Author Topic: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington  (Read 465601 times)

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Offline Kanzenkankaku

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2385 on: June 30, 2018, 12:35:00 am »
You say that like having principals is a bad thing.

Anyway back on topic he says July 9th is going to be when he names the new pick, and it could be a woman!

Very progressive of him.

In other news: the Governator is going after Trumpy over energy policy

The UN voted no on Trump's pick to send to the International Organization for Migration

And still more tax cuts planned. Is the only thing he can think of on the economic policy just cutting taxes?

Offline dpareja

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2386 on: June 30, 2018, 12:43:27 am »
You say that like having principals is a bad thing.

Anyway back on topic he says July 9th is going to be when he names the new pick, and it could be a woman!

Very progressive of him.

Like how he put a war criminal who destroyed evidence that she oversaw torture in charge of the CIA and talked up her being the first female CIA Director?
Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

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Offline The_Queen

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2387 on: June 30, 2018, 03:05:53 am »
You say that like having principals is a bad thing.

A lot of voters, particularly in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, had "principles." As a result, we didn't get an uninspiring liberal, we got a man who slashed corporate tax at the expense of the poor, who has curtailed gender, racial, and queer equality through executive order, who tried to take health care from 32 million people, who will appoint at least 2 judges and secure a conservative Supreme Court for most of the rest of our lives, who just declared a multi-front trade war against our top 5 trade allies, while fellating Putin every chance he gets (wants Russia in the G-7, refuses or dawdles to impose sanctions against Russia, hell when asked who he supports for the World Cup he gives a non-committal answer before immediately praising Russia for doing a "good job" on "venue").

See what your "principles" got you. And to kick this dead horse, way to play a red herring. You know that I wasn't talking about being a principled person, but about this selective purity test that only seemed to get played against Hillary in the last election, and against Kamala Harris, Deval Patrick, and Cory Booker. It is an insidious form of sexism and racism to demand ideological purity from black people and women, but then to grant Bernie countless free passes and blind eyes: he has accepted "big money" including from the NRA, he previously had an A+ NRA rating, he said--on national television--as recently as 2006 that he supported "Hillary Clinton's" crime bill and opposed gay marriage, he voted for the largest Wall Street Deregulation ever. Where is his ideological purity test? *Crickets*

This double standard exists, and it comes from somewhere: naivety, cult of personality, or maybe just simple racism and sexism. I don't know, and broad, uniform statements hardly apply so easily to an entire group of people. I just want people to start looking at the bigger picture than on minutia: Booker, Patrick, Harris, Clinton, and Bernie would all very be liberal presidents (and to be fair, Bernie is slightly to the left than the others, albeit nominal), unlike who they run against. And to take this full circle, Anthony Kennedy.

Anyway back on topic he says July 9th is going to be when he names the new pick, and it could be a woman!

Very progressive of him.

Oh you sweet summer child.
Does anyone take Donald Trump seriously, anymore?

Offline niam2023

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2388 on: June 30, 2018, 03:07:35 am »
Really makes me glad I don't have those principles.
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Offline dpareja

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2389 on: June 30, 2018, 03:46:04 am »
I have to wonder if you've noticed how much shit Joe Manchin, Joe Crowley, Steny Hoyer, Chuck Schumer, and Andrew Cuomo get (or have gotten) from progressives.
Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

Quote from: Supreme Court of Canada
Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.

Offline The_Queen

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2390 on: June 30, 2018, 04:17:59 am »
I have to wonder if you've noticed how much shit Joe Manchin, Joe Crowley, Steny Hoyer, Chuck Schumer, and Andrew Cuomo get (or have gotten) from progressives.

Again, big picture vs. minutia. You just named a few white men and hoped I would not know much about them beyond that. Now, I said earlier that Bernie, Harris, Booker, and others, were sufficiently liberal and that their differences minor. To put this in perspective, we can look at how often they voted alongside Trump during the last 18 months. Sanders (10.8%) is the 4th most liberal, followed immediately Cory Booker (12.2%), Edward Markey (12.3%, and Kamala Harris (14.9%), respectively. By contrast, Schumer scores 24.3% (middle of the democratic pack) and Manchin is sitting on a 60.8% (last). While this does not track state level representatives, like Cuomo, it's pretty known that he has a number of issues, I vaguely recall him wanting to privatize social security. Nevertheless, aggregating sites like on the issues push him considerably further towards the center than any of those I've named. Finally, Hoyer isn't disliked for his politics, but because of his actions: he asked one of those Bernie type candidates to back out of a primary because his opponent was believed to do better.

So, three of those clowns are moderates (to varying degrees, of course) and one just got caught saying something upsetting on tape. The former are justified in criticisms of insufficient liberality (and, of course, the criticisms always fall short of disqualifying support for the candidate, unlike, say, Hillary). The latter, Hoyer, doesn't bother me at all: if people are upset that the guy was asked or pressured to step down, they can get out and vote for him, because votes matter. Fancy that.

ETA: And again, to bring this full circle, we all have considerable evidence that Bernie, Kamala, Deval, Cory, and Hillary are liberal. But, you know who won't be liberal; Trump's SCOTUS appointment. Abortion rights sure were nice while they lasted.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 04:36:28 am by The_Queen »
Does anyone take Donald Trump seriously, anymore?

Offline dpareja

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2391 on: June 30, 2018, 06:22:08 am »
Clinton was better than Trump. Harris, Booker, Patrick, Gillibrand and Cuomo would all be better than Trump. On those points I make no argument.

However, with the ideological sorting of the parties essentially complete (the last high-profile switch was probably Arlen Specter), that will be true of any Democrat versus any Republican, and therefore the focus must necessarily shift to nomination contests.

(Incidentally, I noticed that you excluded Crowley; his score is 17.5%. However, many of the criticisms of him were over his apparent corruption--and not just his overall donor profile, but who he took, or at least solicited, money from. And before you say "Sanders and NRA money", this was as of two weeks ago, not over two decades.)

When contending for a nomination, then, is it legitimate to point to your opponent's record as an argument for why you are the candidate more deserving of the nomination? For that matter, is it legitimate to challenge incumbents at all? (For myself, I very much like how candidate nominations in the US work, and really wish we had something like it here.)

I would also note that Sanders took a ton of shit from people in his "cult of personality" when he said he opposes BDS.

(On Andrew Cuomo, probably the biggest definite problem there was the Moreland Commission.)
Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

Quote from: Supreme Court of Canada
Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.

Offline Askold

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2392 on: June 30, 2018, 06:26:25 am »
I judt find it confusing that the people with "principles" will rather vote for Trump or not vote at all rather than voting for candidates who are closer to the failed candidate that they originally wanted.
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Offline Kanzenkankaku

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2393 on: June 30, 2018, 06:29:45 am »
You say that like having principals is a bad thing.

A lot of voters, particularly in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, had "principles." As a result, we didn't get an uninspiring liberal, we got a man who slashed corporate tax at the expense of the poor, who has curtailed gender, racial, and queer equality through executive order, who tried to take health care from 32 million people, who will appoint at least 2 judges and secure a conservative Supreme Court for most of the rest of our lives, who just declared a multi-front trade war against our top 5 trade allies, while fellating Putin every chance he gets (wants Russia in the G-7, refuses or dawdles to impose sanctions against Russia, hell when asked who he supports for the World Cup he gives a non-committal answer before immediately praising Russia for doing a "good job" on "venue").

See what your "principles" got you. And to kick this dead horse, way to play a red herring. You know that I wasn't talking about being a principled person, but about this selective purity test that only seemed to get played against Hillary in the last election, and against Kamala Harris, Deval Patrick, and Cory Booker. It is an insidious form of sexism and racism to demand ideological purity from black people and women, but then to grant Bernie countless free passes and blind eyes: he has accepted "big money" including from the NRA, he previously had an A+ NRA rating, he said--on national television--as recently as 2006 that he supported "Hillary Clinton's" crime bill and opposed gay marriage, he voted for the largest Wall Street Deregulation ever. Where is his ideological purity test? *Crickets*

This double standard exists, and it comes from somewhere: naivety, cult of personality, or maybe just simple racism and sexism. I don't know, and broad, uniform statements hardly apply so easily to an entire group of people. I just want people to start looking at the bigger picture than on minutia: Booker, Patrick, Harris, Clinton, and Bernie would all very be liberal presidents (and to be fair, Bernie is slightly to the left than the others, albeit nominal), unlike who they run against. And to take this full circle, Anthony Kennedy.

The way you talk about principals rather unintentionally it seems revealed more than you think it does.

I have not seen Hillary go through anything that the white men Dpareja listed hadn't. And not to mention that Bernie Sanders himself was often put through purity tests alongside the other democratic candidates of 2016 when BLM protested his rally and he let the activists take over the mic he was scheduled to speak on. A lot of what you're regurgitating is strawmen against progressives made up by the (center-right) DNC.

Bernie was a better choice overall because he was more inspiring, and gave off the vibe the people could trust him to represent our interests. Even if he held positions certain subgroups of voters wouldn't fully agree on. You think Bernie didn't get heavy scrutiny though? Really? Were we watching the same election?

It really feels like you care more about loyalty to a party that would just as soon sell you out if people to the right of them paid them enough money.

Anyway back on topic he says July 9th is going to be when he names the new pick, and it could be a woman!

Very progressive of him.

Oh you sweet summer child.

You know what I mean. Hillary was not the more progressive choice just because she was female. She and her supporters had blanket labeled progressives as sexist for not being team #ImWithHer.

I judt find it confusing that the people with "principles" will rather vote for Trump or not vote at all rather than voting for candidates who are closer to the failed candidate that they originally wanted.

A lot of us did, that's where 3rd party candidates like Jill Stein came in. Some may have voted Trump because they were duped by his "Blue Collar Billionaire" charade and that's unfortunate.

That being said 3rd parties and aren't the reason Hillary lost. Her campaign and her rabid supporters were.

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2394 on: June 30, 2018, 10:19:20 am »
Voting for candidates that have no chance of winning (literally any third party candidate in the US Presidential Election) in a FPTP voting system is effectively voting for the candidate you find more vile of the two in the big parties. Because it's a vote that the less-bad one did not receive. Are they exclusively responsible? No. But they are partially responsible, and if you voted for them, so are you. Because that's the biggest failing of FPTP. You have to vote for mediocrity to ensure that evil does not win. That's just how it works. You vote for whoever you actually like in the primary, but if they lose, you suck it the fuck up and vote for whoever has a D by their name to keep the Republican from winning and dragging us backwards.

Note: There are some congressional districts, and even a handful of senate seats that you can maybe vote for a third-party candidate because they have a legit shot. But the most a third party candidate has ever been in a recent presidential election is a fucking spoiler.
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Offline The_Queen

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2395 on: June 30, 2018, 02:25:36 pm »
Oh my. The fallacies and red herrings are strong. I must use the force logic.

The way you talk about principals rather unintentionally it seems revealed more than you think it does.

I have not seen Hillary go through anything that the white men Dpareja listed hadn't. And not to mention that Bernie Sanders himself was often put through purity tests alongside the other democratic candidates of 2016 when BLM protested his rally and he let the activists take over the mic he was scheduled to speak on. A lot of what you're regurgitating is strawmen against progressives made up by the (center-right) DNC.

Bernie was a better choice overall because he was more inspiring, and gave off the vibe the people could trust him to represent our interests. Even if he held positions certain subgroups of voters wouldn't fully agree on. You think Bernie didn't get heavy scrutiny though? Really? Were we watching the same election?

It really feels like you care more about loyalty to a party that would just as soon sell you out if people to the right of them paid them enough money.

No. A lot of what I am arguing is what people argued on here ad nausea years ago. They said Hillary would be Republican-lite, or just as bad, or that Trump would rile up progressives and bring about a revolution sooner, or that Trump himself was more progressive. Since Hillary and Trump weren't in office, these arguments that they made were hypothetical, counter-factual, and could not be argued. Now, years later, I could really go for some Republican-lite, and so could anyone who enjoys the right to contraception, right to abortion, same-sex marriage, racial equality (particularly as interpreted through the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment), labor-rights, fairly drawn election districts, overturning citizens united, and a fair tax code. Trump said he would appoint judges to overturn the disastrous Obergefell decision, and now he can.

Hillary is still being subjected to this selective purity on this board. Hell, whenever I bring her up, or whenever she's spotted in the New York woods and Dpareja is upset that she's fucked off the grid, Hillary is inevitably labeled a "milquetoast establishment democrat" because of a spurious review of her record. In contrast, those white men that Dpareja mentioned are only brought up as whataboutism. Essentially, "what about these inapposite criticisms that progressives leveled against these people for reasons largely unrelated to their record." Whataboutism is powerful.

And to clarify, AGAIN, I am not arguing Bernie was bad, but that he, like everyone else, isn't perfect. So these arguments about Bernie being "better" or "more inspiring" or more "truth"-ful are just red herrings. I am using him to highlight the selective purity test that one candidate in the last election (and a few non-white, non-penised, individuals who are likely to run in 2020) are being subjected to. I never said "vote D no matter what" or that we should prioritize blind loyalty. I said that these criticisms leveled against her, and others, are unfair, and anyone with 2 brain cells should be able to piece together that a Hillary presidency would lead to more progressive, and ultimately better, policy than a Trump presidency. But Hillary isn't president; she never will be. The most we can do is learn that lesson for 2020 when we hear this nonsense again that Kamala Harris isn't sufficiently liberal for these young, white men that voted for Bernie. Now stop strawmanning.

Quote from: QueenofHearts
Anyway back on topic he says July 9th is going to be when he names the new pick, and it could be a woman!

Very progressive of him.

Oh you sweet summer child.

You know what I mean. Hillary was not the more progressive choice just because she was female. She and her supporters had blanket labeled progressives as sexist for not being team #ImWithHer.

You caught me, I totally said that Hillary was more progressive cause vagina, such as right here:

(and to be fair, Bernie is slightly to the left than the others, albeit nominal).... And to take this full circle, Anthony Kennedy.

Oh, wait, no I didn't. You're a liar that strawmanned what I actually said. I made similar claims about Bernie being to the left of Hillary (and otherss) dozens of other times that I don't care to look up. So, try again.

And Dpareja, I left out Joe Crowley because it was 3 A.M and I had a bout of insomnia. You typed five names, I remembered four while typing my point. Don't look into it too hard.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 02:31:24 pm by The_Queen »
Does anyone take Donald Trump seriously, anymore?

Offline SCarpelan

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2396 on: June 30, 2018, 06:53:08 pm »
he has accepted "big money" including from the NRA, he previously had an A+ NRA rating, he said--on national television--as recently as 2006 that he supported "Hillary Clinton's" crime bill and opposed gay marriage, he voted for the largest Wall Street Deregulation ever. Where is his ideological purity test? *Crickets*

A couple of these claims need some checking. I had hoped someone else would have done it since I don't really care to involve myself in this debate.

the highest rating Sanders has had from NRA was a C- and the most common one has been an F. NRA didn't give any money to him, they had an $18 000 ad campaign against his opponent in his first House election since the Republican representative in question had voted for the assault weapon ban and as a result NRA saw Sanders as the lesser evil. Whether this ended up being true is debatable since while Sanders has a mixed record with gun legislation in general (12 votes for control, 13 against) he has consistently voted for banning assault weapons and high capacity magazines.

When it comes to gay marriage it's a bit difficult to get an exact reading on Sanders's past. While opposing anything restricting it he has been very careful with his words and timing when supporting it. The one time in 2006 when he  said he doesn't think Vermont should legalise gay marriage it was qualified statement: "not right now, not after what we went through." This is immediately after he helped shoot down a proposed constitutional amendment defining marriage as heterosexual only so it seems he wanted to wait for emotions to settle down from this confrontation first. IMO doesn't sound like a reason I would agree with but taken on a face value and in the context of his history on this issue it just sounds like a careful politician. There is an open letter from '70s where he is explicitly calling for gay rights but after that he seems to have been more sensitive to political winds. In the context of a purity test you can take this however you want but I felt this point needed a bit of clarification.

If my opinion on the issue has any weight I think the blindness for Sanders's faults is mainly due to people seeing him as a personalization of the idea of challenging the Democratic party establishment. When you get into a position like this where people form an emotional attachment to you it's difficult for them to see your faults. With there being actual unfair and dishonest attacks at him and his past it's easy for his supporters to dismiss also honest and factual criticism as part of "mainstream media / Democratic establishment bias". There is a slightly creepy personal attachment people often form to the politicians they support if they are seen as a representative of an idea. This was true also with Hillary and I've observed it in Finnish politics, too, with candidates like Pekka Haavisto.

Offline Kanzenkankaku

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2397 on: July 01, 2018, 04:48:55 am »
Yeah I'm not gonna dig myself deeper into this argument unless Queen wants to take it over to Flame & Burn because this is getting off-topic from Trump fucking things up.

Offline Id82

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2398 on: July 05, 2018, 05:25:24 pm »
Scott Pruitt is out. Gotta drain that swamp. Create the swamp then drain it.
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i   r  e
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t   t

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #2399 on: July 05, 2018, 05:26:37 pm »
Yeah but the guy who replaced him is pretty much in bed with the coal industry.

Ironbite-but I guess kicking out a paranoid loon was pretty good.