Author Topic: Freeform Play by Post RP?  (Read 1345 times)

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Offline niam2023

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Freeform Play by Post RP?
« on: August 24, 2016, 12:48:54 am »
Would anyone be interested in such an RP? I figure it would be a good way to work on creativity and ideas, as well as enhancing interest.

I'm thinking of a story idea, but I'd like to know if anyone would be interested first.
Living Life, Lifting, Waiting for Summer

Offline Cloud3514

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Re: Freeform Play by Post RP?
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2016, 01:56:04 am »
Wouldn't this make more sense in Creative Outlets?

Eh, whatever. I'd consider it. It's been years since I was seriously involved in a forum based free form RP.
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Offline niam2023

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Re: Freeform Play by Post RP?
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2016, 04:13:15 am »
Hm, true - I just thought of Entertainment and TV because the Creative Outlets area doesn't seem to get very much interest and "entertainment" in mind...

Thanks for considering it.

I had an idea for a story line; essentially it would look like the ur example of an anime setting - a high school for people with above the normal or "superpower" type abilities. Basically staffed by standard anime character tropes (though with definite variation). The surrounding town is likewise most like a fusion between a typical small American town with some Japanese shops and restaurants. However, if you go to the outskirts of this large surrounding town, called Academy Town, you will come across a large and mostly featureless white wall. Any marking put on the wall disappears overnight. Nobody really knows how long this wall was here, or even why - well, the students anyway.

Occasionally however there are alerts - which say on certain nights the students should not go outside past 7 o'clock.

There are many mysteries to this town - by all indications the characters were either born and raised here or moved at a very young age. Yet one thing remains the same - discussion of what lies outside the wall is heavily taboo.

And what is more, the moon is always in the appearance of a harvest moon...
Living Life, Lifting, Waiting for Summer

Offline niam2023

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Re: Freeform Play by Post RP?
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2016, 12:06:21 am »
So for my recent idea, here is the character sheet along with my own character.

* Name:
* Character Word: Describe for me the central arc at the start of your character, using one or two words emblematic of this. It can alter and develop in different directions.
* Age: (mostly teenagers, fitting the school theme)
* Gender:
* Appearance:
* Personality:
* Backstory:
* Powers: (magic? Simply a power? Super swordsmanship? Super Speed? Just include some description of what in all your character can do.)
* Other:


* Name: Yuito Halberg
* Character Word: Two Worlds. Yuito feels dragged in two directions, both by his heritage and by his motivations.
* Age: 17
* Gender: male
* Appearance: While he has a rather effete, typically bishounen face and thick, dark hair, Yuito is also one of the more muscular students present, and there is a contrast present in his appearance when in his school uniform and what he actually looks like in his typical clothes, which are a tank top, shorts and sneakers. His eyes are quite strikingly blue, though one of them is slightly faded in colour due to a scar over his right eye from a training accident. He has a rather pale countenance, and other than his facial scar, there are a number of other scars on his torso from his more extreme than normal training. He seems to be mostly stoic in his facial expression, though he occasionally is rather comically serious.
* Personality: Yuito comes from a rather difficult home life, being most often the only one caring for his little sister Sen, and having a negative opinion of both his father and mother. His father for spending more time with the mayor and his core group of affiliates rather than taking care of the home, and only ever sending home large paychecks. His mother is the source of his training - she never accepted anything but excellence from him, and reacted harshly to any failure. This shaped Yuito into becoming stressed out a lot, and in bitter denial of it. His school work may be good, but he despises even doing the work. However, more than anything else his mother's secrecy about why she was training him so much more strenuously made him hate secrets and secret keepers. There was a positive effect however inadvertent to her teaching, due in part to her stressing how he can only depend on himself, he decided to be as present and dutiful to his friends and little sister as possible, and whether or not she noticed the contradiction, he moved forward. He notably dislikes being a "pretty boy", implying it was parental pressure that made him go for the look, and much prefers a more muscular, "hunk" type look.
* Backstory: He was born to a rather serious and devoted man whom was perhaps a little too devoted to his work for the mayor, and a swordsmanship expert who basically defined the "tsundere" character type. Over time however as Yuito and Sen were born, a culture clash became obvious - the husband when he was around had distinctly western ideas, while the wife maintained a strictly tradionalist / ultra right wing Japanese ideology. Yuito noticed there were odd arguments in the dead of night - something about the wall. And as he grew up, Yuito in particular became a target of his mother's extremely dangerous and at times injurious training methods, resulting in the scar over his eye and a distrust of the older people in the Academy. Yuito is a member as of now of the Truth Investigation Club at school. Even though there are few crimes, his sleuthing serves another purpose.
* Powers: He can create blades and layers of armor, though as shown in a class based on control of one's power, he cannot apparently cover much of himself with his armor. He can also move extremely quickly and has enhanced strength, both from a power and from his training, and correspondingly has very durable bones and somewhat quicker regeneration except in the case of certain injuries.
* Other: n/a
Living Life, Lifting, Waiting for Summer