Author Topic: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion  (Read 20827 times)

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Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2017, 09:41:26 pm »
 :o It was only because Enrico had contacted me about a post on that site about it being me as well mentioned.
I went and read the 1st  letter again, but it wasn't the top post. This letter I posted was; I actually had to go back to copy it too. I figured it would come in handy at some point that I am confronted by her.
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Offline BobRumba

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #16 on: July 22, 2017, 04:30:54 pm »
Lady Checkmate addresses (indirectly, as always) her "stalker".

PSA: To the brethren

You all are aware that our mission is to be light in this dark place, share the gospel of Jesus Christ boldy and to encourage the brethren. I just wanted to let you all know that I temporarily close OPs because F&R's stalker (atheist, reprobates, etc.) uses multiple sock accounts to mass-down vote comments from Christians, but they can't down vote comments on closed threads.

I'm OK with being down voted (persecuted, etc.), as long as we can get the gospel truth out. Unfortunately, down votes can cause an OP/channel to be ranked low (which is still irrelevant as long as we get the gospel out to the lost). But, a low ranking may limit the exposure a channel/thread receives. We can counter this attack by recommending and up voting Christian comments here.

The troll's MO is to literally, out of anger and insanity that they can't stop the gospel of Jesus Christ from going forth here use multiple sock accounts to mass down vote comments from Christians immediately one after the other indicating it's the same person using multiple accounts. Again, this is also evidence that our stalker is a channel owner and has knowledge of the inner workings of the platform. I know who it is, but that doesn't matter as they too need Jesus Christ.

What does matter is that the stalker is so hateful and demonized that they have decided that since they can't stop us from sharing truth (troll us w/petty insults, attacks, etc. until we stop believing and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ), they'll try to down vote us and attack individual users and try to limit the exposure of the gospel to the lost. We are not our won and the life that we live we live in Christ. They still don't understand...again the carnal man cannot undestand spiritual matters.

Presently, the usernames of those who up vote are visible, but those who down vote are not. No worries, because when Disqus starts showing the users doing the down voting (they now show those who flag), I'll handle them individually. For now, we ask that ALL believers and visitors please RECOMMEND ALL DISCUSSION threads and UP VOTE ALL Christian comments. Our goal is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and Truth with others and to fellowship with other believers and encourage each other in Christ. The enemy hates that and is using those submitted to him and wickedness to try and counter what God is doing here. We know we always triumph in all things in Christ. Be in agreement with us for God's will to be done and for Him to magnified and glorified in ALL that we do in Jesus name.

Thank you to the individual whose wise words and encouragement (confirming what God put in my heart to do) has led me to post this here. I don't want to embarrass anyone, so I won't mention names without permission.

So.  Where to begin.

Her trust in everyone is so low that she basically renders her own channel pointless by locking all the conversations from any posts because she's afraid of trolls.  She wouldn't HAVE trolls if she didn't treat the people who post on her channel as poorly as she does, with the ban hammer falling approximately every five seconds.  And all the wanton post deletions.

She gets scads of downvotes because she's such a horrible person.  No surprise there - I encourage EVERYONE who has a Disqus account to go there and downvote her as much as possible (Just be sure never to post, or to upvote anything there - because then she will have your username and ban you).  But now - in addition to begging her handful of "brethren" to RECOMMEND! her discussions, even if she's closed them from further posting (chortle), she's begging for upvotes.  (Important point you may not be aware of:  If the conversation is closed, or if you are banned there, you cannot downvote anything).

Sadly, even after all this time, she has to lie and say "out of anger and insanity that they can't stop the gospel of Jesus Christ from going forth here" when she's been told over, and over, and over, and over, and OVER that no one gives a damn about her faith or the fact that she's black.  She keeps trying to turn this into an attack on her faith, when people are simply pissed off because nearly EVERYONE at some time or another shown up there and tried to take part in a conversation and were banned - for no reason other than she didn't agree with them - which is frustrating, humiliating, and rude.

Disqus isn't going to do anything to help her because they don't like her either.

« Last Edit: July 22, 2017, 04:49:13 pm by Jocasta »
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Offline BobRumba

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2017, 09:16:29 am »
I may well be the only one actively battling with Lady Checkmate at the moment, but if anyone's interested in how to create a new Disqus account lightning-quick, PM me.  The idea here is she will always ban and delete you, but if you persistently come back with a new one then her effort is wasted.
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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2017, 11:18:39 am »
I've been waiting to see an open discussion with a Lady Checkmate comment in it. Downvote city.

Offline BobRumba

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2017, 11:38:41 am »
I've been waiting to see an open discussion with a Lady Checkmate comment in it. Downvote city.

You'll be waiting a while.  She hides, and no longer comments anyplace where she cannot control the discussion taking place.  I'm trolling the living hell out of her, and would invite anyone else to do the same, but I fully realize most people don't have the interest or time.
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Offline KingOfRhye

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2017, 04:21:44 pm »
I talked about it in the FSTDT comments already, but I took a stab at commenting on one of her "stories".  Created a new account, even.  (Oh, BTW, the name, Larry Lurex, was - of course - an obscure Queen-related reference.  I think if I do keep creating new Disqus accounts, I'll just come up with  Naturally, she deleted the comment, which wasn't even really objectionable, and closed the discussion right after.

Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2017, 05:12:32 pm »
I've been waiting to see an open discussion with a Lady Checkmate comment in it. Downvote city.

You'll be waiting a while.  She hides, and no longer comments anyplace where she cannot control the discussion taking place.  I'm trolling the living hell out of her, and would invite anyone else to do the same, but I fully realize most people don't have the interest or time.

@Pyro, I would love an open discussion with that ahem, lady, myself.  ::)

@Jocasta, I'm not up on a lot of things about comment boards yet, but if you can help me understand, I'd be interested in trolling with you. I have time most days, and just do not know the way to do it. I have to admit, countering their posts with the Truth really appeals to me now.
The Word of God is Truth; if it is not in the Word of God, it is not Truth.
The Gospel is the instructions to be a better Christian and to become more like Christ. This will show our good works, and show a light that will give Glory to God.

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2017, 06:54:12 pm »
There's still the occasional "preach it" post. She lets them live, so it's a place to downvote.

It's not the kind of interaction I'd like to have (frankly, it's anti-social to just downvote everything), but it's not fair for her to present her forum as "Faith & Religion" when it's actually a "Reactionary Christianity" channel. I'd stop looking if she just gave it an honest name.

Offline BobRumba

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2017, 07:07:36 pm »
There's still the occasional "preach it" post. She lets them live, so it's a place to downvote.

It's not the kind of interaction I'd like to have (frankly, it's anti-social to just downvote everything), but it's not fair for her to present her forum as "Faith & Religion" when it's actually a "Reactionary Christianity" channel. I'd stop looking if she just gave it an honest name.

Precisely.  And she's the most dishonest person I've probably ever encountered.  She'll flat-out lie and say she's getting death threats just to further her persecution complex.  If she's going to ban and delete everything I don't feel the slightest bit bad that her posts are all getting downvoted to the extent they are.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2017, 05:05:41 pm by Jocasta »
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Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #24 on: July 28, 2017, 03:49:22 pm »
I have to explain my belief as a Christian in this, I'm sorry if I offend anyone with anything I (ever) post.
Thank you for the understanding about down voting the Fundies. While I read the umm. 'Lady' re-post I realized, even though I disagree with her, and don't approve of her methods, she still - especially as a Christian - has a right to her opinion; I have literally never seen her own posts except ones that look paranoid like the one Bob put up. I can't down-vote someone for the reasons I've been given here. I'm sorry, I thought I could, but I guess my conscience won't let me. I guess partly because some of what she said really is a match to the bible for Christians. I especially don't like the idea of someone who is having problems with paranoia or any mental illness that we may not even be aware of:

for instance not all of us would talk about the grief of losing someone important to their lives, whether by death or because they parted ways:

and what I've read does give her symptoms of a real problem. I have to consider that she is paranoid before I could say anything.

I also have to consider that some of the words she used sounded like a direct quote from something I have posted many times before. How can I down-vote something that is actually scriptures anyway (I only use the scriptures)?

I would much rather go to the sites and have that one opportunity for each, if there are more sites that are Fundies hang-outs,  post my belief in what Christians are supposed to behave like, and the scriptures that prove my beliefs, which are contrary to theirs.

We are to love each other as "brethren" and we are supposed to love everyone: no exceptions and treat each other the way we want to be treated, and I don't want to be treated like it sounds she treats others; I cannot be an example of a Christian by punishing anyone. I don't agree with it. Jesus never told us to punish each other for sin. Besides, I don't think it's any different really, to how I feel about how gays are treated. It's just plain not an act that I believe my Jesus would want us to do. I'll gladly support this with scriptures if anyone asks for them.
If we want Fundies' to not treat gays badly, is it right to treat anyone intentional badly? I mean in our belief (my Church, my own) Jesus came to minister to the world about the Hope of Salvation, and about sin, and the actions of repenting. He did not come to punish anyone himself as his Father likely gave authority to Jesus for. But he did not use that. He used his human side to explain to the various people in terms that they could relate to, about sin, repenting and Salvation. All through Jesus' time on earth, he did not punish at all. He told people the consequences of not repenting and let them go. Punishment for any sin, even being rude to others, can be judged on judgement day. If there is any evil intent in your heart, it is a sin. If you don't realize it and repent, it is a sin that must be justified by God. We have to love everyone and never sin towards them. It is something I feel I must obey for the sake of my own Salvation.

I have found the other part of this comment board that has preaching so we do not have to do it here, but I wanted to explain my reasons why I decided not to join you in the down-votes, and that I do want to have the chance to leave posts that tell the new converts to look at the Gospel (God willing!) and point out where the Fundie poster errs in their post. I have no clue where to go because this U.Name is banned and they will know soon that MamaBearly is me I expect.

I'll go there to try hopefully before I am figured out.

So let me know where you see her/them post, and I will gladly go over to post to point out their errors to other readers of comments.
If I can’t treat her the way she acts, then I’ll counter it by acting the way Jesus told us to act. It’s how I comment anyways when a Fundie is apparent.

I am happy to discuss this with anyone so message me or post a reply. I am very strong in my faith and have no concerns being asked about what my beliefs are. I believe that you need to ask questions through-out our lives; some of them might be important life lessons.

Be blessed everyone! Have a Great Day!!

By the way – every time I use a hyphen – I think of the post about Ambulance Chaser.(?) and the periods! LoL! Teachers please correct me a little at a time and I promise to learn it.  ;D

The Word of God is Truth; if it is not in the Word of God, it is not Truth.
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Offline BobRumba

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #25 on: July 28, 2017, 05:49:41 pm »
I know that the war waged on Lady Checkmate is probably mine alone and that most other people here, while they find her posts disgusting, don't care enough to get in her face.  That's fine, and I don't need an army of down voters.  Again the thing I want to reiterate with her is that her beliefs which I admit I find despicable and un-Christian are not the reason I find myself "at war" with her.  Where she crossed the line into unacceptability is with her blatantly unfair banning and censoring practices.  Hundreds of people have complained about it for a long time but when I got a taste of it myself for the first time and I was treated like trash and humiliated and then silenced, it became personal and I decided she was not going to do this anymore to people, not without massive humiliation and exposure of her behavior coming back to her tenfold.

Anyone who wants to assist - great, but I know by now that most well-meaning people would probably tell me to let it go because she isn't worth it.  We will just have to respect each other's methods I guess.
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Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #26 on: July 28, 2017, 11:45:26 pm »
If it is what you think you should do, then I guess your conscience sees nothing wrong with it, and you won't find yourself regretting the behaviour later.
I agree with you 100% about her banning methods. I don't like being uncomfortable with the idea of being banned because it is very hard on someone's reputation and I can see how it can make a difference with someone in control of a situation because of that. I would feel the same way if it were me who had her abuse me. I guess I was lucky that she blocked me before I even tried to sign in to post. SMH If she had let me in, and banned me, and I did not feel the way I do about not doing harm to anyone in any way, the solution to foil the abuser so they are hard up for anyone to abuse, isn't it? BTW, you will never be alone if I am here because I will help you deal with her any way I am able to, ok. What she does is an abomination, did you know that? I looked it up to know what I can use it for other than abomination and it's basically disgusting. So what she did was an abomination. (Fun eh?) It's a lot of fun to stick that in when they are protesting something that isn't true according to the scriptures. Telling them randomly "What you are doing is an abomination."  ;D is easy to throw them off because it isn't necessarily only about sin. And they like to throw that word around because it was used by Jesus, but they don't understand that it was to teach us what sinning was by pointing out some to us. He did the same thing with the multitudes when he taught them in a way that they could understand what he was teaching them so they would not want to sin, and would want to follow him. Those sins are no different than others, and if our sins are sins by any definition, they need to be repented by choice.

Is she the person who bans for a lot of sites, or just her own uhh channel?

The reason I ask is that I think your best way to make your point is (if you are able) to set up a channel called something like Checkmates Outcasts, or something. Anyone who has been banned in her personal channel will go there and so will people who are surfing the channels for things. Eventually, she will know about your channel and she will not be able to ban one person for what they say on the other channel. Let her have her channel, so you can attract more people and then she will not be able to ban a lot because there won't be a lot of people who will post there if the word is out in the community either. (This is ignoring the fact that there are many more people to look and completely agree with her and her minions). If people find out about her, there will be less people going there to be abused by her. Which is what you want, really, isn't it? You don't want to necessarily abuse her, you want others to be treated better by her, which is like a pipe-dream. Closing up her shop because of the numbers is better than upsetting her isn't it? If she is mentally ill, and I think she is from what you and others have said here, some of what you do is actually harming her mentally. You might be pushing her to an edge by doing anything to punish her, but rather you take away the people so she has no one to abuse.
I know it's my idea, but I think it will be more effective than down-voting her. Hopefully, if it isn't keeping people away from her site to end the abuse, it will be the fact that I expect that everyone who is trying to hurt her too, might go to 'your' site and leave her alone and heck who knows, maybe it will be an improvement to her mental health. Or maybe it will help others to encourage her to seek help. We don't have any way of knowing how it will affect her by doing this, but it will reduce the people who are abused by more than down-voting her posts, it will get people away, and get people to come to find out what it is, a board for people who have been banned by the Fundies, and hopefully more people will just stay away from the abuse in the first place.
What do you think about going for taking the abuser away by being more popular with the people she abuses and bans, so they will go to your channel to complain or whatever, and she can't do a thing about what the people are saying. In the meantime, if you discover any Fundies in your midst spying so to speak for 'Lady', it will not feel wrong to ban them because she bans others. Just try not to abuse them (the Fundies) too, or you will be no better than she is. Be wiser and do it from the other angle so it is going to do the same thing.
I'm trying to help you, Jocasta, because it is you that has to live with your decisions. If this ever comes back to you, and you end up regretting anything, you will have no way to change what you do. There is nothing to come back to you in regret if you take the situation in control, instead of letting her have control.
May God bless you with Peace and Joy in knowing that you can overcome evil with good And this is one of the ways.
People would likely appreciate a place to go to vent about how they felt when she was abusing them because everyone will feel the same way, right. I hope you like my idea, and that it will help you.
The Word of God is Truth; if it is not in the Word of God, it is not Truth.
The Gospel is the instructions to be a better Christian and to become more like Christ. This will show our good works, and show a light that will give Glory to God.

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Offline BobRumba

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #27 on: July 29, 2017, 08:21:11 am »
"Checkmates Outcasts" is a nice idea but Disqus has a very firm policy about not allowing what they call "targeted harassment", and believe me, she would viciously complain to them about it.  There WAS a channel for a while called "Internet Censorship" that took hard swipes at her for a while but it never really took off because other people used it as a soapbox to complain about a bunch of higher-up, more prominent, more problematic censors in the higher echelons of Disqus...poor moderation is a big issue over there, and while Lady Checkmate is easily the harshest and worst censor there, she is small potatoes since she's basically known only in the religious channels and the grand poobahs of censorship are notorious right across the board.

So basically Lady Checkmate has her niche there.  She has constructed it not so much as a discussion channel, but as a doomsday bomb shelter where she allows only her elite, which is to say the worst Christians on the internet.  Fortunately that is just a handful, any trace of liberalism and she bans you.  The people who use the religion forums on Disqus all know her and she's widely known to be a first class nutcase, but most people who she has banned tend to shrug it off.  I never did that. I stood up to her.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2017, 09:38:42 am by Jocasta »
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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #28 on: July 30, 2017, 12:03:26 am »
I've kinda stopped visiting, too. I can't see that Disqus actually does anything when you downvote a comment.

Offline KingOfRhye

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #29 on: July 30, 2017, 10:42:48 am »
I just made another account, to post a comment on her story about the so-called "Twitter Censorship", where they refused to run ads for some pastor's anti-gay-marriage book.  Let's see how long that one lasts, I guess....