Author Topic: The Let's Plays Thread.  (Read 16774 times)

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Re: The Let's Plays Thread.
« Reply #30 on: April 24, 2012, 10:20:17 pm »
I like supergreatfriend. He's funny, informative, and thorough.

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Re: The Let's Plays Thread.
« Reply #31 on: April 25, 2012, 02:03:46 am »
Let's see, ridiculously high standards,
Um, that's a good thing. High standards produce quality content and discussion.

OR it produces a bunch of snobs that think they're superior because they're SomethingAwful.

Bearing in mind, "standards" are highly subjective.

a fee to join the community,
This is true. It's pretty much the only reason I haven't joined yet. The fee is supposed to keep the shitheads out. It ensures that people only join if they are interested in positively contributing to the community. When you have actually paid to be a member, being banned is a much more serious threat, and it tends to keep people on their best behavior.

And it also tends to make people follow a herd mentality because they don't want to risk pissing off a moderator or admin by disagreeing with them.

absolute snobbishness towards Youtube LPs,
And rightly so. The vast majority of YouTube LPs are shit, precisely because there is no quality control.


Oh, you're serious, let me laugh harder.

Let's Playing should be something that's free for anyone to do.  It should not be the domain of a bunch of elitist assholes who enjoy their exclusive club, while whoever runs the damn site gets money for hosting a forum that most other people do for free.

They can take their quality control and shove it.  I'll take the freedom to make crappy LPs over the anal-retentive elitism that is SomethingAwful ANYday.

For the record, when I mean snobbishness, I mean BECAUSE they're on Youtube, not because of their actual quality.  I'm sorry that you missed that.

SA are the ones who popularized LPs in the first place. If anyone knows how to make a good one, it's them.

Being the originator of something does not mean make you the BEST maker of something.

and part of their history was rooted in making fun of other people for being different.

You mean... you don't know?

BAHAHAHAHAAH!  This is rich!

Let me inform you.  Essentially, SomethingAwful had its origins in making fun of people on the internet for reasons such as

1. Being a furry
2. Being a foot fetishist
3. Being gay
4. Having gay friends
5. Talking about any of the above on a forum

And probably much more, I didn't hang around their site any longer.

That's actually why it's called Something Awful.  Because it was meant to be a showcase of Something Awful on the internet.

They were essentially like a stupider version of Encyclopedia Dramatica.

Oh, and they would also review fetish fanfiction.  Because nothing says "I hate this" than reading it and re-reading it and re-reading it to point out how absolutely disturbing something is.

I was on a forum that was targeted once by them, so I have personal experience with them!  Can we say "Yaaaaaay"?

To be honest, I do credit SomethingAwful for producing Let's Plays.  And that's about it.  That's literally the only good thing that came out of SomethingAwful.

Oh, I'm not saying there aren't good people that post on SomethingAwful.  I'm just saying that the site, as a whole, is pretty much a no-zone :3

So, in short, feel free to mention SomethingAwful.  They deserve it.  However, do not, under any circumstances, labor under the delusion that they are superior to everything ever.  They're not.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 02:08:13 am by Zachski »
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Re: The Let's Plays Thread.
« Reply #32 on: April 25, 2012, 02:24:59 am »
The Youtube snobbery on Something Awful pisses me off as well. If I find a video Let's Play in the archive that I would like to watch, it's usually only uploaded on Viddler, where videos always buffer slower than they play (unlike Youtube), thus making it an exercise in tedium trying to watch the bloody things.

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Re: The Let's Plays Thread.
« Reply #33 on: April 25, 2012, 09:16:52 am »

Sorry, but most of that post sounds like you just copied the Encyclopedia Dramatica article and edited out the profanity. You sound like you have no idea what you're talking about, judging by the fact that you think they "make fun of gay people" which couldn't be more hilariously inaccurate if it tried. Even 4chan doesn't make fun people for being gay anymore, and that's the site where -fag is used as a suffix.

It's like how people across the internet all regard the entirety of 4chan like it's some black hole of vileness because of some 3rd-hand rumor from someone who thinks the entire site is just like /b/.

As for the Let's Plays, Ill just quote Yahtzee of Zero Puncuation.

The origin and still best source of Let's Play is the Something Awful forums, which now has a dedicated subforum for it. The SA forums quite notoriously charge 10 dollars to register, which is about as effective a shithead filtration system as you could ask for, really. But after LPs are completed there, many of them get hosted offsite in an archive rather predictably named the Let's Play Archive. Just to throw out some recommendations, the Dead Rising LP was particularly good for filling in the blanks on an extremely unforgiving game my patience wouldn't let me hold out for. If you're in it just for the funny ones, though, there's the spectacle of two incredibly white guys playing 50 Cent: Blood On The Sand or the infamous Daikatana being tackled by a very angry chap and his easy-going friend. And on the subject of exposing hidden gems, there's a rather excellent thread currently still running in the subforum for Deadly Premonition, a game that word of mouth seemed to make out as incredibly polarizing, but which I now see has the kind of lovable Japanese quirkiness that strikes a chord with me (after all, I champion Suda51's utterly bizarre Killer7, which has also been LP'ed by the 50 Cent guys.

The quality of LPs on Something Awful tends to be high because the subforum has very strict rules for posting, and their insistence on good technical quality might seem a little restrictive, but it's a damn sight better than the alternative, which is the Let's Play community on YouTube. As is always the case with YouTube, and perhaps the internet in general, its biggest detriment is its complete lack of quality control and community of yes-men who are prepared to give mindless praise to anything that doesn't make their monitors explode and embed white-hot shards of plastic in their faces. So Youtube is quite infested with people recording their CRT TVs with their webcams, or droning monotonously over SNES emulator footage watermarked by unregistered screen capture software.

But I think the problem with YouTube LPs is that most of them seem to think LP should be about the person commentating rather than the game. They all seem to play the same titles (honestly, how many times can anyone watch Super Mario World being played), have little editing and effect desperate attempts at hilarious personas in order to attract more subscribers, the most valuable currency of YouTube. SA, I find, encourages its users to see LP more as a hobbyist's roundtable discussion about the games themselves.


The Youtube snobbery on Something Awful pisses me off as well. If I find a video Let's Play in the archive that I would like to watch, it's usually only uploaded on Viddler, where videos always buffer slower than they play (unlike Youtube), thus making it an exercise in tedium trying to watch the bloody things.

It's because YouTube rolls over at the slightest prospect of a DMCA takedown request and is constantly removing Let's Play videos. Uploading to other places is a necessary precaution if you want your video to stay up.


Back on topic: Here is an amazing Let's Play of KotOR II. It's informative, funny, and entertaining. It even includes all of the game's infamous cut content and pieces it together.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 09:32:19 am by VirtualStranger »

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Re: The Let's Plays Thread.
« Reply #34 on: April 25, 2012, 10:00:05 am »
It's because YouTube rolls over at the slightest prospect of a DMCA takedown request and is constantly removing Let's Play videos. Uploading to other places is a necessary precaution if you want your video to stay up.
If they're "constantly removing Let's Play videos", then how exactly to people like Chuggaaconroy or NintendoCapriSun actually make a living (as in not as a hobby, but as their source of income) making Let's Plays on Youtube?

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Re: The Let's Plays Thread.
« Reply #35 on: April 25, 2012, 10:28:15 am »
It's because YouTube rolls over at the slightest prospect of a DMCA takedown request and is constantly removing Let's Play videos. Uploading to other places is a necessary precaution if you want your video to stay up.
If they're "constantly removing Let's Play videos", then how exactly to people like Chuggaaconroy or NintendoCapriSun actually make a living (as in not as a hobby, but as their source of income) making Let's Plays on Youtube?
Because whoever owns the content in the videos hasn't seen fit to have them removed. YouTube only removes a video if a corporation complains about it. If the content owner wanted the video removed, YouTube would comply without a second thought and there would be nothing they could do about it. Some people would just rather not take the risk and decide to upload it somewhere else that doesn't get as much attention from the corporations.

A lot of the time, they don't get removed, but the possibility is still there, and other sites are safer.

Things are slightly different for big-name YouTube users, as they are a source of revenue for the site. YT will be more willing to keep them there.

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Re: The Let's Plays Thread.
« Reply #36 on: April 25, 2012, 02:13:27 pm »

Sorry, but most of that post sounds like you just copied the Encyclopedia Dramatica article and edited out the profanity. You sound like you have no idea what you're talking about, judging by the fact that you think they "make fun of gay people" which couldn't be more hilariously inaccurate if it tried. Even 4chan doesn't make fun people for being gay anymore, and that's the site where -fag is used as a suffix.

Apparently, saying that a site had its roots in something means that it currently engages in that activity today.


No, no it doesn't do that NOW.  It, however, once did.  I saw the damn articles myself.  They were making fun of coming out stories >_>

Either way, Something Awful does have a reputation, and for good reason.  In fact, 4chan was spawned by members of Something Awful.

Though don't bring this up.  4chan hates to be compared to SomethingAwful, and vice versa.

Actually, as far as furry hate trend goes?  Not that it matters today, but Something Awful actually started the damn trend.  Ironically, they had some furry moderators at the time, and that shit got shut down, but they were the originator.

Also, I don't read ED.  Aside from one article that I enjoyed the schadenfreude on, I pretty much stay the hell away from ED as well.

Either way, SomethingAwful isn't some bastion of internet intelligence or maturity.  Fear of being banned does not make it a good forum.  It just means that they tend to take their GIFT-antics to other forums.
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Re: The Let's Plays Thread.
« Reply #37 on: April 25, 2012, 06:43:05 pm »
It's because YouTube rolls over at the slightest prospect of a DMCA takedown request and is constantly removing Let's Play videos. Uploading to other places is a necessary precaution if you want your video to stay up.
If they're "constantly removing Let's Play videos", then how exactly to people like Chuggaaconroy or NintendoCapriSun actually make a living (as in not as a hobby, but as their source of income) making Let's Plays on Youtube?
Because whoever owns the content in the videos hasn't seen fit to have them removed. YouTube only removes a video if a corporation complains about it. If the content owner wanted the video removed, YouTube would comply without a second thought and there would be nothing they could do about it. Some people would just rather not take the risk and decide to upload it somewhere else that doesn't get as much attention from the corporations.

A lot of the time, they don't get removed, but the possibility is still there, and other sites are safer.

Things are slightly different for big-name YouTube users, as they are a source of revenue for the site. YT will be more willing to keep them there.

The fact that these big-name let's players managed to get established in the first place makes me think that Youtube very rarely, if ever, removes let's plays for that reason.

Even if they did, it's still no reason why the video let's plays on Something Awful can't be uploaded to Youtube as well as the other video hosting sites they use. It's not uncommon for any given let's play to be uploaded to at least three different sites, so it's not like it would be a huge inconvenience to stick in on Youtube as well.

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Re: The Let's Plays Thread.
« Reply #38 on: April 25, 2012, 06:52:43 pm »
It's because YouTube rolls over at the slightest prospect of a DMCA takedown request and is constantly removing Let's Play videos. Uploading to other places is a necessary precaution if you want your video to stay up.
If they're "constantly removing Let's Play videos", then how exactly to people like Chuggaaconroy or NintendoCapriSun actually make a living (as in not as a hobby, but as their source of income) making Let's Plays on Youtube?
Because whoever owns the content in the videos hasn't seen fit to have them removed. YouTube only removes a video if a corporation complains about it. If the content owner wanted the video removed, YouTube would comply without a second thought and there would be nothing they could do about it. Some people would just rather not take the risk and decide to upload it somewhere else that doesn't get as much attention from the corporations.

A lot of the time, they don't get removed, but the possibility is still there, and other sites are safer.

Things are slightly different for big-name YouTube users, as they are a source of revenue for the site. YT will be more willing to keep them there.

The fact that these big-name let's players managed to get established in the first place makes me think that Youtube very rarely, if ever, removes let's plays for that reason.

Even if they did, it's still no reason why the video let's plays on Something Awful can't be uploaded to Youtube as well as the other video hosting sites they use. It's not uncommon for any given let's play to be uploaded to at least three different sites, so it's not like it would be a huge inconvenience to stick in on Youtube as well.

I've been browsing the LP archive for a while, and from my experience, most of them are uploaded to YouTube as well.

Art Vandelay

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Re: The Let's Plays Thread.
« Reply #39 on: April 25, 2012, 06:55:51 pm »
I've been browsing the LP archive for a while, and from my experience, most of them are uploaded to YouTube as well.
Quite of few of them are, but there are enough that aren't for it to become really annoying.

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Re: The Let's Plays Thread.
« Reply #40 on: April 26, 2012, 05:33:08 am »
Come on guys, 3 pages and no mention of DeceasedCrab yet?
Ok seriously, is nobody even going to try and avenge my man-burrito?


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Re: The Let's Plays Thread.
« Reply #41 on: April 26, 2012, 01:03:13 pm »
Come on guys, 3 pages and no mention of DeceasedCrab yet?

He has a gigantic ego, and unlike raocow, he's random without being that funny.

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Re: The Let's Plays Thread.
« Reply #42 on: April 26, 2012, 01:13:58 pm »
I've been browsing the LP archive for a while, and from my experience, most of them are uploaded to YouTube as well.
Quite of few of them are, but there are enough that aren't for it to become really annoying.

Do the other video players really run that badly? I was just watching a LP on one of them (Viddler, to be specific) and it works perfectly fine. It's no worse than YouTube.

Some of them even provide direct download links, in which case there is pretty much no excuse for complaining about where the video is uploaded.

Come on guys, 3 pages and no mention of DeceasedCrab yet?

That's because he's terrible.

EDIT: I should say most of the time he's terrible. He's tolerable when he's guest commentating on someone else's LP.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 01:35:14 pm by VirtualStranger »

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Re: The Let's Plays Thread.
« Reply #43 on: April 26, 2012, 03:17:17 pm »
Come on guys, 3 pages and no mention of DeceasedCrab yet?

He has a gigantic ego, and unlike raocow, he's random without being that funny.

Actually, I find him humorous most of the time.

He's not one of my favorite LPers (and yes, admittedly, he isn't that great, but his brand of angrish is... entertaining, I guess), but he's worth a damn.

Also, Yogscast
« Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 03:23:14 pm by Zachski »
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Re: The Let's Plays Thread.
« Reply #44 on: April 26, 2012, 08:44:09 pm »
Do the other video players really run that badly? I was just watching a LP on one of them (Viddler, to be specific) and it works perfectly fine. It's no worse than YouTube.
As I said already, yes they do. I'll grant that is fine but Viddler is ass, as they videos play faster than they buffer.
Some of them even provide direct download links, in which case there is pretty much no excuse for complaining about where the video is uploaded.
That's even worse. Downloading isn't exactly instantaneous, nor is bandwidth unlimited.