Author Topic: VP debate thread  (Read 7638 times)

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Offline cheese007

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Re: VP debate thread
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2012, 12:54:08 am »
They had a flash poll right after that had Biden winning HUGE, like 62-38. And there's a CBS poll with Biden winning huge amongst undecided as well. Guess we'll have to wait until morning.

Offline Stormwarden

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Re: VP debate thread
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2012, 01:00:40 am »
Of course CNN would do that. They want to look "Fair and Balanced." CNN has devolved into little more than a tabloid. And people wonder why I get my news either locally or from the BBC.

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Offline niam2023

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Re: VP debate thread
« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2012, 01:49:52 am »
My man Biden.

He said so much of what I want to say to Romney and Ryan.

Their blatant lies. Their hypocrisy. And their despicable eliteness.

Biden knew he won, knew exactly what kind of mood to set, and he demolished Ryan in order to further get rid of his image as the President's Goofy Sidekick.

I...knew Biden was a competent man, but...damn. Damn, old guy, you know how argue. Take notes, Obama.
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Offline Alehksunos

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Re: VP debate thread
« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2012, 02:05:15 am »
Usual reactions from my parents:

"Uh, Joe Biden is so rude. Interrupting Paul Ryan while he's speaking."

Anyway, here are my responses of what Mr. Paul Ayn Rand said:

  • He wants to defend Medicare and laments the money from Medicare being given to Obamacare.
    Bitch please. I thought you wanted to dismantle any "Socialist" organizations that you, Mitt Romney's partner in crime, believes helps "those 47% spongers."
  • Believes "life starts at conception" (which is not surprising) and to outlaw abortion, except in cases of rape, incest and medical emergency.
    Aren't you the same guy who wants to ban abortion in all cases, even go far to banning contraceptives (because your pretty little Catholic weenies believe that "every sperm is sacred and great and God gets quite irate when one cell gets wasted")? And your man [Mitt Romney] even said that we will call for immediate defunding of Planned Parenthood, the reproductive care organization that also provides abortions, and that these anti-choice advocates don't even know that's only 3% of their services?
  • And of course, I'm sure that anything that Paul Ryan said are blatant lies, all said so they can sprinkle sugar all over them and appear appealing (even though I think Paul Ryan looks like a serial killer). Now Joe Biden, while I don't give two flaming shits about bipartisan politics and looks forward to seeing it phase out in place of multi-dimensional politics, that man - for the most part - is in touch with reality.
While my biggest disappointment (even though anyone who supports that party is destined with disappointment) is that the Green Party will not win, notably due to lack of support from news outlets (which is why I hate bipartisan politics), the good thing is that we have a vice president that motivates me to do something that I don't want to do: Vote Democrat (mostly for the sake that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan can kiss my ass).

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Offline Veras

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Re: VP debate thread
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2012, 02:28:17 am »
Can we just elect Biden for president now?
I heard he ran for president before, but quit when he was called out on plagiarism.

That was in 1988.  In 2008 he ran again, but never got any traction, and dropped out right after the Iowa caucuses.
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Offline Vypernight

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Re: VP debate thread
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2012, 05:25:32 am »
I watched the first half this morning on Youtube.  I'll watch the rest when I get home from work.

Ryan seemed more direct in his answers, though most of his facts were way off.  I don't know why Obama and Biden don't just say, "We screwed up," about Libya.  Honestly, I think Obama is doing something about it.  The last time he held out his hand and said he'd play nice, Bin Ladin wound up as fish food.

I can't find anywhere where Obamacare takes from Medicare.  No cutting it at all.

Ryan:  "We don't have enough rich people to cover everyone's taxes."  Really?  That's your excuse for their not paying their fair share?

I'll comment more later.
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Offline Veras

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Re: VP debate thread
« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2012, 08:22:45 am »
I don't know why Obama and Biden don't just say, "We screwed up," about Libya.

Because they're politicians?

But seriously, they could do that, but it would be a huge risk.  It might come across as sincere and honest, and help them get votes, but it also opens them up to attack.

Read this next bit in Mitt Romney's voice:  "Even this President doesn't think he's doing a good job of protecting our country.  He admitted to not providing proper security for our soldiers and ambassadors in Libya."

Now read this one in scary political ad narrator voice:  "President Obama refused to provide troops to defend our embassies in Libya and Egypt, even though they asked for extra security.  (Play clip of Obama saying 'we made a mistake').  Obama's "mistake" cost the lives of Americans who were bravely serving their country overseas.  America deserves better than that.  On November 6th, support Mitt Romney, the only candidate who will protect America."

Obama still has the advantage in the polls, which generally leads to caution (and he's a generally pretty risk-averse guy anyway)

I can't find anywhere where Obamacare takes from Medicare.  No cutting it at all.

It does call for $716 billion in cuts to Medicare over ten years, but Ryan is still lying about it.  Here is Politifact's take:
Ryan said Obama "funneled" $716 billion out of Medicare "at the expense of the elderly." This gives a very misleading impression.

In fact, the law limits payments to health care providers and insurers to try to reduce the rapid growth of future Medicare spending. Lawmakers said they hoped the measures would improve care and efficiency. Those savings, spread out over the next 10 years, are then used to offset costs created by the law (especially coverage for the uninsured) so that the overall law doesn't add to the deficit. Ryan’s statement is exaggerated and we rate it Mostly False.

It is also worth noting that Ryan's budget plan called for the exact same amount of cuts to Medicare.  As Bill Clinton said at the DNC, "it takes brass to criticize someone for doing the thing that you did."
RIP Tony Benn (1925 - 2014)

"There is no moral difference between a stealth bomber and a suicide bomber. Both kill innocent people for political reasons."

“If we can find the money to kill people, we can find the money to help people.”

"I'm not frightened about death. I don't know why, but I just feel that at a certain moment your switch is switched off, and that's it. And you can't do anything about it."

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Re: VP debate thread
« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2012, 11:25:55 am »
Usual reactions from my parents:

"Uh, Joe Biden is so rude. Interrupting Paul Ryan while he's speaking."

And I'll bet they were praising Romney when he was doing it to Obama, weren't they?
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Offline Rabbit of Caerbannog

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Re: VP debate thread
« Reply #23 on: October 12, 2012, 12:24:58 pm »
Usual reactions from my parents:

"Uh, Joe Biden is so rude. Interrupting Paul Ryan while he's speaking."

And I'll bet they were praising Romney when he was doing it to Obama, weren't they?
Double standards ahoy! I've noticed that somehow Biden is rude for doing exactly what Rmoney did in the Presidential debate--and I had no problem with Rmoney's behavior on that night either. At least I'm consistent...

Offline CaseAgainstFaith

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« Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 02:32:22 pm by CaseAgainstFaith »
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Offline Vypernight

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Re: VP debate thread
« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2012, 03:19:49 pm »
I don't know why Obama and Biden don't just say, "We screwed up," about Libya.

Because they're politicians?

But seriously, they could do that, but it would be a huge risk.  It might come across as sincere and honest, and help them get votes, but it also opens them up to attack.

Read this next bit in Mitt Romney's voice:  "Even this President doesn't think he's doing a good job of protecting our country.  He admitted to not providing proper security for our soldiers and ambassadors in Libya."

Now read this one in scary political ad narrator voice:  "President Obama refused to provide troops to defend our embassies in Libya and Egypt, even though they asked for extra security.  (Play clip of Obama saying 'we made a mistake').  Obama's "mistake" cost the lives of Americans who were bravely serving their country overseas.  America deserves better than that.  On November 6th, support Mitt Romney, the only candidate who will protect America."

Obama still has the advantage in the polls, which generally leads to caution (and he's a generally pretty risk-averse guy anyway)

I can't find anywhere where Obamacare takes from Medicare.  No cutting it at all.

It does call for $716 billion in cuts to Medicare over ten years, but Ryan is still lying about it.  Here is Politifact's take:
Ryan said Obama "funneled" $716 billion out of Medicare "at the expense of the elderly." This gives a very misleading impression.

In fact, the law limits payments to health care providers and insurers to try to reduce the rapid growth of future Medicare spending. Lawmakers said they hoped the measures would improve care and efficiency. Those savings, spread out over the next 10 years, are then used to offset costs created by the law (especially coverage for the uninsured) so that the overall law doesn't add to the deficit. Ryan’s statement is exaggerated and we rate it Mostly False.

It is also worth noting that Ryan's budget plan called for the exact same amount of cuts to Medicare.  As Bill Clinton said at the DNC, "it takes brass to criticize someone for doing the thing that you did."

Yeah, admitting to a mistake is definitely not the American way nowadays and will lead to lost votes quicker than anything else.  Also, I figured the Medicare part was B.S., but it's good to see evidence of it.  Thanks.
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Offline Rabbit of Caerbannog

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Re: VP debate thread
« Reply #27 on: October 12, 2012, 03:56:17 pm »
okay, I like her.  She's definitely got a good sense of humor.
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