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Re: Dad beating his kids with electrical cable - commenters are insane.
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2013, 03:00:50 am »
Link to this story so we can judge for ourselves?

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Re: Dad beating his kids with electrical cable - commenters are insane.
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2013, 03:02:52 am »
There are other methods of discipline, y'know. Growing up, my parents never had to use corporal punishment on me. They had far more effective methods, like denial of computer privileges.

Besides, while there might be cases where corporal punishment is justified, once they start crying in pain, that's when you stop.
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Re: Dad beating his kids with electrical cable - commenters are insane.
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2013, 03:33:14 am »
I think I've been spanked maybe twice my entire life.

Both times involved a brief swat on the butt.  Once.  And my pride was hurt worse.

The second time was unnecessary and I resented it happening.  I don't have any memory of the first time that it happened, only that it had happened.

Honestly, as a kid, the worst punishment was feeling my parent's disapproval of what I had done.  I generally accepted punishment because I realized I had done something wrong.

I was a really really weird kid.  My father was disappointed that I wasn't mischevious.
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Re: Dad beating his kids with electrical cable - commenters are insane.
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2013, 05:51:21 am »
As someone else mentioned, these a lot of these people are under the misconception that spanking and corporal punishment are the only real and effective forms of discipline, and that anyone against it must never discipline their kids at all.  It may also be combined with the attitude that every generation seems to have of all generations coming after being worse than their own.  It doesn't help if they actually do know parents who refuse to discipline their kids, never saying no and trying to be their kids' friends instead of parents.  Both of these extremes don't do kids any favors.

While I think that spanking should be allowed in certain situations, I sometimes feel that using it as the default punishment is a form of lazy parenting.  Do these parents just not want to sit down and take the time to seriously think of more creative and effective ways to punish their kids?  Hell, I was spanked as a kid, but it wasn't the only method used; I was also stood in the corner, which I hated even more.  Some parents do the shame thing where they put their kid's crime on a poster and make them stand in public with it.  The point is, there are other ways of making it stick in their minds without beating the shit out of them.

Some parents might do it out of anger because their authority is being challenged by someone who's supposed to be obedient to them.  Keep in mind that if this was an adult woman being beaten by a man for not listening, the guy would be in deep shit because this is a horrible thing to do to another person . . . unless that person happens to be your child, in which case it's okay because "they need the guidance and discipline."  One tumblr post claimed their dad told them that as long they were still financially dependent on him, he owned them.  This was a person getting ready to go to college.  Which is another attitude some people have; you own your children.  While this attitude might work to an extent when they're young and need you around for everything, this philosophy gets really problematic when the kid hits puberty.

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Re: Dad beating his kids with electrical cable - commenters are insane.
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2013, 11:37:22 am »
This is one of the articles on it:

But now, they're saying they have the wrong guy & that guy in the video is not the dad. I'm REALLY getting confused. Mom was the one that reported this whole thing to police. Perhaps one or more of these factors are at play...

1.) Mom's an idiot.
2.) The Cops are idiots.
3.) Mom's doesn't care for her daughters & is using this as an excuse to "do-in" an ex.
4.) The guy in the video is Mom's present boyfriend, Mom's abused & abusive boyfriend made mom "frame" dad (assuming cops are stupid & think all black men look the same).
5.) Same as number 4 but Mom's in on it from the get go because she & the new guy are evil abusive freaks.
6.) The public has this video confused with another case. They may be similar but not related at all.
7.) This is a big perverted hoax or viral campaign or some weird social experiment concerning "Internet Outrage".

Finally, the real story seems that the girls got lashed because they would sneak out of the house & not just the stupid "twerking" dance. Still doesn't warrant this abuse but it would be more serious than goofy booty-shaker dance videos.

Offline Carnotaurus

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Re: Dad beating his kids with electrical cable - commenters are insane.
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2013, 09:34:52 pm »
I guess. I'm just surprised there wasn't an equally large flood of folks telling them otherwise. I guess decent, intelligent, well adjusted people don't do that article-commenting thing.

Can't the good side of humanity be noisier? Say something!

There's a lot of decent folks here. I admit that I for one tend to get upset & write silly stuff. I regret it. However, it's usually in response to the idiot side of humanity.

I see humanity as being dual-natured. Both Rousseau & Hobbes were right in a way. Humanity is capable of the highest good & the highest evil. As far as animals are concerned, we're both the most noble & the most savage, the most intelligent & the most ignorant, the most reasonable & most unreasonable, the most refined & the most crude...and so on...

We can change for the better, we just have to stick to that path.

Sometimes I'm frustrated & impatient. We have come far since the days of medieval times, the old west or whatever & need to smell the roses. Maybe I'll check out "Good News" news websites & get perspective.

We're capable of anything on the spectrum of kindness and cruelty. For some people, being kind is a lot harder than being cruel.

I grew up in a family that preached this sort of "discipline." They say they're teaching respect, but what they're really demanding is unquestioning obedience and fear. If you fear them, you don't disobey, and that to them means you respect them. It's a show of power, an alpha establishing dominance.

My paternal great grandfather threw an open pocketknife at my grandmother's head and buried in a cabinet door inches from her face for "backtalk." His wive once knocked one of their daughters completely off the porch and unconscious by striking her in the head with a piece of firewood.

My dad's dad used to throw beer bottles at him and sent him to the hospital a few times for injuries.

My own dad punched me in the mouth when I was three because I was crying. The one time he actually spanked me, he beat me with a grommeted belt until my mother pulled him off and told him he was eating a bullet in his sleep if he ever touched me again. I remember one time I wouldn't eat dinner because my mom made hamburger helper and it always made me nauseous. He picked my up by the throat with one hand and threw me through the closed front door and onto the porch.

I don't think people like this are trying to teach good behavior; they're trying to teach their child their "proper place" in the pecking order.

I'm against striking a child, but I recognize that there may be some circumstances where it comes to that. But in that event, don't EVER hit to hurt. I think a lot of adults forget that children and even teenagers aren't quite as resilient as they are; a blow that might not hurt us much can hurt a whole freaking lot to a younger person. Spank them just enough to get their attention, and then explain to them as clearly as possible why. Why you hit them, why their action was wrong, and why they shouldn't do it again.

Take away something they like, ground them, revoke privileges. These things can work just as well, but so many parents seem to dole out the punishment without explaining the "why." Teaching through pain and anger engenders hatred and resentment in return. Teach your kids the hows and whys of good behavior and you know what? They're less likely to behave badly when you're not around. You're raising a child, not breaking a fucking horse.

Sorry for the rant, this sort of thing just really gets under my skin.

Offline Barbarella

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Re: Dad beating his kids with electrical cable - commenters are insane.
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2013, 09:57:34 pm »
I guess. I'm just surprised there wasn't an equally large flood of folks telling them otherwise. I guess decent, intelligent, well adjusted people don't do that article-commenting thing.

Can't the good side of humanity be noisier? Say something!

There's a lot of decent folks here. I admit that I for one tend to get upset & write silly stuff. I regret it. However, it's usually in response to the idiot side of humanity.

I see humanity as being dual-natured. Both Rousseau & Hobbes were right in a way. Humanity is capable of the highest good & the highest evil. As far as animals are concerned, we're both the most noble & the most savage, the most intelligent & the most ignorant, the most reasonable & most unreasonable, the most refined & the most crude...and so on...

We can change for the better, we just have to stick to that path.

Sometimes I'm frustrated & impatient. We have come far since the days of medieval times, the old west or whatever & need to smell the roses. Maybe I'll check out "Good News" news websites & get perspective.

We're capable of anything on the spectrum of kindness and cruelty. For some people, being kind is a lot harder than being cruel.

I grew up in a family that preached this sort of "discipline." They say they're teaching respect, but what they're really demanding is unquestioning obedience and fear. If you fear them, you don't disobey, and that to them means you respect them. It's a show of power, an alpha establishing dominance.

My paternal great grandfather threw an open pocketknife at my grandmother's head and buried in a cabinet door inches from her face for "backtalk." His wive once knocked one of their daughters completely off the porch and unconscious by striking her in the head with a piece of firewood.

My dad's dad used to throw beer bottles at him and sent him to the hospital a few times for injuries.

My own dad punched me in the mouth when I was three because I was crying. The one time he actually spanked me, he beat me with a grommeted belt until my mother pulled him off and told him he was eating a bullet in his sleep if he ever touched me again. I remember one time I wouldn't eat dinner because my mom made hamburger helper and it always made me nauseous. He picked my up by the throat with one hand and threw me through the closed front door and onto the porch.

I don't think people like this are trying to teach good behavior; they're trying to teach their child their "proper place" in the pecking order.

I'm against striking a child, but I recognize that there may be some circumstances where it comes to that. But in that event, don't EVER hit to hurt. I think a lot of adults forget that children and even teenagers aren't quite as resilient as they are; a blow that might not hurt us much can hurt a whole freaking lot to a younger person. Spank them just enough to get their attention, and then explain to them as clearly as possible why. Why you hit them, why their action was wrong, and why they shouldn't do it again.

Take away something they like, ground them, revoke privileges. These things can work just as well, but so many parents seem to dole out the punishment without explaining the "why." Teaching through pain and anger engenders hatred and resentment in return. Teach your kids the hows and whys of good behavior and you know what? They're less likely to behave badly when you're not around. You're raising a child, not breaking a fucking horse.

Sorry for the rant, this sort of thing just really gets under my skin.

I'm glad you're breaking the cycle. What a crazy family!

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Re: Dad beating his kids with electrical cable - commenters are insane.
« Reply #22 on: April 16, 2013, 11:14:56 am »
These people sometimes will show a disgust for dog beating - because it's cruel, the dog cannot understand, and it does not work to correct behavior.....yet, they will ass whomp and back slap the hell out of their kids. But it is Exactly as bad as beating dogs. Even when the kid is old enough to "understand" the "reason" behind the beating. You don't teach a child ethical behavior by performing an obviously Unethical act of a large person bullying a helpless little person. Kids absolutely have a sense of "fair/no fair" from an early age. All a parent does when beating a child is estrange themselves emotionally from the child by outraging and betraying the child's natural love and respect for the parent. Just like a dog will never again fully trust it's owner after a beating.

It's one thing to slap a toddler's butt the second they are about to go run into the street without looking first - to startle the child and command attention while the parent shows/explains the danger. It's quite another thing to use a heavy slap or blow to the body or head of a child many minutes or hours later because the parent discovers a broken household object or crayon marks on the wall.

I'm at the youngest end of the Baby Boomer generation. I grew up under the "Wait til your father gets home" rule of belt whipping on the buttocks. Dad never used the buckle end, at least, and he never whipped hard enough to leave marks or lingering pain. He also clearly resented being under "obligation" to do the whippings in the first place. I mostly remember that I was ashamed of myself for my fuck-ups being the cause of ruining his mood for the entire evening after a long day at work.

I would never advocate that parents do the same. My dad always said he was sorry to have to do it, and that he loved me. Years later, my mom was wracked with guilt over the whole thing being "her fault" for not just using verbal discipline, and instead escalating it with the delayed belt whippings.
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Re: Dad beating his kids with electrical cable - commenters are insane.
« Reply #23 on: April 16, 2013, 01:58:14 pm »
Yeah, I was going to post something about this.  Here's the top rated comment on one of the videos.

This type of "beating" saved me from killing one of you, robbing you in broad daylight, raping your daughters, and showed me as a young man the boundaries of my fucked up behavior. This man deserves more than your cowardice expose'. I salute Black men who are still men and struggle to be a part of raising their children. Fuck the world's standards. Black standards are what kept the Black community intact through slavery.Now look at us..

For of all, racist much?  I'm sure not all black people beat their kids like that. 

Second of all, FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR PHILOSOPHY.  People don't need to be raised by authoritarian parents to not be assholes.  If anything the people who were beaten like that turn out to be assholes who continue the cycle.  People aren't pussies just because they don't like the idea of using physical force and intimidation to gain "respect".  That's a fucking outdated belief that needs to go the way of the dinosaur.   

I am sick of this macho conservative Christian bullshit.  Beating little girls doesn't make someone a man, it makes them this.

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Re: Dad beating his kids with electrical cable - commenters are insane.
« Reply #24 on: April 16, 2013, 02:15:05 pm »
First of all, I don't agree with how the father handled this as he spanked them in anger, but, to be honest, I think that the girls should have received some sort of corporal punishment as they were basically dancing in a very sexual, suggestive manner and putting it on the Internet. Perhaps the dad should have spanked them with his hand and then talk to them as to why they shouldn't do that. I would tell them about pedophiles, cyberbullying, crazy psychos that might track them down, etc. Then they should understand the explanation behind the spanking.

Just taking away toys, electronic devices, TV, other privileges and groundings are not really working that much as we have a whole new generation of kids growing up with a high self-entitlement complex, narcissistic complex when dealing with the Internet, (probably one of the reasons why these girls did what they did.) no respect for self or others (especially with older people) etc. Basically kids have become like wild brats.

Sorry but that's how I view it. I am not saying that spanking is the only answer as it is more of lack of discipline itself.
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Re: Dad beating his kids with electrical cable - commenters are insane.
« Reply #25 on: April 17, 2013, 08:52:54 pm »
First of all, I don't agree with how the father handled this as he spanked them in anger, but, to be honest, I think that the girls should have received some sort of corporal punishment as they were basically dancing in a very sexual, suggestive manner and putting it on the Internet. Perhaps the dad should have spanked them with his hand and then talk to them as to why they shouldn't do that. I would tell them about pedophiles, cyberbullying, crazy psychos that might track them down, etc. Then they should understand the explanation behind the spanking.

Just taking away toys, electronic devices, TV, other privileges and groundings are not really working that much as we have a whole new generation of kids growing up with a high self-entitlement complex, narcissistic complex when dealing with the Internet, (probably one of the reasons why these girls did what they did.) no respect for self or others (especially with older people) etc. Basically kids have become like wild brats.

Sorry but that's how I view it. I am not saying that spanking is the only answer as it is more of lack of discipline itself.

Honestly, there's two possible parenting types involved: Extreme authoritarian, or total inconsistency (today my kids don't exist, tomorrow I'm their vengeful god, next week we're all best friends...)
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Re: Dad beating his kids with electrical cable - commenters are insane.
« Reply #26 on: April 18, 2013, 08:06:06 am »
And people say pedophiles are the greatest threat to our children.  By that I mean I'm pretty sure that most pedophiles at least realize their thoughts aren't okay to suggest practicing.

A lot of the people who shouted out that they were thankful for being beaten when they were small and that the government should butt out of the cable-whipping fathers business are exactly the same sort of people who say that pederasts should be shot.

Completely missing the point that if you let the government "butt out" of parent's abusing their kids you create a fucking pederast heaven.

Yeah, I read that article and lots of the commenters really did go on about how they were thankful that they were beaten within an inch of their lives when they were kids!

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Re: Dad beating his kids with electrical cable - commenters are insane.
« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2013, 12:49:04 am »
I do have a story to relate about a kid for whom discipline is...negligible, at best, and when it does occur, its always anger and no explanation.  My eldest cousin's first son, Eli, is...I dunno, 6 now, maybe 7.  He's been almost entirely raised by his (and my) grandmother, because his mother left him entirely to his father so she could move to Chicago to party til she dies of liver failure, and his father is a consummate lecher with multiple, untreated social diseases and a complete disregard for anyone that isn't him.

Because of this, the son, Eli, has no respect for anyone.  He has literally spit on my brother, an act which elicited a very swift, single smack to the dome, a lecture on fucking respect, and being sent to his room and not allowed to come out for more than meals, something with which my uncle (pretty much is only real father figure) agreed.  He's been sent home multiple times from school due to disciplinary problems, and he is the archetypal spoiled bratty half-pint who thinks they rule the roost.

When shit gets extreme, like spitting on people or trying to punch them in the nuts (something he also tried on my brother, which got the same reaction above), yeah, smacking them once is, if ya ask me, alright, so long as you also take the time to lecture them on why that shit isn't okay, like my brother did.  My bro may be an annoying bastard, at times, but I have almost no doubt in my mind that the difference between him as a father and my cousin would be like night and fucking day.  Why?  My bro knows how to be authoritative, without being an authoritarian.  He's got very clear rules and standards, and knows how to enforce them appropriately.  Beating your kid half to death with electrical cable is never fucking appropriate.

This is what happens when you have a completely black-and-white view on discipline: either you're a completely monstrous authoritarian dictator, or you're a pussy.  That's not how shit is, and people should fuckin learn that.  Give your kids freedom, definitely, but give them structures, standards, and rules that are clear and easy to understand, and are evenly enforced.  How some people don't get that is, quite frankly, fucking beyond me.
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Re: Dad beating his kids with electrical cable - commenters are insane.
« Reply #28 on: April 22, 2013, 07:14:30 pm »
I read those comments as well.

It's always interesting (well, sickening) when you see the ones that state how they got it worse when they misbehaved, and that it somehow justifies this. I read one from one guy saying his dad beat him with 2x4's and forced him to hold a cement block over his head, stating that although he didn't agree with his dad's brand of discipline, the girls should count themselves lucky.

Then you have all the self-righteous who justify this abuse with verses from Psalms and 'spare the rod spoil the child'.

I do agree twerking is something that requires serious attention, and I feel it makes this case different from the one about the judge who beat his daughter with a belt for downloading software off the internet. However, I've always seen beating with the belt as child abuse, and watching this video and the one with the judge only root me even stronger in that viewpoint.
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Re: Dad beating his kids with electrical cable - commenters are insane.
« Reply #29 on: April 22, 2013, 10:30:32 pm »
I found this article that has an embedded video of the whipping:

Beware of the comments though.

Also I found a video on Youtube of what the girls were doing before they were punished and quite honestly, if I had a daughter or daughters and I caught them "twerking" and uploading it up on the INTERNET, I would probably whip them myself. This twerk dance is highly sexually suggestive and these girls had no business doing it to upload to the Internet:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Just watch the first two minutes because it actually is a man talking about what happened.
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