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Offline Bob J.

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2017, 04:05:24 am »
Fortunately I can find more of the good people, than of the bad. Praise God!

My belief is that there are a lot more good people than bad people. These good people come from every walk of life, every faith, every nation. Without all this goodwill, society could not function.

I often mention books, currently I am only about halfway through Steven Pinker’s, The Better Angles of Our Nature.
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ―Obi-Wan Kenobi

Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2017, 09:46:28 am »
Thank you A.C. You are a welcome sight for me. I saw Parodyx is here too. I know I'll like this place for sure!

Bob, Thank you again for telling me about this place. Now I have a place to vent when I stop beating my head against a brick wall names Amos! :o lol

I won't give up on the CNN site, but I don't know how much more I can do when there are a lot of new posters lol . And YEAH! no more Grace! lol!  ;D

This site is like a breath of fresh air for me. Looking forward to reading and posting here.
God bless!
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Offline BobRumba

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #17 on: July 08, 2017, 11:54:07 am »
Hello Sharon, I am the one who used the name Parodyx.  I have had to change my name many times over at Christian News Network because they have banned me so many times.  They never seem to learn that they can't keep me away.  I'm a little hesitant to list all the names I have used because some of the trolls over there might come over here to read this and gloat over how many times they were right.  I don't really hide the fact, but I do sometimes present different personas, sometimes male, sometimes female, sometimes Christian, sometimes atheist, sometimes questioning.  In real life I would call myself agnostic, although I am just fine with MOST's the far-right ultra hateful ones over at Christian News Network and on the "Faith and Religion" channel on Disqus that I have made it my mission in life to fight.

Also despite the name "Jocasta" I am a used to have a profane last name which I recently removed because it always made me a little uncomfortable, but the name "Jocasta xxxxxx" came from a name I found in my spam folder in my email once that made me laugh.  But the profanity is a little off-putting to some people so I have edited it out.
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Offline KingOfRhye

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2017, 07:19:48 am »
Nice to see you here, Sharon!  Yeah, "brick wall named Amos" sounds about right.

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #19 on: July 09, 2017, 09:14:51 am »
Only brick?  You sure it ain't something more dense?  Maybe lead?
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Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2017, 03:47:51 pm »
Thanks very much for all the Wecomes! I feel like I just came home.
I won't give up on CNN but it isn't as much fun without people to enjoy watching the back and forth and down voting the fundies. I'll keep looking until I find one, or I take Amos on again.
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Offline CrowFood

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2017, 01:57:09 am »
Ooooh, more cross networking! Always fun. I'm MCrow on the other site. We had a nice debate which I appreciated because your answers were of a far more respectful tone even when we clearly disagreed on the issue.

Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #22 on: July 13, 2017, 09:15:11 pm »
Ooooh, more cross networking! Always fun. I'm MCrow on the other site. We had a nice debate which I appreciated because your answers were of a far more respectful tone even when we clearly disagreed on the issue.
Thank you. I must have been a receiver of your own respect. I always prefer to end with a good friend at the end. :D
The Word of God is Truth; if it is not in the Word of God, it is not Truth.
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Offline Bob J.

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #23 on: July 24, 2017, 04:46:34 pm »
Cheers —

Notes from a different universe….
“I’ve not been impolite with you. I've simply declared to what appears to be hypocrisy on your part and suspect on the part of your church as well. You seem to think that to point out one's sins (whether as it pertains to sodomites or yourself)”

Well, to create the term sodomite and then continually use it to describe people is impolite [full stop]

I found his website a couple of days ago, when following your earlier exchange and Ted got his remarks reposted over here. His website is at

I spent a few minute at the site. Be prepared for some serious relaxation exercises after viewing. - deep breathing, maybe a quite walk in a garden. I had to play with my cat, those little nips and scratches soon become your only focus.

Anyway, I was going to send this off but never did …
“Well Ambulance Chaser, it looks like you may have a new challenge - Ted R. Weiland author of “Bible Law vs. The United States Constitution.” I’d love to see an objective review of his book, HOWEVER, this by no means a request for ANYONE to read it.”

And since I always recommend reading, this time I’ll mention George Lakoff. In particular, his short book Don’t Think of an Elephant. I liked the first edition better than the second edition. The first edition was a rambling collection of many articles he had written, it contained much repetition. The second edition cleaned that up a lot and is probably a better read. However, my enjoyment of the first edition is like reading old letters, like the Federalist Papers, you get to see repeating concerns and different wording as an idea develops.

anyway check out
under the heading “Writings” he has may articles, here is one of the articles (he has also written extensively on “family values”)

P.S. Oh, and after you read about framing you will know just how loaded Ted’s use of the word “hypocrisy” is.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 05:24:28 pm by Bob J. »
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ―Obi-Wan Kenobi

Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #24 on: July 24, 2017, 09:01:12 pm »
Hi Bob
I think having my first battle with Amos strengthened me for anyone that wants to tangle right now anyways.  ;D
I enjoyed Ted's discussion kind of, I don't know why I bothered answering at the end but it was fun anyway.
I was wondering Bob, or whomever wants to, could you see whether they blocked me after what I told them I discovered?
I have had nothing for 12hrs which was his last post that I answered and it's not there in my notifications anymore either.
If nothing else, they deleted - without anything said - my reply to Ted.
TBH I was ticked with him right off although I don't know why exactly.  :P
Bob, did you see my post? OMG I was so pumped about the answer I gave him, I'm hoping someone saw it.
I think I saved it in Word, so if I did, I'll post it here so people can tell me if I have found something useful in the scriptures for gays.  ;)
Let me know if I have been banned, please. reply to something or up-vote me. and unless it gets through to my notifications it shows that I am banned, right?
Let me know here :o what you thought of my reply if you saw it please.
God blessings Bob! Always! ::)
The Word of God is Truth; if it is not in the Word of God, it is not Truth.
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Offline Bob J.

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #25 on: July 24, 2017, 09:34:15 pm »
I was wondering Bob, or whomever wants to, could you see whether they blocked me after what I told them I discovered?
God blessings Bob! Always! ::)

You are not banned. I can see lots of messages from you. When a person is banned all those messages (well at least for about a month back) become "Guest" with the "This comment deleted." Your comments are still there. You may have had some comments "Removed" I have noticed this happens to Ambulance from time to time, just by luck, I will see his post then hours later it is silently gone, I have had a couple of my messages "Removed" also. You can check when that happens, click on your new little panda bear in the upper right hand corner, you will see your disqus profile page. Any removed comments will have a red "removed" tag to the right of the message.

Oh, and Ted seems to be a hit and run poster. A half dozen disagreements with somebody and then he is gone for months.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 11:36:42 pm by Bob J. »
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Offline Bob J.

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #26 on: July 24, 2017, 11:39:29 pm »
TBH I was ticked with him right off although I don't know why exactly.  :P
From rereading Ted’s first comment, I think I can see that ticked you off. It would have gotten any of us ticked and you or Ambulance Chaser would most likely take the bait.

But first his second response to you
Mamabearly, please point out what YOU interpreted as hateful. If citing Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 set you off on your judgmental tirade,

It is a simple matter to find a Biblical quote to tick off anybody. And you didn’t object to the Old Testament Leviticus, you pointed him to a loving Jesus. And while you may be long winded, I think he gets the title of tirade. I have previous pointed to his later use of calling you the loaded word “hypocrite”

But back to his original, first comment, Five paragraphs long. The first paragraph claims “this” would never happen if we stayed with the British colonial law. Yet homosexuality was illegal under American constitution for well over 200 years only in the last 20 years has things changed. And it has changed in the once heavily Christian Europe too. So it is a pretty grandiose claim to make.

Paragraph two, “man-made laws” He is claim indirectly that if we had a theocracy we would avoid these problems and by paragraph three “sodomites and lesbians” would be back in the closet and have no rights (in scare quotes no less).

The last two paragraphs is proselytizing. Not for a loving Jesus. not for compassion, not for understanding, but for his book. Take his test see how much you don’t know!

His whole first comment, indeed all of his comments are filled with what my father would call, “fighting words” Words chosen to be combative.

I also find that in this forum the uses of Yahweh instead of a simple God is at least strange. If this where a discussion of the ancient texts it would be proper and relevant, but here it always seems to be a one-upmanship ploy.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2017, 09:43:47 pm by Bob J. »
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ―Obi-Wan Kenobi

Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #27 on: July 25, 2017, 03:23:02 pm »

Thank you Bob for the post about "Ted."
I didn't bother checking the post you told me about on his site. I really do not think I'd do anything about it, so why take a chance on needing the breathing exercises, right? ::)
I'm checking some scriptures to see if I'm right about what they say with a few people I know who know the bible better than myself.  ;D

If I am right and there is no scriptures that can be used to change what I found, I have the reason why no religion that follows Jesus should ever condemn gays, as God has the only authority to punish anyone and Jesus told us that people who sin, and do not believe will eventually be punished, but not until after death. I don't think they realize what they do when they make a big deal about their sin either.
I am really praying that the Lord is directing me to find what I need so it 'has' to be 'right', so I am expecting if it is wrong, I'll be directed to that too.

Another point that is always brought up is about their "SIN"; NO other persons are forced to tell the Whole World their sin.
When people join churches, are they required to speak out to the whole church (a lot smaller than the whole world) about each of the sins they are doing? No we are not.

No one ever asks about another persons sins. We are just to teach them how to overcome them, and repent, and the rest (not to make the rest by any means minor, this is not about them right now). So why do some Christians think it is alright to use that forced confession of sin out of necessity, to get the right to 'rebuke' them about their sin, when they themselves were not treated like that about their own sins.

'The' sin is a sin, like any of us can make. God was no respecter of persons, so whether one man sinned one way and another man sinned another way, Neither person would be considered 'higher' or "worth more" than another person.  'The' sin was made a big deal a couple of times, but I have found where Jesus basically took that sin, and told us to cover it by the command to have love for one another.

So that is where I am right now. Ironically, Ted was the one that lead me to the scriptures in something he said.

If the style was not different, I'd think he was Amos lol.  :o
So, does that mean a fundie = a fundie with no significant differences? :-X = :-X

God Bless!

The Word of God is Truth; if it is not in the Word of God, it is not Truth.
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Offline Bob J.

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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #28 on: July 26, 2017, 01:22:19 am »
I have found where Jesus basically took that sin, and told us to cover it by the command to have love for one another.

Personally, I think that a fundie's reaction to other people's sin has nothing to do with Christianity. I think that a large part of the United States is extremely xenophobic. We have the lowest percent of our population having passports. Europe is many countries, many languages. Many different cultures all mixed in a small area. India has so many different dialects that everyone has to learn some English.

Scripture has been used to justify slavery, anti-women’s suffrage, anti-gay, anti-Semitic, anti-environmental protection, the list goes on. Many people do not like change and it is comforting for them to find scripture to justify their position. So it is not scripture that drives their opinion, rather their opinion that finds a scripture that reinforces their belief.

So, does that mean a fundie = a fundie with no significant differences?  = 

If you will remember about two months ago I related about my niece driving past the local Hindu temple, she would scream that they worshipped false idols. Well, her mother, my sister-in-law, would find a new Evangelical church, it would last about two months before the elders would say something she disagreed with. Oh the heresies, time to find a new church. This went on for years, finally she moved back home with her parents, and lo the church where she grew up was still almost the right Christian church. So I’ve come to the opposite conclusion, every fundie has the CORRECT view of scripture and everyone else is satan, a hypocrite, an anti-Christ, etc. And that was why my sister-in-law could always find a new church, which on the surface was perfect and only after a delving into scripture did it become the new heretics. And even the smallest differences are significant to some people. And nationally there are more different sects of Evangelical Christian.

On and only three days ago I said I avoid quoting scripture and today FoJC proved me wrong, he got a half dozen.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2017, 01:29:18 am by Bob J. »
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ―Obi-Wan Kenobi


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Re: Conversations with Sharon at home
« Reply #29 on: July 26, 2017, 02:37:50 pm »
Honestly, I think it's simpler than that.

Reactionaries hate change. That's basically the definition of reactionary.

Reactionary Christians, therefor, hate any doctrine other than the one they grew up with as children. That is, they hate anything that can be perceived as changes to their religion.

Your sister finds the church she grew up in the most tolerable of all of them because the church she grew up in is the closest thing that exists to the church she grew up in.