Author Topic: SHOTS FIRED - shootings and killings mega-thread  (Read 25064 times)

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Offline Barbarella

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Re: SHOTS FIRED - shootings and killings mega-thread
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2015, 05:56:39 pm »
admit it. you were waiting to spring this piece of bad news on me, weren't you?

I fully admit that waiting was had, however I was waiting confirmation as to whether or not this was going to be limited to mass-shootings or not. If not, I was gonna put it in its own thread. I just found it this morning and it sickens me.

you and me both. what kind of sick reasons are necessary for two teens to do this?

I wish I didn't have to say this, but there doesn't always need to be a reason. Don't forget, those teenage murderers who killed the Australian exchange student living here in Oklahoma simply did it "because they were bored."

I wish it wasn't true, but evil people exist.

Usually there's something up with the family for these brats to target them. Maybe they were evil kids who got grounded for doing something stupid and then decided to kill their family so they didn't have to be "ordered around anymore". Brats!

a brat smashes a teapot in a tantrum. a kid who frags their parents is a murderer, regardless of situations (even in the case that the parents deserve it).

Well, I know it's an understatement but "brats" was more about the murderer's possible attitude.

Perhaps further developments might prove otherwise. I have no idea why they did this. Either they had some reason or they're pure evil & did it for funsies. I dunno.

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Re: SHOTS FIRED - shootings and killings mega-thread
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2015, 06:36:27 pm »
"Politician" is the occupational equivalent of "Florida".

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Re: SHOTS FIRED - shootings and killings mega-thread
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2015, 10:58:46 pm »
Just had a hostage situation near my neck of the woods. Thankfully, no one was hurt, would-be shooter included. Professionalism all around by the teachers and students, which is really welcome.

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Offline Barbarella

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Re: SHOTS FIRED - shootings and killings mega-thread
« Reply #18 on: August 26, 2015, 11:25:18 am »

A news reporter & cameraman killed and a third injured.
A newswoman was just doing a nice pleasant interview with a lady from the Local Chamber of Commerce for a nice piece on the 50th anniversary of a rather nice, picturesque, peaceful, rural shopping center.....Only for some freak to shoot the reporter, interviewed & cameraman.

The fallen camera happened to capture an image of the shooter as it fell.

Fortunately, the cops are closing in on the freak. It believed that it's a disgruntled former employee of the news station.

The reporter & cameraman were killed but the Chamber of Commerce rep is still alive and in surgery. Let's hope she lives & recovers.

I was watching coverage on MSNBC and when they described the happy life circumstances of the two deceased, it tore my heart out....
* The reporter was dating another reporter and they were very much in love and just bought a new home. Her reporter boyfriend tweeted "I am numb".  :'(
* The cameraman's fiancé worked in the control room and saw the whole thing! They were just about to be married and there was going to be a happy Going Away party for both of them, today. The cameraman & his fiancé were to move away & get married.  :'(

It reads like a big cosmic joke by malevolent Fates.  >:(  I hope the cops get that bastard, PRONTO! >:( >:( >:(

And, of course, the goddamned NRA will block legislation as usual! TIMER TO FRICKIN' VOTE ALL THOSE TEABAGGERS OUT!

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Re: SHOTS FIRED - shootings and killings mega-thread
« Reply #19 on: August 26, 2015, 02:14:40 pm »
Barb, you understand that NRA does not necessarily equal teabagger and vice versa, right?

But by all means, keep painting with that broad-as-fuck brush.
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Offline Ironchew

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Re: SHOTS FIRED - shootings and killings mega-thread
« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2015, 02:36:29 pm »
Barb, you understand that NRA does not necessarily equal teabagger and vice versa, right?

But by all means, keep painting with that broad-as-fuck brush.

The NRA entirely deserves that association and so much worse. This is the organization that wants convicted domestic abusers to be able to buy firearms.

They're a front for the arms industry. Whatever boosts firearm sales is what the NRA is for; if public safety has to be compromised for increased profits then so much the better.
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Re: SHOTS FIRED - shootings and killings mega-thread
« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2015, 02:50:39 pm »

As for this particular story, this guy seems to have been a total nut bag.  I just saw a report that he actually filmed the murder, posted it on Facebook, tweeted about it, then capped himself. Who the fuck does shit like that?
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Offline Barbarella

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Re: SHOTS FIRED - shootings and killings mega-thread
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2015, 02:58:19 pm »
Barb, you understand that NRA does not necessarily equal teabagger and vice versa, right?

But by all means, keep painting with that broad-as-fuck brush.

The NRA entirely deserves that association and so much worse. This is the organization that wants convicted domestic abusers to be able to buy firearms.

They're a front for the arms industry. Whatever boosts firearm sales is what the NRA is for; if public safety has to be compromised for increased profits then so much the better.

Thank you, Ironchew. We agree on something. That's awesome. Thanks.

The NRA in the early days may have started out as a legit, reasonable organization focused on reasonable gun ownership & saftey. However, they have long since been taken over by ammosexual nutsos.

Same with the once-venerable "Party Of Lincoln".

As for this particular story, this guy seems to have been a total nut bag.  I just saw a report that he actually filmed the murder, posted it on Facebook, tweeted about it, then capped himself. Who the fuck does shit like that?

Are you talking about the recent shooting? I guess that's why he shot those people during a live he could post it online and say "Ha ha! They fired me because I'm a total freakazoid! Boy! I sure showed them!!".

"Capped himself"? You mean he just killed himself?!

Figures! Seems to be an unwritten law with mass shooters, "Thou Shalt Kill Thyself". How cowardly. I was hoping the cops would get him alive. That said, he's dead and, if there's an afterlife (and I think there is), he's simply gone from the frying pan to the fire while the victims have Soma-coffee with Peter Jennings in Paradise.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2015, 03:06:24 pm by Barbarella »

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Re: SHOTS FIRED - shootings and killings mega-thread
« Reply #23 on: August 26, 2015, 03:50:14 pm »
From what I've read, the police were chasing him down the highway (near where I am currently), he went off-road, then they found him with a gunshot wound to the head. He died in the hospital afterwards.

I'm annoyed as fuck that everyone online is sharing the murder video. Seriously, just stop. You're doing absolutely zero good here.
Guys, this is getting creepy. Can we talk about cannibalism instead?

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Offline Barbarella

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Re: SHOTS FIRED - shootings and killings mega-thread
« Reply #24 on: August 26, 2015, 03:57:25 pm »
Here's more about the perp. This is a weird one, folks. He was a black, white-hating, gay, Jehovah's Witness who was paranoid and heard voices. The claims it was revenge for the Charleston shootings and being fired from the TV station. The guy was a hot mess!
He wrote a big dumb manifesto and everything!

I'm sick and tired of this!

Offline Damen

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Re: SHOTS FIRED - shootings and killings mega-thread
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2015, 04:05:46 pm »
Seriously? Thats like bad fanfic Gary-Stu bullshit.
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Offline Askold

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Re: SHOTS FIRED - shootings and killings mega-thread
« Reply #26 on: August 26, 2015, 04:19:33 pm »
Guess who is staying classy? Gawker.

(click to show/hide)

And of course there are also claims about this being a false flag attack in order to take away the guns from Americans... "They must be in hurry since there was a highly publicized shooting just a while ago."

And some of the "Muh 2nd amendment" folks are glad that the shooter was black because "this means that media will shut up about the 'dindu' killing some white folks but if the shooter had been white and victims black they would have made a huge spectacle about this."
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Aww, you guys rock. :)  I feel the love... and the pitchforks and torches.  Tingly!

Offline Barbarella

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Re: SHOTS FIRED - shootings and killings mega-thread
« Reply #27 on: August 26, 2015, 04:38:52 pm »
Seriously? Thats like bad fanfic Gary-Stu bullshit.

What do you mean? The shooting or is the shooter the "Gary Stu"?

News reports need to quit giving the perp an identity. Quit showing their faces or showing their manifestos. Just refer to them as "The Shooter/Suspect/Perpetrator" and nothing more.

There needs to be reforms in how these things are reported. When potential shooters realize that they'll stay faceless & anonymous, the shootings will drop in frequency. If they can de-emphasize today's serial killers these days, why not mass-shooters.

* Make the shooters anonymous!
* Beef up the mental health system.
* Teach kindness, sharing, empathy & proper conflict resolution in schools.
* Shame "Toxic Masculinity". Expose it for the inhuman pile of scat it is! Notice how almost all these shooters are guys? There's a big "Machismo" component to this. Dumb males swallowing the "Macho Guy - Shoot Shoot" Flavor-Aid! Fuck that! Real men are gentlemen! I'm only aware of 1-3 shootings where the perp was a woman - The "Don't Like Mondays" girl comes to mind.  Here's some articles on this.....
How they deal with issues, choice of weapon.....*sigh*

Guess who is staying classy? Gawker.

(click to show/hide)

And of course there are also claims about this being a false flag attack in order to take away the guns from Americans... "They must be in hurry since there was a highly publicized shooting just a while ago."

And some of the "Muh 2nd amendment" folks are glad that the shooter was black because "this means that media will shut up about the 'dindu' killing some white folks but if the shooter had been white and victims black they would have made a huge spectacle about this."

I hope they're wrong. A mass-shooting is a mass-shooting and it was LIVE on TV!

What is it about America that makes it so obsessed with machismo & guns? I'm sick of this!

Now, there are plenty of good men out there and plenty of good masculine guys. However, males are a weird sort. Some can't handle maleness and many have huge egos.

I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but I think a PRINCIPLE, should be subject to femininity. Masculinity without femininity is aggressive macho bullshit! We need to FEMINIZE & INTELLECTUALIZE society, man!

I'm not against men & boys, I believe in absolute sexual equality. Men & Women should be complete equals. However, masculinity needs femininity to survive. Shiva's just a corpse without Shakti.

My stupid country with it's teabaggers, machismo & Old West mentality! I'm sick of it! I wish I could have super powers and FORCE this country to turn into an Androgynous Hippie Scandinavia!!!

I'm outta here. I need to "decompress"! Peace, everybody! I love you all and wish you well. I need to take a break for a while. I'll be back.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2015, 04:49:30 pm by Barbarella »

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Re: SHOTS FIRED - shootings and killings mega-thread
« Reply #28 on: August 26, 2015, 06:15:03 pm »
Worst part of this story?  The photographer who got killed, his fiancée was in the control booth watching this happen.

Ironbite-just heartbreaking.

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Re: SHOTS FIRED - shootings and killings mega-thread
« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2015, 08:39:28 pm »

James Holmes, who shot up a theatre in Colorado, has been sentenced: 12 life sentences, without parole, for the 12 murders, 3,312 years for 70 attempted murders, and 6 years for an explosives charge.

He was only spared the death penalty because the jurors were not unanimous in imposing it.

​[Judge Carlos A.] Samour [Jr.] had no option but to give Holmes life without parole, rather than the death penalty, after a split jury decided the term earlier this month. Prosecutors have said 11 jurors favoured death and one voted for life without parole. Under Colorado law, jurors must be unanimous to impose the death penalty.

Samour contrasted Holmes's bloody assault with the compassion of the lone juror who voted for a life sentence. He also noted the trial was fair, even if some victims were disappointed that Holmes wasn't sentenced to die.

"I believe in the system," Samour said. "I said that before, and I'll say it again. I believe in the system."

The judge said prison is harsh and restrictive, and he disputed some victims' suggestion that Holmes would have an easy life behind bars.

"It is the court's intention that the defendant never set foot in free society again," Samour said. "If there was ever a case that warranted the maximum sentences, this is the case,"
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