Author Topic: Things That Annoy You  (Read 2133808 times)

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Art Vandelay

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #2400 on: October 19, 2012, 08:03:33 pm »
Well, I ate pasta sauce that was pretty obviously a little past its used by date, and now I'm pretty certain that there'll be some explosive diarrhoea in the very near future.


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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #2401 on: October 20, 2012, 04:34:07 am »
One of my friends a while back got really deep into the whole Native American thing a few years back, to the point where she would only date other people with ancestry in it. This worried, yet entertained me since she A.) Didn't know shit about the culture (Osage, by the way), but didn't let this get in the way of trying to "explore the spiritual side", B) Tried to mish-mash Christianity, "Native Spirituality" (Read: New Age shit), and Wiccan together (I still don't know how she thought this one would work), and C) had the intellectual depth of a kiddy pool. I admit I got a perverse sense of pride out of watching her go through hoops trying to make it all fit together as I verbally bitch slapped her during arguments on the subject, but this wasn't the part that worried me. It was her attitude that she started to develop towards things outside of what she perceived to be the "Osage culture". She started to, as I mentioned earlier, only date other Native Americans and generally buy into doing and wearing almost anything that had any form of "Indian pride" vibe to it.

This all culminated into her becoming a full on Native Supremacist. I just got done reading three giant rants on Facebook about how all the other races are apparently jealous of Native Americans and somehow have been working together to wipe out and oppress them. She tried to say that Indians are superior in every way (tried to bring up a single internet IQ test she took that gave her a relatively high score, but nothing else), and generally made a complete tool out of herself in every way and burned a lot of bridges down.

Part of me isn't surprised actually.

Art Vandelay

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #2402 on: October 20, 2012, 11:37:59 am »
So she's basically the Native American equivalent of a Weeaboo, no?

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #2403 on: October 20, 2012, 12:33:51 pm »
The offer I put in on the house I really wanted was rejected.

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #2404 on: October 20, 2012, 12:49:42 pm »
So she's basically the Native American equivalent of a Weeaboo, no?

Kind of. The only reason she even bothered to start it is because of... I think it is 1/128th Osage.

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #2405 on: October 20, 2012, 03:02:59 pm »
Wow, and I thought my Cherokee heritage was spun thin with my great grandma being Indian.

How's your belly by the way, Art? 

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #2406 on: October 20, 2012, 03:27:04 pm »

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Art Vandelay

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #2407 on: October 20, 2012, 03:35:20 pm »
How's your belly by the way, Art? 
Actually, it held up rather nicely. No explosive diarrhoea after all.

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #2408 on: October 20, 2012, 04:03:14 pm »
That's always a good thing. :)

Art Vandelay

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #2409 on: October 21, 2012, 12:47:29 am »
Just received the following text.
Quote from: 0447786556942
Your mobile number was selected as a winner of £1,000000.00 on FREE LOTTO with draw number (#98181) email for claim
With grammar like that, how could it possibly not be legit?

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #2410 on: October 21, 2012, 02:04:38 am »
You've probably noticed I've been pretty much gone for the past few days, why was that?  Well, my bro and I were pullin double-duty these past few days: handling the transport of all things yard sale for a non-profit my mom's a member of, and doing overnight security for said yard sale.

Now, that's all fine and dandy, and we were promised a LOT more than we usually make just handling the transport part (usually $100 each), plus the normal bonus of basically being able to nick anything we wanted from the merch that caught our eye and was smaller than your average American sofa.  I managed to get all but ONE of the Harry Potter books (only missing the first one) in hardback, two suit jackets (one black, one pinstripe <3), two cool-ass ties, some new gloves, a binder, and a few gifts for my girlfriend.  Altogether, not a bad haul.

Why am I posting about this here?  Well, we got done today.  We were paid for our yard sale work after Day #2, a total of about $110 each.  Not bad, not a gigantic bonus, but I'm not gonna bitch about a 10% raise with only a little extra work, since we were doing all the transport, as the lady who usually helps us out has become physically incapable of doing most of the lifting, due to age.

We also did two nights of overnight guard duty.  We spent the first night huddled together in a truck that belonged to a local member, and the second night in my van, both while trying to not freeze our fucking balls off and trying to get some modicum of sleep.  Altogether, those days, I got about 7-8 hours of sleep.  In two nights.

Now, what did my bro and I get for spending a total of 20 hours staving off the cold, boredom, and trying to get some semblance of normal sleep?  $50 each.  For those of you who are math impaired, that works out to $2.50 an hour.  Less than half the state minimum wage.  Granted, we weren't officially being employed by them, more like...freelance work, if you will.

The worst part?  I can't blame the lady who pays us.  This yard sale is an incredibly stressing thing for her, one that lasts for weeks before the fucker even begins.  Combine that with being the mother of a severely autistic son, and working full-time as a disability advocate, and its a miracle that she doesn't fucking snap and bitchslap someone.

But, I'm not pullin god damned guard duty again.  The pay is not commensurate with the agony.  That, and I have to deal with FuRR members, all of whom are varying degrees of Crazy Cat Lady, and all but two of whom (the third's a guy, and so doesn't count as a Crazy Cat Lady) are your stereotypical bitchy, old, rich, white ladies who barely tolerate anyone under motherfucking 50.  I'm fucking tempted to remind them that, one day, they're going to fucking die, and when they do, if they don't get over their fucking idiotic prejudice against people that aren't on the razor's edge between normalcy and senility, FuRR will die with them.  Which, really, will be a sad day, because they do a lot of good for cats around the state, more than the fucking Humane Society does, which is almost exclusively canine.

I love cats, and I want to help the little buggers, but those bitches' cause is going to die with them if they don't get new blood to take over once they're gone.  As it is, my brother and I are the only people there who are under 50, and if you know anything about me, you know I'm not gonna be in this state for too much longer.  I'd hate to see FuRR die, but...if they're gonna be that brand of dickhead, someone will make a new FuRR from the ashes, hopefully.  I don't want their idiocy to break my mother's heart.  That happens, I'll personally smash their headstones with a fucking sledgehammer.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 02:11:16 am by RavynousHunter »
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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #2411 on: October 21, 2012, 02:41:24 am »
I love cats too.  Think maybe you could start a less douchey FuRR?  For all ages and incomes?

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #2412 on: October 21, 2012, 04:05:00 am »
Eeh, I won't be around long enough to do anything.  My plan is to be out of my parents' house, and out of this state, by early summer 2013.

Honestly, I'd say, if the poor woman ever got a god damned break, my mother would make a perfect candidate for a...not-quite-as-violent-as-the-pricks-deserve takeover.

That, and I don't know shit about starting any kind of organization, much less keeping one going.  I got other things I need to do, first.
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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #2413 on: October 22, 2012, 12:56:44 pm »
My computer thinks I am in Florida, and I cannot figure out why.  I went to Disney last January, so it must have somehow reset then, but I've been back in Indy for nearly a year.  This isn't that big of a deal, except the ads make no sense for me.  "ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN FLORIDA?"  No, I'm not.  Plus, almost all of my ads are for Republican political candidates (from Florida).  WTF?
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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #2414 on: October 22, 2012, 03:01:39 pm »
There was a banner thing on campus advertising a support group for victims of abuse and advocating against violence in general, and someone vandalized it. Whoever did it is fucking scum.
Guys, this is getting creepy. Can we talk about cannibalism instead?

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