Author Topic: Christians on this site?  (Read 22748 times)

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Offline BigChrisfilm

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Re: Christians on this site?
« Reply #30 on: May 30, 2013, 09:20:15 pm »
I Believe when I first found this site, I was upset about it. Offended even, that people I didn't even know, and didn't know me but from a forum on the Internet, had formed such a negative opinion of me. Now I can see that most of you don't really mean to offended at first. I get the point of the site, it's a good laugh. However it's a laugh at other peoples expense. I don't want to judge anyone, just want to point out my thoughts and let you decide for yourselves. I picture it as you aren't laughing with us, but laughing at us. That makes people uncomfortable. it'd be like starting a site called retards say the darnedest things and making fun of handicapped people. Some people find it offensive. Others think people are just being too uptight. I just want to maybe show a different side of looking at it, and possibly it could help explain some of the more hostile conversations that have taken place here. Not just with me, but others as well.

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Re: Christians on this site?
« Reply #31 on: May 30, 2013, 09:22:53 pm »
So are you accepting that Fundamentalists are 'Differently Abled'?

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Re: Christians on this site?
« Reply #32 on: May 30, 2013, 09:37:12 pm »
I don't see anything wrong with laughing at fundamentalists. You make it sound like we're laughing at Christians, just for a belief in a god. No, we're mocking fundies' insane beliefs.
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Re: Christians on this site?
« Reply #33 on: May 30, 2013, 09:42:56 pm »
I think the confusion is that we've switched servers at least once or twice since the last time Chris was here. His ban must not have carried over.

Bans were "forgiven" when we moved to these forums. That is why Chris could sign up again and why nothing will be done to him now unless he breaks the rules.

If I recall, he wasn't even on the refugee board. He left right before Yahweh's attempt to burn FSTDT to the ground and the subsequent revival of the board.

Many years ago...

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Re: Christians on this site?
« Reply #34 on: May 30, 2013, 09:43:16 pm »
The difference between the mentally handicapped and fundamentalists of ANY stripe (religious, atheist, political, what have you) is that the fundamentalist CHOOSES to believe what they believe. I know that many are raised with their beliefs from childhood, which can affect their later ability to examine other ways of thinking objectively, but, at least in the modern First World, they have access to more than ample resources to do their own research and come to their own decisions.

More than that, fundamentalists (at least the ones we mock here) tend to want to force other people to conform to their beliefs, willing or not. For an example of such thinking, watch the video "The Thaw", posted in this section of the board, along with the various threads that have videos refuting the claims made therein.
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Re: Christians on this site?
« Reply #35 on: May 30, 2013, 10:31:47 pm »
It doesn't really bother me what the Fundies find offensive. Most of what will end up quoted on this site is something that I already find offensive. Gays are evil, atheism is evil, evolution is evil, Muslims are evil, etc. Besides, I'm already banned on Rapture Ready for asking Chris if he could please stop hounding me in every topic about accepting Jesus, & especially if he could stop using the deceased WinAce burning in Hell as his trump card. So, you know, it's like a vending machine. You put in offensive remarks & exclusion, you get back a specialized site dedicated to making fun of you.

Although I am assuming that, as you know there are Christians & other religious people on the site, you also know that the FSTDT archives are not limited to Christian or even religious quotes.

Seriously, though, do I know you?

Offline BigChrisfilm

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Re: Christians on this site?
« Reply #36 on: May 31, 2013, 12:57:50 am »
Lithp I don't remember if I know you or not. Where do you think you know me from? It's possible I may have met you some place on the Internet I don't frequent anymore. Or even on here but it's been so long ago. I do remember certain people but I'm terrible with names.

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Re: Christians on this site?
« Reply #37 on: May 31, 2013, 01:12:04 am »
I get what you guys are saying, and I realize you aren't trying to be offensive for the most part. It just seems like an awful lot of time and effort spent mocking others for their beliefs. No matter how rediculous you think they may be. There are a lot of bad people out their pretending to be Christian, I'm at least glad you try and make a distinction between Christian and Fundamentalist. However being that I believe much of the fundamental teachings it does pertain to me some of the time. Maybe it would help knowing to what end your site wishes to strive. I don't want to judge anyones motives because it's impossible for me to know them. I just think a little discourse won't do any harm.

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Re: Christians on this site?
« Reply #38 on: May 31, 2013, 01:44:38 am »

In my not-always-humble opinion, there are only two fundamental rules that Jesus ever taught: Love God and love your neighbor as yourself. These teachings permeate his parables and lessons. He never mentions anything about needing to profess a belief in him; he never says that people have to give up anything but their selfishness. The Good Samaritan never professes a belief in Jesus' divinity, yet he's held up in the story as an ideal for everyone to strive for. For historical context, the Samaritans were a sect that were feared and hated by mainstream Jews at the time; for Jesus to hold a Samaritan up as an example of ideal behavior would have shocked his audience.

Similarly, when the rich man's son asked, "What must I do to get to Heaven?" Jesus said, "Sell everything you own, give the money to the poor and follow me." Strict Biblical literalists have a lot of trouble with this passage, often claiming that Jesus was making a point about charity. I respectfully disagree; it's too simple for the deep, complex messages Jesus used his parables to convey. "The first shall be last, and the last, first." You want to find Heaven? Get over yourself. Stop worrying about what you want and look at everything the people around you lack. Do more than look: Help. The only thing wrong with having and enjoying luxury is when you let it blind you to the suffering around you.

The things that many Americans now consider fundamentals of Christianity are things that Jesus never spoke of, and indeed, wouldn't even recognize or would actively oppose. Opposition to homosexual rights, opposition to women's rights, opposition to governmental assistance for the needy, the myth of the "self-made man", enforcing Christianity as a state religion...the list goes on. Just on that last point, I have only one thing to say: "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's." Additionally, the insistence on "justification through faith" is used as an excuse for all sorts of things that have demonstrable negative impacts on other people's lives. Every time Jesus speaks of judgement, he refers to judgement based on what a person DID, not what they believed.

I'm agnostic. I think the only afterlife we're guaranteed to have is the impact we leave on others; anything more is an unprovable hypothesis at this time. I'm not convinced Jesus existed as described in the Bible. I recognize that, while the teachings written in the Gospels were far ahead of their time, they were still very much a product of their time...would you honestly tell someone to visit a priest and have themselves anointed with oil in lieu of seeing a doctor? Or that women should only be considered in the light of how helpful they are to men? I draw inspiration and guidance from multiple different sources and traditions. But I consider myself a Christian in the same vein as the Good Samaritan...I try to help people however I can, even if it means a little immediate inconvenience. I'm far from perfect, but I don't have to be...I just try to make sure people have what they need and let the rest take care of itself.

As for the mocking and making Jesus showed when calling people out on their hypocrisy, what people often need most and want least is a swift kick in the ass to shake them out of their complacency. If this site could be said to have any higher purpose, I think that would be it. To shake people up, get them to think about what they've been taught, and make them DECIDE what they believe, rather than parroting what their parents or pastor say.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 01:47:09 am by R. U. Sirius »
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Re: Christians on this site?
« Reply #39 on: May 31, 2013, 01:51:16 am »
It's not just about whether a belief is ridiculous or not. A ridiculous belief in and of itself deserves a chuckle, and little more. It's about people and organizations trying to push their ridiculous beliefs on everyone else, beliefs that in many cases are harmful to individuals and society, and the fact that those people and organizations actually have the political and social influence to make it happen. THAT deserves to be fought against tooth and nail. At least, that's how I see it.

(Again, as I see it,) we're not trying to be offensive, but neither are we trying to NOT be offensive. We don't care if you (or anyone else) is offended or not. IMO, "being offended" is one of the biggest red herrings in political/religious/social discussion. "I'm offended by this!" So what? Why should I care? Offense is entirely subjective and personal. It says a lot about the personal sensibilities of the person voicing offense, and very little about the object of their offense.

As for the the end the site is striving for? I'd say the end of religious (and other forms of) fundamentalism/extremism, but we're all realistic enough to know that our little site isn't even going to make a dent. So realistically, we're here to get a good laugh at the expense of fundies, help keep each other informed about fundie-related news, and hang out with like-minded* folks that we've become friends with.

* By "like-minded" I don't mean that we're all exactly alike. We're actually pretty diverse.


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Re: Christians on this site?
« Reply #40 on: May 31, 2013, 01:55:08 am »
Did it ever occur to you that the people who have been hurt, tormented, even tortured by fundamentalist flavored Christianity need some cathartic release? That people who have been harmed by a religion that is little more than a warmed over version of the epic of Gilgamesh with liberal plagiarism from the best the Greeks and Egyptians had to offer might be a tad miffed?

Not to mention that Christianity isn't the only religion, or even group, that has their fundies mocked on here. It's just the one with the biggest persecution complex.

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Re: Christians on this site?
« Reply #41 on: May 31, 2013, 01:56:10 am »
Hell, we mock the odd atheist fundie when we can.
Mockery of ideas you don't comprehend or understand is the surest mark of unintelligence.

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Offline Lithp

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Re: Christians on this site?
« Reply #42 on: May 31, 2013, 04:19:24 am »
I'm not sure, but I feel like it would have either been RR or here.

If you ask me, either every Christian is faking it, or being Christian constitutes a diverse amount of viewpoints, & being an asshole aligns with some of them quite easily. Because there really isn't anyone who follows the Bible 100% to the letter. Even the Fundamentalists who are ardently against gays, sex before marriage, alcohol, etc. ultimately pick-&-choose what verses to follow.

As for the site, I don't know why it should have an ultimate end. Like most forums, it exists for multiple reasons. Humor, sociability, philosophy, news, & more, along with what everyone else already mentioned. It has changed ownership multiple times, & has often had members fight, or even quit. There is a very small overlap between users who use the archives & users who use the forums, & it is possible for anyone to suggest a quote, regardless of whether or not they contribute to the site. So I would go as far as to say that it's not even possible for it to have some final goal, & even what is defined as "Fundie" has changed at least slightly over the years.

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Re: Christians on this site?
« Reply #43 on: May 31, 2013, 02:33:22 pm »
Maybe it would help knowing to what end your site wishes to strive
"The end the site strives for" is pretty ambiguous. Is it the purpose of the founder? The purpose of the current owner? The purpose of the majority of the users, or of each user individually?

Personally, I came to the mainpage for laughs, then stayed in the forums because I like the people here.


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Re: Christians on this site?
« Reply #44 on: May 31, 2013, 02:59:29 pm »
Maybe it would help knowing to what end your site wishes to strive
"The end the site strives for" is pretty ambiguous. Is it the purpose of the founder? The purpose of the current owner? The purpose of the majority of the users, or of each user individually?

Personally, I came to the mainpage for laughs, then stayed in the forums because I like the people here.

Ditto, except I don't even go to the mainpage that often anymore. Over the years all the nuttiness just kind of blurs together and you get desensitized.