Author Topic: Half Life: The Consequences of a Full Life  (Read 3653 times)

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Offline Second Coming of Madman

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Half Life: The Consequences of a Full Life
« on: September 07, 2014, 02:18:47 pm »
Yeah, I actually wanted to rewrite Full Life Consequences into something somewhat decent. Yes, I'm that bored.

And now for the first time, we are bringing you the full story of what happened on that fateful day! We are bringing the evidence based only on secret testimonies of the miserable souls that survived this terrible ordeal. My friends, we cannot keep this a secret any longer! LET US PUNISH THE GUILTY!  LET US REWARD THE INNOCENT! My friends, can you stand this tale of interdimensional warfare as has never been read before?


"Should have chosen a major, John. You could be doing what I'm doing right now. That being working on experimental teleportation technology and theorem, using a alternate dimension full of floating islands. Hey, look! I just violated the Espionage Act of 1917 by saying that to you! Eh, who's going to know that I possibly disseminated vital information?"

As Gordon Freeman handed his staff identification card to the red-haired guard sitting behind the desk, he took a closer look at his brother. John was a slim, broad-shouldered ruddy-haired man who tended to keep his weapons close and his enemies closer. After John nonchalantly looked over the card and handed it back to Gordon, he waved Gordon on.

"Yeah, and I could also be eaten by a alien. I see what you guys bring back and it's not pretty. Not exactly a choice career path."

As Gordon walked onward towards the entrance to the lower parts of the facilities of Black Mesa, John reclined in his chair. He had little to do today, except a required training session with the new vests the eggheads were rolling out to replace the body armor the guards already wore.

"At least I'm not that idiot Calhoun at the very least. Amazing that the human body can survive after the frontal lobe's been removed via Bullsquid jaw. Even more amazing that the idiot scientist didn't see that coming."

As he heard the sound of his cochlear speaker implant being remotely turned on, he snapped to attention. It would seem that Gina was itching to get this over with, a sentiment he completely shared.

"Security Officer Freeman, would you please report to Sector A for training in the use of the Hazardous Environment Ballistic Vest? As you know, the HEBV is a replacement for your current body armor."

Sighing as he lifted himself out of the chair and doffed his personal armor, he made his way to Sector A's training facilities. It continued to amazed him that anybody would spend that much money just to create a death course of hazard only to train their employees. But then again, Breen was always a bit kooky.


"Now, let's review the functions of the HEBV MK 1. The HEBV is a suit of highly advanced body armor, built for use in the highly hostile environments you will be encountering in this facility's employment. It is composed of a composite of electrically hardened steel plates above several sheets of Kevlar. Now, it can use power from any electrical source but there are specialized chargers meant for it exclusively. However, it's always good to use something else in a pinch."

As John looked at the vest laying on a table in front of him, the supervisor Gina Cross droned on. In addition, two gloves and a helmet that appeared to be a modification of a gas mask laid on the table with the vest.

"Just let me lock you into the vest and you can put the rest on, John. Now, I'd like to mention one more thing. The vest also includes some features that the contractors left in from their military issue products. I'm not supposed to tell you this, but it might just save your life. There is a wide variety of combat features still usable. These include weapons management, a variety of view modes, active camouflage activated via the console on the gloves and a sort of dark energy "combat knive". And if you die, you have nobody but yourself to blame."

John nodded and put on the rest of the HEBV, running out to the start of the course in it. As he ran, he noticed that he was running far faster than usual despite the added weight. Catching up to Gina, he saw the modules of the course moving around and shifting into place.

"Let's see. First up course? That's odd. It's the only course."

The two walked into the door of the first module. Holographic targets stood before them, standing still. Gina pressed a couple of buttons on a wall-mounted consoles, making the targets move from side to side. Pulling out his Glock 17 in a rough and hesitant motion, he opened fire at the nearest one and watched it vanish.

"Excellent. You've gotten better at this since last time. Colette nearly lost her head with your previous accuracy. Let's move on."

After a couple more shots, all of the targets had been dispatched by John. Gina nodded in approval and whispered in his ear.

"Listen, John. Something is making me uneasy lately, ever since sample GG-3883 arrived here. I've already prepared a stash of weapons I sneaked out from the ammunition dump, in case me and Colette have to make a run for it. If anything happens, feel free to use it if you need anything."

As John walked off from the Hazard Course, he too felt unusually nervous. It was almost as if something was pulling the strings of the world from the shadows, like some sinister puppeteer.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 02:21:18 pm by Second Coming of Madman »
@KanzlerImaginos - Feel free to drop me a line.

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Re: Half Life: The Consequences of a Full Life
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2014, 05:46:45 pm »
Yeah, this wasn't a one-off joke. Yeah.

John sat at his desk smugly, waiting for something to come near him. The occasional green lightning bolt flew by him, but he was oddly nonchalant. A small and crudely drawn map on a sheet of copy paper laid beside him, showing the exact route that Green and Cross planned to take on their escape.

"Well, this place went to shit relatively quickly. You'd think they'd have the smarts to check the sample's resonance but apparently only Gordon has any sense. But hey, where he got sense...I got caution. Lots of caution. Hey, look! Marines! Oh, shit. Marines."

As the door of what remained of the lobby flew to the side with a thud, ominous figures wearing strange body armor and gas masks stepped out wielding what appeared to be a automatic shotgun with a drum magazine. One turned to the other and struck up a joking conversation with his compatriot.

"Wait, what about rule 3? "

The other merely shook his head and trained his shotgun at John's chest. Upon closer examination, John realized it was a MGS Widowmaker with tritium night sights and a M27 MASS mounted on it's top rail. In any other circumstances, he would be admiring the sleek curves of the weapon but he tended not to ogle things trained at his vital organs.

"You heard the orders. No witnesses, no bodies, no problem. Plus, this guy looked at me funnily. Ooh-rah, bitch!"

The pellets flew out, with John winching. To his surprise, they merely flew back at lower speeds after colliding with his vest. Smiling, he opened up one of the consoles on his gloves and got to work. As he pressed a button, a long blade that seemed to be made of blue energy came out of the wrist.

"Oh ho ho, this is going to be fun. Now let me make lightsaber noises as I brutally murder you. Mmkay?"

Jumping over his desk and slamming his hand into the nearest marine, he flinched as the blade penetrated the head and came out the other side. A single clean hole remained, with the other Marine staring at him blankly. Regaining his composure, the marine quickly loaded his Widowmaker.

"Son of a bitch. I didn't like Eddie here, but jesus man. You stabbed him in the brain, man! With this...lightsaber thingy."

John responded to this appeal to his better nature as nature intended it. That is, with a brutal stabbing. Throwing the corpse aside, he picked up the Widowmaker from the corpse in glee. As he did this, his phone began to ring. A annoyingly perky voice rang out. Realizing it was Colette, he slammed his face into the desk.

"Hey, Joe or whatever your name is! Yeah...we're going to be a little off course. We're going to need to weaken the cascade just a little bit, for some reason. So, while you're fighting for life...we're going to be as well! HAVE FUN!"

He heard the sounds of a struggle over the phone, realizing that Colette was being relieved of the phone. Breathing a sigh of relief, he listened to the emotionless voice of Gina.

"Forget the weapons stash, John! Get out of here while you still can. Run away, find somewhere to hide from the HECU. There's a storm cooming, Jo-oohn."

Unnerved at the last sentence, he shot up in a hurry. And as he walked out the remains of the doorway, he made sure to check if his car was in the parking lot. Swearing under his breath when he saw it was not in the facility's lot, he decided to go with one of the eggheads's Honda Rune motorcycles.

"Let's see if I still remember how to hotwire cars. Ah, there we go! Hit these two wires together to complete the circuit...and...touch the wire that connects with the starter. And done! "

The cycle roared to life, growling with power.
@KanzlerImaginos - Feel free to drop me a line.

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Offline Second Coming of Madman

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Re: Half Life: The Consequences of a Full Life
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2014, 05:53:55 pm »

As John rode down the wrecked streets ahead of him with Black Mesa far behind, he saw a blue vortex of energy swirling above him. As he stared at it, a massive bolt of blue lightning slammed into the road ahead. Blinded by this, he dismounted and bent over forward in order to feel his way around. He had been deafened by the storm, which meant the approach of a group of people had not been heard.

"We got a live one, Charles. Hurry before the portal storm has to equalize itself again. Is the cloud sensing anything since the last bolt?"

John heard a long buzzing noise in his ears. As he felt himself pulled and hoisted onto somebody's back, he felt oddly helpless. Whoever was carrying him on their back was quite fast, as he slapped against their back repeatedly. The buzzing noise continued to annoy him, as if it's source was moving. 

As his eyesight returned to him, he saw fighter jets flying overhead in formation. Upon closer examination, he realized it was the United States Aerospace Command's F-45 Super Viper. The Super Vipers were rare sights, only being deployed in case of emergency or during training flights. If they were out, something bad was going on.

"The military will stop them."

The person saying this didn't exactly sound too confident of that fact, which worried John even more. As the person carrying him let him go, he finally got a look at his rescuers. One was a stocky brunette with a mustache that curved around his cheeks and held a SPAS-12 with a silencer attached. His compatriot had a dark brown well shaven beard and held a Glock 17 in his right hand.

"Hey, our friend here can see again. Name's Sheckley, whoever you are. Now, grab a gun and get moving! And follow the Particle Storm! We have those alien things on our tail! "

As John turned around with the Widowmaker in hand, he saw things climbing out of the blast hole from the bolt. Each looked like a emaciated corpse wearing body armor and attached to a metal endoskeleton that moved like a human. In each hand, they held a strange-looking weapon that had glowing points of blue light scattered throughout.

"Shit! Well, we're dead. Alright, let's just lay down and die...just kidding. Eat lead, bitches!"

As shot and bullets flew towards the things, they just kept coming. John continued to move backward, but finally hit the front of a toppled car. Just as one got near him, a bright flash of green light appeared above the thing and crackled with electricity before launching a small bolt of energy at his foe's head. The thing merely dissipated into dust, flying towards his face.

"Who's a good boy? You are, storm! You are! "

The light made it's way over to the duo after zapping the rest of the things, and purred at them. Realizing that the storm was a sentient creature that thought and felt, he was amazed at the idea.   
« Last Edit: September 08, 2014, 08:57:38 pm by Second Coming of Madman »
@KanzlerImaginos - Feel free to drop me a line.

Toddlers get too much exercise, they wouldn't make good veal.

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Re: Half Life: The Consequences of a Full Life
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2014, 05:45:24 pm »
Griggs and Sheckley are Abbot and Costello under different names, but sadly I cannot think of a way to make them fight a werewolf.


"Our bullets don't do anything! Game over, man! Game over!"

As Griggs sat by the fire and shook his head, John was taking a look at the cars in the town they had decided to hide out in. He had managed to find a old 1978 Charger in a garage and had brought it over to their camp.

Coming back to the fire with a stack of contraband gathered from throughout town, he noticed that Griggs and Sheckley had likewise looted the town's gun stores.

"None of the freaks will need their shit now, am I right? Look right here, Johnny boy. This is a AR-15, loaded with Parabellum ammunition. Normally, this would be insanely deadly. But our circumstances will require other methods. Thus, me and Grigg managed to get our hands on real good shit and whip us up a couple of solutions."

On a nearby crate, several propane tanks lay intermixed with pipes and boxes of nails. These contraptions were held together by electrical tape. Next to these contraptions, boxes of matches lay on the crate.

"These makeshift incendiary weapons use the enemy soldier's primary weakness to extreme heat in unison with shrapnel to destroy them with ease. Thus, we get nails and flames. Nice combination, don't you think? "
@KanzlerImaginos - Feel free to drop me a line.

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Offline Second Coming of Madman

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Re: Half Life: The Consequences of a Full Life
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2014, 09:22:00 pm »
However, I can make them fight giant flying crabs carrying troop containers.


"Wait, Johnny boy. Do you hear something? "

As the three (Four,counting the absent particle storm) looked up in the air, they saw a formation of what appeared to be giant flying crabs holding containers zoom overhead. And as they looked on, the containers were dropped onto the street from the sky at high speeds. As the dust from the impact of the containers cleared, the things from earlier appeared with rifles in hand.

"Shit. NOW! Shecks, help me keep them down while Johnny boy finishes them off! "
As Griggs grabbed one of the bombs, he threw it to John with a box of matches. With these in hand, John ran as fast as he could under fire. Throwing the bomb at the nearest squad of alien soldiers with the match, he watched as they were consumed in flames and shrapnel. Catching another bomb from Griggs and dodging the crossfire, he threw yet another. Yet again, his foes met a brutal demise.

"Be adequate, John! Be adequate! "

As John stepped over the corpses of his foes, he saw more vessels flying out.

"Great. There's no way we'll be able to take them all...take cover! "
@KanzlerImaginos - Feel free to drop me a line.

Toddlers get too much exercise, they wouldn't make good veal.

Offline Second Coming of Madman

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Re: Half Life: The Consequences of a Full Life
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2014, 11:02:04 pm »
And make them bring out ungodly large guns.


"Hey, Shecks. If those things are weak to heat, can't we just use the goddamn Dragon's Breath on their asses? BBQ tonight! "

Griggs nodded and rummaged through the knapsack they were keeping the looted firearms in, producing a large box of ammunition from within along with several Mossberg 500 shotguns. Throwing one to John and handing the other to Griggs, he laughed manically.

"Strike hard, Johnny boy. The tables are turned, bitches! Now, let's show these alien bastards what happens when you come to Earth!"

Kicking open and letting loose on the nearest foe, he watched as the alien soldiers twitched and turned to charred corpses before their blasts. One in particular flew back and merely fell on it's face as it burned, which made for a interesting spectacle. Reloading his magazine and keeping up the carnage, he heard the buzz of radios in English.

"Soldier units T-100, T-205 and T-1007 have fallen. Regroup at strategic point Hammerfall and await orders from Dispatch or Elites. We are in need of suppression devices at Hammerfall, Overwatch Command. Repeat, we are in need of suppression devices!. Incoming!"

As the three advanced, they saw that the particle storm had already felled a good deal of dropships in midair. With the crab-like aircraft falling with a loud thud, they looked on the bleak landscape with glee for once. As they picked up the fallen soldiers's weapons and tossed aside their own, they did not know of the events that were transpiring in New York.

Earth had at last fallen to the invaders, and they had been turned in by one of their own. In the days to follow, the three would find themselves being shipped off to Eastern Europe with some familiar faces on board. The ships that the Combine used were quite simply hell to be in.

There was little headroom, with the "passengers" being packed together closely as possible. Many died of illness during the journey and many more of beatings by their captors. Sickened at the brutality, John decided to look to the right of him. There, as if she had walked out of yesterday, was Gina. She was clad in her HEV suit, which had not been confiscated by their "benefactors".

"John, is that you? I thought you were...never mind. Listen, I know that Eli and his little girl are on this ship. Again, don't ask how I know." 

@KanzlerImaginos - Feel free to drop me a line.

Toddlers get too much exercise, they wouldn't make good veal.

Offline Second Coming of Madman

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Re: Half Life: The Consequences of a Full Life
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2014, 09:09:27 pm »
And this is where the story gets brutal. You see, John's life is practically a blank in the original story. So, let's give him a reason to hate the Combine for reasons other than they're there.


As the two shuffled through the miserable huddled masses of humanity, they saw Eli hunched over. John had always thought more of Eli than the other eggheads, as the man had both sense and wisdom in that head of his. As they got closer, they saw the tears fall to the floorboards of the ship. 

"She's dead...."

Seeing him like this, he wondered what exactly could make this man descend into the abyss he made for himself.
@KanzlerImaginos - Feel free to drop me a line.

Toddlers get too much exercise, they wouldn't make good veal.