Author Topic: The Dream Thread  (Read 152309 times)

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Offline Vypernight

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #255 on: May 05, 2013, 06:14:47 am »
I helped a wookie beat the crap out of a darkside E.T.
Whenever I hear a politician speaking strongly for or against abortion, all I hear is, "I have no idea how to fix the economy!"

Offline Dynamic Dragon

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #256 on: May 05, 2013, 02:12:44 pm »
I had a dream about Bashar al-Assad dying from inhaling Sarin gas.  Needless to say, I was disappointed when I woke up.
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Offline Meshakhad

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #257 on: May 06, 2013, 01:50:42 pm »
I had a dream about the girl I'm interested in. By the end of the dream, we had kissed, and were about to have sex.
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Offline Vypernight

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #258 on: May 11, 2013, 03:53:43 pm »
What is it with me and 911 dreams?  Every time something happens in my dreams and I try to cal 911, either I can't get through or the person on the other end doesn't believe me ot doesn't care.

Here are some I've had before:

1. My little brother fell into the river and we couldn't find him.  I called and they asked if it was really that important, saying they had other things to do.

2. A lion was chasing us through an office building, but the person on the other end of the line didn't believe us (Okay, I understand it in this case).

3.  A lady ran over a kid on a skateboard but was more concerned that people would call her racist for hitting a black kid than the fact that said kid was barely alive.  The person on the other end of the line said, "Jay, I'm disappointed in you.  You know better than to make up stuff like that."

4.  I don't remember the situation, but I remember calling, skipping the initial report, and just threatening to show up at the emergency station with a rocket launcher.  Unfortunately, I woke up in mid-threat.

5.  Couldn't get through because it was busy.

6.  Got the reply;  "Stop calling, this is for emergencies!"

7.  For some weird reason, I couldn't find the 9 or 1 on my cell phone.

8.  The other night, I dreamt that a dog led me to a pet store where the store's owner was lying on the ground.  For some reason, I called immediately instead of checking his condition.  The person on the other end of the line said, "This is our day off.  Check the yellow pages for someone else."  I ended up going next door to a restaurant and getting Them to call.

I'm afraid to call anyone if there's a real emergency now!
Whenever I hear a politician speaking strongly for or against abortion, all I hear is, "I have no idea how to fix the economy!"

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #259 on: May 11, 2013, 04:08:54 pm »
I dreamed I was back with my ex for some god only knows reason.

Ironbite-yeah couldn't get back to sleep for another hour after that.

Offline Dynamic Dragon

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #260 on: May 12, 2013, 09:30:35 am »
I dreamed that I was a crewmember aboard the Normandy.  It ended just as Legion was brought aboard.
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Offline Sleepy

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #261 on: May 12, 2013, 11:44:37 am »
I dreamt that I found a stray dog on the road and brought him back to my place to care for him. He had at least five tags on his collar, and they said that his owner lived in Dahlgren. I called several numbers that were listed on the tags, but they were either disconnected or went straight to voicemail. I was sad that he'd never get to see his owner again, but he seemed perfectly happy with me.

At one point, I was walking up my driveway and found several exotic animals along the way. One was a cheetah, and he trotted over to me and let me pet him just like a domestic kitty.
Guys, this is getting creepy. Can we talk about cannibalism instead?

If a clown eats salmon on Tuesday, how much does a triangle weigh on Jupiter? Ask Mr. Wiggins for 10% off of your next dry cleaning bill. -Hades

Offline Dynamic Dragon

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #262 on: May 12, 2013, 09:43:16 pm »
I had a dream where I owned a pet tiger.  The pizza deliveryman nearly wet himself at the sight of it.
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Offline Feral Dog

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #263 on: May 13, 2013, 04:27:38 am »
My dreams come in two varieties. One: This freaky circular thing where details at the end of the circle change. Most recent example: I go to school, where we learn about photosynthesis. On my way home, I see a guy running from another guy with a knife but I'm totally okay with it for some reason. I get home, go back to school, learn about photosynthesis. On my way home, I see the two guys but this time I'm a little concerned. It repeats until eventually I'm the one with the knife chasing the two guys.
Two: I run into someone I haven't seen in a while and we immediately begin fighting. It can range from verbal snarking to tanks and armies. Most recent example: Bumped into an auntie at the grocery store, she called me a slut and I threw a can of chicken noodle soup at her face.
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EDIT: Aaaand my 10,000th post is about fascism, Plato, and gay sex. This is clearly a great accomplishment.

Offline Sour Grapes

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #264 on: May 14, 2013, 03:55:18 am »
This will teach me not to eat Cookie Crisp at 4am.

I was asleep, and I could have sworn that I heard sweeping and mopping.  I get up, go into the kitchen and there's my Mom.  Naturally I'm startled, and go, in essence:  "Bwha?"  Mom sees me, then is... pulled backward.  As if she's got a hook in her butt or something.  I chase after, going "Ma... Ma..."  I catch up to her, and ask:  "What are you DOING here?"
"What I always do," she replies.
"B-but you DIED," I say.  She sort of reels, her hand clutching her heart, and says something like:  "I don't believe you."

That's when I woke up.

Offline EvilEdwin

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #265 on: May 22, 2013, 03:45:27 am »
I've always been a pretty vivid dreamer and I tend to remember most of what I dream. Heck I can remember dreams from 10 years ago. But I don't usually write them down. However this dream, from a few years ago, was exceptionally vivid and memorable. So I woke up and wrote the whole thing down.

It's pretty long and I can understand that some people think I may have just made this up, rather than it being a dream, but I assure you this is completely genuine. Obviously in writing it down I've had to help it make more sense than perhaps dreams do, but I've not altered the content in any way, just the narrative so it flows a bit better. The one thing I have altered is the main character, who was The Doctor in the dream.

“There are some things you need to know about time travel. It’s dangerous. The pair of us being here can change the future.”

“In what way? It’s not as if we’re interfering with anything major”, the girl interjected.

“How you can you be sure though?”, he replied. “By just being on this street we’re changing the future. All these people, going about their business, we’re getting in the way.”

“Take this old lady coming towards us. She’s going to have to go around us, where before she just carried on straight past. We’ve cost here mere seconds really, but those seconds can have a knock on effect elsewhere. She may miss a bus or a train. Or meet an old friend she wouldn’t have otherwise. It’s called the butterfly effect. Small, often inconsequential effects, can have a much larger unseen impact.”

“So we could start a World War Three by being here?”, the girl added.

“I think that’s a little unlikely”, the time traveller said. “I think most of the time the universe just compensates for these unscheduled interruptions. The worst we could do is to prevent a few people being born.” He paused, “or stop people meeting.”

“Are you sure you want to do this though? I mean that accident had a pretty big impact upon your life. It would change everything.”

“That accident took six years of my life”, she said. “I spent years in rehabilitation. Years wondering if I’d walk again, wishing I was dead.”

“But you recovered”, he said.

“I did, but the price was too high. I want those years back. Will you do it for me?”

The time traveller stopped and gazed upon the street. He looked upon the people travelling to work. The hustle and bustle of shops and street vendors.

“Is this where it happened?”

“On that corner there”, the girl pointed at a traffic light just changing to green. “We’ve got about ten minutes.”

“Okay”, he said. “You wait in that bar over there. Order us some drinks. I’ll watch for you here. Past you I mean”.

“What will you do?”, she asked.

He looked at his watch. “I’ll think of something.”

“There’s something I need you to do though.” The girl nodded in reply. “Once you appear, past you, I want you to hide. The pair of you can’t see each other. It could have a profound effect on the future.”

“Alright”, she said “Good luck”. Reaching up she kissed him on the cheek, before turning around and walking towards the bar.

He watched her walk the short distance before checking his watch again. Anytime now he thought.

The few minutes seemed like a life time. The street was as busy as ever and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to find her quickly enough.

Walking a few steps along the street he could see her watching him from the window of the bar. He smiled, she waved back.

Starting back along the street he saw a small red haired girl coming towards him. This was it. This was the moment. Looking at the corner where the accident was about to happen, a plan formed in his mind.

Casting one more glance at the window of the bar, he quickened his pace, pushing his way through the busy shoppers. Every second was important.

His heart beat faster as he got closer. His hands sweated. This would be the only chance he’d have to do this. He had to make it work.

Stopping a few meters away, he began fumbling in his coat pockets. Pulling out a packet of cigarettes he approached the girl.

“Excuse me. You don’t happen to have a light I could borrow do you?” It was the best he could think of.

“Erm…no sorry, I don’t smoke”, was the reply. Her voice was somehow lighter than the one he’d come to know, it carried a more care free tone.

She began to carry on walking. There was still no sign of the van.

Panicking a little he tried to press the conversation. “Ur, could you tell me where the…err, King’s Head is please?”

“The what?” she said abruptly.

“The King’s Head. It’s a pub around here.”

“No”, she said and turned around to walk off. There was still no sign of the van.

He checked his watch again. “Are you sure? It’s quite popular. Does amazing food apparently.”

“No I really don’t know. I’m sorry.”

At that moment the street was filled by engine noise as a van hurtled around the corner, running a red light. There were a few screams as people ran out of its path and then the van shot off down the road at excessive speeds, inuring no one.

The time traveller and girl watched the van speed off. “Maniac. He could have killed someone”, she said. He smiled. “Or severely hurt someone.”

He watched as she turned and continued her path along the street, turned a corner and vanished from sight.

Still smiling he headed back to the bar. In the window he could see the girl he knew looking back at him. She’d watched the whole thing. He sighed, knowing what would happen next.

She smiled at him as he crossed the street, happy that he’d stopped the accident. He stopped short of the window where she could still be seen. A yellow glow enveloped her and, still smiling, she vanished.

At the table by the window, two drinks sat, one full, one half empty. Her red lipstick surrounding the rim. Lifting the full glass he drank deeply until a female voice behind startled him.

Stood there, clutching a piece of paper, was the barmaid. “The lady who was sat there asked me to give you this.” Taking the folded piece of paper, he recognised his name written in the girl’s handwriting.

“If you’re reading this then it can mean only one thing. You stopped the accident, but I’m gone. I realise now what you meant earlier about how us being here could affect the future. Stopping the accident came with a price, and that prices was me. Or rather us. Without the accident we would have never met and had all those great times. I don’t know what will happen now, with my life, with yours. But I want you to do one last thing for me. Find me. Find the me you saved. Find me and get to know me all over again. I love you.”

He put the paper in his pocket and took one last drink. He knew this was the price for what she asked. That’s why he asked her to hide. Not to prevent the two of them from seeing each other, but because he couldn’t bear to see what would happen to her.

Finishing the drink he returned the glass to the table. Closed his eyes, and was gone.

Offline Dynamic Dragon

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #266 on: May 22, 2013, 11:18:13 am »
I had a nightmare where I was in the Mass Effect universe.  I was a colonist, relaxing on a lawnchair.  Unfortunately, a Cerberus ship landed.  They set up a dragontooth and shot me.
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Offline doomcup

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #267 on: May 22, 2013, 02:00:05 pm »
I tend to have pretty vivid dreams. I actually keep a dream journal, but I've been pretty lax about keeping it and haven't put an entry in for a while.

This last night I had a couple fairly bad ones. The first, I dreamed I was looking after the house as usual, keeping an eye on the dog and such, when this car drove up to the house and honked. Taking the dog into my arms, I go out and see what they want. It's a woman in the car, thin, short dark hair, big brown eyes, very pale skin, and with a blank expression she pulls a gun on me. I know that moment I'm going to die. I wake up before she fires. That dream felt far too real.

The second one wasn't as bad for most of it. It was a blur, mostly having to do with libraries and travel, trying to find showers, strange things. But it got especially creepy at the end, when I was watching something. It was just a stupid show with stupid jokes, but then it got random and creepy. The audio was replaced with these odd noise screeches, and I'm just dumbfounded as I watch, the screen filling with odd images, like dead bodies, ragged cloth, a strange porcelain doll with two huge empty round eyes and an equally empty round hole for a mouth, and such. The one coherent thing I hear as it zooms in on bits is someone shouting "HANG THE FLAG". I woke up shortly afterwards.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 02:06:15 pm by doomcup »

Offline Sleepy

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #268 on: May 31, 2013, 06:34:26 pm »
I dreamt that I was sitting on the bleachers at a baseball game, and Rihanna sat down beside me. Apparently we were fairly good friends, and we chatted for awhile. A rapper (I have no clue which one) sat down beside her after a bit, and my ex sat beside me shortly afterward. He spilled the rapper's drink, which led to an argument and numerous threats. I was ashamed at this point, because this clearly damaged my relationship with Rihanna, perhaps beyond repair. The rapper stormed off to find some paper towels.
Guys, this is getting creepy. Can we talk about cannibalism instead?

If a clown eats salmon on Tuesday, how much does a triangle weigh on Jupiter? Ask Mr. Wiggins for 10% off of your next dry cleaning bill. -Hades


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #269 on: May 31, 2013, 06:39:58 pm »
I dreamt that I was sitting on the bleachers at a baseball game, and Rihanna sat down beside me. Apparently we were fairly good friends, and we chatted for awhile. A rapper (I have no clue which one) sat down beside her after a bit, and my ex sat beside me shortly afterward. He spilled the rapper's drink, which led to an argument and numerous threats. I was ashamed at this point, because this clearly damaged my relationship with Rihanna, perhaps beyond repair. The rapper stormed off to find some paper towels.

I love your dreams ;D