Author Topic: Why I am terrified of Steven Harper  (Read 6944 times)

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Offline D Laurier

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Why I am terrified of Steven Harper
« on: January 04, 2012, 10:33:26 am »
Steven Harper, Prime Minister of Canada.
Harper began his career with the infamous Reform Party when it was the freindly face of the notorious white supremacist group Heritage Front. At one point he was knowingly using nazi skinheads as security for party functions.
He was, and still is, a member of the Alliance Church.  The Alliance church is an ultra rightwing fundamentalist church with a strong white supremacist following.
He was, and still is, an active member of another notorious white supremacist group, The Northern Foundation
He helped mastermind the transformation of the Reform party into the Alliance Party, a whitewash of the scandals that had plagued the Reform Party. The Alliance Party soon showed its own bigoted roots, endorsing racial and religious lunacy of the worst sort.
Harper was utterly unelectable untill his foreign allies financed the merger/takover of the broken federal Conservative Party This merger , plus a general whitewashing by freindly corporate media, allowed Harper to present himself as just a "plain folks" conservative.  Carefull control of the media has alowed Harper to appear non-threatening, and to smokescreen his past expressions of anti-Canadian contempt and hostility. The import of
American handlers, many with experience working for the Republican Party, has helped create a wall of faux respectability around a man who's own shallow personality masked an ego as big as Alberta.
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Art Vandelay

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Re: Why I am terrified of Steven Harper
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2012, 10:38:22 am »
Those are some pretty big claims you're making. Care to provide a few links on the matter, particularly anything that unambiguously proves him to be a white supremacist?

Offline armandtanzarian

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Re: Why I am terrified of Steven Harper
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2012, 10:42:36 am »
Isn't his name spelled Stephen?

Offline D Laurier

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Re: Why I am terrified of Steven Harper
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2012, 02:54:09 pm »
Hullo Art. You asked for supporting links.
Unfortunately I couldn't find one to a record of Harper openly declaring himself a white supremacist... but Theres a couple that illustrate his membership in and/or association with groups that do endorse white supremacist dogma.
I think it reasonable to infere that birds of a feather do indeed flock together.

You may want to read this twice

And a great description of what facism looks like
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Offline Barbarella

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Re: Why I am terrified of Steven Harper
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2012, 06:25:46 pm »
Is there a way the Canadians can vote this guy out? I know the Government is a different system/structure up there. Canadians are usually pretty inteligent & savvy people, I'm certain it'll be easier to overthrow the Fascists up than it is in the States.

The same evil is happening to Sweden, a peaceful, Progressive nation that's being overrun by far-right inhumans. However, Canada & Sweden have a chance to nip it in the bud.

I think, the problem with us Progressives is that we think they are stupid, we're too naive & we are not cautious. For too long the Regressives have always won the battles. Our best leaders assassinated. Our efforts undermined by programs like CONTELPRO, moles, agent provacateurs, spies & various varieties of "dirty tricks". WE NEED TO ANTICIPATE THESE THINGS! They don't play fair & THEY ARE VERY INTELLIGENT & VERY CUNNING! Also, who's to say that the various Low-IQ statements by Ms. Bachmann, Palin & others just part of the scheme? It's a thing called "Obtusfigating Stupidy" or simply, "Playing Dumb". I'm sure that these guys are smarter than they let on but their doofiness is an act designed to disarm us & underestimate them.

When Progressives temper their Idealism with Realism & Caution, shedding all naivite & accept the fact that the Regressives are VERY SMART & KNOW DAMN WELL WHAT THEY ARE DOING....We will begin to win!

Offline Sigmaleph

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Re: Why I am terrified of Steven Harper
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2012, 09:04:36 pm »
It's "Obfuscating Stupidity".

Offline Radiation

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Re: Why I am terrified of Steven Harper
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2012, 09:09:48 pm »
Why does it seem like that the ultra right wing factions are trying to take over each nation?
"Radiation, were beauty measured by the soul instead of the body, you would be legendary on the status of Helen of Troy. Be strong." -The Sandman

Offline D Laurier

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Re: Why I am terrified of Steven Harper
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2012, 11:04:46 pm »
Why does it seem like that the ultra right wing factions are trying to take over each nation?
Why indeed...
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Offline anti-nonsense

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Re: Why I am terrified of Steven Harper
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2012, 11:15:54 pm »
Why does it seem like that the ultra right wing factions are trying to take over each nation?

cause they are?
From international relations to religious rivalries, from marriage to athlete's foot, whatever the problem a fundy's first solution is usually violence.

Art Vandelay

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Re: Why I am terrified of Steven Harper
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2012, 05:33:13 am »
Why does it seem like that the ultra right wing factions are trying to take over each nation?
That's generally what factions of any persuasion try to do.

Offline rosenewock21

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Re: Why I am terrified of Steven Harper
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2012, 05:39:44 am »
From George Takei, via Facebook:

Since we're on the topic of Canada today, here's a gem:

And God turned to Gabriel and said: “I shall cre­ate a land called Canada of out­stand­ing nat­ural beauty, with majes­tic moun­tains soaring with eagles, sparkling lakes abundant with bass and trout, forests full of elk and moose, and rivers stocked with salmon. I shall make the land rich in oil so the inhab­i­tants pros­per and call them Cana­di­ans, and they shall be praised as the friendliest of all peo­ple.”

“But Lord,” asked Gabriel, “Is this not too gen­er­ous to these Cana­di­ans?”

And God replied, “Just wait and see the neigh­bors I shall inflict upon them.”

But seriously, I find it very hard to believe this kind of stuff is going on in Canada. I always thought they were so much more progressive than the states.
Matthew 22:39 "And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." God's own "don't be a dick" rule.

Lithp and Vene really need to have some kind of confusing sexual encounter where Vene spends the entire session lovingly insulting Lithp's technique, then cums on his face, ruffles his hair, says, "You're all right, kid!", and then punches him in the nuts.

Offline Juna Starrider

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Re: Why I am terrified of Steven Harper
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2012, 12:24:24 pm »
Honestly, Harper while quite far right for my tastes, isn't even half as bad as some of your contenders for President.  The only issues I have are that his Government panders too much to corporations, doesn't make the environment a priority, a bit too 'tough on crime', and runs to the defence of Israel even faster than the US.

The thing is, us Canadians don't care much about the personal beliefs of our politicians, and politicians know well enough not to say anything about their beliefs unless it toes with Party line.  That's when a politician might say something a simple as 'Muslim women should not wear a hiijab while taking the oath of citizenship', there's a national debate.  Whereas in the US, you have your leaders raving about the 'homosexual agenda' and the majority of you don't even bat an eye.

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Re: Why I am terrified of Steven Harper
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2012, 07:19:02 pm »
But seriously, I find it very hard to believe this kind of stuff is going on in Canada. I always thought they were so much more progressive than the states.

The problem is that the U.S. has gone so far to the right that our right wingers have had to creep over just to keep from looking like a bunch of socialists.

Offline Barbarella

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Re: Why I am terrified of Steven Harper
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2012, 06:44:59 pm »
It's "Obfuscating Stupidity".

I know. Sorry to mispell.

Offline Barbarella

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Re: Why I am terrified of Steven Harper
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2012, 06:52:48 pm »
Why does it seem like that the ultra right wing factions are trying to take over each nation?

I know, it's nuts. You have the Teabaggers in the U.S., Harper in Canada, IslamoFundies in Malaysia, Far-Rights in Sweden, The Roman Catholic Church going from "Somewhat sane, mostly apolitical Vatican 2 types" to "Southern Baptist Convention with Smells & Bells".

I think the forces of religious zealotry know their time is short so they are having a last-ditch last hurrah before they die!