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Re: Your Beliefs
« Reply #30 on: April 21, 2015, 06:40:40 pm »
I'm mostly just waiting for Barbarella to post here. I'm really curious as to what exactly that mish-mash of Hinduism/Gnosticism/Wicca/New Age is supposed to be.

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Re: Your Beliefs
« Reply #31 on: April 21, 2015, 07:04:04 pm »
I'm mostly just waiting for Barbarella to post here. I'm really curious as to what exactly that mish-mash of Hinduism/Gnosticism/Wicca/New Age is supposed to be.

I was hoping UP would give more than a one-word reponse, myself.
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Re: Your Beliefs
« Reply #32 on: April 21, 2015, 10:47:16 pm »
Gaia Hypothesis proponent.

To be honest, I describe my take on it a belief because I really want it to be true, and because my imagination leaps well beyond the scope of the hypothesis. Wishes do not work in science. So, I have to call this desire a belief: If evolution could work on so vast a scale as a planet-wide biofilm interaction, then that system, if somewhat analogous to a gigantic multicellular creature, could conceivably evolve to the point of sentience, given enough time. Eons and eons of time, mind you. Our species would be long extinct before anything like that could happen, but it gives me a warm feeling to think that something as huge and beautiful as the planet Earth could perhaps one day become a gargantuan, intelligent entity.

Back in early high school when I was still wavering in my beliefs, I actually wondered about the Earth (along with the rest of the universe) in this regard. I hadn't fully read about the Gaia hypothesis until just now and it's rather fascinating, although I do tend to agree with Dawkins' criticisms of it.

I've basically moved around from Christian to atheist to agonist to I really don't feel like caring-theist.

This describes my sister pretty well, since her beliefs tend to be rather fluid. I do wonder what causes people to rapidly shift their stance on the matter, whether it's a sudden epiphany or a claimed supernatural experience.

I'm mostly just waiting for Barbarella to post here. I'm really curious as to what exactly that mish-mash of Hinduism/Gnosticism/Wicca/New Age is supposed to be.

I was hoping UP would give more than a one-word reponse, myself.

Agreed. I'm always curious as to why people hold their beliefs, and UP's are particularly strong.

(This is not intended as baiting, but merely a statement of my curiosity.)
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Offline Sylvana

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Re: Your Beliefs
« Reply #33 on: April 22, 2015, 01:55:52 am »
I am an Atheist.
Although, there are plenty of times when it really feels like there is some otherworldly force acting on my life. I chalk it off as a mix of the remnants of a strong christian upbringing and my primitive primate brain that demands that random events have causes.

I do admit though, I kind of do wish that religion or the afterlife or whatever was / is real. Oblivion, death and entropy are incredibly scary and depressing. Thinking that all I have ever loved being cast into oblivion is truly sad for me. Facing my own mortality is equally scary, so there is a part of me that hopes for something supernatural to exist.

However, I am still a rational atheist. I realize that those very hopes are the foundations for why people believe in almost all religions. We are such simple creatures at the end of the day.

Offline Sigmaleph

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Re: Your Beliefs
« Reply #34 on: April 22, 2015, 12:05:10 pm »
Atheist, somewhat anti-theist. I think religion is probably net negative, but has some worthwhile things for community-building it would be nice to be able to keep, if it's possible to divorce them from the factually wrong parts.

"Sceptic" is probably an accurate descriptor but I don't like the word. It puts undue emphasis on not believing in things. Not believing things is easy, figuring out what to believe is not.

Aspiring rationalist, in the specific sense used by the sort of people who call themselves "aspiring rationalists".

Have been known to make up religions.

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Re: Your Beliefs
« Reply #35 on: April 22, 2015, 12:57:19 pm »
If you'd like a more complete explanation, let me elaborate.  I am also a religious pluralist.  My views go beyond mere tolerance.  That is to say, in the sense that I think most, if not all, religions have at least some truths, and are therefore valid.  And before you ask, yes, Atheism and the like are also valid.

I also have a rather unorthodox view of Hell.  From my point of view, Hell is meant to be temporary, and reserved for those who did not experience genuine remorse for their most egregious sins.  Each soul in Hell has a set amount of non-negotiable "punishment time".  If somebody genuinely repents for what they did, then they will be allowed to leave, provided their term is up.  If not, then they will stay in Hell until they do.  The way I see it, Hell is self-inflicted.

Offline Meshakhad

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Re: Your Beliefs
« Reply #36 on: April 22, 2015, 05:46:13 pm »
If you'd like a more complete explanation, let me elaborate.  I am also a religious pluralist.  My views go beyond mere tolerance.  That is to say, in the sense that I think most, if not all, religions have at least some truths, and are therefore valid.  And before you ask, yes, Atheism and the like are also valid.

I also have a rather unorthodox view of Hell.  From my point of view, Hell is meant to be temporary, and reserved for those who did not experience genuine remorse for their most egregious sins.  Each soul in Hell has a set amount of non-negotiable "punishment time".  If somebody genuinely repents for what they did, then they will be allowed to leave, provided their term is up.  If not, then they will stay in Hell until they do.  The way I see it, Hell is self-inflicted.

The concept of Gehenna in Judaism is similar - everyone has a preset time in Gehenna, although there's no notion of being able to get out early through repentance.
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Offline davedan

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Re: Your Beliefs
« Reply #37 on: April 22, 2015, 06:40:05 pm »
I thought that the modern view of hell was simply the absence of God? Which is difficult for a number of reasons:

1) Isn't God meant to be outside of the Universe (so we are currently in hell?)

2) On the otherside of the Coin isn't God meant to be everywhere and in everything, that is everything emanates from God (So hell can't exist if it is an absence of God)?

3) Finally as a good comedienne once said (I'll try to remember her name) so we could all be sitting on Chez Lounges sipping Maragaritas saying 'pity god's not here, oh well'

Personally I think the whole idea of hell and punishment is too anthropomorphic for what is meant to be an alien and ineffable god.

Certainly I do not believe in an omniscient, omnipotent god who desires everyone on earth to know about him. Because quite apart from the spectacular things it could do to acquaint us with it, it would (by definition) know exactly what was needed to make everyone believe and would have the power to do it.

Offline Stormwarden

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Re: Your Beliefs
« Reply #38 on: April 22, 2015, 09:18:00 pm »
My beliefs these days? Atheistic, but with no grudge against religion, just the asshats who abuse it to fuck over everyone else.

Worship whatever you'd like, but don't make your faith into my laws. That's all I ask.

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Offline Ultimate Paragon

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Re: Your Beliefs
« Reply #39 on: April 22, 2015, 09:24:51 pm »
If you'd like a more complete explanation, let me elaborate.  I am also a religious pluralist.  My views go beyond mere tolerance.  That is to say, in the sense that I think most, if not all, religions have at least some truths, and are therefore valid.  And before you ask, yes, Atheism and the like are also valid.

I also have a rather unorthodox view of Hell.  From my point of view, Hell is meant to be temporary, and reserved for those who did not experience genuine remorse for their most egregious sins.  Each soul in Hell has a set amount of non-negotiable "punishment time".  If somebody genuinely repents for what they did, then they will be allowed to leave, provided their term is up.  If not, then they will stay in Hell until they do.  The way I see it, Hell is self-inflicted.

The concept of Gehenna in Judaism is similar - everyone has a preset time in Gehenna, although there's no notion of being able to get out early through repentance.

I never said anything about getting out early.  The predetermined sentence is served in full regardless, what happens afterwards is up to them.

Offline Alehksunos

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Re: Your Beliefs
« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2015, 04:09:25 am »
Atheist: Secular Humanist and Skeptic (aka "If you can prove this is true without pulling off bullshit, then I'll be convinced." A lot of people mistake what skepticism is). None of that MRA crap.

My two cents on all this: I absolutely hate how most Atheists nowadays have ties to the Men's Right Activism movement (speaking of which). While the few times I've seen anyone jokingly quip *tips fedora* were on people who call themselves "Militant Atheist" and what else but I still express concern that because of said ties that the negative stereotypes of Atheists as "amoral rabble-rousers" is becoming further perpetuated. (Off-topic) And should I mention that the MRA's also back up anti-choice and anti-recreational sex (despite their open lustfulness), anti-LGBT+ and anti-welfare politicians just so they can assure the opposite sex "not be able to take advantage of us anymore" and general self-righteousness and obliviousness toward others? I've already stated that I despise of these men passionately and I almost didn't need to say all this.

Another subject: Despite rejecting the existence of deities and whatever (especially one omnipotent maniac worshipped by Abrahamic religions... sorry. I just can't stand this YHWH "character"), I seem to share Sylvana's views on death and oblivion. I will admit I sometimes have nightmares about dying because of the possibility that there is no afterlife, only nothing as all cerebral impulses are indefinitely shuttered, meaning any of the five senses you have are completely null. I even question my existence because of this.

Offline mellenORL

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Re: Your Beliefs
« Reply #41 on: April 23, 2015, 11:54:05 am »
(Welcome back from your hiatus, Alehksunos!)

I will admit I sometimes have nightmares about dying because of the possibility that there is no afterlife, only nothing as all cerebral impulses are indefinitely shuttered, meaning any of the five senses you have are completely null. I even question my existence because of this.

Being in a coma would account for that scenario as well, and people do wake up from those. As well as temporary unconsciousness from fainting or a blow to the head, etc. It's analogous to a pc being in hibernate mode - it still has all it's operations and filed memory intact, and can be rebooted into full function.

You might be over-anxious about the, "I think, therefore I am" standpoint of describing human consciousness. Self awareness, cognition and sensory feedback pathways can get knocked out for a while, and then all (or some, in the case of brain injury) get a re-boot. Or, one can die with either a gradual or instant shutoff of all inputs and functions. I think that when someone dies slowly from a non-violent or medically pain-controlled terminal condition, their ability to even get that upset about dying is numbed or damped down as the process goes on; just a side effect of the brain's rapidly diminishing performance ability. I think that people who die instantly in accidents are quite lucky - just POP! All shut off without pain or fear, just a cessation of consciousness.
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Offline Ironchew

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Re: Your Beliefs
« Reply #42 on: April 23, 2015, 01:29:58 pm »
I still express concern that because of said ties that the negative stereotypes of Atheists as "amoral rabble-rousers" is becoming further perpetuated.

Pastors perpetuate the scary atheist stereotype to their congregation. Since those wild stories have nothing to do with who atheists actually are, we have no control over their perception except insofar as the general public stops listening to pastors. It's not happening anytime soon.
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Re: Your Beliefs
« Reply #43 on: April 23, 2015, 07:06:30 pm »
I find it interesting that as many people find the no afterlife thing to be a downer. While I get it, I really do, I seem to find it quite the opposite. The fact that this ride is all we get makes me love harder, live harder, feel deeper. The time I have with loved ones I feel is more precious. I feel compelled to spend the highest quality time I can with them. Same with my interests. A bad day fishing is a day I don't catch anything. But I'm still doing something I love to do.

And after I'm done, I'm done. No choirs of angels for eternity. No fiery lake for ever and ever. I find both of those to be a comfort to me. The ones I loved who have passed, their legacies are in my mind and the minds of the others who's loves they've touched. Even my worst enemy I wouldn't wish a fire and brimstone preacher's wet nightmare on. And the very idea of heaven, anyone I consider a friend would do their best to keep me from it.

I really don't talk like this very often. Most of the time the subject of death comes up I don't find it very helpful to inform the grieving these views. If the thought of heaven comforts them, as a not a dick I keep such thoughts to myself. And I've been told it's kind of a morbid outlook. To each their own I guess.
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Re: Your Beliefs
« Reply #44 on: April 23, 2015, 07:52:57 pm »
I'm with you Rookie. The idea of an afterlife does not excite me. I like the idea of switching off and nothing more.