Author Topic: And she's off! Hilary Clinton announces her intentions to run.  (Read 11927 times)

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Offline ironbite

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To the surprise of anyone who's been living under a rock the past 8 years, Hilary Clinton has formally announced that she is running for President in the 2016 election cycle.  With a nice little video to announce her as well.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton confirmed the obvious on Sunday, officially announcing that she would seek the Democratic nomination for president in 2016.
In a video released on her new campaign website, Clinton said that she was running.
"I'm running for president," Clinton says in the video. "Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times, but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top. Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion so you can do more than just get by. You can get ahead and stay ahead. Because when families are strong, America is strong."
"So I'm hitting the road to earn your vote. Because it's your time and I hope you'll join me on this journey."
Clinton does not appear in the video until after 90 seconds of footage showing various men, women and children discussing their plans and hopes for 2015.

So she's got Ted Cruz and Rand Paul to oppose her on the GOP side so far but I'm more interested in seeing how the GOP tries to counter this.  Cause you have to know they knew she was going to run and planned accordingly and if they didn't or hoped she wouldn't, then I'm going to giggle like a schoolgirl.

Ironbite-now let's see who else on the Democrats side joins her.

Offline Ultimate Paragon

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Re: And she's off! Hilary Clinton announces her intentions to run.
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2015, 05:15:55 pm »
I think she's got a very good shot.  Nostalgia for the Clinton years is running strong.

Offline Old Viking

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Re: And she's off! Hilary Clinton announces her intentions to run.
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2015, 05:24:32 pm »
I'm sick of Bushes, I'm sick of Clintons, and I'm sick of the American election process.  If it takes a year and a half to say something, you have nothing to say.
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Offline ironbite

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Re: And she's off! Hilary Clinton announces her intentions to run.
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2015, 05:26:08 pm »
To be fair, who's the GOP got to go up against her?  The only thing I see that could torpedo her chances is if another Obama shows up.  And I doubt we're gonna get anyone as charismatic as he was when he popped up out of nowhere in 2008.

Ironbite-get ready for the first President in history who's had sex with a former President and liked it.

Offline Ironchew

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Re: And she's off! Hilary Clinton announces her intentions to run.
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2015, 05:30:03 pm »
To be fair, who's the GOP got to go up against her?  The only thing I see that could torpedo her chances is if another Obama shows up.  And I doubt we're gonna get anyone as charismatic as he was when he popped up out of nowhere in 2008.

Ironbite-get ready for the first President in history who's had sex with a former President and liked it.

We don't know what those founding fathers were up to in their spare time...

I would be disappointed if Clinton became the Democratic candidate only because she seems to favor corporate influence and foreign policy by and for the arms industry. Sanders and/or Warren are a long shot but I can still dream.
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Offline Barbarella

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Re: And she's off! Hilary Clinton announces her intentions to run.
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2015, 06:36:29 pm »
To be fair, who's the GOP got to go up against her?  The only thing I see that could torpedo her chances is if another Obama shows up.  And I doubt we're gonna get anyone as charismatic as he was when he popped up out of nowhere in 2008.

Ironbite-get ready for the first President in history who's had sex with a former President and liked it.

We don't know what those founding fathers were up to in their spare time...

I would be disappointed if Clinton became the Democratic candidate only because she seems to favor corporate influence and foreign policy by and for the arms industry. Sanders and/or Warren are a long shot but I can still dream.

If Sanders or Warren ran, they'd get my vote, instead.

Offline ironbite

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Re: And she's off! Hilary Clinton announces her intentions to run.
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2015, 08:27:33 pm »
If Sanders or Warren ran, Hilary would rightfully throw a tantrum.

Ironbite-they're not gonna run this year but maybe in 8....

Offline niam2023

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Re: And she's off! Hilary Clinton announces her intentions to run.
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2015, 11:38:42 pm »
Give it four or eight years, and the GOP's primary voter base - angry old white christian men - will die.

The world cannot be held back from moving forward, regardless what those imbeciles in the GOP think.
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Offline mellenORL

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Re: And she's off! Hilary Clinton announces her intentions to run.
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2015, 12:07:26 am »
I'm sick of Bushes, I'm sick of Clintons, and I'm sick of the American election process.  If it takes a year and a half to say something, you have nothing to say.

Hell yeah.

I would be quite a bit happier if it was Warren. Meh. I'll vote for whichever lesser evil wins the Dem nomination. I expect the GOP to magically yank Romney off the sidelines before long. Or, they'll do the "we ain't racist" ploy and Jindal will get shoved up front.
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Offline Barbarella

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Re: And she's off! Hilary Clinton announces her intentions to run.
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2015, 12:14:31 am »
If Sanders or Warren don't run, Hillary will get my vote.

I always figured she was the brains behind Bill's administration, anyway...and he put the economy "in the black".

I try to look at shades of grey....."corporate" being a bad thing depends on the corporation or CEOs in question. It's complex.

If the "evils" of a "lesser evil" are outweighed by the "good", then they're okay with me.

Y'gotta be pragmatic with social/political change. Sometimes the "ideal" isn't present, so you have to go with the next best thing.

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Offline Vypernight

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Re: And she's off! Hilary Clinton announces her intentions to run.
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2015, 04:32:05 am »
If Sanders or Warren ran, Hilary would rightfully throw a tantrum.

Ironbite-they're not gonna run this year but maybe in 8....

I'd love to see Warren run, but she can probably do more in Congress.  Not a huge Clinton fan here, but after seeing the GOP get more and more insane, I'll go for here.  Hopefully if she wins the primary, the rest of the country does well.  I'd hate to see this bite the Democrats in the *** like it did in Florida last year, when Rick Scott won because no one voting D cared either way.
Whenever I hear a politician speaking strongly for or against abortion, all I hear is, "I have no idea how to fix the economy!"

Offline Lt. Fred

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Re: And she's off! Hilary Clinton announces her intentions to run.
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2015, 04:40:40 am »
What sort of working political system could you devise that would elect an executive?
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The party's name is the Democratic Party. It has been since 1830. Please spell correctly.

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Offline Barbarella

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Re: And she's off! Hilary Clinton announces her intentions to run.
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2015, 09:11:28 am »
If Sanders or Warren ran, Hilary would rightfully throw a tantrum.

Ironbite-they're not gonna run this year but maybe in 8....

I'd love to see Warren run, but she can probably do more in Congress.  Not a huge Clinton fan here, but after seeing the GOP get more and more insane, I'll go for here.  Hopefully if she wins the primary, the rest of the country does well.  I'd hate to see this bite the Democrats in the *** like it did in Florida last year, when Rick Scott won because no one voting D cared either way.

You know, I agree. Warren has said herself that she could do more in Congress & that's why she won't run. As for Dems not voting, they usually come out during Presidential elections. Hillary as Prez & Warren in Congress is fine by me! Better than the Tealiban running things.

I grew up with the first Clinton being President and I'm a bit nostalgic for those days. He was a good President and I feel that Hillary was the brains behind things (not that Bill was an idiot or anything). Also, Hillary's been First Lady (and perhaps the 'Prez Behind The Prez'), Secretary of State, Senator....She's not perfect but she seems to get things done.

Offline WatermelonRat

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Re: And she's off! Hilary Clinton announces her intentions to run.
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2015, 09:35:27 am »
I know it's bad to get overconfident, but I'm sort of already taking it as a given that she'll win the Democratic nomination, and by this virtue alone, she'll have a significant advantage in the general election. While she's campaigning for president, the Republicans will be fighting amongst themselves for their party's nomination.

Offline Barbarella

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Re: And she's off! Hilary Clinton announces her intentions to run.
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2015, 10:17:17 am »
I know it's bad to get overconfident, but I'm sort of already taking it as a given that she'll win the Democratic nomination, and by this virtue alone, she'll have a significant advantage in the general election. While she's campaigning for president, the Republicans will be fighting amongst themselves for their party's nomination.

I feel the same.

And your avatar is adorable. My sis has pet rats. Adorkable little guys....