Author Topic: Things That Annoy You  (Read 2133223 times)

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Offline e13

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #1305 on: May 28, 2012, 11:19:30 pm »
I thought Magni ( I believe) just made that up. I didn't realize it was a thing.
I did an entire essay for a final project in a class on grammar and usage, and the whole thing was about the search for an gender-neutral pro-noun in American English. I mainly did an analysis and the reasons there is a need for one, and the attempts to create one that would be commonly used.

At the time I wrote the essay, I couldn't find an agreed upon pro-noun, and until recently, never encountered a group that used one regularily. I appreciate the consistency, and I truly hope the trans-community does stick with the one. It's hard enough to get people to agree to an idea without a proposed solution.

Just Having Some Tea, Hanging With My Friends...


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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #1306 on: May 29, 2012, 12:57:53 am »
I thought Magni ( I believe) just made that up. I didn't realize it was a thing.
I did an entire essay for a final project in a class on grammar and usage, and the whole thing was about the search for an gender-neutral pro-noun in American English. I mainly did an analysis and the reasons there is a need for one, and the attempts to create one that would be commonly used.

At the time I wrote the essay, I couldn't find an agreed upon pro-noun, and until recently, never encountered a group that used one regularily. I appreciate the consistency, and I truly hope the trans-community does stick with the one. It's hard enough to get people to agree to an idea without a proposed solution.

Zie, zir, etc.

Offline VirtualStranger

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #1307 on: May 29, 2012, 05:59:12 am »
The easiest word to use, and the word that has the most chance of being adopted by the general public as a singular pronoun is "they". The technically correct term is "It" but somewhere along the line in the evolution of the English language it became considered dehumanizing. "One" when used as a pronoun is considered awkward and overly formal.

You can't just invent a word and expect everyone to automatically start using it. Especially when you can't even get the trans community to agree on which invented pronouns to use, let alone the general public. Language doesn't work that way. I can guarantee you that if you actually used one of those pronouns to a stranger on the street, whoever you're talking to would look at you like you suddenly grew 4 eyes, and then ask you to clarify what you just said, completely interrupting the flow of the conversation.

Plus, which is actually easier to say; "They went down the street." or "Zie went down the street"?

If you are going to put in the effort to try and create a word as commonplace as a pronoun, then it needs to flow off of the speakers tongue in a natural manner. The entire point of language is effective communication, and if something as simple as a pronoun cases the speaker to stumble over their words for even a second, then that word is counter-intuitive.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't use a person's preferred pronouns, but expecting those words to automatically get adopted into the popular lexicon is unrealistic.


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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #1308 on: May 29, 2012, 07:34:10 am »
Thanks for clearing that up!

No problem at all. I've said this before to other members, but if you have any other questions (regarding trans-related-things) feel free to ask me via PM. I wouldn't mind answering questions if they are legitimate questions about how to go about transpeople. I also would not be quick to label someone a bigot nor would I gossip about someone because they do not understanding something that is (for the most part) beyond their experience.

Also, VS said it very well. I tend to use they for its simplicity and pragmatism (people generally get it). The only time I use Xie or Zir pronouns for someone is at their request.

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #1309 on: May 29, 2012, 02:10:42 pm »
I just saw a headline that said "Kim Kardashian switches up her hair." T_T
Guys, this is getting creepy. Can we talk about cannibalism instead?

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #1310 on: May 29, 2012, 02:44:26 pm »
I just saw a headline that said "Kim Kardashian switches up her hair." T_T

Worthy of a Pulitzer, I'm sure.
22:22 <SugarFreeJazz> the time for hats is now

"I don't know what it is, but nothing makes me hard like the thought of Megan Fox without any skin." - Existentialist Goofy

Offline Her3tiK

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #1311 on: May 29, 2012, 10:25:51 pm »
Just found out my mom's gone anti-vaxxer. And I had to force myself not to chew out a family friend for saying 9/11 was an inside job, there were no planes that hit the towers, Pentagon, or VA field, and the Zeitgeist movies are true (except the Christianity is false part because he's a Jesus freak).

Her3tik, you have groupies.
Ego: +5

There are a number of ways, though my favourite is simply to take them by surprise. They're just walking down the street, minding their own business when suddenly, WHACK! Penis to the face.

Offline Keiro Dreamwalker

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #1312 on: May 29, 2012, 10:28:53 pm »
Argh, I do be annoyed by ze numbskulls around here. They piss me off with their stupid fights that're totally unnecessary.
You have made a place in my heart where I thought there was no room for anything else. You have made flowers grow where I cultivated dust and stones. Remember this, on this journey you insist on making. If you die, I will not survive you long. Dovie'andi se tovya sagain!

People so seldom say "I love you". And then it's either too late or love goes. So when I tell you I love you, It doesn't mean I know you'll never go, only that I wish you didn't have to.


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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #1313 on: May 29, 2012, 11:09:35 pm »
Just found out my mom's gone anti-vaxxer. And I had to force myself not to chew out a family friend for saying 9/11 was an inside job, there were no planes that hit the towers, Pentagon, or VA field, and the Zeitgeist movies are true (except the Christianity is false part because he's a Jesus freak).


Counter your mom's new beliefs with hard-hitting evidence. If that doesn't work, kill her with fire. No, no, bad idea, killing is badong!

Offline Thejebusfire

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #1314 on: May 29, 2012, 11:31:40 pm »
Those celebrity magazines that poke fun of some woman for gaining weight, and then goes on to criticize some woman for having an eating disorder.

Offline Her3tiK

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #1315 on: May 29, 2012, 11:37:47 pm »
Just found out my mom's gone anti-vaxxer. And I had to force myself not to chew out a family friend for saying 9/11 was an inside job, there were no planes that hit the towers, Pentagon, or VA field, and the Zeitgeist movies are true (except the Christianity is false part because he's a Jesus freak).


Counter your mom's new beliefs with hard-hitting evidence. If that doesn't work, kill her with fire. No, no, bad idea, killing is badong!
If you've got some that'll sway a homeopathic nutjob, I'm all ears.
Her3tik, you have groupies.
Ego: +5

There are a number of ways, though my favourite is simply to take them by surprise. They're just walking down the street, minding their own business when suddenly, WHACK! Penis to the face.

Offline Thejebusfire

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #1316 on: May 29, 2012, 11:53:03 pm »
Just found out my mom's gone anti-vaxxer. And I had to force myself not to chew out a family friend for saying 9/11 was an inside job, there were no planes that hit the towers, Pentagon, or VA field, and the Zeitgeist movies are true (except the Christianity is false part because he's a Jesus freak).


There must be something in your water supply.

Offline Kristine

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #1317 on: May 30, 2012, 02:08:41 am »
Just found out my mom's gone anti-vaxxer. And I had to force myself not to chew out a family friend for saying 9/11 was an inside job, there were no planes that hit the towers, Pentagon, or VA field, and the Zeitgeist movies are true (except the Christianity is false part because he's a Jesus freak).


Counter your mom's new beliefs with hard-hitting evidence. If that doesn't work, kill her with fire. No, no, bad idea, killing is badong!
If you've got some that'll sway a homeopathic nutjob, I'm all ears.
Well, if it helps -  I still haven't got a straight answer from a 'true believer' if the rules of the OT apply still or if Christ's sacrifice made only the 10 commandments valid...  ::)

Offline Søren

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #1318 on: May 30, 2012, 02:40:02 am »
People that say "you cant be for x and for y, you're either for all W of against all of it"

Fuck you, I'll have my own personal opinions dickweed. I dont go for that slippery slope shit
Faisons lever l'étoile du mérite passé.  Le monde a besoin de lumière,  Le monde a besoin de la France,  La France a besoin de tous les Français.

Offline Kristine

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Re: Things That Annoy You
« Reply #1319 on: May 30, 2012, 03:09:43 am »
People that say "you cant be for x and for y, you're either for all W of against all of it"

Fuck you, I'll have my own personal opinions dickweed. I dont go for that slippery slope shit
Geeze you don't have to get hostile, I just wanted an answer.  ::)

You can have any opinions that you want - if you believe cherry picking the rules you want is okay - then fine; hold that true for people who don't cherry pick the same things and stop being a hypocrite by saying those people aren't 'Real Christians'

Just trying to figure out the rules that you all play by and I can't get a straight answer... The OT rules are good, not good, made irrelevant by Christ's sacrifice, to be cherry picked at will... (etc) make up your mind (your own personal INFORMED opinion) and then tell me why the rules should be applied that way.  That's all I'm asking and I can't even seem to get a straight answer for how someone formed their own OPINION of how the rules apply and why.