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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #810 on: March 30, 2017, 02:56:51 am »
I'm sorry, but saying Hillary Clinton being racist is why you voted for Trump is quite possibly the most ironic thing I've heard all year.
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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #811 on: March 30, 2017, 03:14:23 am »
I'm sorry, but saying Hillary Clinton being racist is why you voted for Trump is quite possibly the most ironic thing I've heard all year.

It's probably the most obvious one but in almost* every category Hillary is more qualified than Donald so focusing on any of her flaws seems odd as it means ignoring the same flaws in him.

Corruption: Trump has several legal problems and it already is apparent that he is using presidency to help his business.
Track record: Clinton is a successful politician and has done well in business. Trump has repeatedly failed and even his most "succesfull" businesses are either: Burning down a successful company to get some money out of it quickly or attaching his name to something that he cannot control at all and taking credit for the success (which seems to be his MO as a president as well.)
Marriage: Complaints about Clinton are mainly "her husband cheated on her" (as if that is her fault) while Trump himself has cheated on his wives and bragged about it.
Birtherism: Trump was one of the major celebreties going on and on about Obama having faked his birth certificate yet he somehow had the audacity to claim that Hillary started it?
"Saying it like it is" claim: Trump lies repeatedly. He misdirects, he lies, he says things that are quite easily disproven just so that he can be on the news again. And somehow his fans at the same time consider him honest and claim that he doesn't mean what he said. Like all those voters who said that they think Trump was being metaphorical when he said that he is definitely going to build a physical wall on the border. Clinton has lied occasionally but never in the same scope as Trump does repeatedly.
Work time: Hillary has been on the job constantly for years. Trump did very little by himself in business (since his companies run better without him) and as a president has spent more time on vacation than any other POTUS before him. Trump himself complained about Obama taking vacations and spending tax payer money and now he himself does it and even more... Granted that some think that this is just Trump delegating again and that this is a good thing, but it's not like Hillary (and Obama) knew how to delegate as well but still stayed on the job and at least tried to keep track of what is going on (while Trump is infamous for ignoring intel.)

The list goes on. I am not trying to attack Radiation (or other Trump fans) and I'm just merely astonished at the double standards here. How do people ignore all the evidence against Trump and why focus on minor nitpicking only when talking about Clinton?

*The sole exception being that Hillary is a career politician so Trump can be seen as an outsider. ...And some people might think that being a woman is a flaw.
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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #812 on: March 30, 2017, 04:13:37 am »
Do you mind if I ask why you like him?

Firstly, I liked how he speaks his mind, though at times I think there are times he needs to think before speaking. I also like that he supposedly isn't attached to the establishment and that he ran on his own campaign funds. Also, I am getting tired of all of the SJW, BLM, politically correct bullshit and he represented an opposition to that. (That SJW PC crap turned me into a centrist) I also liked that he wants to go after illegal immigrants who have been taking jobs away from Americans. I know personally of quite a few people who have either been passed over for some Mexican or have been fired from a majority Mexican job who possibly may have illegal immigrants in it. So I am against that but not for those who have came here the proper way and worked their asses off to be here, it's not fair for those to have gone through all that to build a life here and see illegals come in and get everything for free.
Secondly, Hillary is corrupt. I have read some of the Wikileaks emails and I also have read about how she threatened and intimidated some of Bill's rape victims. She also had that whole thing with Benghazi and some other stuff that escapes me at the moment but all I knew was I didn't want her as President. Maybe someone else but I really feel the DNC messed up with having her run.
If this makes me "dumb" or "stupid" then so be it, I know I won't get along with everyone on here.

I still have my own personal political beliefs about certain things. I don't hate anyone but I just want to be open about this.

Everything you say about Hillary, Trump seems to have taken as his job description - he is little more than Putin's hand puppet, the Russian's hand wedged tightly up his ass and making him talk.

As for your talk of an opposition to "SJW, BLM PC Crap", it has turned you into little better than Milo Yiannopolous, not a centrist. As for people passed over for Mexicans or other Latinos, well, my heart is absolutely dry if those incidents even happened at all. The much spoken of white working class is moribund, delirious, despicable, and deserves to rot - let them have their heroin needles and Xanax "prescriptions".

Trump does not say it like it is. He says it like how he wishes it was. He claims to be strong but he is a weak willed, easily manipulable man that can be easily led around by the nose.

The media rightfully has it out for this hideously corrupt waste of skin crowned by a dead ferret and his septic, pus filled followers.
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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #813 on: March 30, 2017, 04:57:33 am »

The Senate voted 50-48 to strike down an FCC rule that would have prevented ISPs from selling your browsing history to third parties.

The vote was strictly party-line. Sens. Isakson (R-GA) and Paul (R-KY) did not vote.

In the House, the vote was 215-205, with 9 not voting. No Democratic Representative voted for the resolution; 15 Republicans joined them. Of the 9 not voting, 6 were Republicans and 3 were Democrats.

The 15 Republicans who voted to maintain privacy were Reps. Amash (R-MI 3rd), Brooks (R-AL 5th), Coffman (R-CO 6th), Davidson (R-OH 8th), Duncan (R-TN 2nd), Faso (R-NY 19th), Graves (R-LA 6th), Herrera Beutler (R-WA 3rd), Jones (R-NC 3rd), McClintock (R-CA 4th), Reichert (R-WA 8th), Sanford (R-SC 1st), Stefanik (R-NY 21st), Yoder (R-KS 3rd), and Zeldin (R-NY 1st).

The 9 Representatives (other than Speaker Ryan) who did not vote were Reps. Duffy (R-WI 7th), Hill (R-AR 2nd), Marino (R-PA 10th), Pittenger (R-NC 9th), Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL 27th), Rush (D-IL 1st), Simpson (R-ID 2nd), Slaughter (D-NY 25th), and Tonko (D-NY 20th). There are five vacancies, in Montana's At-Large district, South Carolina's 5th, Georgia's 6th, California's 34th, and Kansas's 4th.

The Verge compiled a list of the people who voted for the resolution with how much money the telecoms gave them:

Mitch McConnell, for instance, received over $250,000 from the telecoms, but Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) sold out your privacy for a paltry $1,000. (The newly appointed Sen. Luther Strange from Alabama hasn't even had time to take any money and still sold you out!) In the House, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA 23rd) took almost $100,000, while Reps. Fred Upton (R-MI 6th), John Shimkus (R-IL 15th) and Steve Scalise (R-LA 1st) took over $100,000, and Rep. Gregory Walden (R-OR 2nd) took a whopping $155,100, but Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK 1st) cost only $1,000, Rep. Phil Roe (R-TN 1st) needed only $500, and Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA 3rd) was willing to go for a mere $300.
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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #814 on: March 30, 2017, 07:10:24 am »
People actually take the Benghazi manufactroversy seriously, still?


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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #815 on: March 30, 2017, 08:00:45 am »
And some people might think that being a woman is a flaw.

Eh, casual sexism is losing the popular vote by roughly three million, and accusing the system of being rigged because a woman can't possibly get more support than you, Mr. Manly Man.

ETA: I'm gonna speak more about this later. Gird your shit.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2017, 08:06:11 am by The_Queen »
Does anyone take Donald Trump seriously, anymore?

Offline SCarpelan

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #816 on: March 30, 2017, 08:36:00 am »
All the stuff about Trump's lying, sexism and so on are important in their own right but they pale when compared to a couple of vital issues:

1. Climate change. This is something I myself didn't really consider enough earlier but he is helping the Republicans to do irreparable damage. Trump personally and the Republican party as a whole deny and directly contribute to the worst direct threat our species is dealing with.

2. Health care. While it seems the ACA repeal has failed for now it is not for the lack of trying by Trump & co. This would have directly killed tens of millions of Americans.

I would be interested in knowing how can one ignore these issues and vote Trump if they are not living in a complete Republican / conservative bubble and have the time to actually do some basic research on them.

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #817 on: March 30, 2017, 01:19:20 pm »
Not to mention the inhumane way Trump has handled deporting undocumented immigrants  (deporting people who have no lives, jobs, homes or connections to the countries they were born in) and his (illegal anyway) Muslim bans.

Trump has botched basically everything he's done as president and I find it hard to believe anyone who isn't die hard Republican or just plain stupid could continue to support him.
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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #818 on: March 30, 2017, 02:36:54 pm »
Donald Trump support racist conspiracy theories about Obama's birth.  He started his campaign calling Mexican immigrants rapists.  He called for an illegal ban on an entire religion.  He retweeted fake statistics on black crime rates from neo-nazis.  He refused to condemn the KKK in a live interview.  He said that five black teenagers who were proven innocent by DNA evidence should be executed anyway.  he ran a campaign entirely based on racism, to the point where stormfront founder Don Black credited him with reviving Neo-Nazism as a political force.


Does any of that bother you?

Because I'm sorry but I don't believe you when you say that Hillary allegedly "bringing thugs to heel" offends you if your fine with everything Trump did.

So what if Trump is "racist" seriously the only people pumping out that narrative is the leftist media. Even if he did say that shit that's on him and he is not perfect in anyway, he's human, but don't act like the Democrats can't be racist either. You do know about the Dixiecrats right? Maybe you should look back at the Civil Rights era and see who the people were that actually wanted to oppress the black people.

Speaking of racists, the people that I have been seeing that are the most openly racist people are blacks. Look at their BLM marches. You can't tell me them saying "kill all white people" and "fuck all white people" isn't racist. I don't hate blacks but there has been an increasing amount of demonization of white people by the left.

Another thing, the second largest group of people who voted for Trump were Hispanics so he must have done something to appeal to them.

Where is it that he refused to condemn the KKK?  I don't know about the teenagers so I can't speak on that but the only reason Trump is "racist" is because the media, who are mostly liberal leaning (seriously did you even see their ridiculous projections on election night only to see every state they projected for Hillary to turn red?! They propped Hillary up so much that people could see the bias in the media) has ran a narrative that Trump was racist while sweeping any flaws of Hillary under the rug. With that said, I am done with this thread.
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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #819 on: March 30, 2017, 02:56:25 pm »
Yeah, seriously, you're saying that one of the reasons you voted for Trump is because Clinton is supposedly racist. And now you're deflecting Trump's demonstrable racist actions and statements. That's just plain hypocrisy.
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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #820 on: March 30, 2017, 04:11:33 pm »
Oh good a new alt-reich shitposter. Complete with lugenpresse accusations and deflecting racism. If radiation keeps this up I think we have our new Ultie.
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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #821 on: March 30, 2017, 04:19:21 pm »
"They both do it" is not a reason to pick the more egregious offender over the lesser one.

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #822 on: March 30, 2017, 04:52:59 pm »
So what if Trump is "racist" seriously the only people pumping out that narrative is the leftist media. Even if he did say that shit that's on him and he is not perfect in anyway, he's human, but don't act like the Democrats can't be racist either. You do know about the Dixiecrats right? Maybe you should look back at the Civil Rights era and see who the people were that actually wanted to oppress the black people.

This is such a stupid statement. Trump can't be too bad because look Dixiecrats? Nobody holds the Dixiecrats up as shining members of the democratic party like Republicans are with Trump. And do you know what happened to those Dixiecrats? Did you ever hear of the southern strategy? All of those civil rights era Democrats had to go somewhere, and they turned into modern day southern Republicans.

Speaking of racists, the people that I have been seeing that are the most openly racist people are blacks. Look at their BLM marches. You can't tell me them saying "kill all white people" and "fuck all white people" isn't racist. I don't hate blacks but there has been an increasing amount of demonization of white people by the left.

Black people whom have been held down since slavery, since Jim Crow era laws, who were gentrified into poorer neighborhoods with less government support, and segregated because white people didn't want to see them or deal with them, and are still being treated like shit from law enforcement to this day, and are now being continued to be held down by systemic racism that has now pretty much become cultural due to laws passed by white people for white peoples own personal gain, and they are mad at white people for this? Stop the fucking presses! They have every right to be mad. And yes there are some racist eggs in the bunch but I wonder how that fucking happened? You don't get to deflect the racism they've received against them and still receive because they're properly angry.

Another thing, the second largest group of people who voted for Trump were Hispanics so he must have done something to appeal to them.

Yeah, and Hispanics are the second largest ethnicity next to white people in the states, and growing. So it's no shock that the second largest group who voted for Trump were the second largest ethnicity. Even with that Hillary Clinton still won the majority of Hispanic voters.

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Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #823 on: March 30, 2017, 04:59:47 pm »
Interesting potted history about the Dixiecrats, yep they were racist which is why Nixon courted them leading to the thick vein of racism in the GOP culminating in President Trump.

Also maybe we're talking about a different BLM but they seemed more "getting shot by cops kind of blows" than "black folks uber alles". Someone should tell the white people joining them at their marches.

Radiation, this is fucking strange. I'm not convinced you aren't just fucking with us. U trolling?
« Last Edit: March 30, 2017, 05:27:08 pm by Tolpuddle Martyr »

Offline SCarpelan

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #824 on: March 30, 2017, 05:08:27 pm »
Just out of curiosity I did a Google search. It seems there really is a BLM leader in Toronto who is an actual black supremacist and right wing sites have had a field day with her. Even she did not call for killing of all whites, her words were twisted on that particular issue. Of course, her opinions must mean the whole movement is racist and that racism against whites causes more damage than racism against blacks. If you live in the same planet as Radiation does nowadays, that is.

Edit: a link to Toronto Sun if someone is interested

« Last Edit: March 30, 2017, 05:14:47 pm by SCarpelan »