Author Topic: My Little Proly: Class Collaboration in Equestria  (Read 7992 times)

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Offline largeham

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My Little Proly: Class Collaboration in Equestria
« on: June 01, 2012, 07:25:19 am »
My Little Proly: Class Collaboration in Equestria

   My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (henceforth referred to as MLP) is a popular children's TV series part of the My Little Pony franchise. Apart from being popular among children, it's most obvious target demographic, the show has also appealed to many older people, be they parents of children watching the show or otherwise. The reasons of this seemingly unintended fanbase vary: some like the show due to the fact that it targets relatively complex topics and doesn't treat children as complete idiots; others simply appreciate the artwork. Many of the older fans come under the name 'brony' (though many female fans are technically considered bronies as well), their motto being 'love and tolerance', themes that do fit in with the show. While bronies may take a positive message out of MLP, what is the show teaching our children. On the surface, it seems the bronies are right, however a closer look at the underlying themes in the show reveals its support for a class based system, a caste approach to social structure (based around cutie marks) and class collaboration (this ignoring the basic fact that Equestria is a principality, Princess Celestia was not elected). Class collaboration is a characteristic of many fascist regimes, however whether MLP is a fascist show or not will not be discussed here (also, MLP does not have the extreme nationalism, racism and militarism of other fascist regimes).

   Ponies make the vast majority of the population in Equestria (though there are other creatures, Spike (a dragon) being the main representative of the other creatures). There are three types of ponies: earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns. Pegasi can fly while unicorns can use magic through their horns. The ruler of Equestria is Princess Celestia, who has characteristics of both pegasi and unicorns. It seems obvious that in the hierarchy, earth ponies are the lowest end of the ladder. They make up the peasants and workers of Equestria. Apple Jack, one of the main earth-ponies on the show, comes from a peasant family and still works on the family's apple farm. This is again shown when the main characters travel to Appleloossa. The exploitation of earth ponies by other ponies is exemplefied with the character Big Macintosh, he is consistently over worked by other ponies (including his sister Apple Jack), yet his ordeal is played for laughs.
Not all earth ponies are peasants, Pinkie Pie is a worker at a cake shop (though she too came from a poor rural background), Cheerlilee is a teacher and Redheart is a nurse. However, there has been some class mobility in Equestria: Filthy Rich, Photo Finish, Hoity Toity and Sapphire Shores are all earth ponies who have managed to move themselves upward socially and economically. Apple Jack's Aunt and Uncle Orange also managed to leave the farm and became part of the high society in Manehatten, yet even there Apple Jack was taunted and discouraged due to her peasant background. However, the vast majority of earth ponies belong to the peasant or working class.

   The role of the unicorns is also an easy to see. The unicorns make the ruling class in Equestria. Twilight Sparkle is one of the two main unicorns in the show. She originally came from Canterlot, the capital of Equestria. She was a student with a personal helper, Spike. It is difficult to tell whether Spike is Twilight Sparkle's helper due to a personal friendship, it being the roles of dragons (unlikely as dragons are generally independent and proud creatures) or Twilight Sparkle was given him as a servant/whipping boy (quite possible as she seems to come from a upper class family and also considering the way he is treated at times). Another example of unicorns holding privileged positions is the case of Twilight's brother, Shining Armour1. It is shown that not only is Shining Armour is the Captain of the Royal Guard, he is getting married to Princess Cadance, Princess Celestia's niece. Aside from her royal relatives, the fact that Twilight Sparkle is a student seems to show that she is firmly embedded in the ruling class of Equestria. While the other ponies are by no means stupid, Twilight Sparkle seems to be the only one among the main cast to have gone onto higher education. Not only is she higher educated, she has access to a variety of sophisticated technologies. The other prominent unicorn in the show is Rarity. While Rarity is from Ponyville, and doesn't have the same connections that Twilight Sparkle has, she owns a clothing store that specialises in high-end fashion. She tries to appeal to the upper class of Equestria and is more than happy to hob nob around with upper class ponies.
Another reason why unicorns are the oppressors in Equestria is their control over magic. Pegasi can fly, and earth ponies have some sort of vague connection with the land and animals, the magic of unicorns is much more versatile and obvious. In this case unicorns can be seen as a shaman sort of character, which would explain Zecora and why she is held in such high regard.

   The last variety of pony is the pegasi. They are a relatively difficult group to define. However, it is fair to judge that the pegasi are probably the most violent of all the ponies (with exceptions). Aside from the fact that they make the ranks of the Royal Guard (the only armed force in Equestria), one of the main pegasi, Rainbow Dash, is extremely headstrong and brash. This tendency to not only violence but also a dismissal of the weak is shown through the flashbacks when Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy (the other many pegasi) are students at the Cloudsdale Flying School. Of course, there are exceptions. These include Fluttershy and the pony named Derpy. Fluttershy acts more like an earth pony, being very fond of animals and having a special connection with them (appropriate as it seems that Fluttershy was originally supposed to be an earth pony). However, she at times has let loose, once towards a dragon and another towards a cockatrice. It seems unlikely that Fluttershy’s quiet demeanour is simply a cover, more likely that she is naturally shy but at times her natural violent instincts erupt. As for Derpy, she is an unfortunate case of simply being mentally challenged. We can see again the pegasi dismissal of the weak in the way she is treated, generally as a nuisance and only fit for menial work (this also applies to Fluttershy as she is humiliated over having a wingpower of 0.5).
Pegasi also maintain control over the weather, through the city of Cloudsdale (a pegasi-only city). This gives them an inordinate amount of control over Equestria, as they hold the earth ponies’ abilities to grow food by the neck. As seen when the Thunderbolts (a group of pegasi, led by Spitfire (meaningful name?)) ask Ponyville to help them move water up to Cloudsdale, they are able to marshal a large number of ponies.

   Cutie marks are a symbol that appears on every pony at a young age. It is based on that pony's temperament and abilities. It also generally defines that pony's career or life choices. This is very arbitrary and inaccurate system. Ponies may have multiple hobbies/passions, and these may change over time, as may a pony's personality and psychology. The 'Cutie Mark Crusaders'  (Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle; the first two are the younger sisters of Apple Jack and Rarity respectively) are shown to be, to some extent, quite immature and impatient regarding their lack of cutie marks. Yet it is expected that as they age, they are likely to become more mature. If they receive a cutie mark due to decisions made at a young age, this could have dire ramifications regarding their future.

   The class dynamics of Equestria are probably much more complex than the short outline given above. What has not been touched upon is the class collaboration in Equestria. The earth ponies, the majority of whom are peasants and works, and make up the majority of ponies working in those fields, seem content with their position and their exploitation. Of course, the earth ponies who have managed to rise above that are probably embedded within the ruling class. The unicorns are unlikely to change their position any time soon, while the pegasi are happy to occupy a privileged position in society. This class system seems to be in part enforced by the cutie mark phenomenon. Class collaboration is a prominent feature of fascist societies and governments. Whether MLP is a fascist show has not been discussed here and should be explored at a later date. However the evidence seems to refute the charge, most obviously when the main group travel to Appleloosa and create a connection between the ponies and the buffalo herd. However, the 'scientific' racism of Nazi Germany is not inherent in fascism, it is entirely possible that topics regarding extreme nationalism, chauvinism and militarism were considered too difficult for children. Only time will tell if one day we will see My Little Pony: Autarkism is Magic.

tl;dr: IDGAF, YOLO, probably should've spent this time studying for my exams.

My Little Comrade
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Offline SpaceProg

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Re: My Little Proly: Class Collaboration in Equestria
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2012, 09:26:18 am »
That's fascinating. Interesting article.   I've never seen a whole episode.  Just little bits as I was flipping channels, but I may check it out with more depth next time I surf.  I dunno if you'll make a Brony out of me though, hehe.

As far as the subject matter is concerned, hey; I once had a long discussion and a whole thesis planned out of Scrooge McDuck and his obsessive compulsive hoarding of money. (He has so much, uses so little, and has a huge bin to put it in.  He goes into a panic when he thinks some of it may have gone missing, even if it hasn't.)
« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 09:28:54 am by SpaceProg »

Offline nickiknack

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Re: My Little Proly: Class Collaboration in Equestria
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2012, 12:23:42 pm »

Offline Cerim Treascair

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Re: My Little Proly: Class Collaboration in Equestria
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2012, 01:00:12 pm »
Well done, Ham.  Prog, I have suggestions if you want to sit down and watch the show.  Nick... ... yeah, we can hope.
There is light and darkness in the world, to be sure.  However, there's no harm to be had in walking in the shade or shadows.

Formerly Priestling

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Offline largeham

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Re: My Little Proly: Class Collaboration in Equestria
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2012, 07:41:42 pm »
That's fascinating. Interesting article.   I've never seen a whole episode.  Just little bits as I was flipping channels, but I may check it out with more depth next time I surf.  I dunno if you'll make a Brony out of me though, hehe.

As far as the subject matter is concerned, hey; I once had a long discussion and a whole thesis planned out of Scrooge McDuck and his obsessive compulsive hoarding of money. (He has so much, uses so little, and has a huge bin to put it in.  He goes into a panic when he thinks some of it may have gone missing, even if it hasn't.)

It's not that good, my essay writing skills have become a little rusted. I do like these in depth conversation regarding the political/economic/religious/whathaveyou themes in kids shows, even if you are just pulling out of your ass you can come up with some crazy shit.

nickiknack and Priestling: what do you mean?

My Little Comrade
My Little Comrade
Ah ah ah aaaaah!
(My Little Comrade)
I used to wonder what socialism could be!
(My Little Comrade)
Until you all shared its materialist dialectic with me!

Offline nickiknack

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Re: My Little Proly: Class Collaboration in Equestria
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2012, 11:47:29 pm »
My pinkie pie image was expressing wonderment in it. When I was in college, I once was toying with the idea of writing a paper on the politics of Star Wars just for shits and giggles. 
« Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 07:53:30 pm by nickiknack »

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Re: My Little Proly: Class Collaboration in Equestria
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2012, 12:24:29 am »
My pinkie pie image was expressing wonderment in it. When I was in college, I once was toying with the idea of writing a paper on the politics of Star Wars just for shits and giggles.
I received an A in my Criticism and Analysis course in college for a ten page paper trying to show how Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross' graphic novel, Marvels, while not only being an analysis of the fictional comic book world's "silver age," could also be taken as a depiction of the history of American comic books itself.

The world of academia would not frown, I would think, on an endeavor into Star Wars, as long as it was articulated appropriately.

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Offline largeham

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Re: My Little Proly: Class Collaboration in Equestria
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2012, 02:04:03 am »
Star Wars is basically a non-racist version of the stereotypical redneck survivalist conspiracy theory. Instead of the UN/NWO taking over the world, it is the Galactic Senate which is fulfilling the same function just on a galactic (obviously) scale. Of course, this assumes acceptance of the prequels. Without the prequels it is much harder to look into the themes of Star Wars because there is little to no context.

My Little Comrade
My Little Comrade
Ah ah ah aaaaah!
(My Little Comrade)
I used to wonder what socialism could be!
(My Little Comrade)
Until you all shared its materialist dialectic with me!

Offline Osama bin Bambi

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Re: My Little Proly: Class Collaboration in Equestria
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2012, 04:13:41 am »
This is the best thing I've ever read on the internet.
Formerly known as Eva-Beatrice and Wykked Wytch.

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Re: My Little Proly: Class Collaboration in Equestria
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2012, 05:52:43 am »
...This. is. epic.
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Me: "Just remember what the Vikings used to do to Christians that annoyed them."

Offline SpaceProg

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Re: My Little Proly: Class Collaboration in Equestria
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2012, 09:58:04 am »
See, Largeham? It IS that good :).

Offline Osama bin Bambi

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Re: My Little Proly: Class Collaboration in Equestria
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2012, 12:23:23 pm »
See, Largeham? It IS that good :).

Yup, you even got this libertarian capitalist to agree with you, you commie bastard.
Formerly known as Eva-Beatrice and Wykked Wytch.

Quote from: sandman
There are very few problems that cannot be solved with a good taint punching.

Offline nickiknack

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Re: My Little Proly: Class Collaboration in Equestria
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2012, 12:24:41 pm »
Star Wars is basically a non-racist version of the stereotypical redneck survivalist conspiracy theory. Instead of the UN/NWO taking over the world, it is the Galactic Senate which is fulfilling the same function just on a galactic (obviously) scale. Of course, this assumes acceptance of the prequels. Without the prequels it is much harder to look into the themes of Star Wars because there is little to no context.

Well, there is plenty of racism (speciesism) in the Empire, once it's been established. YAY for Human High Culture. If anyone is wondering my favorite period in Star Wars is the period from the last decades of the Republic through the Rebellion, which covers all of the movies, and I'm a big reader of EU.  ;D

Offline Osama bin Bambi

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Re: My Little Proly: Class Collaboration in Equestria
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2012, 01:20:57 pm »
Also, largeham, what do you think of Princess Celestia banishing Princess Luna to the moon? Kinda seems like a power play to me. Originally, Celestia and Luna ruled side-by-side, but with Luna gone Celestia could develop Equestria into whatever she wanted, with herself as the dictator. And furthermore, when Luna returns, she is still in a child-like form while Celestia has matured, thus ensuring that she will never hold the same amount of power as Celestia even though they are both from the royal family. Furthermore, there are yearly festivals meant to insult Nightmare Moon and stories accusing her of cannibalism (as told by Zecora) - these dehumanizing depictions also, by extension, dehumanize Luna herself. I've never watched the show a lot, but hey, I try.

Formerly known as Eva-Beatrice and Wykked Wytch.

Quote from: sandman
There are very few problems that cannot be solved with a good taint punching.

Offline Cerim Treascair

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Re: My Little Proly: Class Collaboration in Equestria
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2012, 01:24:39 pm »
Wykked:  As a correction, Nightmare Night bashes not on Luna herself, but Nightmare Moon.  There IS a difference.  And the power balance is getting restored, just watch Luna Eclipsed.

... we really need a Luna and Celestia-only S3 episode... I want to see some of this get hashed out.
There is light and darkness in the world, to be sure.  However, there's no harm to be had in walking in the shade or shadows.

Formerly Priestling

"I don't give a fuck about race...I'm white, I'm American, but that shit don't matter.  I'm human."