Author Topic: Worst of Social Justice  (Read 1572420 times)

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Offline niam2023

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #2040 on: December 08, 2013, 10:04:10 pm »

Is awakening even a thing people talk about any more? When I was active in the community years ago awakening was a very important concept (the process for you, sharing stories, misteps etc) but I haven’t seen it around much lately.

This just in, becoming an Otherkin makes you a Level 5 Esper./obscurereference

I love how people's arguments against Otherkin are "It's not scientifically proven therefore you're nuts"


    Mental illnesses weren’t “scientifically proven” once upon a time
    Religion and spirituality have NEVER been “scientifically proven”, and yet most people who attack Otherkin don’t attack widespread religion or other spiritualities
    Trans* people’s dysphoria, etc, wasn’t “scientifically proven” once upon a time - not that I’m directly comparing trans* issues to otherkin, but it’s just an example
    Saying that we’re “crazy” and need serious help is indirectly attacking people with DID and other such disorders who live perfectly happily with their disorder - not everyone with a mental disorder is in danger or a danger to others and to assume so is ableist as fuck
    Saying someone is “crazy” is a fucking dickish thing to start with, especially as most of us actually DO have some form of unrelated mental disorder and being called insane or dangerous can be triggering as fuck you arsehole

I could say more but I just…. UUUUUGH I wanna kill someone right now

Okay, you're crazy. You're nuts. You're out of your goddamned mind.

There, I think he's either foaming all over his keyboard, or he has no damn idea what actually being triggered by anything is!

You disagree with me? Oh, I am triggered~

i dream of one day becoming mai minakami

Otakukin are fucking insane.

Had a long walk the other day. Kept taking detours. I was talking to Kiba for a long time. He explained so much to me, and I felt really connected to my world for a while. It was nice.

Kiba, as in, the Naruto Character. Exhibit 2: Otakukin are fucking insane.

I honestly don't understand how singlets can be fictives/fictionkin (in the sense of a specific fictional character, species I can get my head around a bit more)- but that doesn't mean they aren't who they say they are, it just means I don't understand something.

I don't understand how ANY of you can be fictivekin or whatever. There's a lot more wrong with your self identification than just if people who have no headmates can pretend to be fictional characters too.

This lady is crazier than most Otakukin. She needs to get to that medical hospital, whether it triggers her or not.

When asked about what I believe when it comes to physical shifting, I again have no problems whatsoever discussing it.

I do not believe in physical shifting. I believe that what you were born with is what you have.  In my case, my family has strong psychic abilities. My mom chose to use hers for less than wholesome means (namely, abusing me), but that doesn’t change the fact that she’s got them.  My sisters both have their own abilities.  It’s part of us.

I could say that my abnormally large bone structure and dense bones come from being a dragon.  I could say that my multiple hormonal imbalances come from attempting to be a dragon too many times. I could say that my bizarrely tiny toes are because my feet want to be paws and not feet.  But that’s all an impossibly silly idea, a fancy that isn’t real in the least.


I had an experience when I was younger that makes me believe in some forms of shifting.  And that’s because, I went through this. I experienced a shift.

I was sad. I was lonely. I was a child in school with no friend, with no loves, with nothing that made me want to survive as a human. I took up meditation as a way to retreat, as a way to look inside myself and find something worth living for.

It was in those days that I was first discovering the dragon.  First finding all the interesting things inside myself.

What meditation did for me back then was help me divorce from my body. I learned to calm my heart, calm my breathing, calm myself. I learned to ‘go flat’ which for me was entering a completely empty state in which EVERYTHING was quiet and empty and there was only me.

It was a state without pain, without emotion, without the hurt of being so alone.

So, when I found the dragons in that state, I had an experience.

I felt the edge of the brick seat I was sitting on. I felt the people around me throwing things at me (they loved to throw food at me…poor fat Tala who wouldn’t respond to them and just ignored them).

And one day…one day I just…I moved.  I moved out of my body, completely outside of my body. I FELT my body stop breathing. I FELT everything cease.  I felt my entire physical body just be left behind. And in that moment, I merged into a dragon body.

I could see every aspect of her, the black dragoness that perched high above me on top of a building.  In that in-between space, I saw her, felt her, became her. And saw through her eyes the human body.

I don’t remember much about being the dragon.  It was a completely and totally alien experience.  The dragon existed on a plane parallel to this one, a completely different world with completely different laws governing it.  EVERYTHING was different.

I moved paws. Moved tail. Flapped wings.  Felt it all, from the blinking of an eye to the twitching of muscles. I knew what it was to be a dragon.

And I understood. In that moment, I understood why I was human, what it all meant. The dragon understood. The human couldn’t comprehend.  But I made the choice as the dragon to go back to the body. To return.

Sadly, the return cost all the thoughts I had had as that dragon.  Dragon thoughts at that level were not compatible with human thoughts.

But I remember the experience, and I remember what was.

And I do still long for that…it happened one time, and I do not think it will ever happen again.

The thing that makes this story different is the Out-of-body part of it.  That makes this different.

So no…not a physical shift. But as close to one as I will ever see in this life.

So, you say you're plus size not because of your big bones, but because you have big bones because you're really a dragon.

And you have an Evil Psychic Mother. And you've turned into a Spirit Dragon or some nonsense.

Lady, take your medicine. Its your friend. Its not poison.

The Bite

Okay so I’ve had people asking me how do you change from a human to a shifter. There are many ways in doing so. The one that is most common is the bite from a shapeshifter. Not all shapeshifters can perform this though. It is not known why contagion through bite varies from species and specific individuals however, it is most common for alphas to be with a pack formed through biting humans. Again I state that there is a difference from lycanthropes and therianthropes. For example, therianthrope pack consists of members not tied by “bite-line”. The bite is different from what you’ve seen in the movies. It does not need to cut the skin. Doing so may risk infection or permanent damage to the person being bitten. Recent tests show that just a bite with saliva mixing with blood is not effective. To accomplish a successful bite in which the human has changed fully into a were-species, the shifter that is biting the human must shift either half or all the way while biting. Doing so requires extreme concentration and emotion and should be done by someone who knows what they’re doing. I would also like to discourage any shifter out there from mixing blood in hopes of changing a human. It can be dangerous (I’m talking H.I.V, blood poisoning, etc). If any one has questions, comments or concerns you can reach me here of one facebook.

...I have never seen so much ridiculousness in one post before. That's not how therianthropy, according to that one poster here, works, and I am damn sure HIV doesn't work like that.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2013, 10:17:53 pm by niam2023 »
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Offline Thejebusfire

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #2041 on: December 08, 2013, 10:47:21 pm »
female supremacist & couldn't
give less of a fuck about equality

At least they're honest.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2013, 12:02:07 am by thejebusfire »

Offline lord gibbon

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #2042 on: December 08, 2013, 10:53:02 pm »
That's showing up as an X for me, Jebus.
Excuse me, sir, do you have a minute to talk about your lord and savior, Hannibal Barca?

Quote from: Seneca
Religion is regarded by the common man as true, by the wise man as false, and by the powerful man as useful
Yeah, if the pagans are so smart, why did Jesus invade Pagan-land on the back of a dragon and kill them all!

Offline Thejebusfire

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #2043 on: December 08, 2013, 11:38:16 pm »
That's because I'm an idiot who used "IMG" tags instead of "quote" tags.

But I fixed my own derp.

Offline Captain Jack Harkness

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #2044 on: December 09, 2013, 05:17:42 pm »
That's because I'm an idiot who used "IMG" tags instead of "quote" tags.

But I fixed my own derp.

It's still messed up.  Right now it's linking to http://proud. >_>
My friend's blog.  Check it out!

I blame/credit The Doctor with inspiring my name change.

Offline I am lizard

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #2045 on: December 12, 2013, 11:26:49 pm »

Is awakening even a thing people talk about any more? When I was active in the community years ago awakening was a very important concept (the process for you, sharing stories, misteps etc) but I haven’t seen it around much lately.

This just in, becoming an Otherkin makes you a Level 5 Esper./obscurereference

I love how people's arguments against Otherkin are "It's not scientifically proven therefore you're nuts"


    Mental illnesses weren’t “scientifically proven” once upon a time
    Religion and spirituality have NEVER been “scientifically proven”, and yet most people who attack Otherkin don’t attack widespread religion or other spiritualities
    Trans* people’s dysphoria, etc, wasn’t “scientifically proven” once upon a time - not that I’m directly comparing trans* issues to otherkin, but it’s just an example
    Saying that we’re “crazy” and need serious help is indirectly attacking people with DID and other such disorders who live perfectly happily with their disorder - not everyone with a mental disorder is in danger or a danger to others and to assume so is ableist as fuck
    Saying someone is “crazy” is a fucking dickish thing to start with, especially as most of us actually DO have some form of unrelated mental disorder and being called insane or dangerous can be triggering as fuck you arsehole

I could say more but I just…. UUUUUGH I wanna kill someone right now

Okay, you're crazy. You're nuts. You're out of your goddamned mind.

There, I think he's either foaming all over his keyboard, or he has no damn idea what actually being triggered by anything is!

You disagree with me? Oh, I am triggered~

i dream of one day becoming mai minakami

Otakukin are fucking insane.

Had a long walk the other day. Kept taking detours. I was talking to Kiba for a long time. He explained so much to me, and I felt really connected to my world for a while. It was nice.

Kiba, as in, the Naruto Character. Exhibit 2: Otakukin are fucking insane.

I honestly don't understand how singlets can be fictives/fictionkin (in the sense of a specific fictional character, species I can get my head around a bit more)- but that doesn't mean they aren't who they say they are, it just means I don't understand something.

I don't understand how ANY of you can be fictivekin or whatever. There's a lot more wrong with your self identification than just if people who have no headmates can pretend to be fictional characters too.

This lady is crazier than most Otakukin. She needs to get to that medical hospital, whether it triggers her or not.

When asked about what I believe when it comes to physical shifting, I again have no problems whatsoever discussing it.

I do not believe in physical shifting. I believe that what you were born with is what you have.  In my case, my family has strong psychic abilities. My mom chose to use hers for less than wholesome means (namely, abusing me), but that doesn’t change the fact that she’s got them.  My sisters both have their own abilities.  It’s part of us.

I could say that my abnormally large bone structure and dense bones come from being a dragon.  I could say that my multiple hormonal imbalances come from attempting to be a dragon too many times. I could say that my bizarrely tiny toes are because my feet want to be paws and not feet.  But that’s all an impossibly silly idea, a fancy that isn’t real in the least.


I had an experience when I was younger that makes me believe in some forms of shifting.  And that’s because, I went through this. I experienced a shift.

I was sad. I was lonely. I was a child in school with no friend, with no loves, with nothing that made me want to survive as a human. I took up meditation as a way to retreat, as a way to look inside myself and find something worth living for.

It was in those days that I was first discovering the dragon.  First finding all the interesting things inside myself.

What meditation did for me back then was help me divorce from my body. I learned to calm my heart, calm my breathing, calm myself. I learned to ‘go flat’ which for me was entering a completely empty state in which EVERYTHING was quiet and empty and there was only me.

It was a state without pain, without emotion, without the hurt of being so alone.

So, when I found the dragons in that state, I had an experience.

I felt the edge of the brick seat I was sitting on. I felt the people around me throwing things at me (they loved to throw food at me…poor fat Tala who wouldn’t respond to them and just ignored them).

And one day…one day I just…I moved.  I moved out of my body, completely outside of my body. I FELT my body stop breathing. I FELT everything cease.  I felt my entire physical body just be left behind. And in that moment, I merged into a dragon body.

I could see every aspect of her, the black dragoness that perched high above me on top of a building.  In that in-between space, I saw her, felt her, became her. And saw through her eyes the human body.

I don’t remember much about being the dragon.  It was a completely and totally alien experience.  The dragon existed on a plane parallel to this one, a completely different world with completely different laws governing it.  EVERYTHING was different.

I moved paws. Moved tail. Flapped wings.  Felt it all, from the blinking of an eye to the twitching of muscles. I knew what it was to be a dragon.

And I understood. In that moment, I understood why I was human, what it all meant. The dragon understood. The human couldn’t comprehend.  But I made the choice as the dragon to go back to the body. To return.

Sadly, the return cost all the thoughts I had had as that dragon.  Dragon thoughts at that level were not compatible with human thoughts.

But I remember the experience, and I remember what was.

And I do still long for that…it happened one time, and I do not think it will ever happen again.

The thing that makes this story different is the Out-of-body part of it.  That makes this different.

So no…not a physical shift. But as close to one as I will ever see in this life.

So, you say you're plus size not because of your big bones, but because you have big bones because you're really a dragon.

And you have an Evil Psychic Mother. And you've turned into a Spirit Dragon or some nonsense.

Lady, take your medicine. Its your friend. Its not poison.

The Bite

Okay so I’ve had people asking me how do you change from a human to a shifter. There are many ways in doing so. The one that is most common is the bite from a shapeshifter. Not all shapeshifters can perform this though. It is not known why contagion through bite varies from species and specific individuals however, it is most common for alphas to be with a pack formed through biting humans. Again I state that there is a difference from lycanthropes and therianthropes. For example, therianthrope pack consists of members not tied by “bite-line”. The bite is different from what you’ve seen in the movies. It does not need to cut the skin. Doing so may risk infection or permanent damage to the person being bitten. Recent tests show that just a bite with saliva mixing with blood is not effective. To accomplish a successful bite in which the human has changed fully into a were-species, the shifter that is biting the human must shift either half or all the way while biting. Doing so requires extreme concentration and emotion and should be done by someone who knows what they’re doing. I would also like to discourage any shifter out there from mixing blood in hopes of changing a human. It can be dangerous (I’m talking H.I.V, blood poisoning, etc). If any one has questions, comments or concerns you can reach me here of one facebook.

...I have never seen so much ridiculousness in one post before. That's not how therianthropy, according to that one poster here, works, and I am damn sure HIV doesn't work like that.
At least they aren't the "Animal Supremacists" variety, I really just fuckin' LOATH there kind.

Offline Thejebusfire

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #2046 on: December 13, 2013, 12:03:04 am »
That's because I'm an idiot who used "IMG" tags instead of "quote" tags.

But I fixed my own derp.

It's still messed up.  Right now it's linking to http://proud. >_>

Huh, weird. It should be fixed for good now.

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #2047 on: December 14, 2013, 11:19:51 pm »
TL:DR Otakukin are fucking insane.
Be very glad you did not have to interview such persons. They are so much worse in person, it goes beyond insane to outright horror.
Despite knowing about indoctrination I thought it was a good idea to put a human Reaper near my office. Now I am a sentient husk :(.


Offline Dakota Bob

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #2048 on: December 15, 2013, 07:17:35 pm »

TL;DR, if other POC disagree with me, you're not true POC

Offline Askold

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #2049 on: December 16, 2013, 12:09:14 am »
"POC is a unifying term" ...But I will use it to divide people into us and them.
No matter what happens, no matter what my last words may end up being, I want everyone to claim that they were:
"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."
Aww, you guys rock. :)  I feel the love... and the pitchforks and torches.  Tingly!

Offline Shane for Wax

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #2050 on: December 16, 2013, 09:29:18 am »
This attitude has been around for ages. Damn Oreos and your need to not 'act black' and 'forgetting your roots' and yada yada.

"The human race. Greatest monsters of them all."
"Ke barjurir gar'ade, jagyc'ade kot'la a dalyc'ade kotla'shya."
Fucking Dalek twats I’m going to twat you over the head with my fucking TARDIS you fucking fucks!


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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #2051 on: December 16, 2013, 10:02:04 am »
Do not expect me to call you or treat you like a Poc. you're admitting you treat people differently based on race? That's, uhh, racist.

It boggles my mind that someone who thinks they're anti-racist needs that pointed out.

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #2052 on: December 16, 2013, 12:45:01 pm »
Do not expect me to call you or treat you like a Poc. you're admitting you treat people differently based on race? That's, uhh, racist.

It boggles my mind that someone who thinks they're anti-racist needs that pointed out.

How do I intersectionality?
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Offline Dakota Bob

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #2053 on: December 17, 2013, 01:59:58 am »

Offline Shane for Wax

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #2054 on: December 17, 2013, 03:15:50 am »
That's not what signal boost means.

And it's not the first time I've seen that specific post. I still feel like it's a poe.

"The human race. Greatest monsters of them all."
"Ke barjurir gar'ade, jagyc'ade kot'la a dalyc'ade kotla'shya."
Fucking Dalek twats I’m going to twat you over the head with my fucking TARDIS you fucking fucks!