Author Topic: Christian News Network fundies  (Read 188346 times)

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Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #435 on: September 23, 2017, 11:32:58 am »
Good to see you again Ambulance Chaser!! ;D
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Offline BobRumba

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #436 on: September 23, 2017, 01:07:24 pm »
I recognize that I'm kind of a one-man band over at Christian News Network.  Every time they ban me, it just steels my resolve to get back in there and slap them right back.  I realize that makes me an anomaly, most of you understandably don't have the patience to continue to go back and keep battling the same weak arguments, the same bigotry, the same hate. 

When I first started submitting these things to FSTDT it was always so great to read the responses from people here and then when a few of you got involved over there it was even better. That goes back well over a year now, old names like The Last Trump and WorldGoneCrazy were regular submissions (the former was banned, the latter has confined himself to a pro-life channel).  I always thought we just needed a place to talk about them, then this forum happened.  So it's been great, but it's dispiriting when people fall by the wayside.

Que sera sera I guess.  I'll just keep plugging away. I hate to see the kind of bilge posted by Amos Moses go by unchallenged.  It seems important to me to call out the ugly face of Christianity. 

Maybe it's personal for me too...I work in an office in a church as my source of employment and after all these years only just discovered they are evolution deniers (which I had no idea was the case with Lutherans).  Which is sort of like finding out your boss is Kirk Cameron.
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Offline RWH

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #437 on: September 23, 2017, 01:40:14 pm »
I taught English at two fundamentalist Baptist colleges from 1976-86 (five years each).  In those places I learned how to keep my mouth shut because I saw that I could not respond to all the ugliness without getting hurt.  At both institutions, faculty members disappeared in the dark of night.  The leadership couldn't stand being challenged on anything.  I get the same read here.  People who seem to be complete strangers go in for the attack seemingly without provocation.   And they immediately stick labels on people without any clear warrant to do so.  I can tolerate that because I know how to hold my own ground.  It's just that the moderator(s) look the other way when this ugliness occurs, and those who fight back against these people are the ones who get banned.  If people like Amos were put down, the conversation would be so much more civil.  Don't the moderators realize that people like Amos provoke the others to become strident and ugly as the only means of defense.  Politeness gets someone nowhere.

I have enjoyed getting to know people, and this list has done me some good inasmuch as other see what is going on as well, and we comment on it, perhaps as a way of licking our wounds when we have to come up with the likes of Amos and others under all of their assumed names.

Offline Bob J.

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #438 on: September 23, 2017, 02:08:46 pm »

Don't the moderators realize that people like Amos provoke the others to become strident and ugly as the only means of defense.

I think it is exactly what the moderator(s) want for the website. The moderator(s) are in agreement with Amos, Jason, and mr goody.

Dialogs after banning look like,

Guest: Comment deleted
Amos: Ignored

Guest: Comment deleted
Amos: Ignored

Guest: Comment deleted
Amos: Ignored

Obviously this guest was an uncouth, foul-mouthed A-theist. Proof that the world needs to return to using the Bible as the sole textbook for public education and  the sole source for law.
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Offline BobRumba

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #439 on: September 23, 2017, 03:02:05 pm »
Well, even in my personal life I am told on a daily basis by people that if they did what I do it would drive them crazy.  I totally get that, but this is my entertainment.  I find it satisfying to shoot them down with things the world knows to be true, and more satisfying when they attempt to crowbar some scripture into the situation to bolster their lousy arguments.

(shrug) I dunno.  FSTDT has been great because I'm not constantly told that I'm wasting my time by people here.  It hasn't FELT like a waste of time.  Especially every time it's led to getting to know someone who feels the same way I do.

I also think, and I think Sharon would agree, that quote-unquote real Christians would approve of what I'm doing.  I don't know why more of them don't speak out against the lunatics.
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Offline RWH

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #440 on: September 23, 2017, 04:03:50 pm »

I really appreciate your assessment on this issue.  I have mixed feelings about walking away from Christian News, but to me it represents a situation where the cards are stacked against us.    If MM is moderating the list, I can see where people like us don't stand a chance.  A simple rhetorical analysis reveals his biases even when he posts somewhat "neutral" topics.  Even the most bigoted people against Catholics still give the Pope the honor of being called by his proper name.  I shouldn't be so concerned, but this is bringing back memories of my ten years working for fundamentalist institutions where I got little pay but plenty of abuse.

I'm dealing with another issue which shouldn't bother me at all.  The dashboard lights on my new car aren't working properly.   I'm supposed to bring the car to the garage Monday since it is still under warrant.  It's a loose wire, I think, and the issue is bugging me.

Offline BobRumba

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #441 on: September 23, 2017, 04:15:13 pm »
Can you tell the people here more about MM, by whom I assume you mean Michael Marcavage?  I don't know much myself but people might be interested in knowing a bit about the guy behind Christian News Network.
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Offline RWH

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #442 on: September 23, 2017, 06:44:22 pm »
Can you tell the people here more about MM, by whom I assume you mean Michael Marcavage?  I don't know much myself but people might be interested in knowing a bit about the guy behind Christian News Network.

Rather than say anything, may I direct everyone to the web site that Michael Marcavage used to host?  It's located here, the Repent America site:

The following link gives Michael's side of some of the trouble he got himself into:

This is where I discovered Christian News as there seemed to be a link at one time.  I don't have time to scour the page right now.

This site takes you directly to the news articles written about Marcavage.  None of it is terribly recent, but it should give you hours worth of reading.  Of special interest is that as a former student at Temple University, he got in trouble because he protested the play Corpus Christi.  He demanded equal time and a public platform at the school and refused to leave the President's Office (I believe) until his demands were met.  For that one, he was hauled off to the psych ward.  He and the Philadelphia Eleven protested at Gay pride in Philadelphia and got himself arrested.  It was a big trial.  Among other things, through the court, he got the provisions in the PA Civil Rights Law that protect gays from nondiscrimination.  There must be at least 50 articles and a lot more on his web page.  One of his last escapades was street preaching at the Liberty Bell where crowds of people waiting in line were forced to listen to him.  Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), he seemed to disappear after 2008.

Whatever he does seems to be crude and unpolished.  Come to think of it, I wouldn't be surprised if Amos weren't Marcavage personally or someone closely associated with him.  Amos' personality seems to mirror that of Michael.

My university is way off in the northwest corner of Pennsylvania, so Mike and his buddies never picketed our school, but for a while he was a regular at the West Chester branch of our State University System (not to be confused with Penn State and its regional campuses).  He was close buddies with a man with the last name of White, who got himself into deep trouble over child molestation charges. 

When the Dover PA school district made the news over teaching Intelligent Design a few years ago, Marcavage and gang were canvassing the city, street preaching and going door-to-door.

I tried to look up other information, but he seems to have dropped out of sight.  Maybe he got a real job, but I don't know who would want him around as he is so obnoxious.  He hasn't attempted to infiltrate gay pride in Philadelphia for a while.  Otherwise, we would have heard about it.  wikopedia doesn't seem to have anything recent on him.

He's a lapsed Catholic, which explains his demeaning attitude toward the Catholic Church.  Apparently, he's still single, and someone said that he claims to be a virgin.  Another evil twin is a man called James Hartline.  He had the same rabid anger against abortion, Catholics, and gays as Michael has, but James claims to be an ex-gay.  I don't know about Michael, but the two seem to be of the same mold.  James seems to have dropped out of sight pretty much, but he is fighting AIDS.  There is an interesting video on Youtube of him crying in a hospital office because he lost his wallet, an he was demanding to see security camera footage of the hospital pharmacy, which the hospital would not provide.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2017, 06:50:44 pm by RWH »

Offline BobRumba

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #443 on: September 26, 2017, 09:41:40 pm »
On the Christian News Network story "60 year old woman attacked by transgender activist during feminist rally on gender", there were 119 comments a short time ago.  The censors came in and cleaned house and now there are 8 comments, mostly by Amos and Jason Todd.  Garbage Adams is banned.
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Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #444 on: September 27, 2017, 08:03:41 am »
I was posting to tell Amos to stop telling people I was a fraud because he cut and paste YOUTUBE links and a warning not to listen to me to every thing I said.
So I flagged each comment as targeted harassment, and look at that! I got banned for defending myself and for trying to make a truce with him, but he gets to continue to post his disgusting comments to anyone he disagrees with.
So I went to Disqus and found a place to start a discussion and wrote about how they dealt with Amos (no names used, not even the site) and myself, that the moderator is friends with him and lets him do what ever he wants while banning others who are gay, atheists or people who disagree with their belief. I also mentioned all the bans that they did not to long ago.
I had someone from Disqus tell me to go to   - and fill out a form to make my complaint official.
Talking rudely is one thing, trying to ruin my reputation is another thing altogether. I hope my complaint has them look at the moderator and actually DO something. I should think the fact that there were multiple bans and I doubt there were reasons given, will catch their attention if they can look at the records, which I expect they can.
Thought I'd let you know about this complaint process if anyone is interested in putting it to use. 
Oh and I'm going to go back with another user name. I am too pissed about his attempt to smear my name to let him post without someone writing a more reasonable way to believe. I will take a lot, but to be persecuted by another Christian; no I won't do that. It's against God to do what he did, so I am doubtful that he will have salvation, he does not follow the way Jesus told us to behave in any way. He shows none of the Fruits of the Spirit, and we are to know other followers by their fruit. He is not a True Christian even if he has a different belief, he isn't following what Jesus told us to do, so he'll be one of the ones calling Lord Lord and being told that Jesus doesn't know him. He really thinks that he has nothing to do to have salvation and I can't seem to make him realize that Jesus didn't waste his breath telling us how to behave so we could ignore it and act which ever way we want. I think I could pity them for their mistakes, but their arrogance makes me change that to disrespect.
The form asks for an email so I will have to let you know if I get anywhere.
My question was submitted to a Questions about Disqus link, and that is where the moderator suggested the official complaint form. Here's the link..  Blessing everyone!
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Offline Ambulance Chaser

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #445 on: September 27, 2017, 10:24:22 am »
Sharon, if I believed in a Hell, I'd hope that people like Amos Moses have a place in it. Also, Jason Todd, Oboehner, Guest Verified, and ((shudder)) Roye E. Van Blaricome.

Offline RWH

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #446 on: September 27, 2017, 03:45:20 pm »

I had someone from Disqus tell me to go to   - and fill out a form to make my complaint official.
Talking rudely is one thing, trying to ruin my reputation is another thing altogether. I hope my complaint has them look at the moderator and actually DO something. I should think the fact that there were multiple bans and I doubt there were reasons given, will catch their attention if they can look at the records, which I expect they can.


Words cannot express how proud I am of you.  If you have some sort of success, maybe the rest of us should also file complaints.  There is certainly enough evidence on the site to back that claim.  If MM is the censor on this, maybe it will be a good lesson for him.  I have been thinking about his disappearance, and I attribute it to his backers, who had been paying all of his legal bills and who most likely said that they were through and would let him blow in the wind the next time that someone hoisted him up.  It's significant that he has disappeared and the his Repent America name and page have pretty much disappeared off the radar screen.

On the sad side, it is a painful reminder of the ten years I spent working for fundamentalist Baptist institutions in Minnesota and Wisconsin where people who even gave the slightest indication that they questioned the system were hung out to dry.  Thankfully, I was able to walk away on my own terms instead of being pushed.  In 1995 I wrote an article on fundamentalism for a leading English journal, and got most of this out of my system.  Of course, it made me a Persona Non Grata, but it accomplished a lot.  These people knew who I was and what I thought about them in a venue that they couldn't control, and I was able to get things out of my system.  The article has been referenced quite a number of times in other publications.  This time around, I thought that the best path was to walk away.  I admire your energy to go back into the arena. 

Offline BobRumba

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #447 on: September 27, 2017, 06:27:06 pm »

I had someone from Disqus tell me to go to   - and fill out a form to make my complaint official.

I may be wrong, but the way I read the words of that form - it sounds like it's intended to crack down on channels that don't deal with the hate speech that comes in from the general public.  What it DOESN'T do - I think - is address the MODERATORS of the channels who are abusing Disqus.  That's how I read their opening paragraph at least:

"We are working on solutions to fight toxic behavior on our platform, including removing publishers who are unwilling to take advantage of our software solutions for moderating hate speech and other toxic discourse."

For Disqus to refuse to do anything about toxic and abusive board moderators is nothing new.  Lady Checkmate is the gold standard there - she's a piss poor moderator that bans practically everything that gets posted, along with the people who post them.  Just an utter fascist.  But if you complain about her, or any other moderator over there, you are basically told "if you don't like this channel, find another one."  I suspect that's what we would be dealing with if we complained about the way Christian News Network is run.
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Offline Bob J.

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #448 on: September 28, 2017, 04:25:02 am »
On the Christian News Network story "60 year old woman attacked by transgender activist during feminist rally on gender", there were 119 comments a short time ago.  The censors came in and cleaned house and now there are 8 comments, mostly by Amos and Jason Todd.  Garbage Adams is banned.

Looks like I missed all the action. I’ve been busy the last couple of days. I see Beamer also got banned. I didn’t get to read the thread but I can make a good guess what that crowd would say.

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Offline BobRumba

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #449 on: September 28, 2017, 12:07:50 pm »
 A couple Christian News Network discussions are absolutely on full boil right now, if anyone wants to jump in:

This is the one where Beamer and Garbage Adams were banned, but it's on again:
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