and when you come back home, you see that other people are living in your house.
“Get off my property!” you shout.
And then one of them says “Hey, you cannot oppose us for taking your property. After all, you think it is fine that the monarchs of Britain stole England from it’s true monarchs. You clearly don’t think that property rights matter.”
“You are breaking the law. If you don’t get off I will call the police.”
“We’ve got guns. We ain’t scared of no cops. And the law does not matter because legitimate authority does not matter. After all, the monarchs of Britain usurped the legitimate authority of England’s rightful monarchs and your fine with that. Now we are the authority on this property and we will make you our slave.”
And that is why it is important that you support the cause to put England’s legitimate monarch on the throne if you believe that property rights and legitimate authority matter.