Author Topic: Tropes You Hate (aka The Pet Peeve Tropes Thread)  (Read 7710 times)

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Re: Tropes You Hate (aka The Pet Peeve Tropes Thread)
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2013, 10:47:35 am »
Both the Princesses Prefer Pink and the Damsel In Distress tropes. I prefer my princesses to be badasses.

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Re: Tropes You Hate (aka The Pet Peeve Tropes Thread)
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2013, 11:03:34 am »
What about the badass damsel like this   

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Re: Tropes You Hate (aka The Pet Peeve Tropes Thread)
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2013, 11:19:48 am »
Badass Damsel is part of the badass princess trope, or very similar, so I have no problem. One could say both Princress Leia, and her mother Padme are good examples of badass damsels. Both are used as examples, and I have say the scene from AOTC where Padme gets out her handcuffs first has to be one of my favorite scenes from the prequels, she's like "Fuck that shit, I'm outta here. You two can continue to hang around if you like to."
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 11:27:56 am by Empress Nicki »

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Re: Tropes You Hate (aka The Pet Peeve Tropes Thread)
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2013, 11:32:58 am »
I hate comedy movies where fat, sloppy men are praised for being "true men", and then there are a ton of fat girl jokes and objectification of skinny women in the movie. Often in the same movie there will also be the "dumb fake girl" jokes. Seriously, no matter what a girl does she can't win in these movies. If she's fat or doesn't dress up, she's a "whale" or "ugly dyke". If she's thin she's joked about being anorexic, or a typical woman. If she wears a lot of makeup she's a dumb whore, and will get crude jokes about her body(Like loose vagina jokes, anal sex jokes, blow job jokes, etc).
Even the "good girls" get jokes. Either they're quiet, young, have no point in the movie other than being the main character's love, or they're joked about as being "prude" or a "typical woman".

I also hear a lot of jokes about how "stupid" or "silly' mental disorders and victims reactions to violence are. Like when people hear stories about someone hearing voices(schizophrenia) a lot of times you will hear someone say "Wow what an idiot, I think they just confused their thoughts with real voices", or "I don't understand why women freeze up while getting raped. I'd just [insert stupid act here]! Then no one would rape me."

Also the "boys will be boys" stuff. That kinda goes with the first one.

Other than stupid teenage romantic comedies, I can't seem to think of anything that would fit that mold.
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Re: Tropes You Hate (aka The Pet Peeve Tropes Thread)
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2013, 10:04:36 am »
The obligatory romance sub-plot in everything shits me to no end.

Agreed.  Very few shows do it well.  But most of the time it just leads to Flanderization, another trope I despise. 

-Hollywood pudgy is another one that ticks me off.  99% of the time, the actresses they say are getting fat are completely average weight.  Way to encourage females with body issues.   

-Glurge can go to hell.  I get enough of that with religion, I don't need it plauging entertainment. 

-"Not so different" can be done well, but there are times when it just comes across as preachy, trying to paint every day humans as no different from the worst monsters in history (another reason I despise religion). 

-Last but not least, all of the "true art" tropes. 

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Re: Tropes You Hate (aka The Pet Peeve Tropes Thread)
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2013, 04:00:49 am »
 -Fanon Discontinuity

Seriously, I get that you didn't like sequel X or something but sometimes it turns into really childish whining. "Oh, I didn't like Highlander 2 or Star trek N or whatever so I will pretend that it never happened and this makes me a better fan."
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Re: Tropes You Hate (aka The Pet Peeve Tropes Thread)
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2013, 04:23:36 am »
Although in Highlander 2's case even the creators acknowledge Zeist never happened

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Re: Tropes You Hate (aka The Pet Peeve Tropes Thread)
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2013, 06:55:15 am »
The one I hate the most is Idiot Plot.  A story in which the only way to maintain the conflict is to have all the characters be complete morons.  Has a cousin, the Idiot Ball, in which the conflict is instigated or maintained because a single character conveniently does something breathtakingly stupid.  Generally these cover almost all the moments that make you scream at the screen, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!"

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Re: Tropes You Hate (aka The Pet Peeve Tropes Thread)
« Reply #23 on: February 08, 2013, 09:53:53 am »
Redshirt Army:  The reason I gave up on Primeval was because they had lots of soldiers who were only there to be eaten/squished each week.  If the other soldiers seemed upset, you had Cutter looking at them like they'd failed somehow.  But it's only a tragedy if one of the main characters gets hurt or killed.

And Misaimed Hatedom:  Look at what happened when Blaze Bailey became lead singer of Iron Maiden or Annette Olzon became lad singer of Nightwish.  In both cases, the events that transpired that allowed them to become lead singer had nothing to do with them, took place long before they joined and were not their fault.  In both cases, they were on the receiving end of tirades of abuse (there are youtube vids of Annette Olzon leaving the stage in tears because of the abuse) and yet neither had done anything to be on the receiving end.  And in both cases, the rest of the respective bands seem to have escaped the abuse.
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