Me, I suspect that a new great awakening is coming. One where American Christianity will change for the better. The status quo can't last forever. Once a newer, younger, more flexible generation takes control, nothing will be the same.
I'm with you on that one. Heck, Scriptures state that things will change for the better.
First, I'll explain my worldview before I continue.....I consider myself a "ShaktaPagan". Basically I'm a Wiccan who's influenced by the Shakta (Goddess-centered branch) version of Hinduism. I'm also a Universalist/Interfaith type a person. In my ShaktaPaganism, I am also a bit of a ChristoPagan and see Christianity as a parallel to Hinduism.
God The Father is Brahma. God The Son is Vishnu & God The Holy Spirit is Shiva. My Christianity is Liberal & understands that the scriptures are just myths and metaphors with very little of a historical element...but are nonetheless valid in their message. I also believe in Universal Salvation. Even the wicked who are damned will eventually be redeemed because Hell is basically Purgatory.
I see The Book of Revelation non-literally. It has a few symbolic interpretations. First, it's about the events concerning the Roman Empire, the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE, etc......But it also is a book that applies to any time period at the close of a World Age and the start of another when the old paradigm & new paradigm duke it out. A lot of times, corruption reaches critical mass, then goes kablooie!
In this interpretation: ChristoFascism is "The Beast" (A false Christ). IslamoFascism is "The False Prophet" (A false Mohammed) & the world system of corrupt Big Business/Big Oil/ Military-Industrial Complex/Oligarthy/Plutocracy/etc. is "The Whore of Babylon" (Awash in wealth, power & corruption).
But, as it's written, the Beast, The False Prophet & The Whore of Babylon will all fall and, as the Nazarene stated, "The Meek ('Joe/Jane Q. Little-person') WILL inherit the Earth".
Evil may win many battles but Goodness will win the war.
Now, everything I have written here will have a lot of folks laughing at me and calling me a delusional idiot. However, I understand and accept others unbelief. Though I may appear "delusional", I do not share the mindset of the religious frums & I fully accept science and common sense. I'm on the same side as any of you who may see me as a total nut.
Also, unlike what some state, most of today's youth are Progressive. Yes, there are some Libertarians out there but both groups tend to nonetheless be Progressive at least on the social scale..... these articles state is that there is a HUGE HOPE. Thinks will change for the better, eventually. Each generation is more Progressive than the next & organized religion is getting less popular. Frummerism will do itself in. Kids are fed up with the gridlock. Kids read the news online a lot and embrace alternate media. More are embracing atheism, agnosticism & alternate non-dogmatic spirituality. With enough people pushing them, Democrats can move Leftward.