Author Topic: Debate: Are The WBC Self-Aware?  (Read 16336 times)

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Debate: Are The WBC Self-Aware?
« on: January 30, 2012, 01:05:04 am »
It's apparently a point of contention with people, so I'm wondering what your theories are. On the one hand, they seem like they truly believe in their cause. On the other hand, they are extremely over-the-top to the point of self-parody and seem to deliberately antagonize people into assaulting them. So, do they believe what they say or is it a massive trolling campaign for cash?

My personal theory is that they do truly believe their message, because they have the symptoms of a cult. I think they follow Fred blindly and believe anything he says. Now, whether Fred believes it or is just doing it for the money and attention, I don't know. I think he might be trolling for the money and attention, but also gets a sick sort of power from dominating his family and brainwashing them, so he might actually be that anti-Semitic and homophobic if he has narcissism and believes he's the best thing in the universe.

Anyone have a different theory?

Offline Her3tiK

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Re: Debate: Are The WBC Self-Aware?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2012, 01:26:41 am »
They're too legally savvy to be completely brainwashed. I'm sure there are some members (like that horrid old woman, whatever her name is) who really believes everything they say, but some of them have to be aware enough of what they're doing to take advantage of the times they're assaulted. To my understanding, the resulting lawsuits are responsible for most of their funding, if not all of it, so someone needs to keep on top of that.
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There are a number of ways, though my favourite is simply to take them by surprise. They're just walking down the street, minding their own business when suddenly, WHACK! Penis to the face.

Offline Stormwarden

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Re: Debate: Are The WBC Self-Aware?
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2012, 02:38:58 am »
I figure it started out with Fred Phelps deciding to start his church after losing his mind on a drug bender. Thing is, I suspect somewhere along the way, greed from his eldest daughter took over, and they decided to go make their fortune in lawsuits. Of course, this means the kids had to buy the kool-aid or they'd lose the golden goose.

And that leads to the current incarnation we see before us.

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Re: Debate: Are The WBC Self-Aware?
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2012, 06:52:02 am »
I figure it started out with Fred Phelps deciding to start his church after losing his mind on a drug bender. Thing is, I suspect somewhere along the way, greed from his eldest daughter took over, and they decided to go make their fortune in lawsuits. Of course, this means the kids had to buy the kool-aid or they'd lose the golden goose.

And that leads to the current incarnation we see before us.

I read a bio of him written by one of the children that left that nonsense behind.  Actually Fred Phelps did take a lot of drugs (the bad kind, not the good kind) for a time.  But mainly, he had a ridiculous amount of rage issues that he took out on his family for a while, then directed it outward towards the rest of the world, which is how WBC started.

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Re: Debate: Are The WBC Self-Aware?
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2012, 09:44:05 am »
I think they've spouted so much bullshit that they can't tell what's real anymore.

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Re: Debate: Are The WBC Self-Aware?
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2012, 09:56:41 am »
I have long felt that the Phelps operation is nothing more than a lawsuit mill. They have figured out a way to use protected 1st Amendment rights to provoke innocent, traumatized individuals into physical confrontations, allowing them to lever the incident into a lucrative lawsuit. I have noticed that there is always a member of the WBC videotaping their "protests." Since these videos are never posted, I can only assume that the purpose is to be used as evidence in court for their inevitable suit.
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Re: Debate: Are The WBC Self-Aware?
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2012, 12:33:21 pm »
What I don't think they understand is that you can only antagonize people for a certain amount of time before the mob turns on them completely and it goes from someone punching one of them to something more serious.
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Offline sandman

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Re: Debate: Are The WBC Self-Aware?
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2012, 02:01:11 pm »
I think Fred would be perfectly willing to sacrifice one of his flock for a nice, juicy wrongful death suit.
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Offline Lithp

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Re: Debate: Are The WBC Self-Aware?
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2012, 02:14:37 pm »
I think I would be perfectly willing to sacrifice Fred for a nice, juicy world without Fred.

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Re: Debate: Are The WBC Self-Aware?
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2012, 02:30:34 pm »
I voted the second option, that nobody in the group truly believes his message. This may just be horridly misplaced optimism... again... but while I am sure Phelps believes his message (he is, after all, fucking insane), it seems too juicy a target for people who just want to stir shit up. Most cults are, first of all, led by a leader with charisma of some kind, and Phelps has proven so abrasive that I have my doubts he's a real leader.

However, they somehow managed to land a high profile. As a result, it's perfect for people who just hate gay people so much, they can simply join this "church" and voila! they have a platform which media cameras will be pointed at.
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Re: Debate: Are The WBC Self-Aware?
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2012, 02:34:43 pm »
You have to realize, it's a cult composed mostly of his family, whose cognitive development he has a strong influence over.

Offline Jack Mann

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Re: Debate: Are The WBC Self-Aware?
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2012, 03:43:48 pm »
I'm pretty sure they all believe, with the possible exception of Fred himself.  Sure, they're also living off the lawsuits, but that's not incompatible.  Fred was a lawyer, he had all of his kids become lawyers, because he sees it as a way to get money from the unsaved.  And why not?  To the Phelpses, we're barely human.  It's perfectly all right to get money from us.  If he could find a convenient way to just take the money, he would.  Since the only legal way he can get it is to provoke people until they can be sued, that's what they're going for. 

It's a lot like white supremacists who complain about black welfare queens while living off government handouts themselves.  They see themselves as worthy of that money.  They're good people, by virtue of being of the right religion/race, and they're taking it from bad people (who keep them from attacking/killing the groups they hate), so it's morally justified. 
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Offline Cataclysm

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Re: Debate: Are The WBC Self-Aware?
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2012, 03:49:35 pm »
I think some may have believed and lied, but then eventually believed their lies.

How many cases of people leaving the "church" are there?
I'd be more sympathetic if people here didn't act like they knew what they were saying when they were saying something very much wrong.

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Re: Debate: Are The WBC Self-Aware?
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2012, 04:05:10 pm »
I took the the third choice.  I think Fred is self aware and maybe a few others are too.  I heard Shirley was a lawyer so maybe she was trying to hide behind freedom of religion and freedom of choice to piss people off.  The thing is, a lot of these people are clearly enjoying what they are doing.  They enjoy pissing people off, making hateful songs like "god hates the world", and otherwise getting attention from their antics.   

However, there are probably those who don't know any better.  The children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren are clearly brainwashed.  Then there's the fact that some people do hold Calvinist beliefs which state that god is angry and actually hates many of his creation, very similar to what Phelps believes.  It's a very negative and hateful belief, based on fear and terror.  So sadly, these beliefs aren't anything new, they are just the most upfront and obnoxious about it. 

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Re: Debate: Are The WBC Self-Aware?
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2012, 05:30:07 pm »
the younger ones, the ones that were raised in it, probably believe the rest are in it for money and because they are irl trolls that like to piss people off.
From international relations to religious rivalries, from marriage to athlete's foot, whatever the problem a fundy's first solution is usually violence.