
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2013, 06:16:33 am »
Aww... I wish I could be as big a loser as Tai.

Also, fuck yeah, Mischief Makers.