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Re: Here's an Endurance Test for Y'all.
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2012, 03:06:14 pm »
About 1 1/2 minutes...

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Re: Here's an Endurance Test for Y'all.
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2012, 10:28:32 pm »
I am an old man, and I've seen many problems, most of which never happened.

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Re: Here's an Endurance Test for Y'all.
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2012, 02:36:00 am »
I got to 11 minutes. Here's the transcript of what I heard.
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Re: Here's an Endurance Test for Y'all.
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2012, 11:12:35 am »
I got to 11 minutes. Here's the transcript of what I heard.

Couldn't watch the video, but I did skim the transcript a little.  His definitions of evolution are so incredibly stupid I couldn't go any further than that. 

92 elements?  Goddamn, how far behind are you?  When I was in grade school in the 60's, we learned then there were 102 elements.  And now, with the discovery of more elements, the periodic table is up to around 118. 

Never seen stars form?  Hell, yeah, they have.  Star formation in every stage of development has been observed.  And, generally, a star has to be super-massive to go nova or supernova.  We're talking hundreds to thousands of times larger than our sun.  That means that several smaller stars could be formed from the remnants of a super-nova.  Smaller stars like our sun will usually go through a red giant stage when it runs out of fuel, then collapse in on itself to form a white dwarf. No explosion involved.  Get it right, dipshit.

But the bits about micro- and macro-evolution are the toppings on this moron cake.  At least he does admit that micro-evolution occurs.  What is so maddening is that he and others like him cannot or will not for the life of them understand that continued micro-changes in a species leads to macro-evolution.  The bit about rocks turning into dogs or that a dog has never given birth to a different animal are two of those  ::) moments.  Evolution theory does not now nor has it ever said anything like this.  Life came from organic compounds, not inorganic materials like a rock. 

I could rant a lot more about this, but I won't.  Shit like this would be funny if it weren't for that he actually thinks it's true.  And what's even sadder is that the people he is telling it too don't know any better and believe it, also.  Former science teacher, my ass.  He wouldn't know true science if you beat over the head with a big bag of it.
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Religion is an insult to human dignity. Without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.--Steven Weinberg

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Re: Here's an Endurance Test for Y'all.
« Reply #19 on: February 11, 2012, 01:14:07 pm »
Also, the stars probably are wrong. We're seeing them as they were ages ago.

I can understand why the professors were getting pissed off at him, if that story is true. God, this would be like me making the same amount as, or even more than, a doctor by selling magic healing crystals. Then I have the nerve to go constantly twist modern medicine into "hurr durr, you just cut people apart & hope it magically fixes them."

The sad thing is, he's kind of persuasive if you don't already know how evolution works.

As an aside, I thought micro-evolution was bullshit Creationists made up for the longest time. I can actually agree with him on this, I much prefer "variation."

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Re: Here's an Endurance Test for Y'all.
« Reply #20 on: February 11, 2012, 07:58:30 pm »

I made it 15 minutes. 

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Re: Here's an Endurance Test for Y'all.
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2012, 09:41:00 am »
Quote from: transcript by Wykked Wytch
I even believe the cover on mine! It says, "Kent Hovind." I believe that.
what is this i dont even
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Re: Here's an Endurance Test for Y'all.
« Reply #22 on: February 12, 2012, 11:33:03 am »
I got up to the point where he started talking about star formation. Seriously, where did he get that horseshit about "the different kinds of evolution" from? Evolution is strictly a biological concept.e

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Re: Here's an Endurance Test for Y'all.
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2012, 02:18:10 pm »
I got up to the point where he started talking about star formation. Seriously, where did he get that horseshit about "the different kinds of evolution" from? Evolution is strictly a biological concept.e
The word evolution is often co-opted to simply reference “change over time” outside of biology.
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Re: Here's an Endurance Test for Y'all.
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2012, 03:52:48 pm »
I got up to the point where he started talking about star formation. Seriously, where did he get that horseshit about "the different kinds of evolution" from? Evolution is strictly a biological concept.e
The word evolution is often co-opted to simply reference “change over time” outside of biology.

I don't have a problem with the use of the word evolution when pertaining to things other than life.  After all, large clouds of gas coalesced and did basically evolve from being said gas into solar systems (stars, planets, moons, etc.)  And the one thing I think he did right was to separate the different types of evolution. 

But once he got into the different types of evolution, there was so much wrong with what he said, it just made my head want to explode.  And, unfortunately, the people he is telling it too don't know any better than to believe he is telling them the truth.  And that is the really sad part about this whole thing.
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Religion is an insult to human dignity. Without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.--Steven Weinberg

Religion can never reform mankind because religion is slavery--Robert G. Ingersoll

I don't know why people compare George Carlin to God. He's great and all, but he's no George Carlin.-Anon.

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Re: Here's an Endurance Test for Y'all.
« Reply #25 on: February 12, 2012, 04:06:16 pm »
Yeah, the problem isn’t with talking about stellar, gelogoical, societal, and biological evolution. The problem is treating them as is they have anything to do with each other.
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Re: Here's an Endurance Test for Y'all.
« Reply #26 on: February 12, 2012, 04:49:56 pm »
Basically, it's a perfectly accurate metaphor to talk about stars as living & evolving, but metaphors are literary devices, not scientific ones. And even then, it's obvious he's just trying to obfuscate the point by talking about all of these as though they're the same thing. If you even try to address the problems with his explanation of biology, he's going to throw a bitchfit & insist that you "address the theory at the start." Then, even if you also know astronomy, it's going to take you like 5 hours just to get him back to the point.

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Re: Here's an Endurance Test for Y'all.
« Reply #27 on: February 13, 2012, 09:25:23 pm »
1:06, but that's only because I let it play while I posted a comment.  I was ready to leave when I seen the name of Sat..I mean, Kent Hovind.  I'm really starting to wonder if all these fundy xtians are just one big joke, and sooner or later, we're going to get a big GOTCHA.
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Offline Auri-El

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Re: Here's an Endurance Test for Y'all.
« Reply #28 on: February 14, 2012, 07:44:39 am »
9 minutes. When he put up a textbook page about the sun's formation and tried to say it was talking about the Big Bang, I had to give up.

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Re: Here's an Endurance Test for Y'all.
« Reply #29 on: February 18, 2012, 03:04:02 am »
Oh god, I failed that endurance test.

Or to be more optimistic, I passed the intelligence test.