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Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #465 on: November 01, 2017, 11:51:59 am »
Hi Everyone!
Ambulance Chaser Would you please tell me if I am wrong with this. You can't go on the CNN Board, right.
It's an article about a Judge who was questioned because he recused himself from dealing with cases with same sex or transgender people who are adopting. he felt he had a bias and recused himself and he found another Judge to take the cases he wanted to be recused from.
Isn't that the point of recusing yourself as a judge from any cases is the acknowledgement that they have a conflict of interest that might cause a bias so they don't want to take that chance so they just don't do those cases.

This guy recused himself and because they couldn't get him on doing a case that they could scream bias about, they are charging him with Ethics issues.  :(

If the whole point of asking to be recused from any case the right thing to do if you feel you might judge incorrectly whether it is intentional or without intent, if they feel like it could happen, isn't that the right thing to do?

It's like he is damned if he does and damned if he didn't

They were looking at him for the recusing to be discriminatory and isn't that why he took himself out of the cases?

I feel like because he did the right thing in removing himself from the cases he felt he might judge from bias, and giving them to a Judge that has no bias - obviously not a devout Christian as this Judge is.

Isn't charging him with making the public lose confidence in the law department like, wrong. He tried NOT to do something wrong and it should be lauded that he did, shouldn't it?
Judges who don't do that get charged with using bias in their judgements whether they do or not, just because it might have been since he is a Christian.

I would think people would think this judge is a man of honor and was a good Judge for doing what he did. That all judges should take themselves off cases that have a conflict of interest.

I really don't understand what this judge did wrong. He stood up for his faith, took him out of situations that conflict with his faith on purpose to cause no harm because of it, and found someone to take those cases without bias.  ???

So they judge him, aiming at his disagreement with the way they live, no different really than not judging the homeless if you are against them, if you remove the faith. It doesn't have to have any more than an investigation into whether he followed the law about when to recuse yourself or not. A persons view of a person for any reason that is negative and could make a difference in how the judge rules, can they still be criticized and looked at as discriminating when their intent was to avoid that situation all together?

I'm so confused how this has happened. He's a good man and honorable man. and what he did that was right, is being turned around to make it wrong.   :-\

You have always helped me with any law knowledge I've needed before to understand, so I know you can help me with this one too.

Thanks and God bless you A.C.!  ;D
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Offline Ambulance Chaser

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #466 on: November 01, 2017, 10:39:59 pm »
Self-recusal is for individual cases. It’s when a judge has a case before him where he knows a litigant, used to work for one of the law firms, has a financial stake in the outcome, etc.

It is NOT for entire classes of cases. If a judge can’t impartially handle the ENTIRETY of the LGBT community, the proper solution isn’t to pull out of all cases involving them, it’s to resign, because your impartiality is too compromised to continue.

Offline KingOfRhye

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #467 on: November 02, 2017, 08:52:42 am »
Self-recusal is for individual cases. It’s when a judge has a case before him where he knows a litigant, used to work for one of the law firms, has a financial stake in the outcome, etc.

It is NOT for entire classes of cases. If a judge can’t impartially handle the ENTIRETY of the LGBT community, the proper solution isn’t to pull out of all cases involving them, it’s to resign, because your impartiality is too compromised to continue.

So...all of those people (quite a few of them on Christian News Network as I recall!) who were saying that the judges who had previously officiated same-sex weddings should have recused themselves from Obergefell were utterly full of crap?

Offline Ambulance Chaser

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #468 on: November 02, 2017, 09:40:49 pm »
Self-recusal is for individual cases. It’s when a judge has a case before him where he knows a litigant, used to work for one of the law firms, has a financial stake in the outcome, etc.

It is NOT for entire classes of cases. If a judge can’t impartially handle the ENTIRETY of the LGBT community, the proper solution isn’t to pull out of all cases involving them, it’s to resign, because your impartiality is too compromised to continue.

So...all of those people (quite a few of them on Christian News Network as I recall!) who were saying that the judges who had previously officiated same-sex weddings should have recused themselves from Obergefell were utterly full of crap?

Yes, even moreso than Judge Nance in Kentucky. In the case of Ginsburg and Sotomayor, they didn’t say they were biased. Other people did. So they had even less reason to recuse themselves.

28 U.S.C. 455 does require a judge to recuse him or herself in any situation in “any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” But Ginsburg never made any public comments on whether she thought gay marriage was protected by the US Constitution. She just performed same sex weddings in states where it was already legal. It would be absurd to require that judges literally do nothing outside of being judges, ever, under any circumstance, lest a case come before them that somehow involves a recreational activity that they participate in. Should Scalia have been barred from hearing cases involving guns, animals, or hunters, because he was a hunter? Should Sotomayor refuse to hear cases involving women, Hispanic advocacy, or baseball, because she’s a fan of all of them? That would be ludicrous.

Offline KingOfRhye

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #469 on: November 03, 2017, 08:20:28 pm »
So, to summarize:  Fundies don't understand law.  As usual.

Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #470 on: November 04, 2017, 11:43:19 pm »
Awww, King I'm not a fundie but I don't know law, and especially not everything about US laws. I have to look those things up if I don't want to make a mistake there.

Jocasta, I've been noticing that Lady Checkmate as well as that other Lady in Christ always are the 2 up-votes for the fundie posts. I also found her to be much like you have described as Lady Checkmate, plus she is not sure of who my cousin is  representing and whether they will catch her making the same kind of comments I did and ending up banned as I was.

Lady in Christ and my cousin had a discussion on the board close to when she first started. She told her that she did not trust her and of course then there is that prayer for Eldrida. She won't allow for the fact that I am her cousin and believe the same things, and she seems to expect her to go off like a lol fundie would lol!

I am disappointed with what you have said but I can't argue with you A.C.

I expect it was because the Christian view is more restricted now than it ever has, some have to give up their whole lives to be faithful to our Lord. It's a sad day when someone tries to be careful not to have his faith affect cases, and get fired for it.
In this case it was about adoption of children into gay or transgender partner homes. he knew he would have trouble with those cases and recused from them. I don't know that he did for all cases though, unless Judges rule in adoption cases only in Family court? If it was a case that it did not go against our faith, he likely would have no bias. It is just hard for us to give up a belief that we have always had, because we are forced to, and not because it is 'fair' or anything else and it can easily be taken care of with the other judge in accord.
Imagine being a high official and then having all that goes with that status without time to adjust to some circumstances. He said it was new for him to have to deal with those cases and he chose to recluse for one case then tried to make everything right by not taking those cases. But no, for all the years of good honorable service to the people these people of faith have to literally give up their lives because other people want us to be tolerant, but no one shows tolerance back to us.
If it was a gay judge who didn't want to make a bias judgement for drunk drivers because his brother was just killed by one, you think he should just go with the flow immediately? Maybe I should say, do you think they just toss those feelings into the air while he judges someone for drunk driving. I don't see why a judge who has proven himself as a Judge should not be allowed to have one kind of case be in his courtroom. If his problem is strictly about gays and marriage, it is not fair tomake the people give up everything. They didn't even offer him a different kind of courtroom to try on things that did not go against his beliefs. It's like FU for not agreeing with us. tough luck you lost your livelihood because you are an honorable person who won't turn your back on what you believe and allow that to be forced into your life you have not had a problem with as long as you were a judge but now because of new laws that go against your faith, tough luck next time don't be such an honorable and trustworthy or faithful and you will be allowed to have a job. It's just not showing tolerance for people getting used to these laws and how to deal with it when they are forced to. It isn't like he wanted to intentionally use his belief in his judgements involving gays because he arranged for someone without that belief to take those cases making it impossible for that Judge to do any damage in any way to that /those people. He was honest and forthright about it and acknowledged that he had a problem knowing if he could judge without a bias and felt those cases should go to someone else because of that. Even Judges are human. Unfortunately being human is not legal anymore. Everyone insists you agree with them even if you don't. So what is the difference anyway, eventually they will try to force Christians to go against their faith other ways too.
And it's not just Christians this generation intends to force to their beliefs but anyone who doesn't agree with the principle of their belief. Not everyone agrees but everyone should have the right to not agree. It would create a much more peaceful world.

Why don't people understand what others are all about but want everyone to know about them?
Why do all the other groups that want us to be tolerant not have to be tolerant of some things that are for their benefit, not our own. What would benefit someone who chose to give someone else cases so that they would not break the law and end up using their bias in judgement. If it is easy enough to sin without immediately recognizing it, why would it be easy to think that they can redirect their way of life and until the situation comes up as a problem, everything is fine until someone points their finger at a good person who was actually trying to do the right thing.

I am also getting tired of being told that I HAVE to agree with everything everyone else INSISTS I must.
I'd be a lot happier if did not feel like it is being forced on us, and when you don't agree but you literally are forced to go against how you view something, it's wrong. It's like the German soldier who only followed orders and didn't agree with it himself. He was forced to or give up his life too. They shot soldiers who would not obey them.
There is always a compromise if someone will look for it and if both sides are willing to be tolerant of something as being something that is important to our faith and that is morality. If you didn't agree with pedophilia (which I doubt  you agree with) but were forced to watch videos of the rape of children it would turn you away from ever going against the way you felt being forced to do something that is against what you believe. There are plenty of Judges and what not's that are not Christian and it is not a big deal to sort them out when all it is is about our belief that homosexuality if against God's Word. That's the only thing that really goes against a believers faith. Otherwise there is no problem with homosexuals as a person to any other law case.
Marriage is something that is clearly written about in the bible and the parentage of children was also made clear besides the scriptures that refer to the act of homosexuality.
But we are not allowed to have that belief or if we do we are forced to go against it by the laws that are intolerant of our beliefs, but lets everyone else's belief trump (sorry) the religious beliefs that we have.
It could push the believers into a communities that are focused on their faiths because anyone outside that community will be trying to force us into betraying our faith in our God. No one should be forced to go against their conscience or give up their faith. and making people of faith give up jobs they were perfectly good and honorable before the gays were allowed to get married is wrong. You cannot force someone to change how they view something even if you can force them to appear like they are.
For instance, a person who dislikes Trump will not agree with a person that does like Trump. A person that does not like Trump is not forced to remain working for him because they are allowed to disagree about him.
A Christian who wants to remain faithful to his beliefs, is told too bad do it and do it without bias.
There should be a way to not demean one side, to lift the other side out of the dark place they were in. They should both be recognized whether everyone agrees or not there is no reason why it has to be all or nothing, when it can be worked out if both sides are willing to give and take with each other. thats how people work to get along together not by making one side go against their belief while another gets to over-ride another. I don't care who gets lucky by being at the top of the stack it should not be about anything more than fairness. On an individual case because I don't agree that the minority should always win over the majority and that there are times when it is ridiculous to give in to the demands of one person in a community of 1000 who disagree with them. That's just not trying to get along with anyone because you aren't interested in talking it through. You won't get along if both sides can't budge on the issues that can be beneficial for both sides.

The problem here are the media Christians and how they hate everyone for being sinners and think that they have salvation even with that attitude.
I keep giving them a challenge to prove that Jesus told us to punish the non-believers for their sin. No one seems to be fighting what I say in any way, with or without scriptures. I am learning that is how Fundies get by with the version of their faith intact. Ignore anything that is in the scriptures that says anything different than what their church believes in. Or the old stupid defense "But the bible says so". I am looking forward to someone who actually searches the scriptures about whether what I say is true or not. Ironically to me, it says that in the scriptures to check out people's explanation about the scriptures. Look for yourself and determine if the teachings are in alignment with the bible. They aren't interested in being taught about salvation because they think they already have it without question. SMH If they tried reading the bible through, they would realize how wrong that is and how it will end up for them as it will be those that will be crying Lord Lord because of the things they didn't do as well as the things they did. Jesus told us how to behave properly so obviously they didn't get that far in the bible or they would not be such aggressively hateful as they are.
It's really better for them to at least try to understand what the scriptures mean to them. Amos would not even believe it when I was being directed by the Holy Spirit. He has only the Spirit of redemption (water baptism) and has no idea what it means to be totally directed by the Holy Spirit. He needs to recognize more than he has about Jesus and what the bible is saying to us.
Like I said, why would Jesus waste his breath talking to all those people if it was all chosen before the foundation of the world. Why bother. Why not just smite all the non believers and make the world all about his relationship with his children. He is capable of that, and that is shown clearly in the OT. so why would anyone ignore anything that he himself said about each person's salvation being their own concern. I guess they really think that Jesus liked the sound of his own voice and wanted a book written about everything he said just you know because no one has to listen or do what Jesus talked about. Just accept God's grace of forgiveness of sin and bingo some people think that is all there is to salvation. Otherwise why would he have given us instructions about our lives and how we behave in unquestionable honesty and with the glory being given to God who is the one who enables people to do things.
Sorry for the rant. I am annoyed with the SandraleeSmith that comments. I don't appreciate being told I don't know the bible based on a few posts. She has no clue who I am but she thinks she should speak to me like I am a liar about my faith even though everything I say is able to be found in the scriptures. Sometimes I want to throttle arrogant people like that. I have discovered that I know more from the years I've been in a religion, than some people will ever know about the bible and most of them will never understand why I can say that. The best part is when they try to fight back with me and end up quitting because they can't argue against what I say because the scriptures actually say what I have posted. So they quietly move on without finishing the discussion.

I believe I was banned for making accurate assumptions about Amos and his life by putting the things he has said into a picture of the man. He did not like that I had figured it out so well as far as he got upset when he denied what I said.
Amos is an older gentleman cough cough who has at least a sister at a guess, and that sister has given Amos a precious niece that he dotes upon, who is still quite young and not one to speak yet at the time. I figured it out by what he said, so it is him that told me that information, just in bits and pieces at a time LOL.
Gotta go.Church tomorrow.
Blessings! Thanks for giving me a place to rant, I really appreciate it at times, more than you probably realize.  :-*

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Offline KingOfRhye

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #471 on: November 05, 2017, 08:47:18 am »
Awww, King I'm not a fundie but I don't know law, and especially not everything about US laws. I have to look those things up if I don't want to make a mistake there.

Well, that's one difference between people like you and me, and most fundies.  We'll actually admit it if we don't know something, and make an effort to find it out.  Unlike people such as, say, Amos, who for some reason thinks he knows law better than uh.....basically 99% of everyone else, including actual lawyers and such.

Offline CrowFood

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #472 on: November 06, 2017, 09:12:29 pm » anyone else kinda feel like CNN is a sunken cost? I honestly just can’t stand these people anymore. Logic, proof, and evidence slide off them like water off a duck’s back. Worse, they don’t even understand their own theology. But I feel like I continue commenting because I’ve already put time in...

Maybe I just need a break from it for a while...joys of being an argumentative apostate...

Offline Lana Reverse

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #473 on: November 06, 2017, 09:29:31 pm » anyone else kinda feel like CNN is a sunken cost? I honestly just can’t stand these people anymore. Logic, proof, and evidence slide off them like water off a duck’s back. Worse, they don’t even understand their own theology. But I feel like I continue commenting because I’ve already put time in...

Maybe I just need a break from it for a while...joys of being an argumentative apostate...

If you need a break, take one. We all need a rest sometimes.
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Offline BobRumba

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #474 on: November 06, 2017, 10:55:14 pm » anyone else kinda feel like CNN is a sunken cost? I honestly just can’t stand these people anymore. Logic, proof, and evidence slide off them like water off a duck’s back. Worse, they don’t even understand their own theology. But I feel like I continue commenting because I’ve already put time in...

Maybe I just need a break from it for a while...joys of being an argumentative apostate...

Don't forget how much we all enjoy your posts to them.  I love, love, love to see the appeals to logic and common sense sit there like smoke bombs on their self-righteous forum.
But take a break by all means if you need one.  Breaks are good. 
For myself, I love to say "No True Scotsman fallacy" to Amos any chance I get.  It makes him have temper tantrums.
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Offline Bob J.

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #475 on: November 06, 2017, 11:12:41 pm » anyone else kinda feel like CNN is a sunken cost? I honestly just can’t stand these people anymore. Logic, proof, and evidence slide off them like water off a duck’s back. Worse, they don’t even understand their own theology. But I feel like I continue commenting because I’ve already put time in...

Yes, Most of the comments I've been reading have me thinking, "So much wrong, where do I begin?"

I think the general feeling on a current thread is that even false churches should require open carry.
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Offline Bob J.

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #476 on: November 07, 2017, 09:18:58 pm »
Christian News Network is becoming even more of a machine hog, over 40 threads opened, over 245% CPU  usage. (That is 3 of my processors.)

Exiting CNN does not cleanup all of those processes. Indeed some of them continue even after exiting the browser (Safari and Firefox).
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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #477 on: November 07, 2017, 10:24:48 pm »
That sounds a mite tried going there with uBlock and/or NoScript?  Methinks the little adsies are giving your poor browsers migraines.
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Offline BobRumba

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #478 on: November 09, 2017, 02:50:02 pm »
No surprise of course, but Lady Checkmate now appears to be getting some of her "news" stories for her Disqus channels directly from Christian News Network.

Because of course she is.

The two worlds of hate are now combining.
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Offline Ambulance Chaser

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Re: Christian News Network fundies
« Reply #479 on: November 14, 2017, 09:18:55 pm »
If Amos Moses is going to defend an individual’s right to own a functional nuclear warhead, he’s beyond help.