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Offline niam2023

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #5700 on: March 07, 2015, 05:48:01 pm »
Just for this, I am going to write a story set in Japan.

It'll be a Social Justice Crusader's worst nightmare.

If that Jem woman calls me rude / shitty / problematic, I know I'll have accomplished my goal
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Offline Thejebusfire

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #5701 on: March 07, 2015, 06:57:12 pm »

The Japanese write about people and places outside of Japan all the time. There are even mangas dedicated to non-Japanese characters. The Count of Monte Cristo, Hamlet, Dracula, even Sherlock Holmes.
The point is anyone can write a story or comic in any setting. As long as they aren't purposely trying to stenotype the Japanese then there really shouldn't be a problem.

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #5702 on: March 07, 2015, 07:16:47 pm »

The Japanese write about people and places outside of Japan all the time. There are even mangas dedicated to non-Japanese characters. The Count of Monte Cristo, Hamlet, Dracula, even Sherlock Holmes.
The point is anyone can write a story or comic in any setting. As long as they aren't purposely trying to stenotype the Japanese then there really shouldn't be a problem.

Heck, I've even seen a manga version of Les Mis. But remember, to SJWs like those, it's only bad if white people do it!

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #5703 on: March 07, 2015, 07:36:30 pm »

The Japanese write about people and places outside of Japan all the time. There are even mangas dedicated to non-Japanese characters. The Count of Monte Cristo, Hamlet, Dracula, even Sherlock Holmes.
The point is anyone can write a story or comic in any setting. As long as they aren't purposely trying to stenotype the Japanese then there really shouldn't be a problem.

And to Tumblr SJWs, that's fine.  After all, it's just white culture that the Japanese are putting their own artistic spin on.  But if a white person even breaths on any other culture on the planet, it's the biggest sin since the Fall.

Ironbite-really do hate SJWs.

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #5704 on: March 08, 2015, 01:47:45 am »

Irony - Tumblrinas love sticking labels on things and telling people what they can and cannot write.

you know how if you don’t wash your nipples properly they get those weird crust beads on em composed of like, dead nipple skin and shirt felt and boob sweat?

truscum is that. it’s that nipple crust.

Now for some better news - people trolling SJWs.

You folks are insane.

My ideal world: Silent Hill mixed with Night Vale that is safe for disabled people and children. Who’s in

You folks are fucking insane.

its been a while since ive osted in here. in the probable case that everyone forgot about me, here it is: im a prophet who worships gods of violence/death/destrustion/etc and im looking for more gods to serve? hmu

oh. for. fuck. sakes.




hey if ur divine talk to me!! espec. if ur an apocalypse god or like..a prophet.

...this must be the most fucking nuts thing to sprout from Tumblr since the Tucutes

I just /had/ to share the good news because I’m soo happy! First, my SO is making a shrine blog for me, and second, someone said their gods gave them a message about something and she’s sure its about me! I’m so excited, its been such a great day!

Translation; I manipulated my SO into making a shrine blog devoted to me, and I continue to manipulate others through the graces of the Social Justice blogosphere.

Man, with the kinds of things these people do, I'm tempted to make such a profile myself if only for the advantages and the capability to really exert myself.

Does anyone else ever run their tongue along their teeth and think “these should be sharper”


So crazy. Much Dandy.

Hello Dandy Mott. Glad to see you reincarnated.

neurotypical aes and story bloggers need to step the fuck off mentally ill kids brain weird posts . like 95% of the time when you see a “im able to bring nations to my knees. why am i trapped in this vessel” type posts they’re by neurodivergent kids and aren’t about some poet

Does not stop me from mocking them.

take back abandoned holy spaces. feel the vines crawling up your legs. go into the wilderness. go into the wilderness with fifteen dollars and come out singing your own name. remove the crosses and dig your own altars with dirt under your nails splinters in your feet and wine in your mouth.

I'll say it again, you are fucking insane. And literally an American Horror Story villain.

tonight is daylight savings time! tonight at 2 AM (sunday, march 8, 2015), the clocks will go forward one hour. most computers and phones will automatically set the time forward, you are not hallucinating or dissociating. please spread to let those with trouble with time know!

Shit Rich College Kids Say knows the score on Daylight Savings Time.


Stop getting culturally appropriative tattoos 2k15

No, this won't stop me from getting my Fin Fang Foom tattoo.

Solomon Linda, a South African musician, wrote “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” in 1939. In 1961, Brooklyn band the Tokens recorded the song, and “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” went on to reach the top of the charts (and eventually The Lion King). 

In 2000, Rolling Stone wrote a history of the song aptly titled, “In the Jungle: How American music legends made millions off the work of a Zulu tribesman who died a pauper.” The original African lyrics were warped into gibberish because none of the American singers could understand the words; American audiences wanted an exotic song without any of the political trappings. “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” is a perfect example of how not to culturally appropriate music.

Now The Lion King is Cultural Appropriation.

What next? Is Scar a racist villain because the evil lion has dark fur?

Tumblr...its spreading. Its like a bubonic plague on the internet.

You know what, white people?

Go ahead. Go on and rock those matted clumps of shit you call “dreads”. Rock them stankin shits like the world is ending. Please, continue to drag yourself so black people don’t have to. Drag yourselves and go out in public with them shits. Do it so poc can continue to laugh at you, or slowly back away because you smell like mildew and mold, or so our kids can point at you and say “what is that on their head mommy” lmao. Please, drag yourselves. Go on. Cause for some reason y’all the only ones that can’t see that it looks like pure caca. So go ahead. Rock your “dreads”. Give poc a reason to laugh at you even more and mumble to themselves “white people”. (:


    "Allaah" is literally just the Arabic word for "God." if you’re a non-Muslim speaking English, using "Allaah" instead of "God" when referring to Islam is:

    1) nonsensical because there’s no reason to insert one Arabic word into an otherwise all-English sentence;

    2) erasive of Arabic speakers of other religions who also use the word “Allaah;”

    and 3) a racist and Islamophobic microaggression intended to make Muslims seem foreign and ‘other’ by obscuring the fact that the Abrahamic religions all worship the same God


hi, i’m Jo. i’m 19 years old living in Wisconsin. i’m a transethnic, transfat, transabled otherkin. i’m also autistic, bipolar, and clinically depressed. don’t tell me that my identity is not valid just because i appear to be a cisethnic, cisgendered, able-bodied white male. you don’t know the type of oppression i face as an obese Korean tabby cat with only three legs.

Now for a parody. You deserve the laugh.

Jenn here.

Some things that happened today:

1. Made ramen with edamame, bok choy, and fried tofu.

2. Was so good that I made another bowl of it immediately after finishing the first bowl.

3. Put half a jar of peanut butter with chocolate chips in glass for dessert.

4. Mom saw me eating it. She asked how much peanut butter I used and I told her.

5. She got angry and told me I might as well eat the rest of the peanut butter in the jar since I “obviously want to die young from a heart attack.”

6. I opened up the fridge and got out the jar of peanut butter intending to eat it since she said I could.

7. She got even angrier and told me she was just being sarcastic and asked me how stupid I was. She then picked up my dessert glass and threw it onto the floor.

8. She grabbed a bottle of wine and stormed out of the kitchen. I called her a fatphobic, transfatphobic, body shaming, alcoholic bully.

9. I cleaned up the mess of peanut butter, chocolate, and broken glass. As I was doing so, I suddenly had some vivid memories of my past life as a tortoise. I think they were triggered by the Japanese food I had eaten. I recalled the family I had lived with. I was able to see their faces and hear them speaking this time. They were Japanese. They had a son who looked like he was about five or six. He put a lettuce leaf in front of me.

This could explain why I have been questioning my ethnicity and why I have been feeling like I might actually be Japanese. It’s because in a past life I was a Japanese tortoise! Now that I know the reason why I have felt like I may be transethnic, I am not sure if I should stop questioning my ethnicity and just identify as cisethnic or continue questioning my ethnicity as well as begin exploring the possibility that I may be tortoisekin. I really wish Algoral were here to guide me in the right direction.

Look, its Jenn again. or is it JUSTICE, in between blowing up a Chantry and possessing a whiny bisexual from Fereldan.

I can’t wait to absorb the racist, imperialist KKKonstitution of AmeriKKKa into my phantom fat too. Then we womyn of size/color can finally be free of cracker domination!

Either this is a parody, or this is the most hilarious thing ever. Sounds like Assata Shakur.

Oldie but goodie.


To the people making fun of my transfat identification:

How disrespectful that you can’t open your mind for one fucking second, or at least keep your mouth shut.

Look, I can’t afford to become the way my soul knows I am at this point in my life. I try to pick up extra food or make sure my day includes as little activity as possible, but its not easy.

My phantom fat painfully reminds me in every waking moment that there should be more of me, and that I’m not complete without it.

So when you make these hateful jokes, it is very triggering that you can’t see past the same thin privilege that I suffer and also benefit from on a daily basis.

Very well. I will try my hardest to trigger you, I will trigger you when you wake, I will trigger you when you sleep, I will unendingly trigger you, you will achieve no reprieve from the triggering I bequeath from me to you, for the triggering shall never end. Not even death will spare you from my triggering, for when you die I will conjure your spirit with a Ouija Board and then trigger it!

I finally came out as transfat to my parents.

They have thin privilege so of course they didn’t understand, but it feels really good to get it all out in the open.

AboutThinPrivilege again, being insane.

Say hello to a Greater Daemon of Nurgle.

If so, then I have an important announcement. Visibly I am an ugly dude.

Inside, I am a muscular paragon of masculinity. TransMuscular.

Justice is out trying to smash the Normalism in Thedas.

Jenn again, being an insane fat lunatic devoted to Nurgle.

If you are….

• Fictionkin
•Multiple System
•Demonkin or Angelkin
•Spacekin or Alienkin
•ANY Otherkin

Reblog and like this and I’ll follow you!

Oh for fuck sakes

Fictionkin. Still a thing.

I am not stopping any time soon. I will continue mocking them.


Insanity and astrology. Go hand in hand.

There's also some telpa / tulpa stuff flying around.

You heard her - only add if you're mutuals...

Then again, Trolls are famous for their respect for the rules and guidelines and triggers of other people.

You have Aspergers, how am I not surprised.



Dear singlets

    Multiplicity is real.
    Every multiple system is different.
    Every multiple system is valid.
    Every member of every multiple system is valid.
    Every member of every multiple system is different.
    Every system and even member of a multiple system copes with stuff in their own way.
    Those ways are valid as long as they’re not hurting others.
    No ~romanticising~ multiplicity (whatever the heck you even mean by that) is not hurting others.
    Stop trying to figure out if anyone is a fake or hate on those you deem fake or attention seekers – THIS HURTS REAL MULTIPLES FAR MORE THAN ANY FAKES!
    Stop policing us and our identities and the words and ways and concepts we use to express them.
    Stop trying to speak over us.
    Stop pathologizing and/or infantilising and/or romanticising us (There’s a difference between a singlet and a multiple doing that).


At least its gone.

Consent from one member of a multiple system does not imply consent from anyone else in that system!

This should be obvious, but in a rape culture like this, it isn’t. If there’s a switch, that means you have to negotiate consent anew with a new person – if at all appropriate.

No. No. No fucking no.

the phrase “the royal we” comes from the fact that all systems are majestic as fuck

If by majestic you mean batshit insane, then yes.

Life in the Tegid System: sleep schedules

We haven’t much else to do at the moment, since we just got done doing some drawing and playing Pokemon Ruby… so we suppose we’ll just ramble a bit about the day-to-day affairs on the inside of our system.

First bit, functional hours:

diurnal: Kirke, Nikias, Rosie, Gale

semidiurnal: Total, Prim

nocturnal: Asher, Galateia, Leo, Niall, Ruby

always awake: Estael, Lorael

The body itself is on a biphasic sleep schedule most of the time, with a four-and-half-hour primary sleep between 6 AM and 10:30 AM and a two or three hour secondary sleep between either noon and 3:00 PM or between  3PM and 5PM, depending on the day of the week. The remaining hours are spent attending classes, giving piano lessons, managing errands and other logistics, doing homework, and enjoying free time.

The semidiurnal system members are usually awake starting two hours before the primary (body) sleep, around 4 AM, and they take their monophasic sleep when the sun gets too high. They wake again when the sun starts going down… so basically, they’re up and about in the mornings and evenings, with Prim being awake a bit into the night, and with Total awake a bit into the day.

The nocturnal system members are totally matched to the body’s sleep schedule.

The diurnal system members all use monophasic sleep, rising around 9 AM and going to bed shortly after nightfall.

So the pattern goes kinda’ like this:

(semidayshift awake)————————————————-(semidayshift awake)

—(dayshift awake————————————————-)————————-

———-(nightshift awake)———————-(nightshift awake———————-)-


This means everybody is awake during our morning class, and then the semidiurnals immediately hit the hay, followed quickly by the biphasic nocturnals. The diurnals stay awake most of the day and then hit the hay a bit after the night folk wake up.  The semidiurnals then wake up about halfway into the night shift. There’s enough overlap for everybody to get time to interact with everybody else, if they want it.

Do you always plan your bullshit out this much?


Being a multiple system or otherkin does not make you mentally ill.

Being a multiple system or otherkin does not make you mentally ill.

Being a multiple system or otherkin does not make you mentally ill.

Being a multiple system or otherkin does not make you mentally ill.

This goes on for a while. Just repeating something enough does not make it more truer.

These people live truthiness.

Bad news: new headmate.

Good news: new headmate!

Badder News: More Tumblrina Bullshit.

If it makes white boys uncomfortable do it again

Radfem tag now.

Feminism that includes men is not feminism at all

More radfems.

Trust Your Perceptions is one of the most cutting-edge radical feminist sites in existence.

This ongoing series explores actual scientific facts regarding human reproduction that illustrate how males invade, harm, and use women’s bodies on a BIOLOGICAL and CELLULAR level.

For example, did you know that male genes effectively SILENCE female genes, and that sperm carries genetic information designed to override a woman’s genetic information and force fetuses to grow larger than they normally would? And that they also inject genetic information designed to prevent the female body from evolving to be able to reproducing asexually?

Check this out:

"A second silencing is called “Genomic Imprinting.” This occurs when an embryo is being made. The male targets certain genes on different female chromosomes, turns them off, and snaps his own genes — intrusive puzzle pieces with different instructions — in their place. Females likewise reciprocate. Scientists treat genomic imprinting as if it’s an equal tit-for-tat between the sexes. But this is incorrect. The female is acting in self-defense. Genomic imprinting serves males in several astonishing ways.

Most commonly, males use genomic imprinting to make sure they stick around. Males regularly disable female genes instructing for a small embryo, imposing their big embryo instructions instead. The female defensively counters, which only ends up tempering dudedictate.

When scientists merge two eggs, the embryo is tiny. But when they merge two sperm (you can’t merge two sperm; they irradiate an egg first then put their sperm donor contribution inside), the embryo is super-sized. Neither embryo lives. But what this shows us is that males try to make “their” embryo super-sized for maximum extraction of female reproductive resources. This is a merciless vampirism by the male of the female’s bodily resources, in the male interest of making females make bigboy dudebabies, ie, the successful perpetuation of their Y — at the expense of the female.”

Males silence, harm, invade, use, and colonize women on a level completely separate from ANY culture or socialization. Their DNA “knows” that if women could reproduce without them (and we could, with relatively little tweaking) that they will simply CEASE TO EXIST. Their very biology is flawed and dependent on sucking the life out of females, quite, quite literally.

It’s a long read and there are still at least 2 parts of the series as-yet unreleased. It is very much worth reading. This is legitimately the next level of radical feminist thinking and likely quite upsetting for some…for me it was liberating.


In honor of MSBC, this was the social justice chewout.
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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #5705 on: March 08, 2015, 03:34:24 am »
Presented without comment.
Long Live The Queen.

Burn fire! Hellfire! Now Anita, its your turn! Choose GamerGate, or your pyre!
Be mine or you will buuurn!!

Offline Askold

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #5706 on: March 08, 2015, 03:43:35 am »

The Japanese write about people and places outside of Japan all the time. There are even mangas dedicated to non-Japanese characters. The Count of Monte Cristo, Hamlet, Dracula, even Sherlock Holmes.
The point is anyone can write a story or comic in any setting. As long as they aren't purposely trying to stenotype the Japanese then there really shouldn't be a problem.

There is Sherlock Holmes anime where he is an anthro-dog (made by Miyazaki himself) and a manga where Holmes is reincarnated into the body of a puppy. (A puppy that smokes pipes, solves crimes and talks telepathically to the reincarnation of Watson, who is now a Japanese boy.)

And if anyone wants to complain about other cultures being misinterpreted in western fiction then I would point out that Manga and Anime often horribly butcher western religions and myths for their stories. But guess what? This is not a big deal. Sometimes a manga artist wants to have something "foreign sounding" in their story so they pick a random culture/religion and either use it (or misuse it if they aren't familiar with it) or simply take inspiration from it. There is often nothing malicous behind it.

Like this character for example, from Shaman King:

"Chocolove McDonnel" an American Shaman. For some reason the english dub also edited his face everytime he is on the screen. (The character is one of the good guys and apart from his appearance there really is nothing racist in his portrayal.)
No matter what happens, no matter what my last words may end up being, I want everyone to claim that they were:
"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."
Aww, you guys rock. :)  I feel the love... and the pitchforks and torches.  Tingly!

Offline niam2023

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #5707 on: March 08, 2015, 03:54:53 am »
Chocolove. Chocolove.

...WOW, Japan. Wow.
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Offline Askold

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #5708 on: March 08, 2015, 04:08:18 am »
Chocolove. Chocolove.

...WOW, Japan. Wow.
Very chocolate. Much love.
No matter what happens, no matter what my last words may end up being, I want everyone to claim that they were:
"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."
Aww, you guys rock. :)  I feel the love... and the pitchforks and torches.  Tingly!

Offline Thejebusfire

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #5709 on: March 08, 2015, 04:17:44 am »
From Niam's long post:

I love how she says so much and nothing at all. It's like they're slapping all these labels on themselves to make up for a boring personality.

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #5710 on: March 08, 2015, 05:08:39 am »
If some of these snowflakes collect neuroses and other disorders to feel special, than they can have mine.  Depression, anxiety, and OCD are NOT fun happy quirks.

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #5711 on: March 08, 2015, 10:20:07 am »

The Japanese write about people and places outside of Japan all the time. There are even mangas dedicated to non-Japanese characters. The Count of Monte Cristo, Hamlet, Dracula, even Sherlock Holmes.
The point is anyone can write a story or comic in any setting. As long as they aren't purposely trying to stenotype the Japanese then there really shouldn't be a problem.

There is Sherlock Holmes anime where he is an anthro-dog (made by Miyazaki himself) and a manga where Holmes is reincarnated into the body of a puppy. (A puppy that smokes pipes, solves crimes and talks telepathically to the reincarnation of Watson, who is now a Japanese boy.)

And if anyone wants to complain about other cultures being misinterpreted in western fiction then I would point out that Manga and Anime often horribly butcher western religions and myths for their stories. But guess what? This is not a big deal. Sometimes a manga artist wants to have something "foreign sounding" in their story so they pick a random culture/religion and either use it (or misuse it if they aren't familiar with it) or simply take inspiration from it. There is often nothing malicous behind it.

Like this character for example, from Shaman King:

"Chocolove McDonnel" an American Shaman. For some reason the english dub also edited his face everytime he is on the screen. (The character is one of the good guys and apart from his appearance there really is nothing racist in his portrayal.)

Shit, that's nothin.  I give you the one, the only...Mr. Popo from Dragon Ball:

He's supposed to be a djinni, so his extreme appearance might be able to be explained, but still...fuck.
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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #5712 on: March 08, 2015, 04:05:38 pm »
Jynx (sp?) from Pokemon looked similar to Popo before they turned him/her/it purple.

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #5713 on: March 08, 2015, 04:16:56 pm »
My ideal world: Silent Hill mixed with Night Vale that is safe for disabled people and children. Who’s in
Nothing says "safe for disabled kids." like sword wielding tortures, authoritarian police forces, and portals to dimensions of monsters periodically opening up.

Does anyone else ever run their tongue along their teeth and think “these should be sharper”
I actually agree with this, it's annoying eating a rancid buffalo carcass and not being able to bite through cartilage.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2015, 04:21:28 pm by I am lizard »

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #5714 on: March 08, 2015, 06:20:28 pm »
From the bowels of Pharyngula's comment section:
Women get one day. Blacks get the shortest month of the year. White men get the rest of the time.

It's true. Calendar printers could save ink by not marking 336 days as "White Mens' Day".
Consumption is not a politically combative act — refraining from consumption even less so.