Author Topic: Worst of Social Justice  (Read 1572239 times)

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Offline ironbite

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« Last Edit: September 24, 2015, 12:44:04 pm by ironbite »

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7036 on: September 24, 2015, 12:43:40 pm »
He's wrong, but not for what Ultimate Paragon is thinking. Fact is, Tumblrina would be right if they added "of the United States" onto every use of the word white in that post. But they didn't, and now they're saying whites in Zimbabwe, China, and Japan never experience racism or discrimination, which is absolute bullshit and offensive to white people who have suffered in places like the Kongo.
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Offline Ultimate Paragon

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7037 on: September 24, 2015, 01:09:01 pm »
He's wrong, but not for what Ultimate Paragon is thinking. Fact is, Tumblrina would be right if they added "of the United States" onto every use of the word white in that post. But they didn't, and now they're saying whites in Zimbabwe, China, and Japan never experience racism or discrimination, which is absolute bullshit and offensive to white people who have suffered in places like the Kongo.

You're half right.  American whites don't experience racism on an institutional level (except maybe for affirmative action), but it definitely happens on an interpersonal level.  Just ask Eminem about the racially-motivated bullying he suffered as a kid.

And whites do suffer from police brutality.  While it's unlikely that more than a couple cases (if that) were motivated by racism, that doesn't diminish what they suffered.

As for "nobody was murdered for being white", that's simply not true.  Robert Rozier killed seven white people in order to join the Nation of Yahweh.  Colin Ferguson shot twenty-five people (six fatally) on a Long Island train because of his hatred of whites, Asians, and "Uncle Toms".  Two examples, just off the top of my head.

Art Vandelay

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7038 on: September 24, 2015, 07:18:30 pm »
He's not wrong.
Yes, he is. It's the same stupid "racism = power + prejudice" redefinition that Tumblr absolutely loves. It's just as stupid now as it ever was.

Even Then

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7039 on: September 24, 2015, 09:23:39 pm »
You're half right.  American whites don't experience racism on an institutional level (except maybe for affirmative action)

Christ on a bike, you had something resembling a point and then you pulled this "AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IS RACIST AGAINST WHITES!!1!" Stormfront shit. Poor people in general already get scholarships, and black people get affirmative action because, shockingly, centuries of institutional racism in the US means that black people in general don't have financial/status parity with white people and don't thus have the same opportunities. You don't get a blue shell in Mario Kart when you're already in first place, geez.

(First place as in "dominant social class in the west", not as in "has a perfect life and gets everything easily", like I've heard some jackasses willfully misunderstand the concept of white privilege as.)

Offline Ultimate Paragon

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7040 on: September 24, 2015, 09:27:24 pm »
You're half right.  American whites don't experience racism on an institutional level (except maybe for affirmative action)

Christ on a bike, you had something resembling a point and then you pulled this "AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IS RACIST AGAINST WHITES!!1!" Stormfront shit. Poor people in general already get scholarships, and black people get affirmative action because, shockingly, centuries of institutional racism in the US means that black people in general don't have financial/status parity with white people and don't thus have the same opportunities. You don't get a blue shell in Mario Kart when you're already in first place, geez.

(First place as in "dominant social class in the west", not as in "has a perfect life and gets everything easily", like I've heard some jackasses willfully misunderstand the concept of white privilege as.)

That's why I emphasized maybe.  I guess there are reasons why somebody might see affirmative action as "reverse racism", but I personally think that's bunk.  I'm critical of affirmative action sometimes, but my reasons have nothing to do with that. 

Really, I agree with you, but I don't think we should outright dismiss those kinds of complaints about affirmative action as "Stormfront shit".  Just because I disagree with it, doesn't mean I think it's inherently racist.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2015, 09:30:37 pm by Ultimate Paragon »

Even Then

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7041 on: September 24, 2015, 09:28:05 pm »
Fair enough.

But here's the thing; complaining about the effectiveness of AA as a method to help the underprivileged or any other practical issue is fine IMO. Complaining that it's "racist against whites" to give underprivileged ethnic groups a leg up is what comes across as white supremaciist whining, at least to me.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2015, 09:41:43 pm by Even Then »

Offline ironbite

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7042 on: September 24, 2015, 10:50:33 pm »
You're half right.  American whites don't experience racism on an institutional level (except maybe for affirmative action)

Christ on a bike, you had something resembling a point and then you pulled this "AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IS RACIST AGAINST WHITES!!1!" Stormfront shit. Poor people in general already get scholarships, and black people get affirmative action because, shockingly, centuries of institutional racism in the US means that black people in general don't have financial/status parity with white people and don't thus have the same opportunities. You don't get a blue shell in Mario Kart when you're already in first place, geez.

(First place as in "dominant social class in the west", not as in "has a perfect life and gets everything easily", like I've heard some jackasses willfully misunderstand the concept of white privilege as.)

Oh I'm going to like you.

Even Then

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7043 on: September 25, 2015, 06:48:01 am »
Should... should I be worried?

Offline SCarpelan

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7044 on: September 25, 2015, 07:14:15 am »
You are going to be fine. Just avoid extended eye contact and if he starts hissing or you smell something burning, take cover: he's probably about to explode again.

Offline Ghoti

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7045 on: September 25, 2015, 07:47:25 am »
So earlier today I reblogged a post about someone wanting to go on "platonic dates", followed by a screenshot of the dictionary definition of "friendship", folowed by some whargarble about queerplatonic relationships, followed by the same screenshot. A few hours later, I get this (linked because it's long) in my inbox, calling me "arophobic" among other nonsense. What I don't understand is 1) how, exactly, a queerplatonic relationship differs from a strong friendship besides "because I say so", and 2) why a strong friendship between 2 or more people who identify as "queer" needs its own term when "friendship/friends with benefits" works just as well. I don't want to just delete it and move on because I have a feeling that won't help, but I also don't really want to deal with a bunch of people screaming at me because I pointed out that "queerplatonic" and "strong friendship" mean the same thing (except one, y'know, has the word "queer"). Any advice? Should I just take the post down and move on?
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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7046 on: September 25, 2015, 08:07:41 am »
If you just want to wind up a few Tumblrinas for funsies and are aware that that's all you're ever going to achieve here with this, by all means, have at it. But if you're expecting to have a halfway intelligent discussion about this, though, forget it. Trying to have a civil discussion with rabid Tumblrinas is a complete and total waste of effort. You might as well write an essay for a cage full of angry chimps on why throwing their poo at people is bad.

Offline Ghoti

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7047 on: September 25, 2015, 08:20:52 am »
I just want to avoid drama without saying or implying the pissant was right. Normally I'd relish the chance to stir shit up, but I don't think this is worth the time. I'm probably just going to delete the post and issue a fauxpology to the offended party.

« Last Edit: September 25, 2015, 08:28:10 am by Ghoti »
Long Live The Queen.

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Offline guizonde

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7048 on: September 25, 2015, 09:24:22 am »
uh, wow. much rage, such whaarbargl.

i guess some people are too attached to labels?

also, arophobic? like hates aromantic people? more like "who gives a flying whisky dick".
@ guizonde: I think I like the way you think.
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Offline Ultimate Paragon

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7049 on: September 25, 2015, 09:43:56 am »


Remember kids, defending yourself against unfounded accusations is an admission of guilt.