Author Topic: Parallel Hero Chapter 2: King Abaddon  (Read 2917 times)

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Offline niam2023

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Parallel Hero Chapter 2: King Abaddon
« on: August 04, 2018, 12:36:26 am »
A Kingdom that once was a Kingdom of Humans was now a Kingdom of horrifying demons.

The locusts stood almost six feet tall, hunched forward upon four legs, large wings extending backward. Each was composed of a flowing silver metal, the faces horrifying gargoyle-like grimaces, bright red light pouring out of carved looking holes wrought deep in those skulls.

They marched like automatons, having devoured everything within the range of their wretched talons and fanged mouths.

Their gullets could never be full - for they were meant to be a scourge unto the world. So they gorged themselves endlessly, needlessly, and with great gluttony and greed. Nothing was spared in their horrific hunger. Men, women, children, even swords, armor and gold. Everything that met those fangs was gnashed to pieces and digested.

At the center of what was once the large central castle was a room made by demolition of the internal walls, and the ceiling only existed as rubble on the floor. The throne yet remained, but was twisted by the foul essence of what dwelt here now. It half resembled the mandibles of a proper locust, twisted into the form of a great throne which the dark master of the horde sat upon, pretending at royalty.

King Abaddon seated on this throne of his own devising was a massive figure that made every remaining human forced to come to his court shriek with fear. Larger than his underlings by far, standing around 20 feet tall, Abaddon seared his image into every eye that witnessed him. Angelic wings rested behind his ears, which extended to points, the King of the Abyss' skin was like cracked marble, seeping darkness from every crack. Eyes wide and with golden sclera, the iris consisting of four interconnected circles.

His mouth was always open, ready to devour anything within sight.

The hands and feet rested on pillar-like masses of further cracked marble, the chest and abdomen best resembling numerous forced shut mouths oozing black mist interposed over a humanoid structure.

The old human king of these lands was dragged before Abaddon by two of his Apollyons - rather than kill the King and his two sons, Abaddon decided to keep them prisoner. Both for his own amusement, and to have someone to brag to.

The vain King of the Abyss handily tossed a pair of human orphans of his war into his mouth, crunched them to gristle in his maw, and then swallowed, "Your Kingdom is mine, old fool. I will rule over its ruins proudly, and extend my grip over this besotted landscape. There is nothing you can do at this point. God has ordained my---"

The old King spat at Abaddon's feet, "God ordained nothing. You do this for your own sadistic ends."

Abaddon picked some of a child's femur out of his teeth, toying with it in one hand, "True enough - I take a certain kind of pleasure out of ruining that which Man creates. One disaster or plague can bring low even the mightiest kingdom or republic. Think of that, think of that great power given to Me, the Angel of the Abyss, Lord of Desolation. And think again about how I was supposed to WAIT in that abyss until God dictated I be allowed to leave it to ruin the world. But ultimately, regardless how I left, saying God ordains this is a trendy statement in this age."

The old King shouted at him, "You are nothing but a monster!"

Abaddon responded by throwing the bone he'd played with at the old King's feet, the bone decayed away substantially due to contact with Abaddon, "Act with care, old fool - you would call an Angel a monster. Remember, I carry your two precious sons' lives in the palms of my hands, and in my infinite mercy, I simply leave them in constant, 24 / 7 absolute isolation. I could revoke that mercy, that invaluable gift from me to you, in but one word to my Apollyons. Do you want that on your conscience, old man?"

The old King stammered and remembered the horror he'd been subjected to. Seen his poor, precious daughter torn to pieces and eaten, and seen his people eviscerated. " please don't..." The old King cried outloud, resulting in several choked chortles from the Angel of the Abyss.

Abaddon stated, "If you would like me to continue extending this mercy to your sons, then I want you to get down on your hands and knees and lick that spittle you so rudely expelled from your mouth off of my floor."
Living Life, Lifting, Waiting for Summer

Offline Jacob Harrison

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Re: Parallel Hero Chapter 2: King Abaddon
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2018, 06:00:46 pm »
This is a cool story.

Offline niam2023

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Re: Parallel Hero Chapter 2: King Abaddon
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2018, 06:37:34 pm »
...did not see you liking it coming.
Living Life, Lifting, Waiting for Summer

Offline Jacob Harrison

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Re: Parallel Hero Chapter 2: King Abaddon
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2018, 07:02:35 pm »
...did not see you liking it coming.

A question I have, is where and when does this take place. Is it in Britain soon after the time of King Arthur?

Offline niam2023

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Re: Parallel Hero Chapter 2: King Abaddon
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2018, 07:06:41 pm »
Its after the establishment of your Europe wide empire. A certain Angel granted knowledge to the King about a variety of subjects. As a result the Kingdom is kind of like old Arthurian times, with modern material also showing up, as well as more supernatural things.
Living Life, Lifting, Waiting for Summer

Offline Jacob Harrison

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Re: Parallel Hero Chapter 2: King Abaddon
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2018, 07:17:00 pm »
Its after the establishment of your Europe wide empire. A certain Angel granted knowledge to the King about a variety of subjects. As a result the Kingdom is kind of like old Arthurian times, with modern material also showing up, as well as more supernatural things.

If it's in the future, then why is the setting and technology Medieval. The messenger from Argilla rode on horses to get to New Camelot. And also, am I a famous historical person for promoting the establishment of the Europe wide Empire?

Offline dpareja

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Re: Parallel Hero Chapter 2: King Abaddon
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2018, 07:33:25 pm »
Its after the establishment of your Europe wide empire. A certain Angel granted knowledge to the King about a variety of subjects. As a result the Kingdom is kind of like old Arthurian times, with modern material also showing up, as well as more supernatural things.

If it's in the future, then why is the setting and technology Medieval. The messenger from Argilla rode on horses to get to New Camelot. And also, am I a famous historical person for promoting the establishment of the Europe wide Empire?

Because that's what happens when you revert to a feudal theocracy.
Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

Quote from: Supreme Court of Canada
Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.

Offline niam2023

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Re: Parallel Hero Chapter 2: King Abaddon
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2018, 07:42:36 pm »
Its kind of a blend of medieval feudal society with elements of modernity and futuristic super science and fantasy.

The monks' "holy records" are kept on a massive supercomputer, for example.

If you cannot tell, I am having a tremendous amount of fun with this setting.
Living Life, Lifting, Waiting for Summer

Offline niam2023

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Re: Parallel Hero Chapter 2: King Abaddon
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2018, 07:46:06 pm »
And also, am I a famous historical person for promoting the establishment of the Europe wide Empire? a way yes.
Living Life, Lifting, Waiting for Summer