Author Topic: Making sense of the strange social norms on this board  (Read 16090 times)

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Offline Joey

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Making sense of the strange social norms on this board
« on: April 29, 2013, 05:54:09 am »
I'm still trying to get a sense for the way things work on this board. But so far, from what I've gathered:

1. It's perfectly acceptable to make the most crude, repulsive jokes on the [BAD JOKE] thread, as long as they are kept there, including Boston Marathon jokes and racist jokes.

2. Anything even slightly politically incorrect is totally unacceptable anywhere else on the board.

3. Personal attacks on other members are allowed anywhere.

4. You're allowed to hijack unrelated threads to insult other members because you are still pissy about something they said a whole week prior.

5. You can create hate threads directed against other members in Flame & Burn.

6. If you are upset because you think someone is "being a douchebag," your're allowed to be 10 times as much of a douchebag when whining about it.

7. When making a thread about a political figure, idea, or belief system you disagree with, the accepted practice is to fill it with hate and insults, rather than foster an intellectual discussion and critical analysis.

Please confirm that these are in fact the rules, because I intend to start engaging in all of these practices regularly from now on, in substitution of my original purpose for signing up here which was to critically analyze and discuss religious and political ideas.

(For the record, I don't expect to get a serious reply to this thread; I fully expect more insults and mud-slinging, because quite honestly, a good number of you are as hateful as the fundies you claim to oppose.)
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Re: Making sense of the strange social norms on this board
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2013, 07:50:32 am »
Don't forget you're allowed to make threads that passive aggressively attack the forum.

That's a popular one.

As for #1, it's probably because it's long past most of the mods being willing to look directly at it. I've nuked it once already.

Offline Rabbit of Caerbannog

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Re: Making sense of the strange social norms on this board
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2013, 10:30:50 am »

Offline Cataclysm

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Re: Making sense of the strange social norms on this board
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2013, 11:16:04 am »
I like your avatar.

Come back in 2 months or so when people might take you seriously again.
I'd be more sympathetic if people here didn't act like they knew what they were saying when they were saying something very much wrong.

Commenter Brendan Rizzo is an American (still living there) who really, really hates America. He used to make posts defending his country from anti-American attacks but got fed up with it all.

Offline chitoryu12

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Re: Making sense of the strange social norms on this board
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2013, 11:17:08 am »
2. Anything even slightly politically incorrect is totally unacceptable anywhere else on the board.

Strawman. You didn't get lambasted for being "slightly politically incorrect", nor did anyone else. You made a joke in a thread about the bombing shortly after it occurred and when one of the members' friends had lost her arm to it, and then responded to people telling you "Too soon" by insulting them and talking about how /b/ is like the real world.
Still can't think of a signature a year later.

Art Vandelay

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Re: Making sense of the strange social norms on this board
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2013, 11:23:34 am »
I'mma just leave this here for you all to enjoy.

Offline Rabbit of Caerbannog

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Re: Making sense of the strange social norms on this board
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2013, 12:07:46 pm »
2. Anything even slightly politically incorrect is totally unacceptable anywhere else on the board.

Strawman. You didn't get lambasted for being "slightly politically incorrect", nor did anyone else. You made a joke in a thread about the bombing shortly after it occurred and when one of the members' friends had lost her arm to it, and then responded to people telling you "Too soon" by insulting them and talking about how /b/ is like the real world.
And then there's the whole "feminist women are just unattractive" shtick.

Offline ironbite

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Re: Making sense of the strange social norms on this board
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2013, 01:17:34 pm »
Man Joey if you're this thin skinned you'd never survive /b/ or the real world.


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Re: Making sense of the strange social norms on this board
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2013, 02:23:33 pm »
The allstar PC people line up in here makes me smile.

Offline davedan

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Re: Making sense of the strange social norms on this board
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2013, 06:35:22 pm »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I am so fucking hard, and not an emo bitch whining about how people treat me when I behave like a cock. Don't they know that the sun shines out of my arse and that my piss cures cancer.

Line up crackers.

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Re: Making sense of the strange social norms on this board
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2013, 07:05:41 pm »
I agree on pretty much all of these points.

What kind of atmosphere are we setting when we make it okay to be a bag of dicks to someone if most of the forum agrees with you?  When the fuck did that become okay?  I really don't give a shit if you don't like the person or if you think they've been an asshole.  The way forumites react a lot of the time just multiplies the fucking problem.  Oh, and then there's the occasional forumites that won't ever let go of a grudge.  I can't say I'm a big fan of them.

I know you guys don't like Joey and say he's trying to start shit, but you're not helping to rectify anything and are sometimes being just as bad.

Also, I really think the "Dear Joey" thread should've been locked a few days after Joey was banned, but that's just me.  If I were to give personal advice to Joey, I'd say to be the bigger man and let it go.  You're outnumbered and it's pretty futile to argue.

I'm not saying Joey was justified a week ago.  I'm just saying that the way people are responding to him now that he's back is pretty shitty.  I'm willing to give Joey a second chance if you guys are willing to do the same and behave like you want him to.  To pretend like he's the only one who's been a douchebag over this whole fiasco is blind, naive, and hypocritical.

@Art:  Oh yeah.  That's a really mature way of addressing Joey's post.  Why take any of his points to task when you can say "I don't give a shit what you have to say!" in a single image.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2013, 08:13:04 pm by B-Man »
My friend's blog.  Check it out!

I blame/credit The Doctor with inspiring my name change.

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Re: Making sense of the strange social norms on this board
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2013, 09:00:25 pm »
Why should we give him a second chance if he continues to go around the forum being an asshole? And yes, he's done it in places that were not in response to insults.
Guys, this is getting creepy. Can we talk about cannibalism instead?

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Offline Rabbit of Caerbannog

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Re: Making sense of the strange social norms on this board
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2013, 09:06:04 pm »
I'm willing to give Joey a second chance if you guys are willing to do the same and behave like you want him to.
If he's willing to do that as opposed to sitting around whining about how everyone "cried out their vaginas for hours" (?) and acting like he's the poor victim of political correctness run amok. He doesn't actually regret what he did, he regrets that he was called out for it.

Offline Sigmaleph

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Re: Making sense of the strange social norms on this board
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2013, 09:10:07 pm »
The way things work here is, more or less: Don't be too much of an asshole, and people will mostly let things go. Cross that line, wherever it may be set, and people will go after you for things they would forgive in others, because:
a) they are more obvious when you do them,
b) they have no reason to assume good will, because they are already convinced you are an asshole and
c) we are human, and human brains work like that by default. Not our best quality. I'm not defending it.

You could recognise you did a shitty thing, apologise, and let everything go back to the status quo. Or you could double down and let the quality of discourse devolve steadily, with occasional observers pointing out how stupid everyone is being (e.g. B-Man above),  until you ragequit or get permabanned, and things go back to normal.

Seen it happen a thousand times, with some variations. I don't like it, but I don't expect it to change. You are not a particularly regrettable case of it.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2013, 09:12:23 pm by Sigmaleph »

Offline Rabbit of Caerbannog

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Re: Making sense of the strange social norms on this board
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2013, 09:12:53 pm »
Off topic but hey Sigma, haven't seen you in what feels like forever :P