Author Topic: Worst of Social Justice  (Read 1573516 times)

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Offline Sigmaleph

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #3840 on: June 08, 2014, 10:42:00 pm »
(It's surprising how much of my criticism of stupid social justice can be summed up as "X is only bad when the other side does it")

That's an excellent point right there.
Depends on what you're talking about.

Most things do. It's not a general rule, just an observation of a pattern I've noticed.

Offline niam2023

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #3841 on: June 08, 2014, 11:50:08 pm »
If you ever find yourself saying that its only bad if they are the ones doing it, then stop.

You are suffering from Moral Myopia.
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Offline I am lizard

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #3842 on: June 08, 2014, 11:58:49 pm »
If you ever find yourself saying that its only bad if they are the ones doing it, then stop.

You are suffering from Moral Myopia.
I meant more like how it's more okay to make jokes about white people than black people.
But yeah, stuff like death threats and shit is bad, m'kay.
Death and rape threats are reeal bad, m'kay.
Don't send rape/death threats m'kay.

Offline Thejebusfire

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #3843 on: June 09, 2014, 01:34:00 am »

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #3844 on: June 09, 2014, 02:06:16 am »
Already posted. Last page, I think.

Also, I think this is going to piss off quite a few of our members here:

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Offline Thejebusfire

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #3845 on: June 09, 2014, 02:23:52 am »
My bad.

One the funnier side, they later go on to bitch about their dad restricting their internet use.

Offline TheUnknown

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #3846 on: June 09, 2014, 02:29:12 am »
Already posted. Last page, I think.

Also, I think this is going to piss off quite a few of our members here:

Yeah, when people say "I wish I was autistic", I get the feeling they mean "I wish I was just high enough to have good mental clarity, but low enough to have special savant abilities".  Or they want Aspergers, because hey, "they get to be special, but are really no different neurotypical people, right?"

Offline Alehksunos

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #3847 on: June 09, 2014, 03:44:08 am »
Already posted. Last page, I think.

Also, I think this is going to piss off quite a few of our members here:

So, you want to be an Autistic person. Let me tell you about it, from the perspective of an actual Autistic person:

I hate being Autistic, so much. You are sensitive to all five of your feelings, and you have the whole internet making jokes about you, notably jokes about the hugbox.

I feel the internet is permanently scarred by the awful aftertaste left by many antics of Christian Weston Chandler, and jokes of fictional character crushes and other forms of obsession. I know, because Autistic people obsess about various things, often some of the strangest subject matter. Whether it be about locomotives, locomotive companies and locomotives across the globe, or watching an intro to a classic television show ad nauseum.

I doubt I've listed every useful insight, but how I feel about it is that I see it more as a "curse" than a "blessing". And some non-Autistics even see us like we're the X-Men or something.

Offline RavynousHunter

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #3848 on: June 09, 2014, 07:58:40 am »
Yeaaaaaaaaaah...I've lived with someone with rather severe Asperger's and it is not a fucking picnic.  Of course, that could also be attributable to the fact he's got a dozen other things wrong psychologically because his mother and babysitter all but totally destroyed his frontal lobe when he was a baby by holding him over a unlit (but leaking) gas stove to stop him from crying.  Its less "I live with a X-Man!" and more "I really wish my room was fucking soundproofed."
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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #3849 on: June 09, 2014, 01:17:52 pm »
...because his mother and babysitter all but totally destroyed his frontal lobe when he was a baby by holding him over a unlit (but leaking) gas stove to stop him from crying...

WTF had the never heard of NyQuil or whiskey?

That was sarcasm by the way, although in this case it sounds like the poor fucker would have been better off even if it had been taken as serious advice.

Offline RavynousHunter

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #3850 on: June 09, 2014, 01:28:55 pm »
...because his mother and babysitter all but totally destroyed his frontal lobe when he was a baby by holding him over a unlit (but leaking) gas stove to stop him from crying...

WTF had the never heard of NyQuil or whiskey?

That was sarcasm by the way, although in this case it sounds like the poor fucker would have been better off even if it had been taken as serious advice.

Alas, this was in the 60s.  In the South.  And my grandmother is many things, but not a one of 'em is "bright."
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Offline Kat S.

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #3851 on: June 09, 2014, 02:50:32 pm »
Of all the things I've have went to on the internet from Something Awful to Encyclopedia Dramatica to even observing the activities of 4chan, the SJW sections on tumblr is one place I do not want to go.  The blatant hypocrisy, selfishness, attention-whoring, sanctimoniousness and stupidity displayed with the obliviousness and sincerity of the poster him/her/whateverself along with it are some of the things that make me avoid that site altogether. 

Perhaps it's my service in the military that has made me less tolerant to bulls**t like that, or the fact that people like that actually exist make it too depressing to visit.  At least with trolls you know that they are more than likely, aside from possible real life anti-social behavior, not really who they say they are.  The social justice warriors are not only sincere, but cannot be easily dealt with.

I apologize first hand if someone has already discussed these points, but I would also like to make my observances that:

-Self diagnoses of problems doesn't give you free license to have maladaptive behavior both online and IRL.  As others have posted, having an Autism Spectrum disorder is not a picnic, it's an issue that people must live and cope with on a day to day basis.
- "Triggers" are things that actually cause you to relive traumatic experiences and can disrupt normal daily life activities.  They are not things that simply "hurt your feelings" or "make you uncomfortable".  Like some of Army buddies that have "triggers", they don't expect society to conform to their problems and prevent triggers or put "Trigger Warnings" on everything that specifically bothers them.  They actually seek out professional help in dealing with the "triggers" and other issues with PTSD.
-You cannot be a b***h/a**hole to others because somebody picked on you in the past, and the person you're dealing with now happens to be in that demographic group of people who gave you s**t in the past.  Newsflash: Everyone on Earth has dealt with some kind of emotional pain at some point in their life, and your "struggles" are not unique to you or your demographic group.  In fact, you may be surprised at the types of people who share your problems.
- If you want respect, you have to show respect for other groups via "The Golden Rule".  It's okay to disagree with other people's opinions; that inevitably happens time and time again.  Saying, "Die (group of which you despise)! Just Die!" isn't going to reflect highly on yourself or the group you are trying to represent.  Again, I know this is not absolute, but it does help.

That's really all I have to say about that now.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 02:53:28 pm by Kat S. »

Offline TheUnknown

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #3852 on: June 09, 2014, 05:06:34 pm »
Flight Rising is Really Creepy

It just irks me. I get the appeal. It’s a strategy game where the goal is to use selective breeding to genetically engineer cool dragons. I just can’t get past the idea of a game that revolves around controlling the screwing privileges of dragons and getting them to pump out babies.

And am I correct in understanding that the characteristics controlled by breeding are strictly tied to appearance? A dragon’s abilities and stats are not tied to the genetic fitness of it’s parents? You can breed for whatever radical colors and markings you want without any genetic defects being passed along with them? As a person who takes a hard moral opposition to irresponsible breeding of animals in captivity, that’s kind of upsetting.

BUT I GET IT! It’s just a game. It doesn’t operate on real genetic principals and it’s not fair to compare it to real-life animal welfare issues. I mean, these are dragons. after all. They’re totally magic. So, I can’t really condemn this game. It’s brought a lot of joy to many people I know. It just doesn’t appeal too me personally… It’s to skeevy.

Maybe as the game developers continue to update and expand, they’ll even introduce starting stat bonuses to the breeding mechanics. That would be cool of them.

It's a pet site about breeding colorful dragons.  That's it.  Also, now they're getting pissy:

you refer to the game as "skeevy" and "upsetting," "creepy" while going on your misinformed rant, how is that not hate? you must either be a troll or grossly unintelligent.

Those words constitute negative criticism.

At no point did I express any intolerance or hostility that would constitute the commonly excepted definition of “hate.”

Here are some direct quotes from the article in question which you have chosen to disregard:

"It [Flight Rising] doesn’t operate on real genetic principals…"

And acknowledgment that the breeding process does not negatively impact the Dragons.

"… and it’s not fair to compare it to real-life animal welfare issues."

Again, acknowledgement that Flight Rising is fantasy and there is nothing morally dubious taking place within the context of the game.
"So, I can’t really condemn this game. It’s brought a lot of joy to many people I know. It just doesn’t appeal too me personally…”

Ouch. What a sick burn. I can’t believe I wrote that. <—- Sarcasm.

Criticism is a thing which everyone will encounter in their lives. Learning to give it due consideration, while not taking it personally, even when it’s negative is an essential skill. As an adult we owe it to ourselves and the people we interact with to do this.

To mislabel it as “hate” trivializes victims of actual hatred and discrimination.

So then what was the point of your damn post?  No really, what was the point?  You proclaim the game to be skeevy, then undermine your own assessment by saying it doesn't matter, because none of the real world conditions apply.  You then proclaim you were giving criticism, when in that post you negate your own criticism by, again, saying how pointless it is and that those criticisms don't apply here.  You can't claim to have a thoughtful criticism when you admit that the very points you're basing it on are meaningless in this context.  It's not criticism, it's just personal preference at this point.  You know what I think?  I think you shoved in those counter-arguments to your "criticism" for the sole purpose of deflecting criticism against you.

And if you think, "but Iosa, while they may have worded it poorly, I kind of get what they're saying", there's this:

What's your stance on the Pokemon games?

I don’t have a moral stance on the Pokemon games.

Yeah, get in a moral tizzy over an internet dragon breeding, but feel nothing for a world-wide franchise whose main appeal is making animals fight each other (and also includes massive breeding projects).  Even those who don't play the game know that that's the main premise.

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #3853 on: June 10, 2014, 12:53:08 am »
I've gotten to the point where I occasionally put really stupid trigger warnings on my posts, like "tw: the british" or "tw: buttholes".
Still can't think of a signature a year later.

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #3854 on: June 10, 2014, 01:04:54 am »
tw: words

tw: trigger warnings