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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #7725 on: August 07, 2014, 06:49:44 pm »
Well it looks like I'm stuck tomorrow doing damage control to stop two rumors about me that have somehow taken ground..fuck I hate senior year.

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #7726 on: August 08, 2014, 05:08:10 pm »
I have the strongest, most insane desire to bake something, but I'm currently at my family's place and they're all out of ovens.  I would use my uncle's oven, since he lives right next door, but he's either asleep or not home.  I NEED TO FUCKING BAKE SOMETHING, DAMN IT!
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Offline I am lizard

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #7727 on: August 08, 2014, 05:46:37 pm »
Learned what a dickhead James Cameron is.

Offline Ironchew

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #7728 on: August 08, 2014, 05:49:38 pm »
I have the strongest, most insane desire to bake something, but I'm currently at my family's place and they're all out of ovens.  I would use my uncle's oven, since he lives right next door, but he's either asleep or not home.  I NEED TO FUCKING BAKE SOMETHING, DAMN IT!

Cook something over an open fire in the yard.
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Offline Kat S.

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #7729 on: August 08, 2014, 06:48:02 pm »
I have the strongest, most insane desire to bake something, but I'm currently at my family's place and they're all out of ovens.  I would use my uncle's oven, since he lives right next door, but he's either asleep or not home.  I NEED TO FUCKING BAKE SOMETHING, DAMN IT!

Cook something over an open fire in the yard.

Do you have a barbecue grill?  You can try baking in that.

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #7730 on: August 08, 2014, 06:49:53 pm »
This myth that bad attitudes are the cause of all your problems and the fools who buy into it.  They assume that someone who has unfortunate things happen to them is partly to blame because their 'attitude' contributed to it.  Has it ever occurred to these dolts that attitudes are brought about by a string of bad luck or unfortunate circumstances?  Not everyone can just wake one day and stop letting stuff bother them.  Those who can are exceptional, but should not be considered the norm. 

Not to mention the implication of assuming that people are to blame for all their problems.  Blame the victim much? 

Offline Kat S.

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #7731 on: August 08, 2014, 07:10:05 pm »
This myth that bad attitudes are the cause of all your problems and the fools who buy into it.  They assume that someone who has unfortunate things happen to them is partly to blame because their 'attitude' contributed to it.  Has it ever occurred to these dolts that attitudes are brought about by a string of bad luck or unfortunate circumstances?  Not everyone can just wake one day and stop letting stuff bother them.  Those who can are exceptional, but should not be considered the norm. 

Not to mention the implication of assuming that people are to blame for all their problems.  Blame the victim much? 

I know what you mean by those The Secret kind of books and attitudes.  I know it's one thing to keep staying positive and motivated to a resolution in the face of adversity, but it's also ok to have a negative emotion at times if you feel that way.  People need to vent if things are sucky, and it should be ok to do so as long as it isn't destructive.

Also, having a good attitude, while not necessarily a bad thing, isn't exactly going to make you a multimillionaire with a great house, family, and all around good life.  Having a "glass is half empty" approach to life won't doom you to a life of misery either.

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #7732 on: August 09, 2014, 12:55:16 am »
I honestly think the NES Godzilla Creepypasta is one of the most overrated things I've seen.  Everybody gushes about "how scarey" and "well-written" it is, and I read it and am just . . . guh.  Yeah, the some of custom spritework is fantastic, and there was one generally creepy one that gave me pause, but the story itself is just . . . guh.  I read comments like "this is the best creepypasta ever" and "you are a creepypasta god!" and all the while I'm thinking, "This is  These comments are exactly the types of comments you see in".  Because these aren't really creepypastas; they're creepypasta fanfiction.

There's a lot more I'd like to say about it, but I don't think I have the energy for it right now.

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #7733 on: August 10, 2014, 06:57:55 am »
Cinema audiences where I live.  I don't what it is with this place but every time I've gone to the cinema lately I've been surrounded by fucking morons.  The sort of people who laugh at moments that are neither funny nor intended to be funny and are often the polar opposite of supposed to be funny, like they don't quite understand how emotions are supposed to work.  They're also the  sort of people who are bored unless there's explosions and tits on screen every 2 seconds but yet at the same time (judging from how they react to incredibly inane and fatuous commercials before the films start- the "buy our phone service because this dog is wearing a hat"  type of ads) could be entertained by just getting someone to jangle a bunch of keys in front of their faces.

It's like Northern Ireland is full of psychopathes or something; but not the intelligent and superficially charming type, the stupid idiot mouthbreather type who think the highest form of human existence is being the biggest wanker possible and that being or aspiring to be anything else is "gay".  Chavs, basically.  I'm surrounded by fucking chavs.

Offline guizonde

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #7734 on: August 10, 2014, 07:57:26 am »
you know what annoys me? marital problems. my partner and i have been having some irreconciliable differences recently, mostly due to our mutual pigheadedness. i've been working on that and learning how to be more assertive yet more open to compromise (because that's what i learned works to make long-lasting couples function healthily). my partner on the other hand, is going through some major ptsd due to the israel-gaza conflict, and i'm entirely supportive and helping her as much as i can. what i won't stand for, however, is being treated like a hypocrite (i used to be a doormat, and thanks to her i've grown more assertive). what i perceive as progress (being able to call her out when she flies off the handle, then reassuring her that it's ok and it's no big deal) is seen by her as a ploy to leave her. what. insecurity is an ugly problem.

time will heal everything, so i'm not worried. but that was my own personal rant. why do i have a problem with marital disputes? because it seems like it's a friggin' season. everyone of my friends seems to have couple-trouble. including i'm sorry to say, a couple of friends who had their firstborn 6 weeks ago.

it's sterile, and i wish we could all grow up while leaving the dishes in the cupboard and not sailing through the air. let's leave the drama for teens on facebook, thankyouverymuch.
@ guizonde: I think I like the way you think.
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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #7735 on: August 10, 2014, 08:22:02 am »
I was in Victoria's Secret yesterday, which, if you've been in one, you'll know that they tend to have a lot of sales associates floating around the store just to help people. Well, this bitchy customer loudly exclaimed, "I hate how they never have anyone out here to help you these days," just because no one was helping her at that exact moment. When she saw an associate, she snapped her fingers at the woman and beckoned her over. I haven't seen someone that rude in a loooong fucking time, but I was ready to go explain to her what an asshole she was. Sadly, she kept the associate tied up for 20+ minutes complaining about them not having her size and listing discounts she wanted.
Guys, this is getting creepy. Can we talk about cannibalism instead?

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #7736 on: August 10, 2014, 12:59:31 pm »
I had this shirt I had been wearing under my armour for years. It was just something my wife did so that I would not need to wear a t-shirt under an armour. It was ugly and when I got sweaty (as people do when they put on an armour and then fight in it) it would stick to my skin and getting it off was harder every time. Then my wife made a new shirt and I decided to tear up the old one after taking off my armour. You know, just for fun.

But I forgot to shout HOAK HOGAN! when I tore the shirt...
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Aww, you guys rock. :)  I feel the love... and the pitchforks and torches.  Tingly!

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #7737 on: August 10, 2014, 06:06:44 pm »
I honestly think the NES Godzilla Creepypasta is one of the most overrated things I've seen.  Everybody gushes about "how scarey" and "well-written" it is, and I read it and am just . . . guh.  Yeah, the some of custom spritework is fantastic, and there was one generally creepy one that gave me pause, but the story itself is just . . . guh.  I read comments like "this is the best creepypasta ever" and "you are a creepypasta god!" and all the while I'm thinking, "This is  These comments are exactly the types of comments you see in".  Because these aren't really creepypastas; they're creepypasta fanfiction.

There's a lot more I'd like to say about it, but I don't think I have the energy for it right now.
I think it's probably one of the better creepypastas out there, but you're right that it isn't really a creepypasta considering it has a happy ending.

On the other hand, something that really annoys me about video game creepypastas is how everyone overuses the Lavender Town music. It's not just overused; it isn't even all that creepy. I never found anything unsettling about it even when I first played the games.

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #7738 on: August 10, 2014, 06:51:21 pm »
Pretty much all the major creepy pastas are overrated.

Offline RavynousHunter

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #7739 on: August 10, 2014, 08:54:51 pm »
I mention lately how much I hate children?  Ka's girlfriend has a kid, and he can't be more than two years-old...and he's here.  For the record, he's one of the better kids of his age I've encountered.  I still wanted to beat him with a frying pan after hearing him scream, as loud as he can, randomly, and for no god damned reason.  Part of me, a rather significant part, can't wait til I'm back home where its fucking quiet for more than five minutes at a time.
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