Author Topic: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington  (Read 464865 times)

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Offline ironbite

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2760 on: January 10, 2019, 04:52:36 pm »
Oh hey Jacob.  A third contingency account?  How lovely!

As for your laughable proposal that nobody can climb a really tall wall, while that might be true, they can sure saw through it.  As reports have surfaced of the Wall's prototype being vulnerable to that very thing.  So sorry.

Ironbite-have fun being banned again though.

Offline Creeper in the Night

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2761 on: January 10, 2019, 05:08:25 pm »
Well using logic, if there is a tall steel barrier, it would be impossible to climb it, and even if illegal immigrants got an extremely tall ladder that goes over it, they wouldn’t be able to get down on the other side because it is too high up.

Unless they progressed past the Stone Age and created the miraculous twin inventions of either a rope or a second ladder.

Or, ya know, they could go full Dwarf and diggy diggy hole.  Remind me, what's it mean to "undermine" something?  A wall is a Medieval solution to a modern problem.  One easily circumvented by even more ancient technology.
It can be a giant electric fence.

And border patrol in helicopters will be able to spot migrants on the other side digging the tunnel.

Offline ironbite

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2762 on: January 10, 2019, 05:09:06 pm »
You're an idiot.  Did you forget the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean all exist?  And that planes fly?

Ironbite-and that steel beams can be cut?

Offline Chaos Undivided

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2763 on: January 10, 2019, 05:12:19 pm »
And that people can still dig under an electric fence?
Anti-authoritarian, anti-extremist, anti-bullshit.

Offline Sigmaleph

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2764 on: January 10, 2019, 05:17:35 pm »

Offline dpareja

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Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

Quote from: Supreme Court of Canada
Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.

Offline ironbite

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2766 on: January 10, 2019, 06:14:15 pm »
Bet he's got a 3rd account hidden somewhere.

Offline dpareja

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2767 on: January 10, 2019, 06:36:23 pm »
Bet he's got a 3rd account hidden somewhere.

Of course he does. He's not quite that stupid.

Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

Quote from: Supreme Court of Canada
Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.

Offline DarkPhoenix

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2768 on: January 10, 2019, 07:38:41 pm »
There has never BEEN a House bill that funds one cent for the fucking wall.  Maybe you should ask your hero and the party he's supposed to be head of why they didn't bother with the absolutely necessary wall while they had complete control of the government?
The house did pass a spending bill with wall funding this December.

The Senate could have easily voted on it if it reached 60 votes, and the Democrats such as Chuck Schumer got in the way by preventing the 60 votes from passing. That led to the shutdown.
Oh, right, I forgot about the Republican last minute "We're going to force this fucking thing in your face, and you can't do anything about it!" adjusted spending bill.  That had multiple bribes in the form of "disaster relief funding" in a desperate attempt to get REPUBLICANS to fucking vote for it... Because they couldn't even rely on THEM to vote for this disaster.

And this works both ways.  The Senate passed a funding bill to the House that had all the needed votes to get it passed; then Trump threw his temper tantrum and the House refused to vote on it.  And sorry, but I'm not going to point fingers at the Democrats for refusing to vote for a bill the Republicans had once again rewritten at the last minute.

the "Planned Parenthood murders infants and sells body parts" liefest.
They admit to performing abortions and using accepting donations of fetal tissue.


Republicans made their claims following the release of a secretly recorded video showing Deborah Nucatola, the senior director of medical services at Planned Parenthood, discussing the procurement of fetal tissues when conducting abortions. The edited video, released July 14 by an anti-abortion group called the Center for Medical Progress, leaves the impression that Nucatola is talking about Planned Parenthood affiliates making money from fetal tissue. But the edited video ignores other things Nucatola said that contradict that idea.

At one point in the unedited video (which was also released by the group), Nucatola says: “Affiliates are not looking to make money by doing this. They’re looking to serve their patients and just make it not impact their bottom line.”

Nucatola also says, “No one’s going to see this as a money making thing.” And at another point, she says, “Our goal, like I said, is to give patients the option without impacting our bottom line. The messaging is this should not be seen as a new revenue stream, because that’s not what it is.”

The footage was recorded secretly during a lunch meeting on July 25, 2014, between Nucatola and two people posing as employees of a company looking to procure fetal tissue for research purposes.

Oh, BTW, before you start screaming "Fake News!", you probably ought to know this too:

A grand jury here that was investigating accusations of misconduct against Planned Parenthood has instead indicted two abortion opponents who made undercover videos of the organization.

Prosecutors in Harris County said one of the leaders of the Center for Medical Progress — an anti-abortion group that made secretly recorded videos purporting to show Planned Parenthood officials trying to illegally profit from the sale of fetal tissue — had been indicted on a charge of tampering with a governmental record, a felony, and on a misdemeanor charge related to purchasing human organs.

That leader, David R. Daleiden, 27, the director of the center, had posed as a biotechnology representative to infiltrate Planned Parenthood affiliates and surreptitiously record his efforts to procure tissue for research. Another center employee, Sandra S. Merritt, 62, was indicted on a felony charge of tampering with a governmental record.

The record-tampering charges accused Mr. Daleiden and Ms. Merritt of making and presenting fake California driver’s licenses, with the intent to defraud, for their April meeting at Planned Parenthood in Houston.

They're still against involvement in foreign wars.  They're just smart enough to realize that walking out of a conflict YOU started halfway through doesn't help anybody.  It allows ISIS to recover.  It allows Assad to regain control with the assistance of the Russians, so he can get back to his campaign of murdering anyone in Syria who isn't 100% behind him.  It allows Turkey to murder the Kurdish rebels the US was trying to help, who BTW have been betrayed by the US multiple times in the past - always with a Republican President calling the shots.  It allows Russia and Iran to consolidate their power in the Middle East.  And it shows that when it comes to the US, they can't be trusted beyond the term of the current President, because no one can say if the next one will simply ignore or walk back previous agreements.
Our only reason for being in Syria was to defeat ISIS and since it is almost defeated, other countries such as Iraq can finish the job. It is not in US interests to be involved in the other wars in Syria. Our foreign policy should put America First.

Not "our" foreign policy, YOUR foreign policy.  'Cause I'm not American either.  And ISIS was "almost defeated" before, when Obama was President.  You ought to remember, consider it was what sent Trump's "trusted friend" General Michael Flynn off the deep end and lead to him getting drummed out of the US military.  And as for "America First", at this point in history with the Internet and mass communication, the very idea that a country can cut itself off from the rest of the world and not be involved in anything unless they "win" is the most FUCKING INSANE THING anyone could possibly come up with.  Insisting on "America First" in all foreign policy will put America LAST, because the rest of the world will say "fuck you then", and sorry, but the US has never stood alone.  Despite what you idiots think.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 07:50:01 pm by DarkPhoenix »

Offline dpareja

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2769 on: January 10, 2019, 08:04:00 pm »
Let's just keep in mind: both the Senate and the House have passed a funding bill that would get the federal government open while not allocating money toward Trump's vanity project. It's just that the Senate did it in the last Congress, while the House did it in this one.

Now the Turtle is not allowing it to come to a vote in this Senate, because he says he doesn't want to bring anything Trump would just veto anyway to the floor.

Just keep in mind, though: the one thing the Turtle cares about is blocking Democratic priorities for decades by jamming the federal courts full of young, insane wingnut conservatives who in some cases are rated unqualified by the ABA (which, you will recall, rated all of Garland, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh as qualified).
Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

Quote from: Supreme Court of Canada
Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.

Offline Eiki-mun

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2770 on: January 10, 2019, 09:09:12 pm »
When it comes to walls, I think we should ask the expert: Donald Trump.
There is no plague more evil and vile to watch spread than the plague that is the Von Habsburg dynasty.

Offline Kanzenkankaku

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2771 on: January 11, 2019, 05:31:55 am »
And so the ancient game known as "Trump v Trump" continues...

Art Vandelay

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2772 on: January 11, 2019, 06:30:55 am »
While Trump is an absolute dickhead, you have to at least give him credit for putting that utter cockmonkey Trump in his place.

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2773 on: January 12, 2019, 05:36:34 am »
Whoever loses, we also probably lose.

Offline dpareja

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2774 on: January 12, 2019, 05:57:59 am »
While Trump is an absolute dickhead, you have to at least give him credit for putting that utter cockmonkey Trump in his place.

Trump's been on every side of every issue.
Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

Quote from: Supreme Court of Canada
Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.